MTL - I Don’t Want To Go Against The Sky-Chapter 612 Xiao Xiaozu, your luck is a bit miserable.

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Xiao Xiaozu's shot was decisive and fast, Lin Fan began to be alert, this guy is very smart, not so easy to flicker.

Take turns.

One per person is a good choice.

"Hurry up, call the second evil god." Lin Fan urged.

The call-up ceremony of Xiao Xiaozu was just the advent of a second-class evil god. It was nothing. He prayed in his heart that he would have to be a first-class evil god.

"Okay, Lin's head is ready, this seat begins to call." Xiao Xiaozu said, then stood in front of the ceremony, with a spell in his mouth, and didn't know what it was, whether it was really useful, maybe This is the so-called style to the evil god.

If you don't say a spell, that is disrespect for our evil god.

Without these complicated processes.

Generally, evil gods do not come.

Perhaps the evil gods are arrogant, have no friends, and have little communication with each other.

It stands to reason.

This situation usually only succeeds once or twice.

After all, as long as you are smart, you will have communication with each other. You know that there are two **** waiting for the rabbit, so don't be fooled.


Dimensional shock.

The summoning ceremony was successful, and evil gods were hooked again, and this time the evil gods seemed a little good.

The spirit of the evil **** is very strong.

It should be a first-class evil god.

Soon, a voice came.

"Nakya the great evil **** is here ..."

The evil **** Nakya was very angry and wanted to explode the anger in his heart. He was killed by two lowly blood foods, which he could not bear.

So when he felt that someone was calling an evil god, he agreed for the first time.

In the previous ritual of the evil god, he was a bit stunned, so he missed it, but he did not expect that someone would summon the evil **** before long. He wanted to come and let those humble callers watch how great the evil **** is.


At the moment when Nakya came out, Lin Fan took a direct action with his sword, and cut off the channel of the evil **** directly. The speed was extremely fast, and Nakya did not give him a chance to respond at all.

"Kill him." Lin Fan said, with a roar, a wave of his arm, and a sword-man slashed across the sky. The sword-man ruptured the sky, as if splitting heaven and earth.


Jian Mang cut off Nakya's spider leg.

A slam.

Nakya leaned forward and fell to the ground, and then a scream broke out.

To Naakya, he is shy now.


So what happened.

Just coming out of the evil **** channel, I just prepared to put pressure on the summoner with contempt eyes, so that the humble summoner can feel how great the existence of the evil **** Nakya.

What special.

The situation is a bit wrong.

His forefoot was inexplicably cut off.

"You humble blood-eaters, dare to do such an excessive thing to the great evil **** Nakya, **** it, you all **** it."

Nakya growled angrily.

He wanted to make these humble blood foods and see his great figure, but these guys didn't know how to cherish them.


Naakya felt an extremely horrifying crisis.

Xiao Xiaozu's palms covered the sky, the amazing power condensed between the five fingers, which made Nakya feel great pressure.

"Looks like ..."

Nakya wants to say where he has seen Xiao Xiaozu, but how did Xiao Xiaozu give him the opportunity to drop the palm of his hand and directly crush it, Nakya's body made a crisp sound, the bones were broken, and even cracked His bones pierced the flesh and were exposed.

Somewhat miserable.

Xiao Xiaozu didn't expect that Nakya had some impression on him.

It's just a pity.

He didn't take Nakya to heart.

At that time, they did not care about the evil gods at these levels, but the top ten evil gods, as well as the ancient gods and the three pillars of the original gods. These evil gods were the most terrifying.

The number of strong men who had been in their nine states was ten times that of the evil **** strong, but the gap between the two was too great.

Even some of the strongest in the state at the time were deeply suspicious.

Are they really created by the same creator as the evil god?

How the gap is so huge.


Lin Fan looked at Xiao Zu's ancestors' methods and praised them. Then he calmly cut off with a sword. The evil **** Nakya had a different head. He didn't understand it until he died. What the **** is going on.

One flesh and blood beads of first-class evil gods came to hand.

Although it's not sure whether this thing is reliable or not, Xiaoxun's ancestors regarded it as a thing. Naturally, he couldn't let it go. If it was really useful, wouldn't it be a big loss.

"Lin head, your quality is much better than this one." Xiao Xiaozu said.

At the same time, Xiao Xiaozu is a little confused.

What happened in the meantime, how did the Daoru rules get inside these evil gods.

At that time, they clearly put this into the body of the Three Pillars, suppressing them.

Could it be that the three pillars of the original gods have taken out these rules of the pattern from the body and directly transferred them to these evil gods?

It is possible.

However, the specific situation is still unknown, if you want to know, I have to know some inside information.

Lin Fan laughed: "It's just like this, but it's just useless, killing can't kill you, headache."

"Lin head, what we are doing today is also very important. If we return the lost dowry rules to the heavens and the earth, everyone ’s strength will advance by leaps and bounds. Only when we reach the state of the ninth can we fight against those truly terrifying evil gods. , Otherwise everything is empty words. "Xiao Xiaozu said.

Lin Fan was curious how powerful the top ten evil gods that Xiao Xiaozu paid so much attention to.

He really wanted to try it.

Even if Xiao Xiaozu said that he was looking for death, it was very dangerous.

But he was very confident in his own strength, and wanted to see how far it was from the real horrible evil god.

"It's your turn not to talk about this first, you can rest assured that I am very trustworthy in cooperation, saying that one person per person is good, one person per person." Lin Fan said.

With this method, you can also see how stupid the evil **** is.

If you can still use the summoning ritual to attract evil gods.

That basically is that these evil gods of Stone Hammer are really stupid, not fake stupid.

Xiao Xiaozu didn't want to say more. To be honest, he felt that he had no topic to talk to with this guy. From the current situation, the cooperation was okay and the tacit understanding still existed.

He didn't ask how many evil gods he could attract.

Just seize every opportunity.

The calling ceremony continued.

Xiao Laozu didn't panic. Even if the first one appeared, how could the second-class evil gods be able to meet the first-class evil gods.

Not long after.

Space shook again.

Evil **** breath spread.

Lin Fan decisively cut off the channel of the evil god, and then laughed, "Xiao Xiaozu, your luck doesn't seem to be very good. The evil **** who appears now seems to be a second-class evil god."

Xiao Xiaozu's face was normal, as if there were no fluctuations, but his eyes were flashing with a strange light.

As if to say.


A bit unlucky.

The second-class evil **** who came out at this time did not quite understand what the two humble blood foods were talking about.

But these are not important anymore.

It is no longer necessary for him to understand.

Just when he wanted to ask, Xiaolao ancestors directly broke the evil god.

"Lin is in charge, the evil gods can come as long as there is any good need." Xiao Xiaozu said with a smile, seemingly not attentive, in fact, he was thinking, luck should not be so bad, it seems It was unexpected.

Lin Fan smiled and motioned.

He had good luck, and the third was a first-class evil god.

Xiao Xiaozu was envious, but he would never show it.

Lin Fan skillfully collected the blood and flesh beads, and said helplessly: "Xiao Xiaozu, you said that my luck is too good, why are second-class evil gods on your side?"

"Hehe." Xiao Xiaozu smiled and said nothing. "Lin, do you say this is not good? If the second-class evil gods all appear to you, you must say that there is an inside story. Now this situation can only explain us The first cooperation looked at luck, but sometimes the luck of this seat can't be so bad. "

The voice just fell.

Xiao Xiaozu can't wait to start calling the evil god.

"Don't come to second-class evil gods."

He said to himself, Don't come, there are already several of them, and the evil gods will definitely find the problem when they meet. It will not be so easy to summon the evil gods.

Space shakes.

The breath of evil gods spread out.

"Hahaha, the great evil **** Locke senses that your pious call has come." A huge figure appeared over the calling ceremony.

"Hey ... this guy's luck, I can't say it." Lin Fan shook his head. For the luck of Xiao Xiaozu, it was really convincing.

Although there are sixty-two evil gods.

Anyway, there are 38 first-class evil gods, and according to probability, they are not so sad.

At this point, Xiao Xiaozu was unable to maintain a calm look, but became a little irritable.


How could it be so unlucky.

Not scientific.

It's really unscientific.

When he heard Lin Fan's ridicule, it was even worse.

But soon he adjusted his mentality.

"Lin Zhang, this is just the beginning. Don't worry, maybe the luck of this seat will come later, but Lin Zun's luck may be bad?" Xiao Laozu said.

"Yes, there is such a possibility, wait and see, maybe it can really be exactly the same as Xiao Xiaozu said." Lin Fan laughed.

Xiao Xiaozu took a deep breath and started the summoning ceremony again.

Praying in my heart.

How much I hope the evil **** summoned to Lin Fan is a second-class evil god.

Then he can laugh wildly and laugh wildly.

It's exciting to think about it ~ ~ It's just a pity.

When the evil **** came out, Xiao Xiaozu saw that he was a first-class evil god, and he didn't want to say a word.

"Oh, this luck is a little bit explosive, will this evil **** discriminate against others?" Lin Fan smashed his mouth and said helplessly.

Lao Xiaozu was flushed with Lin Fanqi's face.

Damn guy.

Aren't you lucky?

He was so confused, he really didn't believe that his luck would be so bad.


When the evil **** comes out.

Xiao Xiaozu didn't want to talk at all, and he didn't even want to hear a word from the evil **** who just came out.
