MTL - I Deliver Food In a Lamborghini-Chapter 285 let's do it

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  Brother Extra Story (12)

  During the past few days, Nan Zhe should have secretly called Nan's family. Otherwise, the Nan family would not have found her parents so suddenly, and even threatened her in various ways. Nan Zhe must have lost his temper.

  Can't tell what it feels like.

  Qi Yan's mind was in chaos.

She knew that she couldn't just end with Nan Zhe like this. Although she never expected to end up with him, she always hoped that the two of them would be peaceful when they really ended, because they didn't love each other anymore, and because separation would be better than now .

  But this time, the reality insisted that she bow her head.

  During the rest of the journey, Qi Yan found time to call Nan Zhe's grandma. She disguised herself as much as possible, as if nothing happened, so that Nan Zhe didn't notice the abnormality.

  The two arrived at LS, knowing that this was their last journey, Qi Yan didn't want to spoil this atmosphere, and didn't want Nan Zhe to leave regrets here.

  So she planned to wait until the end of the journey and return to Huaicheng before breaking up with him.

  She also hopes that through this period of time, she can find a suitable reason and try her best to have a perfect ending, so as not to break up on bad terms.

   But according to Nan Zhe's temper, after she broke up, he will never give each other a chance to continue to be friends.

   It's not just about breaking up unhappy, he probably won't see her again in the future.


  Just two days before the return trip, when she was about to leave with dignity, Nan Zhe proposed to her.

   Just as the sun was shining on the golden mountain, Qi Yan looked up at the snow-capped mountain opposite, feeling a little emotional, and hurriedly turned back to ask Nan Zhe to come over to have a look.

   "Brother Nan!" She turned slightly sideways, and at first glance only noticed her camera not far behind the two of them. She took a lot of photos and videos along the way, and she plans to keep them as souvenirs in the future.

  Looking down slowly, Nan Zhe was discovered at the second glance.

  The man knelt on one knee for an unknown how long.

  Just now, she was only looking at the scenery, but she didn't realize that he had been silent. He has been waiting for her to turn around.

  Looking at the ring in his hand and seeing the smile on his face, Qi Yan felt cold all over.

   "Did it scare you?"

  Her back movement was keenly captured by him, he smiled and didn't get up, "You may not remember much."

"You asked me why I was so persistent and wanted to come here. I vaguely remember that when you were still studying, you took the magazines that Yuanchi bought and looked at this place repeatedly. You told Yuanchi that you must come here if you have the opportunity in the future. Come here with the people you like, it’s best to take a photo under the sacred snow mountain.”

   "I still remember that Yuanchi said that he could accompany you during the summer vacation, but you didn't say anything at that time. So for a while later, I always thought that you actually liked him."

   "I..." Qi Yan moved his lips and made a sound with difficulty, "I... really don't remember. But I don't like him."

   When she was still studying in the early years, she and Yuan Chi were relatively close, but the two of them are definitely very simple friends. To put it bluntly, they are good buddies. Yuan Chi completely regarded her as a man. When we first met, he would drag her to the men's room to solve the problem after class.

  The two of them are really pure beyond pure.

   "It's okay, as long as I remember."

Nan Zhe was not surprised. He looked down at the ring in his hand, and said slowly: "I didn't want to be so sudden. But too many things have happened between us recently. I know you have worked hard during this time. Maybe For a moment, this relationship also had the idea of ​​wanting to give up. I have been trying to solve the problems between us, and I want you to feel at ease."

"You know, for so long, I don't know how to say nice words. After thinking about it, I still want to express it with actions. I think our relationship is stable, and it will be a matter of time before we take this step, so that we can give each other enough sense of security."

   "So Qi Yan, you—"

"Nan Zhe, I don't think about getting married for the time being." Qi Yan hid her hands in her pockets and clenched her hands tightly. She smiled bitterly, "Didn't we agree at the beginning? Our love is just a trial. , only one year."


  Nan Zhe thought she would refuse, and he also thought of giving up when he was preparing. But recently, when the elders in the family found her, he could feel that Qi Yan was uneasy. He was worried that this matter would affect their relationship.

  So he still chose such an aggressive way, trying to use marriage to bind the relationship between the two.

  He never thought that he would be separated from Qi Yan. In his opinion, it will be a matter of time before the two of them get married.

  Of course he felt that she was not ready, and it didn't matter if she was rejected. It doesn't matter even if she doesn't want to get married in the future, as long as they are together all the time. He just wanted Qi Yan to know his intentions, and he never wavered.

   But he never expected that Qi Yan would mention the ridiculous agreement between the two at first.

   "What do you mean?" He looked up, the smile on his face no longer existed, and he suddenly had a bad feeling.

   "Isn't our agreement that if one year is up, you think we are not suitable..."

  Qi Yan interrupted him again, with a firm tone: "Yes, I just don't think we are suitable."

   "..." Nan Zhe was stunned.

He stood up abruptly, regardless of the ring falling on the ground, and almost gritted his teeth and asked, "Why is it inappropriate? Have we had any quarrels since we have been together for so long? Leaving aside the recent problems, don't we always feel that this is the case?" Is the relationship going well?"

   "Where did you draw the conclusion that 'we are not suitable'?"

  Qi Yan was forced back again and again by him, and he barely stopped until his feet touched the stone. There was no one around, except for the snow mountains, they were the only ones around.

   Such a good place, she didn't expect to end here.

  But it has reached this point, it seems that I can't wait any longer.

   She smiled and asked: "Why should we put aside the recent problems? Can we ignore them like this for a lifetime?"

  "When we first got together, I said that we were not suitable. Yes, we have never quarreled, and you have always accommodated me. You are very good to me. You are not wrong. But we are not suitable."

"Our family background, social status, itself does not match. From your point of view, these have never been a problem. But not to me. I am not inferior, I am excellent, but far from you, from me to you , our distance is too far.”

"It's like a long ladder between us. I used to walk slowly step by step, but during the year I was with you, I frantically wanted to catch up with your steps, to get closer A little bit closer. I went from walking, to being dissatisfied with running, to trying to cross all the steps in one step."

   "I was so focused on walking forward that I never dared to look up."

  “After a long, long time, when I looked back, I found that I had walked a long way. So I mustered up the courage to raise my head, to see if there was only a little distance left between us.”

"In the end, there were still long steps that could not be seen at a glance. I seemed to be walking in the same place. But this year, I have obviously worked very hard. I didn't even have a chance to catch my breath, forcing myself to keep walking .Can-"

   “There is no future in sight.”

   "Thinking about it carefully, it is true. How could I catch up with you within a year? It is also because I was young and ignorant and dared to dream. It is obviously impossible in this life."

"I was going to have a showdown with you after this trip. I just didn't expect... I never dared to marry you in the future. In my opinion, your marriage partner is not someone like me. And my marriage The object is not someone like you."

"We are all very good, especially you, you are my first love, an existence that I never dared to expect before. I am really happy this year, and I don't regret it and even thank you for proposing a one-year agreement at that time .”

   "But we must always be realistic. The option of continuing to walk with you is not in my future choice."

   "Brother Nan, let's do it this way."

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