MTL - I Deliver Food In a Lamborghini-Chapter 251 It's a simple little love song

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  Chapter 251 This is a simple little love song

  The wedding date of Shen Yanqing and Nan Ge was a coincidence, it was only two days before the Qixi Festival.

   At first glance, it was good news, but Nan's mother looked worried after checking the weather forecast.

  It is rainy in the south of the Yangtze River, let alone around the Qixi Festival.

  Every year when this festival comes, without exception, there will be a heavy rain, which seems to be unstoppable for two or three days in a row.

   "Mom is fine, it's just raining, not hail."

  On the sofa, Nan Zhe leaned on one side, playing with his mobile phone to comfort him.

   Nan's mother squinted at him, saying that he didn't understand shit.

"What if it rains a little bit harder? You won't be able to get wet at the wedding, but when you pick up the bride, you have to get in the car when you go out from the yard. And it's inconvenient for so many people to move around with umbrellas. When the time comes to take a picture The photos are not good either."

  Nan Zhe was silent for a few seconds, and replied: "You really think a lot."

   "You are the only one in the whole family who is not positive about Youyou's marriage."

   "I'm not active yet?" Nan Zhe sat up abruptly, seeking justice for himself, "I organized and prepared the wedding banquet the day before the wedding."

   This wedding banquet is positive and important. The day before the wedding, the woman wants to entertain all her relatives.

  The little princess of the Nan family is getting married, so the wedding feast is naturally not to be lost.

  Originally, he volunteered for this errand, but my mother thought he was unreliable, so after thinking twice, I handed it to my father. However, Dad felt that as Nan Ge's eldest brother, he should take on the big responsibility this time. So I went around and around, and the matter was still handed over to him.

  Not to mention the venue of the banquet, the menus at the banquet were all decided by him after looking at them personally and tasting them one by one. The wine used was all his private collection that he was reluctant to touch before, and he contributed all of it this time.

  Including the bouquets needed for the decoration of the banquet hall, they were finalized after repeated discussions with the planning company and the hotel, and they were all airlifted on the same day.

  In the past few days, he has not spent as much time in the company as in the banquet hall.

  His secretary is still sending him a message today: Mr. Nan, I haven't seen you for almost a week!

   Hey, as expected of his employees. No one else wants to see the boss, but his secretary always hates iron and steel, and wishes that he could live in the company every day.

   Roll him to death and forget it.

   Nan Ge woke up from a nap, and heard her mother and Nan Zhe talking about the rain as soon as she came downstairs.

   "Youyou woke up?" Nan's mother beckoned her to sit beside her.

  Nan Ge found out after asking, what they said was that it might rain on the wedding day.

  She froze for a moment, then smiled indifferently: "Mom is fine, it's just raining."

   This time, Nan Ge and Nan Zhe had the same reactions and thoughts.

  In their view, the rain is not a big deal.

   Does not affect the wedding.

  At first, Nan Ge intended to hold the wedding outdoors, but thinking about the midsummer season, it seems inappropriate to hold the wedding outdoors.

  She is not very afraid of heat, but there are many guests at the scene, and if it is too hot, it will affect everyone's mood.

  Thinking about it now, fortunately she dismissed the idea at the time.

  Nan’s mother thought for a long time, and finally decided to install a glass canopy in the yard. In this way, everyone will not need a big umbrella in the yard when the time comes, and the lively atmosphere is also very good. At that time, when you get on and off the car, you can put down the umbrella.

  Nan Ma has always been an actionist, and it only took one day to get it done, and she also renovated the courtyard by the way. Even the flowers and plants that Nan's father planted in his spare time were all uprooted by Nan's mother in the name of being too earthy and vulgar, and replaced with more festive flowers.

   There were quite a few guests present at the wedding banquet the day before the wedding. Some of them belonged to distant relatives and some business partners.

   Actually, there is no need to invite other people, but because there is a happy event at home, let alone these people, if Nan Ge hadn't stopped him, Nan Zhe would have pulled in even a stray dog ​​from the side of the road to open two tables alone.

   On this day, Nan Ge's two uncles and their family, including the younger uncle, also came.

   It's just that grandma didn't arrive.

  At the beginning, Nan Zhe didn't ask her if she wanted to invite her, and she didn't take the initiative to ask her.

  Many people present found that the old lady of the Nan family was not present, and some took the initiative to ask about it.

  Nan Zhe just said that the old lady is too old to attend.

   After toasting, Nan Ge was dragged to a corner by Lao Yu.

   "Is your old lady not coming on purpose?" Old Yu thought she was being bullied again, and got angry for her: "When is this, what is this old lady thinking?"

   No matter how big the conflict is, the granddaughter is getting married, so you have to show up, right?

  Nan Ge waved his hand, "Ah, ah, ah. My brother didn't invite grandma over."

   "Huh?" Old Yu's obscenities were on the verge of his lips, and he stopped abruptly. With strange eyes, he secretly glanced at Nan Zhe who was talking to the guests in the distance.

  As the grandson of Nan's patriarch, Nan Zhe officially took over the company after the old man passed away.

  From what everyone called Mr. Xiaonan, he officially became Mr. Nan.

   On this occasion, he is busier than his dad and uncles.

  Everyone wants to curry favor with him, so there is no way to get away now. Lao Yu didn't go up to ask him, but turned to look for Nan Ge.

   " what you discussed with Brother Nan?"

   "There is no discussion." Nan Ge shook his head, "However, it is indeed my idea not to come."

  Old Yu was slightly shocked, and only for a second, he smiled with relief, "That's right!"

  He originally thought that on an occasion like today, Nan Ge would definitely consider the feelings of the whole family and invite the old lady over. No matter how unwilling she is in her heart, she will choose to let go of such a happy event.

   Really never expected.

   "Tomorrow's wedding, shouldn't the old lady be invited?"

  Nan Ge nodded, folded his arms and snorted, "It's such a happy day, why should I make myself unhappy."

   She doesn't want to let it go.

  She is stingy and wants to hold grudges for the rest of her life. Who stipulates that we must learn to let go?

  Old Yu didn't know what to say, so he could only give her thumbs up frequently.

  At the end of the wedding banquet, Nan's father and Nan's mother went back in the car first. Nan Ge and Nan Zhe were the last to walk after sending off the old fish. When they went out, they found that it was already raining outside.

  The waiter at the door helped them hold up the umbrella and sent it to the car.

  Getting into the car, Nan Ge sat in the passenger seat and lowered the window a little, looking up.

   "What are you looking at? Close the window." Nan Zhe said.

  Nan Ge hummed, but didn't follow suit.

  Nan Zhe thought she was also worried about the wedding, "This rain will stop early."

  Nan Ge looked back at him and realized what he meant, so he explained: "No. It doesn't matter if it rains."

   "And speaking of it, when Shen Yanqing and I met for the first time as adults, it was also a rainy day."

   "..." Nan Zhe didn't want to hear their love story, especially on the premise that Nan Ge was going to get married tomorrow.

  She just exaggerated a little, and he felt extremely awkward.

  He didn't talk to him, and Nan Ge didn't say much.

  Back home at night, she made a phone call with Shen Yanqing, and it was also raining in Huaicheng.

   "I don't know why, I was quite nervous two days ago, but it seems to be fine now."

  She lies by the window and chats with him while watching the rain.

"And you?"

  The man's laughter came from the other end of the phone, "I'm still nervous."

  Nan Ge blinked.

   "But it doesn't matter. Don't worry, I'm ready to pick you up tomorrow morning."

  Nan Ge's eyebrows and eyes frowned with a smile.

   "By the way, if it's still raining when you come here tomorrow morning, don't drive too fast. Be careful."

  Looking at the current rain, it may not stop tomorrow morning.

  The two didn't chat for too long, because Nan Ge had to get up early to put on makeup, so he didn't have much time to sleep. Similarly, Shen Yanqing also got up early.

   Back on the bed, Nan Ge lost all sleepiness.

  She was lying on the bed looking at the ceiling and began to think wildly. From the scene of meeting Shen Yanqing for the first time to the two being together, etc., it was like a silent drama, passing by her eyes one by one.

  After she finished recalling these, she saw that it was already two o'clock in the morning.

  She got up, ready to go downstairs to have a glass of milk before coming back to rest.

  Just as she got out of the elevator, she realized that the light in the living room was still on, and Nan's father, Nan's mother, and Nan Zhe were there.

  When she appeared, my parents were a little surprised.

   "Are you waking up?"

  Nan Zhe took his mother's words and sneered: "Look at her, she hasn't slept at all."

   Really made him right, Nan Ge scratched his head in embarrassment, and quickly changed the subject: "Parents, why don't you go up to rest? It's already very late."

   "Let's talk about something tomorrow."

  She thought that her parents and Nan Zhe were discussing something, so she didn't go to rest.

   "Your dad, me, and your brother couldn't sleep either." Nan's mother patted her hand, and her eyes glanced lovingly across her face inch by inch. It was just such an instant, Nan's mother's eyes turned red, "Mom always thought that Youyou was still a little girl, but she was going to get married tomorrow."

   "Mom and Dad treated you very badly before, and it seems that they didn't have time to make up for it."

   "No." Nan Ge quickly shook his head, "My parents and brother are very kind to me, I am very happy."

   Nan's mother wanted to say something more, but Nan's father interrupted in time and told her not to cry anymore.

   "Yes yes yes, don't cry, it's a good day to get married, don't cry."

  When she cried, Nan Ge also had to cry.

  It is not appropriate to talk tonight, because sensationalism is inevitable.

  Nan Zhe hurriedly urged his parents to go to bed and rest, and then sent Nan Ge upstairs, "Hurry up and sleep, if you can't sleep, you are a sheep, so you don't have a bad face in the morning and you will be ugly when you take pictures."

  Nan Ge endured it, but in the end he kicked him.


  In the morning, when Nan Ge fell into a drowsy sleep, he was woken up.

  She sat on the sofa and took time to doze off. Like a rag doll, being manipulated by a stylist.

  Old Yu and the others came early in the morning, and they heard that, like Nan Zhe, they stayed up all night.

   They often stay up all night drinking, so even at this time, they still seem to be in good spirits.

  Nan Ge asked them to find time to go to the guest bedroom for a while, but they said no.

  Nan Zhe himself is not sleepy, but he is also worried about others, "It's better to go to sleep for a while, it's still early anyway. It would be unlucky if he died suddenly halfway later."

  Everyone: "..." You really need to have such a mouth.

  Before changing clothes, Nan Ge went to the window to have a look. Sure enough, it was raining again.

   But with the awning in place, she couldn't see the rain.

  The sky was gray, but the lights in the yard were all on, and there were all kinds of red happy characters and all kinds of dowry things piled up into hills. Looking around, it was very festive.

   It didn't take long to be quiet. After the group of people woke up, Nan's house was very lively.

  After they made such a fuss, Nan Ge woke up after dozing off.

  Uncle came a little later, saying that he slept soundly because of the rain.

   "It's raining a lot outside?"

  Uncle nodded and looked up at her.

  Nan Ge had already changed into Xiuhe clothes, and sat upright in the middle of the bed.

   Calculating the time, Shen Yanqing and the others should arrive in twenty minutes.

   Before the groom came, Nan Ge took the time to inquire about Feiyun Technology with his uncle.

  Uncle is not surprised that she knows about this company, and it is no secret that the cooperation between Huasheng and Feiyun failed recently.

   "Uncle, what's the origin of Feiyun? This time, Huasheng has been taken seriously."

  My husband feels distressed. Recently, Shen Yanqing has been busy with this cooperation. Although the other party paid high liquidated damages, this is not worth mentioning in Shen Yanqing's eyes.

  In contrast, he still hopes to continue to cooperate.


  Seeing that my uncle hesitated, Nan Ge knew that he must know the inside story.

   Yes, judging from his uncle's contacts in the capital, it's a ghost if he doesn't know.

"Let's talk, let's talk, do you really have no chance to cooperate?" Nan Ge yelled, and acted like a baby: "Anyway, that's also your niece and son-in-law. crying in the room."


   I just listen to this, my uncle doesn't believe it. But in the end, she also complied. After all, she got married today, so she still had to give this child some sweetness.

"The reason why Feiyun Technology cooperates with Huasheng is also because it is our own people behind it. I will not elaborate on who it is. But it is true that we cannot continue to cooperate in the future. Feiyun is not short of money, otherwise it will be our brother It can't be a small company without a few contacts. It's just for fun."

   "The specifics are a bit complicated. Anyway, let Shen Yanqing stop being attached. This matter is not about money."

   "The cooperation with Huasheng was not because Huasheng had the highest price. The first is of course because of Huasheng's position in the industry, and the second is to give us a face."

  Uncle only got to this point, when Lao Yu and the others came in and interrupted him.

  Nan Ge didn't intend to continue asking, she already knew what she wanted to know.

  Shen Yanqing came ten minutes earlier than expected.

  Hearing the movement outside, Nan Ge quickly adjusted his sitting posture.

   Soon, the team to pick up the bride came up. The bridesmaids began to block the door, one red envelope after another was stuffed.

  Nan Ge was so busy watching the play that he forgot that he was the protagonist today. It wasn't until Shen Yanqing came in that her expression froze for a moment, and then she suddenly realized that she remembered something serious.

  The moment she was carried into the car by Shen Yanqing, Nan Ge was still in a daze.

  When the car started, her hand was held. She smiled and asked, "Does it look good?"

   "It looks good." Shen Yanqing couldn't take his eyes off her.

  At that time, when she entered the door, she patronized and looked at her. She was in a daze for a long time before being reminded by the best man.

  He had only seen pictures of this suit, and this was the first time he saw Nan Ge wearing it.


   On the road between Jiangcheng and Huaicheng, Shen Yanqing and Nange traveled back and forth many times.

  However, this is the first time for the two of them to look at the scenery along the way so seriously.

  In the past, the two of them always felt that it was very long. Every time we meet, it takes more than an hour to drive to see each other.

   I don’t know why, it seems that I have already reached the urban area of ​​Huaicheng just in a trance.

  Nan Ge couldn't help feeling a little emotional, especially when she saw that the navigation showed that they had already driven to Huainan Middle Road.

   "Shen Yanqing, Shen Yanqing!!" Passing the intersection, Nan Ge excitedly shook the hands they were holding, and motioned him to look outside: "Do you remember? Here, right here!"

"of course I remember."

   It was this intersection again, it was raining again, and it was the two of them again.

  Under the lens, Shen Yanqing had gentle eyes and embraced him, "I realized last night that we will pass by today. At that time, I was thinking, if it will rain today, maybe this is a blessing for us."


  The wedding scene adopted a pink and purple theme, and the scene was covered with roses. Knowing that Shen Yanqing had taken the medicine, Nan Ge was not so worried.

  Nan Ge knew for the first time that getting married is so tiring.

   As she expected, the wedding dress was really bulky. She hadn't eaten anything in the morning and had little energy. Although someone helped her lift the hem of the skirt, the short distance she walked towards Shen Yanqing almost used up most of her strength. And she squeezed Nan's father's arm tightly the whole time, and kept using her strength so as not to make a fool of herself.

  After all the procedures were completed, Nan Ge had time to catch his breath.

  Seeing that her complexion is not very good, and knowing that she has not eaten since morning.

  Shen Yanqing was afraid that she would have hypoglycemia, so he hurriedly helped her to eat.

  Nan Ge is too tired to pick up the tableware, but has extremely high requirements for eating. Shen Yanqing was directed by her tirelessly, and fed her to finish.

   There was also a small banquet in the evening, only young people like them, but it also consumed most of Nan Ge's energy.

   On the way back after the end, she couldn't hold back and couldn't fall asleep.

   I woke up after being hugged to bed.

  The wedding night... But she has no energy or energy to do that kind of thing right now, and Shen Yanqing didn't want to torment her, so she helped her take a shower, removed her makeup, and let her continue to sleep.

  Tonight is destined not to make waves.

  When Shen Yan came out of the shower, Nan Ge was lying on the bed listening to music.

  Because he was wearing earphones, he only found Nan Ge when he approached him.

   "Aren't you sleepy now?"

   "A little bit." After taking a bath, she was not as sleepy as before. He was taking a shower and she had nothing to do. I rummaged around by the bed and found an MP3.

   This thing belongs to her. She and Shen Yanqing brought back a box of things from the apartment where she lived in high school.

  She has been kept here by Shen Yanqing. There are many things in it, and the bits and pieces are her entire youth.

   Speaking of this MP3, there is also a story.

  When she was in high school, she actually had a mobile phone. But it was confiscated by Nan Zhe in the third year of high school.

  At that time, all the classmates around were using MP3 players, so she secretly bought one too.

   Later Nan Zhe found out and wanted to confiscate it again. She cried for a long time before he returned it to her.

  Shen Yanqing went to bed, lay down beside her, pulled the quilt to cover her, and moved closer: "What are you listening to?"

  Nan Ge didn't answer, but asked curiously, "Do you know what this is?"

   Mentioning this, her eyes were shining brightly, and she couldn't tell that she was still dozing off just now.

She seemed to regard him as a person from the last century, Shen Yanqing smiled helplessly, "We are only eight years apart, so it's not like I haven't used this thing. But when you were your age, this thing should have been eliminated long ago That's right."

"That's not it." Nan Ge lay on the pillow, fiddling with the MP3 in his hand: "It was very popular in high school, and many people in our class had it. However, I really didn't know what it was at first. "

  She has her own mobile phone since she was very young, and MP3 is not very useful to her, so she has never touched it.

   "I bought this secretly, in a small shop near the school. In my third year of high school, I relied on this to 'live'."

   "Hey, do you want to hear it?"

  She raised an earphone next to her, and looked sideways, with anticipation that couldn't be hidden in her eyes.

  With his acquiescence, Nan Ge helped him put on an earphone.

   One earphone per person. When she was in high school, there was a young couple who was at the same table in her class, and that was how she secretly listened to songs in class.

  At that time, she was curious and a little confused.

   Unexpectedly, after graduating from university, I would still have the opportunity to practice it.

   "What do you want to hear? But I have all the songs that were popular when I was in probably haven't heard it."

   "..." Shen Yanqing sighed, took her MP3, and among her "non-mainstream" songs, managed to find a song he was somewhat familiar with, and pressed play.

  Nan Ge didn't see what he chose.

  The prelude sounded, accompanied by the sound of electricity.

   It took about forty seconds before she heard a line of lyrics—

   Almost instantly, Nan Ge turned his head to look out the window.

   The rain outside has not stopped, and it is falling.

   Looking back, she smiled and asked him: "Shen Yanqing, have you heard this song before?"

   "Have heard."

  Nan Ge deliberately said: "I don't believe it. Unless you sing it to me."

   At this time, the song just entered the chorus, Shen Yanqing's eyelashes trembled, and his upper and lower lips touched lightly.

   "You know, even if the heavy rain turns the whole city upside down, I will give you my arms."

  He hummed softly, his voice overlapping with the song in the earphones.

  Nan Ge smiled and rolled his eyes, lying on the pillow with his hands in his hands, just looking sideways at his eyebrows.

  Shen Yanqing had a serious face and sang the whole song seriously.

   "Well, your voice is too low, I can't hear you clearly with headphones on, why don't you sing it again~"

  Clearly knowing that she did it on purpose, Shen Yanqing still followed her, and responded with a doting smile: "Okay, okay."

   I don't know how many times he sang, Nan Ge's eyelids slowly drooped.

  Before she lost consciousness, she felt Shen Yanqing take off her earphones. Soon she fell into a warm embrace, but the warm voice in her ears didn't stop, repeating over and over again.

   Like a whisper, falling into a dream with his figure.

   Not long after, he paused for a while, and then ushered in a new beginning: "This is a simple little love song."

  —End of text

  【Author's Note: This chapter has the usual number of words in three chapters, so I wrote it a little slower. Alright, that’s the end of the text, there are more than 20 extra chapters expected, and the song used at the end of the ending: "Little Love Song" Soda Green/Yu Ding Shi]

  (end of this chapter)