MTL - I Give the Female Supervisor a Fish Pond-Chapter 26 Meet

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The New Year's Eve concert program team sent a special car to pick up Jiang Yinqi. The work team originally wanted to put Jiang Yinqi's luggage in the pre-determined hotel, but was stopped by Jiang Yinqi.

"I don't live in a hotel, I have a house in city A."

The agent paused, then remembered that Jiang Yinqi is a native of City A, so there is no need to stay in a hotel, "That's okay, give me the address, and I'll have someone send your luggage there. "

Jiang Yinqi originally wanted to give the address of his home, but suddenly thought that his home had not lived in for a long time, and it was estimated that it had been stained with dust. And now she was too embarrassed to change her words, so she reported the address of Bian Xi's house.

"There should be someone at home, it's me who is young."

The assistant quickly thought that it was Bian Xi. She was both fond and curious about Bian Xi, so she took the initiative to say, "I'll give it to you. I know my sister, Faxiao, and it will be easy to communicate at that time."

The agent agreed. Anyway, she was not the only assistant, and she was missing a lot, so he turned his head and said to Jiang Yinqi, "Would you like to call and send a novel to you?"


Jiang Yinqi rummaged through the address book and found that there was none. Then she remembered that she had blocked Bian Xi. She couldn't hold back a smile, pulled Bian Xi out of the blacklist, made a direct call, and was quickly connected.

"Hey, Jiang Yinqi! You finally pulled me out of the blacklist!"

Jiang Yinqi's smile became brighter and brighter, and he said, "This is my freedom."

Bian Xi sighed, "Yes, yes, you are free. Why are you calling me?"

"I've come to City A. My assistant will take my luggage to your place later."

Bian Xi was silent for a while, then asked in surprise, "You want to live in my house?"



Bian Xi has no reason to refuse, she has lived in someone's house in B city for so long, in A city, it is natural for her to take in Jiang Yinqi, "Then I won't go out, wait for your assistant to come over. ."

"Okay, hang up."


Jiang Yinqi hung up the phone in a good mood, and could not help attracting the attention of the agent, "You and you have such a good relationship, you will laugh when you make a phone call."

Jiang Yinqi slightly restrained his smile and asked, "Really?"

The agent nodded, "Yes."

Said she gave Jiang Yinqi a deep look and sighed, "If you smile at President Zhang like this, she doesn't know how happy she will be, it is estimated that the whole company will be happy. All the resources will be fed into your mouth.”


Jiang Yinqi pursed his lips, just finished the phone call with Bian Xi in a good mood, and disappeared with the agent's words.


Bian Xi had been waiting at home, and an hour and a half later, assistant Jiang Yinqi finally came.

"Hello! Long time no see!"

Bian Xi had seen this assistant several times and greeted her warmly, "Bring me your luggage."

"Okay! Which room does my sister stay in, I'll help her organize her luggage."

"That's it." Bian Xi took his assistant to the second bedroom, looked at the two 28-inch suitcases and said, "How long does she come here?"

"I don't know, this is the last job this year, and the next job will be the Spring Festival Gala in City B. There is a long vacation in between. I don't know how my sister will arrange it outside of work."

Bian Xi's face was almost unbearable, she thought to herself, Jiang Yinqi would not want to live in her own house for a long time!

No no no, no way! Even if Jiang Yin thought about it, a few people in City B would not agree. It is estimated that they would come over in a few days and tie her back to City B.

"Go ahead, just have me here!" The assistant said to Bian Xi with a smile.

Seeing that she really couldn't help, Bian Xi glanced at the luggage that the assistant took out of the suitcase, she said "I'm going out" and ran away.

The assistant looked bewildered, did Bian Xi trust her so much? !

Bian Xi couldn't stand the humidity and cold of city A, and it was useless to turn on the air conditioner, so he planned to buy an electric heater and electric blanket to spend the winter. Just now, she saw that Jiang Yinqi didn't bring a toothbrush and other items, she probably thought that she didn't bring any.

Unfortunately, she doesn't have one!

Bian Xi felt that she was really a good person, so when she planned to buy an electric heater, she bought it for her.

When Bian Xi returned home, the assistant was sitting in the living room waiting for her to come back, "You're back! I'm afraid you won't dare to leave without the key, since you're back, I'm leaving!"

"Wait a second." Bian Xi put his things away, walked into the bedroom and took out a key, "You give this to Jiang Yinqi, in case she comes back too late, I will fall asleep No one will open the door for her."

The assistant took the key and looked at Bian Xi with a strange look.

Bian Xitou tactically shrank back, "What is your expression?"

"Do you like my sister?"


Bian Xi rolled his eyes and slapped a chapter on his forehead, his face speechless: "Do I look like I like her?"

The assistant said innocently: "But I think you are very good to my sister and care about her very much. I saw it. You bought a toothbrush and towel, it must be for my sister!"

"...I'm just too kind! Besides, I'm a child of her, isn't it very basic to do this? That's how I like her?"

Bian Xi tapped the assistant's forehead, looking at the mentally handicapped child's expression, "Your sister is very beautiful, but I don't like your sister's style."

Too much!

The assistant was dubious, but the time was too tight to allow her to ask more questions, so she left in a hurry.

Bian Xi couldn't control her expression, she walked to the window and pointed at the window and shouted, "I like Jiang Yinqi? Joke! Bian Xi just jumped from here and died outside. I like Jiang Yinqi, a harem who will open a harem!"

"Ha──that's cool! What a joke? I like Jiang Yinqi? Bad luck!"

Bian Xi has been cutting Jiang Yinqi's ghosts and animals at home today. After the postgraduate entrance examination, she was surprised to find that Jiang Yinqi had many more video materials. For Bian Xi, this is all money!

Cutting the video until eleven o'clock at night, Bian Xi was so hungry that she suddenly missed Mu Haijun and the others cooking!

"Ah ah, why didn't I light up the skill point of cooking?"

Bian Xi sat on the chair and howled a few times, but he could only resign and order takeout. While waiting for the takeaway time, she also took a shower and installed the electric heater in her bedroom.

Suddenly, the doorbell rang.

"A delivery?"

Bian Xi quickly walked over to open the door. Unexpectedly, outside the door turned out to be Jiang Yinqi facing the sky with his clothes and hat on his head, so he was... cute?

“…how are you?”

Damn, Jiang Yinqi didn't even wear makeup outside. As a popular artist, Jiang Yinqi has always paid great attention to his external image.

Jiang Yinqi raised his eyes and looked at her with no expression on his face, but his tone was obviously displeased: "Otherwise who do you think it is?"


Bian Xi looked at the mist coming out of Jiang Yinqi's mouth when he spoke, only to realize that this person was wearing very thin clothes, and hurriedly arrested her. Then he headed out to have a look, and saw someone approaching not far away and quickly closed the door.

"Why are you alone, and you don't wear a mask, what should you do if you are 'chased'?"

"I'm familiar with this neighborhood, and there aren't many people so late."

Jiang Yinqi didn't speak, looked straight at Bian Xi, and didn't know what he was thinking.

Bian Xi felt uncomfortable, bent down and took a pair of slippers and put them in front of her: "Wear this, buy a new one."

"Thank you."

This is not the first time Jiang Yinqi has come here, he walked into the second bedroom familiarly: "It's so cold, I'll take a shower."

"Okay, you wash it, towels, towels, toothbrushes, and everything are put in the bathroom for you. I also put the pajamas in it. Speaking of which ghost pajamas you brought, it was so thin. So I gave it to you, I didn't wear it, don't worry."

Jiang Yinqi happened to walk into the bathroom and saw bath towels and pajamas neatly folded on the shelf, with towels hanging beside him.

She couldn't help laughing. In the evening, she heard the assistant say that Bian Xi cared about her very much, and bought her daily necessities. She still didn't believe it. After all, Bian Xi was in a period of rebelliousness recently, and she was still a little arrogant. It's lucky not to make her angry. How could she think about this carefully?

Jiang Yinqi took off the earrings and said, "Got it."

Bian Xi shrugged, at this moment, the doorbell rang again, this time it was a real takeaway.

After Bian Xi brought the takeaway to the kitchen, he remembered Jiang Yinqi's problem with eating, so he went to the bathroom door and asked Jiang Yinqi, "Jiang Yinqi, are you hungry?"

Jiang Yin took off her underwear for a while, looked at Chiguo herself in front of the mirror, and listened to the voice outside the door, she was stunned for a moment.

Bian Xi's words were filtered out by her brain, and replaced by what happened in the bathroom on the night of the 26th. How do you feel... now there is a smell from that night again?

Jiang Yin's seven ears were red and his face was a little hot.

Xi outside the door looked puzzled, and she asked again without a response: "Jiang Yinqi! Are you hungry?"

Jiang Yinqi came back to his senses, "No, I'm not hungry."

Stuttered and didn't play well! Again!

Jiang Yinqi cleared his throat, but he couldn't control the volume: "I'm not hungry!"

"..." was a little louder, but it didn't play well.

Bian Xi was taken aback. So loud for what? It's not too far away, and she's not deaf...

It’s good not to eat, so as not to order.

Bian Xi went back to the kitchen to eat takeaway. Although the taste is completely incomparable to Mu Haijun and the others, it is the best takeaway she has eaten in the past few days! More often later.


Jiang Yinqidu is here, how can she still eat takeaway, she can cook! As soon as the idea of ​​Bian Xi started, she was suppressed by her.

The work is so tiring, and she wants her to cook for herself. Is this what people do? This will not only trouble Jiang Yinqi, but will also be hated.

Suddenly, Bian Xi was a little melancholy.

"Forget it... life is important!"

Jiang Yinqi came out of the bathroom after taking a shower, and sneezed.

Bian Xi: "…"

Jiang Yinqi sniffed, "Why is city A so cold at night?"

"Come, come." Bian Xi waved at Jiang Yinqi, "Show you a big baby."

Jiang Yin followed Bian Xi suspiciously into the master bedroom and saw the floor heater. Her eyes lit up, she quickened her steps, and squatted on the carpet and stretched out her hands.

Bian Xi sat beside her and said shyly, "Is it a big baby."

Jiang Yinqi did not speak, and after baking for a while, he was about to pull out the plug.

"What are you doing!" Bian Xi quickly grabbed Jiang Yin with seven hands!

"I want this, I want my room back."

"No! It's me!"

"Then let's change rooms."

"No, why are you not being a guest at all?"

"How come you don't understand any hospitality?"



The author has something to say:Bian Xi and Yin Qi broke up due to the electric heater problem, the latter two turned to the commercial business of electric heaters, and competed for competition all their lives. The text is over! :)

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: Park Caiying 20 bottles; Uesugi Huali, time is like flying 12 bottles; sparse as snow 10 bottles; alas 8 bottles; 453705554 bottles; No need to still play, Song Hanhan is a little stupid; 2 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!