MTL - I Got on a Ghost Ship By Mistake and Was Forced To Be the Captain-Chapter 485 Wiesel

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   It turns out that the prerequisite for justice and axiom is the caliber range of the artillery.

   In the face of six hundred mobile cannonballs, even a city with an ancient history like Wiesel, or people like Lantis with noble sentiments,

   will also appropriately lower some entry standards.

  At the entrance of the city passage, Carlos, the captain of the guard, asked his subordinates to throw away their guns, and after removing the road obstacles, he asked his subordinates to stand in two rows, fighting fiercely to welcome the devil-like opponent.

  The people sent by the Citizens' Assembly to negotiate were ashen-faced and followed the rear of the convoy disheveledly. After seeing the commander's methods, they were so angry that they couldn't speak.

   The artillerymen of the 7th Armored Division walked in the forefront, followed by the armored soldiers and tanks in turn. The ranks of the team were neatly formed into a square shape, and they marched into Wiesel in unison.

   Upon closer inspection, almost none of the soldiers' military uniforms were clean, with stains and dried blood all over the place, or people with large bandages on their bodies.

The Seventh Armored Division, jointly formed by the original two armies A and B, went through a week-long raid around Landis without stopping. The number of casualties was less than a hundred, and the number of wounded exceeded a thousand. The battle damage was controlled to a minimum. Extremely small range.

  Tu Fu placed the soldiers he led who performed miracles at the front and most honorable position in the city.

  The mighty troops entered the city, causing great distress to the local citizens of Wiesel. Fortunately, the soldiers had excellent professionalism and did not harass the locals under the earlier order.

  Guard Carlos at the gate and his subordinates have always maintained standard military salutes, even if their hands are sore, they dare not let them go easily.

  The progress of the troops was very slow, and it took about half an hour for all of them to enter the city, followed by a large number of escorts by the senior generals of the Landis military.

  They were put on bracelets one by one, and led by Baia soldiers to walk dejectedly in the team.

   Carlos, the captain of the guard, recognized Rothschild who had just met him not long ago. Thinking of the shameless deeds of the other party who left the city behind, the volume of his voice could not help raising several levels:

   "General Rothschild, all members of the Seventh Team of the Security Force send their greetings."

   It's good that he didn't yell. After the greeting, many eyes all glanced at this person.

   It stands to reason that such high-level officials should be in the city and live and die with Landis, but in the blink of an eye they were brought back from the outside as captives.

   What happened in the middle is not hard to guess.

  Among the gathered crowd, all kinds of weird eyes seemed to be insulting, which made the elderly general blush, and followed the large army forward without saying a word.

  All those taken away by Louis XIV were the elite military and government confidential figures. How careful and secretive they were when they fled, and how embarrassing it would be to be brought back to the capital as a captive at this moment.

   This group of people was constantly resented and annoyed by the citizens of Wiesel, and they looked at them with ironic eyes over and over again.

   "Deserved to sneak away."

   “What a terrible government guy.”

   "They have abandoned Wiesel long ago, so there is no need to sympathize with these people."

   "Where is Your Excellency the Head of State? Ask him to come out and speak."


  The voices of the people in the city came and went, from the initial fear of seeing soldiers from neighboring countries to a burst of anger, the top leaders of the Republic issued speeches to stabilize the morale of the soldiers every day during the war,

   Something went wrong. One ran faster than the other.

  If the Lantis people are not angry, they are considered polite if they don’t throw rotten leaves and tomatoes at them. They don’t dare to offend the Baiya people, so it’s easy to call the government a moth.

   In addition to being angry, Carlos, the guard chief, couldn't help but sighed in his heart.

  Although this result had been expected for a long time, but the loss was so quick and thorough, but he never expected it.

  Suddenly, a vehicle painted in camouflage and extremely bright in color came from behind. The familiar color scheme made Carlos recognize at a glance that it was the head of state's exclusive car.

   Stepping forward, he glanced slightly away from the corner of his eye just in time to see clearly.

  The Sun King, who had always been proud, "lyed" inside coldly, motionless.


  Tufu was sitting in Prince Kadler's car. After knowing what happened in Interport, the atmosphere in the car was terribly quiet, and the two maintained a tacit understanding waiting for the other to speak.

  The young and energetic Kadler William was defeated first.

   "This is troublesome. The Sun King is my father's cousin. Although the two sides have never had any contact with each other and look down on us, they are both grandmother's grandsons. After this time, my father has an excuse to sanction you."

  He, who is very familiar with his father's temperament, has already thought of how William II will launch a rebellion.

   Fortunately, after the battle was settled, his father hurried back to Göttinghagen to show off his military exploits to the people. If he knew what happened here, he would have to drive Tu Fu away again.

   "Your Highness, since I have already made a decision, I will not regret it. It doesn't matter if I am deprived of my military achievements or my title. At worst, he will drive me away again."

  Tu Fu was actually in a relaxed mood.

  Different from the state of mind at the meeting two years ago, He doesn’t have much to worry about anymore, the big deal is to go back and marry Sophie after all the dust settles, and just go away.

   "However, I will write a letter to prove your innocence to the king, and when necessary, I will do my best to help you speak."

   "Then thank you very much."

   "I hope the father won't care too much."

   Kadler William could only hide the uneasiness in his heart.

  I really don't want to think about those heavy things in this kind of joyful and celebratory scene.

  The entry ceremony of the Baia army was quite festive. Almost all the people in Lantis came out, intentionally or unintentionally looking at this army that easily defeated them.

  While they were looking at the iron-blooded army, Tu Fu was also watching the city.

  It is a very intoxicating city, full of shocking scenery, and a towering iron tower is built in the center of the city.

  The complexity of its craftsmanship is jaw-dropping, and it was specially built to commemorate the centenary of the Industrial Revolution.

  Not far away are majestic buildings like palaces, including the most complete museum built by plundering the treasures of the world, the exquisite hall commemorating the Mother Earth, and the huge stone gate that symbolizes the victory of the soldiers...

  Wieser's heritage is reflected in every aspect.

   Rather than saying that there is the best museum in the world, it is better to say that it is like a museum itself, revealing the romantic retro temperament of literature and art everywhere.

  Although Göttinghagen is prosperous, it lacks the precipitation of history.

  It's a pity that the war has made the city jittery. The citizens of Wiesel's eyes are full of horror and fear. The heavy atmosphere makes every soldier who comes here feel depressed.

   Until arriving at the Palace of Wiesel, which is also the address where the head of state, the Sun King Louis XIV, lived.

The tall and majestic domed Baroque building supported by dozens of giant pillars is much larger than the Hill Palace in the past. It is magnificent, tall and majestic, and the workmanship is very particular. Even any piece of relief has its backside. significance.

   No wonder William II always clamored to expand the palace, presumably it was also influenced by neighboring countries.

  I don’t know when, more than 500 representatives of the National Assembly (Citizens’ Assembly) were standing outside the Palace of the Head of State, waiting for the winner to arrive. They all wore gorgeous suits, so it was not difficult to identify their identities.

  The leader held a contract in his hand, and this group of people seemed to have made some kind of determination to completely block the direction of entering the palace.

   Seeing the vehicle in which Kadler and Tufu were riding, the congressmen immediately started to move.

   "Your Royal Highness, please sign the truce agreement between the two countries." The leading middle-aged member said loudly.

   Under the protection of soldiers, Kadler William got out of the car and said calmly: "Mr. Congressman, the important thing is that this decision should not be made casually.

  Political matters should be discussed on the table. "

   "This is the expectation of all Lantis citizens. Please observe it first. You have won this war and won everything, so we will compensate Baia for all losses. This is just as it should be.

   But can you tell your king, don't plunder the land of Lantis, the people on this land have lived here for generations, please don't take their home. "

  Kadler William turned to the contract, glanced at it casually, shook his head and said: "Sorry, the specific compensation is up to my father, and I can't make any decisions."

   "You are the prince of Baia, even His Majesty the King will refer to your words, please."

   "We won't leave until you agree to come down."

  Listening to what the councilors said, Prince Kadler felt troubled for a while. He didn't dare to agree to anything on his own, but doing so made his status as a prince very useless.

   Fortunately, he was rescued by a scream from the car.

   "Your Highness, let me talk to them."

  Tu Fu slowly opened the car door, walked straight over and looked at the group of people without turning their eyes.

   He casually took the document in the middle-aged male congressman's hand, and frowned after glancing at it. The entire document was written in the official language of the Republic of Lantis.

  It was a basic truce treaty, which gave some conditions that Lantis offered.

  The compensation alone is calculated in billions, and there are also a large number of precious resources provided in Lantis, except that there is no condition for the loss of national sovereignty such as cession of land.

  If a country cedes even the land, the blow to the self-esteem of the entire country and nation will be unprecedented, especially if it is such a powerful country in the North Continent,

  The national self-esteem that has been built over the past few hundred years is so strong that it cannot be shaken, I am afraid it will collapse overnight.

   "Not to mention the conditions you offered, Baia will not agree to any of your conditions, at least if you don't change to Baia's text, you won't have to negotiate."

  Tu Fu shook his head, and casually returned the original contract in Lantis language.

  In the past few decades, Landis has always advocated the use of their country's language, and it is the same in most contracts, which makes countries accustomed to this.

  But how to demonstrate the sovereignty of a country, it is undoubtedly a very important step to replace all written documents with the native language.

Prince Kadler suddenly nodded belatedly, "That's right, your country has not given Baia any respect until now, even the language of the negotiation is your country's language, so why let us relax the conditions. "

   "Your Highness, it seems that they have no sincerity, why don't we go first!"

  Tu Fu signaled that it was time for him to enter the city, and then he glanced at the middle-aged male congressman just now, "As for gentlemen, I think you have one important thing to deal with first."

   "Important matter?"

  Before the middle-aged male congressman could react, he heard the rumbling sound of a loud camouflage car behind them.

   "His Excellency the Head of State!"

  Everyone who saw the person being carried off the stretcher from the car screamed in horror and chanted the name of the dead person countless times.

  The body of the Sun King Louis XIV was brought back by Tu Fu, which fulfilled one of his wishes.

  He was unwilling to leave before death, at least he could return to his homeland after death.

  The members of the National Assembly also gathered around when they saw this, shock and shock were written on everyone's face, and the courage that had just wanted to confront the other party to the end also became cowardly after seeing this horrific scene.

  If you hadn’t seen it with your own eyes, you would never have dreamed that a head of state would end up in such a bleak end.

   It was precisely at this opportunity that Tu Fu took Prince Kadler to lead the troops to occupy the Palace of the Head of State. Almost all the people inside were emptied, and only the two of them were left to discuss private matters.

   In the following days, there are still many things waiting for them to deal with. The negotiations with Landis, the control of the troops below, and the security of the entire city are all very important matters.

  Tu Fu thought about the follow-up plan, and explained to Kadler the most important thing to do now as he walked:

   "Your Highness, the third floor of this palace is a speech pavilion, and underneath is a large square that can accommodate tens of thousands of people, where the Sun King often speaks to his people.

  We are new arrivals, and we should bring some sense of security to the people of this city. I hope that you will complete the first speech of our army entering Wiesel.

  For this reason, I have asked the soldiers below to spread the word everywhere in the city. There will be many people coming, and this is also a good opportunity to promote your reputation. "

   "No, the victory of this war should be done by you." Kadler William blinked.

"Your Highness, don't be joking. I have already disgusted His Majesty so much. If he knows that I am the one to get the limelight, he will definitely kill me. And you are a pure blood of the Hohenzollern family. You can say something comforting on behalf of the royal family." It couldn't be better."

"we can only do this."

  Kadler William nodded slightly, and sighed involuntarily, "Sorry, you have to do everything yourself, and it stands to reason that these are my duties.

  It was the same at the main entrance of the palace just now, sometimes I really don’t know what I would do without your help. "

   "Your Highness, isn't that why you joined forces with me?

  Speaking of which, the victory of this expedition to Landis will add another touch to your resume, and it is only a matter of time before you will become the king of Baia sooner or later.

   There will be a lot of people around to advise you, and you should get used to it. "


  Cadler William couldn't help muttering to himself, and his eyes gradually became firmer, "I will, and I will always remember your help to me."

  Tu Fu shook his head lightly: "I am willing to help you never for my own sake. I only hope that when you become king, you will stop asking for endlessly from Baia like your father did."

  His words paused, "After all, the people of Baia have suffered too much."

   "I promise you, I swear in the name of God."

  Cadler William stared at Him motionlessly, nodded solemnly, and raised his palm to make the most restrictive oath while speaking.


  Two hours later, just like Tu Fu’s arrangement, including the people of the National Assembly, all the dignitaries of Wiesel were absent, and the heads of the citizens gathered in the city surged.

  Their surprising hair color looks like a sea of ​​colors from above.

  Prince Kadler William was standing in the speech pavilion on the third floor of the palace, tens of meters below him.

  Looking at the countless pairs of eager eyes below, many of the words that Kadler had thought about disappeared in this instant.

  He just said solemnly and sincerely to everyone:

   "The war is over."