MTL - I Deliver Food In a Lamborghini-Chapter 249 I have a meal and you have a bowl brush

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  Chapter 249 Every Meal I Eat and You Have a Bowl Brush

   "Huh? Where are you going?" Nan Ge sat upright, his gaze always on him.

  Before going out, she posted a selfie on Moments, and her friends said she was dressed too formally. But looking at Shen Yanqing again, it's not much better.

  Handmade suits are rigorous yet slightly grand.

  His suit was not chosen by her, it was prepared by Shen Yanqing himself, and it matched her suit very well.

  Last night last week, she woke up to find that the cloakroom lights were still on, and the man was there in the middle of the night trying on a few newly delivered suits.

  He is not a entangled character, but that night he also felt anxious, frowning and sighing at several suits, but he couldn't find a suit.

  She said these sets were all good-looking, but he didn't speak, just shook his head.

  The next night, she saw a new batch of suits coming in...

  The last time I saw him dressed up like this was at the engagement banquet.

   "Still the capital."

  Hearing this, Nan Ge instantly understood.

   It must be another cooperation with Feiyun Technology.

  At this time, Nan Ge's impression of Feiyun was only a small Buddhist company with a background, and he never thought that he would join it in the future.

  As Shen Yanqing said, the two arrived at the Civil Affairs Bureau against time, and they were the last couple to register in the morning.

   While filling in the information, Nan Ge kept sneaking glances at Shen Yanqing who was next door, like a student trying to cheat in the examination room.

   "Always look at what I do?" Shen Yanqing filled it out faster than her, and when she finished writing, she raised her eyes and caught her straight.

   "Ah, I'm afraid I'll make a mistake, so I'll copy yours."

  Shen Yanqing: "..."

   It seems that there is no need to copy his work, right?

   "Be careful, don't fill in the information as mine." Shen Yanqing was worried, and after she finished writing, she checked it carefully, and handed it over to the staff after she was sure that there was no problem.

  While waiting, Nan Ge kept replying messages.

   Parents, Nan Zhe, and roommates.

  After reading the news, she realized that Su Hui hadn't returned to the dormitory yet. She was a little worried, so she took the time to call Lao Yu.

  Old Fish answered quickly, but when he spoke, he was hoarse after a hangover.

   "Are you with Su Hui?" Nan Ge went straight to the point.

   Probably because he didn’t wake up, the old fish was a little slow to respond, and only answered after a few seconds: "Ang."

   "Are you all right? How much did you drink?"

   After a while, the voice of the old fish became clearer,

   "It's okay, don't worry. Send her back when she wakes up."

   "Have you finished your certificate with Chief Shen?"

   "Not yet." Nan Ge glanced at the staff inside and saw that the other party had posted a red background photo of the two of them. She quickly said to Lao Yu, "I won't tell you anymore, I'm going to stamp it!"

   "Okay, then..." Lao Yu hung up the phone before he could finish his sentence.

  Nan Ge hurried back and sat back next to Shen Yanqing.

   Those eyes stared straight at the hands of the staff inside through the glass window.

  Nan Ge didn't dare to blink until the steel seal was lowered and raised again.

  When she got the red book, she held it in her hand and looked at it for a long time, "Shen..."

   Tilting her head, she was just about to say something to Shen Yanqing, when she saw Shen Yanqing looking down at his book, in a daze.

   "Congratulations." Until the staff spoke, Shen Yanqing paused, slowly raised his eyes and nodded at the other party with a smile, "Thank you."

  He made preparations, and brought wedding candy here, and hurriedly handed it over.

  The staff member is an aunt, and she took it with a smile, full of joy.

   Turning her head, she said to Nan Ge again: "Look at your husband, his eyes are red with joy."

   Nan Ge's heart skipped a beat, and he followed the aunt's words to look into Shen Yanqing's eyes.

  Auntie is really not joking, Shen Yanqing's eye circles are indeed red.

  She was sitting next to him just now, but because of the angle and the fact that he was wearing glasses, she couldn't see clearly at all.

  Meeting her gaze, Shen Yanqing smiled, "It's okay, let's go take pictures."

   "Are... are you sure you're okay?" Nan Ge froze in place, not daring to move.

  Shen Yanqing didn't say much, just shook his head and pulled him up.

  When taking photos, Shen Yanqing went out for a while, and when she came back, her complexion was much more normal than before, and her eye circles were not so red.

  Nan Ge thought it was all right, so An Anxin took a photo.

  The two were the last couple in the morning. When they came out, the surroundings seemed a little deserted.

  Their car was parked not far away, and Nan Ge followed behind Shen Yanqing. He held her with one hand, and held their red books in the other.

  Just after taking the photo, her book fell into his hands somehow.

   Not knowing why, the two of them had nothing to say all the way.

   Back in the car, Nan Ge just sat down and sent the group photo just now to Moments, and it was too slow to reply to each message.

   "My brother gave me a like, so fast? He can't keep guarding my circle of friends and keep refreshing."

   This really made Nan Ge right.

  Nan Zhe is in the company at this time, unable to do any serious business, so he refreshes his circle of friends every two minutes.

  No way, Nan Ge thought he was too wordy, so he didn't reply to his messages at all, so he could only sit and wait for the "official announcement".

  There was no movement from the side, Nan Ge was a little strange, holding the phone and looking up. In the driver's seat, the man was sitting upright and dressed meticulously in formal attire. At this time, his brows and eyes were lowered, staring at the group photo on the two red books in his hand in a daze.

  Nan Ge's upturned mouth slowly flattened. For some reason, she knew exactly what Shen Yanqing was thinking at this moment.

  Shen Yanqing didn't know that Nan Ge had been looking at him until her hand appeared in his sight.

   When he was in a daze, he gently held his hand.

  The girl's hands were delicate and fair, and her warm fingers were tightened, repeated several times, with a sense of comfort.

  He raised his head uncontrollably and looked into her eyes.

  Nan Ge had a bright smile on his face, just like before.

She patted her chest and assured him, with the attitude of a big brother in society: "From today on, we are a legal couple protected by the Marriage Law, which is different from before. Don't worry, from now on, as long as I have Nan If Song eats a meal, you, Shen Yanqing, will have a bowl brush!"

   It is no secret that Shen Yanqing has no sense of security.

  When Nan Ge first found out, Nan Ge was a little surprised. After thinking about it, it's normal.

  There are still some similarities between the two of them.

  Affected by the family environment, they all have an extreme desire in their hearts that there will be someone who can choose themselves without restriction and firmness at any time.

  I am very happy. When they were about to give up resistance, they met each other, and then became the person worthy of relying on each other.

Seeing that his eyes were gradually turning red again, Nan Ge put away his playful smile, his eyes turned red when he provoked him, and he choked up: "Shen Yanqing, I'm not timid at all. No matter what happens in the future, I will definitely accompany you your."

  The corners of Shen Yanqing's lips tugged, and he was about to speak a few times. He tried again and again, but he still couldn't control his bursting emotions.

  Finally, in the deafening silence, he hugged his newlywed wife into his arms, holding down his shortness of breath. He put one hand around her thin shoulder, took off his glasses blurred by tears, and slowly closed his eyes.

  After the parents divorced, they all remarried and started new families.

  He lived alone for a long time.

  But from now on, he also has his own family.

   and Nange's home.

  Feeling the heat and humidity on his shoulders, Nan Ge sniffed, and while hugging him back, he couldn't help crying.

  At this moment, he didn't need to say anything.

  A hug is worth a thousand words.

  She understands.

  (end of this chapter)