MTL - I Deliver Food In a Lamborghini-Chapter 287 let's try again

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  Chapter 287 Let's try again

  Brother Extra Story (14)

  Nan Zhe and Yuan Chi are young, and they have the best relationship among their peers. It is no exaggeration to say that I really grew up wearing a pair of trousers, and I often got into trouble together when I was young.

  Whether Nan Zhe still has Qi Yan in his heart can't escape Yuan Chi's eyes.

   Yuan Chi's words are not without reason, after all, he is the person who knows Nan Zhe best besides Nan's family.

   "Hey, Brother Nan. Invite her over when I get married, and then you will seize the opportunity."

  Yuanchi was determined to match this couple, and tried his best to be Nan Zhe's wingman, "When you get married in the future, I won't be able to sit at the main table, you have to open a separate table for me and my wife!"

  Nan Zhe smiled, neither agreed nor stopped him.

  This attitude, in the eyes of Yuan Chi, is the default.

  Yuanchi's wedding is in mid-May.

  Sent a wedding invitation to Qi Yan immediately.

   Qi Yan who received the wedding invitation was also very surprised. Yuan Chi was afraid that she would not come, so he made a special phone call and told him, "Brother Yan, you must come."

   "Don't worry, I will definitely be there."

   "Oh, by the way, if you have enough time, my best man is still short, can you do me a favor?"

  Yuanchi didn't think there was any problem with letting Qi Yan be the "best man", after all, he had treated Qi Yan as a good buddy before.

   Also harmless.

   Almost without hesitation, Qi Yan agreed, "No problem, I'm free recently, it's totally fine. Why should I go there?"

   "How about tomorrow? Let's try on clothes together."


  The next afternoon, Qi Yan arrived in Jiangcheng by high-speed train, and before leaving the station, he received a message from Yuan Chi, which was the address of the station parking lot, and he sent someone to pick her up.

  Following the signs, Qi Yan quickly found the location.

   But when she approached, she stopped, as if frozen in place, staring blankly at the somewhat familiar black Mercedes.

  In his memory, Nan Zhe didn't like this kind of low-key car, but he would drive this car every time he picked her up from get off work, especially when recording programs.

  In the past few years, she has been aware of Nan Zhe's activities. Part of it was through Nan Ge's circle of friends, and part of it was through Yuan Chi. The father's matter was full of turmoil back then, and others were lamenting that the truth finally came to light. Only she was thinking about how much Nan Zhe had silently paid for this matter.

  She always wanted to find a chance to thank Nan Zhe, but she didn't dare.

   A car turned in behind her, saw her blocking the middle of the road, and honked her horn several times.

  The parking lot was already empty, but the sound of the horn made Qi Yan shrug his shoulders, and moved closer to the side belatedly.

  After the car left, she took a deep breath and walked forward.

   With two "dong dong", she bent down and knocked on the window of the driver's seat. After a while, the people inside lowered the car window, revealing that familiar face.

   "Brother Nan."

  He had no expression on his face, his eyes paused for a second on her face and then quickly moved away. While starting the car, he called her: "Yuanchi is not free, so let me pick you up along the way. Get in the car."

   "Okay." Qi Yan had already done mental training, and went around to sit in the co-pilot.

   From the parking lot to the outside, after about five or six minutes, no one in the car made a sound. Qi Yan thought about it, but still thought it would be better to say hello to him.

   Leaving aside the previous paragraph, the two are also old classmates.

   "Brother Nan, how have you been all these years?"

  According to the normal process, the other party will definitely say "it's okay" or "very good" and then add a rhetorical question.

   But Nan Zhe didn't agree, he glanced at her from the corner of his eye, and said in a flat tone, "I'm okay, can't you see it?"

   "..." Since the meeting just now, Qi Yan has actually never dared to look at him presumptuously. Hearing his words, she couldn't help but glance at him.

  Having not seen him for a few years, Nan Zhe looks more mature. Looking at his side profile, he seems to be much thinner than before, and his brows don't seem to have the same youthful look as before, and there is a touch of indifference.

   Yes, six years have passed in a flash.

  The two of them didn't chat any more on the road. After arriving at the place, Qi Yan knew that Nan Zhe was also one of the best men.

   Blamed her for not using her brain at the beginning, as far as their relationship is concerned, how could the best man be without Nan Zhe.

  Yuanchi's wife is from the north, and the two are considered married, but they are not unfamiliar with each other, and look more like a young couple in love. It seems that both parties are very satisfied with each other.

  At night, a group of people went to eat seafood nearby. After the end, Yuan Chi and the others found an excuse to slip away first, leaving Nan Zhe and Qi Yan behind.

  Qi Yan will not return to Huai City for the past two days, and plans to live with his parents temporarily.

   "Then Brother Nan, I'll go back first." He was very indifferent during the meal, and Qi Yan planned to find a chance to have a good chat with him after a while.

  Nan Zhe took advantage of the situation and asked, "Where do you live, I'll see you off."

   "No, it's quite convenient to take a taxi here."

   "Yuanchi asked me to take you back."

   "..." is Yuan Chi again.

  It's a bit far from where my parents live, and it takes more than 50 minutes to drive there.

  I thought the road would be as awkward as it was at the beginning.

  Who knows that not long after getting in the car, Qi Yan heard him take the initiative to find a topic, "You will be in China from now on?"

   "Yes, after all, my parents won't agree to go out again. I've been outside for a long time."

   "It's been a long time." Nan Zhe suddenly smiled.

  Hearing his laughter, Qi Yan's eyes faltered and finally fell outside the window.

   "For so many years, haven't you talked about a boyfriend?"

  Qi Yan didn't expect him to ask this, his breathing became weak for a while, and he didn't reply after a while.

   "I haven't met the right one, or I'm not in the mood to talk?"

   After a short pause, he looked sideways at her, "Or, remember me?"


  Qi Yan suddenly raised his head, suddenly saw the facial features reflected in the car window, and met his gaze impartially.

  She didn't answer, and Nan Zhe didn't press on.

   It seems that I just joked with an old friend casually. He was quite casual, but she couldn't be calm.

   During the rest of the journey, Qi Yan was restless.

   I don’t know why there is always an urge to break out of the ground, which is a feeling I have never felt in these years after going abroad.

  She thought for a long time, and finally got the answer when the car stopped.

   This feeling is exactly the same as when Nan Zhe asked her if she wanted to be together.

  That scene is still fresh in her memory, she even remembers his tone at that time, and the emotion in his eyes when he looked at her.

   Almost for a moment, Qi Yan wanted to seize this restlessness. But she returned to her senses, reminding her all the time that the two broke up because she took the initiative to bring it up.

  And now, they are not the age when they were in their twenties and they were impulsive.

  Recovering himself, Qi Yan unfastened his seat belt and thanked him, "Brother Nan, be careful on the road."

  After speaking, she wanted to open the door and get out of the car.

  Before he could drop his hand, there was a sudden sound of locking in the car.

  She turned her head in astonishment, and saw Nan Zhe leaning on the seat in a lazy posture, bowing his head and knocking out a cigarette from the cigarette case, and slowly lit it with the silver rose lighter.

  He actually kept it...

  At that moment, Qi Yan felt her heart beat overwhelmed all voices, so that when Nan Zhe said "You haven't answered my question", she thought she heard it wrong.

  The question just now.

  Why haven’t I been in love again after going abroad for so many years.

   "What about you?" Qi Yan didn't answer, but boldly asked, "Why didn't you talk about it?"

  From the time she went abroad to the present, in fact, every year, Yuan Chi would tell her that Nan Zhe is still single.

  Nan Zhe lowered his head and smoked a cigarette, and said after a while: "I didn't find a suitable one."

  His facial features were hidden in the smoke, Qi Yan couldn't see the emotion on his face clearly, but she could sense that he was lying.

  The two tacitly fell silent for a long time. He was waiting for her to speak.

  Until he was so irritable that he was about to light a second cigarette, Qi Yan pressed his hand: "If I said, I didn't find a suitable one, would you believe me?"

Nan Zhe raised his eyes, and snorted coldly, "Then your requirements are quite high. I'm not suitable, and so many excellent resources around you abroad are not suitable. What kind of person are you looking for? Or Shall I introduce you to one?"

   Qi Yan breathed a sigh of relief at the familiar yin and yang.

   "There's no need for an introduction." She also laughed, and then pretended to be calm after laughing: "Although it's a bit too much to say, I do think you are the most suitable."

  He raised his eyebrows, "After six years of picking outside, I think I'm the best. Tsk, you have a pretty good idea."

  She finally changed her rhetoric: "I'm not picky and I don't want to talk about it. I'm shameless and still miss you."

   "Then what?" Nan Zhe changed his previous initiative this time, and became a patient hunter through persuasion.

   I don't know how long it took, but he finally heard the sentence he wanted to hear.

   "I will definitely not be a deserter this time. Nanzhe, let's try again."

  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion