MTL - I Don’t Want To Go Against The Sky-Chapter 579 What did you say

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The league suffered heavy losses.

Originally only two people needed to die, but the Marshal and the philosophers had to die with themselves. As a result, they had a great responsibility.

But everything is over.

The alliance will fall into a long-term trough. No one knows what the future will look like, but at least in his era, the alliance should not want to jump up.

Everything is over now.

Lin Linfan was in a happy and relaxed mood, and finally fulfilled her dream of removing all obstacles and returning to the life of a wealthy son, willingly to be a waste of only one person in the population.

Hey hey!

多么 What a desirable life this is. Others don't have the ability to be waste.

on site.

Qi Zhenming was almost killed by the power of star power. Fortunately, he was far away and suffered less damage, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

When you see the surroundings.

He laughed, his face was very excited and crazy.

Waiting for this situation I do not know how long to wait.

I'm really waiting now.

How can I not excite him.

"Yun Meng, have you seen it? I have reported your revenge." Zhenming said to himself, and at this moment, his heart of revenge suddenly extinguished, and he became tired of this world, and then Dragging his exhausted body into the ruined city, no one knows where he has been since.

He is as if evaporating from the world.

The next thing that Hellhill and Neptune Island will do has nothing to do with him.


The Vice-General Marshal of the Alliance stood in a dull look, looking up at the sky, grey, as if in the end of the world.


He heard familiar voices.

I looked back at the original Marshal, but the Marshal's condition seems to be wrong.

"General Marshal." Qiong did not think so much, immediately chased up, pulled the General Marshal, but the General Marshal was frightened by the opponent, screaming, as if seeing a ghost.

The dome did not loose, but roared.

"General Marshal, what the **** is going on with you?"

He felt that General Marshal was crazy.

But he didn't believe that Marshal General would go crazy.

的 The general marshal who has experienced so many things has already reached a point that others cannot imagine, how can he become crazy because of some things.

In his eyes, the marshal's madness looks real, not like pretending to be stupid.

Wu Qiong shouted, "General Marshal, you should be awake, the alliance has not been destroyed, and someone needs to stand up to support it. If even you are crazy, then the alliance is really over."

I just marshaled, screaming, and did not dare to look at the sky.

呼 "Hello!" Dome took a deep breath. "If you feel heartache because you finally asked for the release of star-level nuclear energy, which caused such a scenario, then there is no need. The war is like this. No one will blame you."

"If you dare not face all this, and pretend to be crazy, I will let you go, and I will come to support the future alliance."

He Qin released his hand and stared at the Marshal.

Even if the Marshal is crazy, but he knows it must be false, it can never be true.

The general marshal in the madness had a moment's fuss, which was short-lived and difficult to be found. He screamed and ran away.

寂 "Silence, what do you want?"

He looked at the distant back, and said to himself, then looked around, not only the destruction of the Alliance headquarters, but also the destruction of some of the surrounding cities.

The loss is extremely heavy.

It's hard to get back to what it used to be.


It seems that Qiongqiong thought something, and immediately went to the underground base. Xiang Yuntian and others were still there.

到达 When I got there, it was a mess, even deep in the ground, but I was not immune to the power of star-level nuclear power.

I especially saw Xiang Yuntian, who was crushed into a meat pie by a boulder.

Suddenly the brain of the vault was instantly chaotic.

I stand a bit unstable.

Let Xiang Yuntian hide in the underground base, hoping that they can live and leave a future for the alliance, but now everyone is dead, then everything that was done before is for what.

I did it.

Everything was done for nothing.

If I knew this would be the case, maybe I should have stood up all the time, even if I was not able to fight with the other party, at least it would be worthwhile to die.

现在 And now it is clear that the death is unknown.

When the people in Hellhill and Neptune Island learned about it.

They are really scared.

As the leader of Hell Mountain, Ji Yankun is naturally very confident in his own strength, but now the explosions one after another have completely horrified him, even if far away.

I can still feel how terrible the power of the explosion is.

I can be said to be shocking.


But these are not important anymore.

They are going to the headquarters of the alliance to see the situation now. How much hope that all the marshals of the alliance are dead, so their hope is coming.

Budo Mountain.

When Lin Fan came back, he did not mention the alliance to anyone. In his opinion, this is a trivial matter.

If someone knows that suppressing the alliance is a trivial matter, they must be rubbed on the ground and rubbed hard.

What is he talking about?

"Is my dad back?" Lin Fan asked.

The dog walker saw the son returning intact, relieved in a sigh of relief, it seems that things have been done.

"No, sir, they haven't returned yet." Gouzi replied.

Lin Linfan was surprised, what is the situation, it is too slow.

The emperor's court controlled by the King of Indus is really not very good. Without a peak strong person sitting in the town, it is the existence of being arbitrarily crushed. The father's strength has reached its peak. How can it be so slow to destroy a court


There was a loud noise outside.

As soon as I thought about it, I hadn't come back yet.

The emperor Shui Shui cursed and grinned, "King of Indus, that guy is running so fast, he even made a splash."

For the emperor, Lin Fan didn't take him out to meet the world. It was a pity. Then he went back and went to the royal court to have a wave.

Takimoto thought that a fierce battle would occur.

I did not expect that the King of the Indus thief was so surprised that he ran away.

"It is already very good to be able to recapture the royal court. What else do you want?" Su Changsheng said.

老 Zhao, the old ancestor, breathed a sigh of relief. "The matter has come to an end. The old man has to go back and tell Prince Xiao to make him ready to take over the throne."

"Dad, the King of the Indus ran away?" Lin Fan came to ask, logically the King of the Indus didn't know that Lin Wanyi and they went to the royal court.


Zhe Lin Wanyi said, "Well, I ran, but it's okay. It doesn't matter whether he runs or not. It is enough to take back the royal court."

The impression of the King of Indus in their hearts is very weak.

If it wasn't for the original situation, the alliance needs to support the court of the emperor, and he can't control the court of the emperor.

The Alliance can't control so much now, what can the Royal Court have to resist with them.

Lin Linfan had no idea about taking back the imperial court, and Xiao Qi became the master of the imperial court, and there was no conflict with him.

Wu Su Changsheng said: "Now we have regained the imperial court, the next thing we have to face is the alliance."

Everyone looked very serious.

The annihilation of the four major alliances has made them a lot less pressure, but they still can not carelessly, as long as the alliance exists, they have been threatening them.

Although there are problems in the alliance now, there is no energy to deal with them for a while, but as long as they slow down, they will definitely launch a fierce attack on them.

Lin Linfan wanted to grin a little, and looked at their expressions, they were really serious.

"I went to the Alliance when you went to the Royal Court." Lin Fan said calmly, not hurriedly, and he needed to speak slowly, not too impatiently.

I need to look at the responses from all sides before deciding what to say next.

"Lin, this is too much. When the emperor is away, you go to a dangerous place and say you want to take me to the world with you. Do you know the trip to the royal court? It's really boring. No hit. "The emperor shouted, quite regretted, and even felt that Lin was intent on not wanting to take him.

Zhe Lin Wanyi was startled, "You went to the league? What did you do there?"

"Do you know that this is a very dangerous behavior? If you have any accidents, you will not be able to save it for your father. You will not be allowed to act rashly next time."

In the face of Dad's caring education, he naturally suffered, listening, and refuting with words.

Zhe Lin Wanyi looked strangely at Fan Er, strange, really strange.

This boy has a good attitude today. If he would definitely find a big reason in the past, the most straightforward reason is, Dad, rest assured, are you still unclear about my strength?

"Dad, rest assured, I have something in mind." Lin Fan said, and then missed the city, and then said: "Dad, the city is destroyed, it is better that we build a city again."

Zhe Lin Wanyi said: "Building a quiet city? How can we build it now? The alliance is still a confidant. Someday there must be a war. Even if it is built, it will be destroyed."

Bian Linfan slowly said: "In fact, it is no longer necessary, the children have talked to them this time in the alliance, and they will not dare to do anything to us in the future."

The Emperor of Water raised a thumbs up at Lin Fan. It was terrible. This bragging was scary ~ ~ Lin Wanyi was not angry: "I know nonsense all day long, then you talk, what are you Talk. "

If he believes this bad boy, it's really a hell.

I still talk?

If it were so talkative, it would not have happened.

Lin Fan slowly said: "What else can I talk about, I must have talked with my fist. The child killed all the saints and Wu Zhige and destroyed the Alliance headquarters. But rest assured, the child is naturally not a very murderous person. , Did not do anything to ordinary people. "

"I thought you ... wait." Lin Wanyi stared, as if looking at Lin Fan like a ghost, "What did you just say?"

Lin Fan laughed: "I said that I do n’t need to worry about the alliance in the future. When you go to the royal court, I went to the alliance to kill the strongest Marshal in the alliance. I wanted to kill the Marshal. The Marshal suddenly became frustrated and completely crazy, so he let him go. "