MTL - I Have a Big Problem with My Achievement System-Chapter 15 Tibetan cat master master master master master!

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"Is there a student near here? Besides, are they still alive?!"

The Director was pleasantly surprised.

Although, in the Myriad Beasts Mountain, in addition to a large number of candidates, there are also many patrolling martial artists.

However, most of those patrolling warriors are only of the strength of the Qi pulse realm.

There are too many dead monsters and monsters here, and many of them are ninth-level warriors.

Fighting alone is definitely the advantage of the inspectors, but this amount is not something that one or several inspectors can afford.

Moreover, the fatal wounds on these monsters and monsters are not like human means, and the distribution of the corpses of monsters and monsters is irregular.

Therefore, when the chaos began, there should be no patrolling warriors here.

After the chaos is over, it's even more impossible.

The most valuable of these piles of corpses are the various materials on those monsters or monsters, and the director has roughly checked and found that no materials from the monsters or monsters have been collected.

Therefore, in theory, no patrolling warrior has stayed here.

Then it's only possible, it's a student!

After all, these corpses are wild martial arts scores for the candidates!

They don't need materials, but for the scores of the martial arts exam, just take a photo for evidence!

"Great, these children may still be alive!"

The director was overjoyed, but began to carefully search this area.

After a while, he found some stingers of the stinger bee not far away.

Judging from the scattered distribution, these stingers were all fired in one direction, but they were all blocked by some means.

There are even some footprints that look a little chaotic!

He could almost make up his mind how flustered the candidates were when they fled.

"There are four candidates..."

The director judged the number of candidates from the footprints, and was even more surprised.

He didn't know what means these four candidates relied on to survive in this Renxu District, but obviously, the four little guys are still alive!

"Hold on, uncle will take you home!"

The director transported the 'Jing Hong Dun', turned into Fei Hong, and searched along the footprints.

On the way, he found damaged clothing fibers on some bushes. After a simple identification, it was a material specially used for high school students' school uniforms!

At this point, the footprints are no longer chaotic, that is to say, they are out of danger.

"Good kids, they're all good kids!"

The Director continued to follow the footprints.

However, it didn't take long for the footprints to stop abruptly.

"What's the matter? Where did those children go?"

The director's brows were wrinkled, the aura that was still vague at first had completely disappeared when he arrived here.

And here, the area that is completely out of human control has entered the 'mountainside' range.

"You must survive, I will definitely find you!"


"I'm telling you, you must be careful when you live in the wild!"

Ji Ruo, who was covered in green, stood on the branch of a tree and said solemnly: "Walking on the ground will leave footprints, which is equivalent to guiding the direction of those monsters or monsters that may be chasing us.

So we can't walk on the ground. Those monsters and monsters who may have found our footprints and tracked them along the footprints will definitely not expect that we will climb trees! "

Liang Shixian agreed: "I didn't expect it either."

They were walking before, but Ji Ruo suddenly asked them to climb up the tree and walk through the branches. The speed was a little slower, but they didn't leave any footprints.

Presumably, those monsters and monsters that followed the footprints must be very confused after seeing the footprints stop abruptly?

Thinking of this, Ji Ruo couldn't help laughing.

Zhang Quan rubbed his green face with some disgust, and said puzzled: "I understand the truth, but why do we apply the juice of weeds and leaves on our bodies?"

Ji Ruo rolled his eyes: "When we just picked up points, we all smelled blood. Although this smell may be difficult for us humans to notice, in front of some monsters or monsters with a keen sense of smell, It is the most obvious sign.

Without covering the smell of plant sap, do you think we can chat here so leisurely now? "

In fact, what Ji Ruo doesn't know is that if he doesn't make so many sassy actions, they are afraid that they will be more leisurely now, and even the happy water of the fat house may have been drunk...

But even if Ji Ruo knew, he would probably choose to do it.

Because, he just triggered a new achievement—

[Congratulations to the host children for unlocking the achievement: Tibetan cat master master master master master! 】

[Acquired Skill: Camouflage]

[Camouflage: Increase the camouflage effect by 40%, which lasts until the camouflage is removed, with no consumption. (Can grow)]

[Note: Understand the environment, integrate into the environment, and become the environment! 】

[Remarks: Slightly Slightly~Can't see me~]


Liu Neng said, "Ji Ruo, you know a lot."

"Hey, not much, not much, just understand."

Liu Neng and Zhang Quan: "..."

We don't understand anything at all, I'm really sorry!

Ji Ruo raised her watch to check the time, and said, "It's almost there, let's find a place to have lunch."


Several people found a leeward rock as a temporary foothold, formed a circle, and waited eagerly for Ji Ruo fried rice.

There is no water source found nearby, and it is daytime. Although the diurnal creatures are not as bloodthirsty as the nocturnal creatures, they are not completely non-aggressive.

To be on the safe side, a few people didn't husk the **** rice this time.

As a sixth-level martial artist, even if he is only a high school student, he is not delicate.

Although the taste of rice that is not hulled may be slightly worse, it is by no means impossible to swallow.

In this case, some food is good!

"Unfortunately, I should have brought some meat just now." Ji Ruo said regretfully while frying rice with both hands.

There were so many corpses there just now, just get some, and now you can improve the food.

Liang Shixian said, "What's such a pity? We don't have the conditions to deal with those pieces of meat right now. Carrying on our body, the escaping smell of blood will only reveal our position... This is what you said, Jiruo."

Ji Ruo smiled: "I just said that casually, meat... There is a lot in this mountain of beasts, we have to stay for more than five days, there is a chance!"

"It's best if you can think of it this way."

Liu Neng stared at Ji Ruo's **** rice in the shell that was constantly being stirred between his red palms, and was stunned.

"The teachers have repeatedly emphasized that the UU reading martial arts exam is very dangerous, you must be careful and careful, and you will die if you are not careful.

Although I didn't study well, I remember this sentence very clearly... But how do I feel? Is the real situation different from what the teachers said? "

Zhang Quan smacked his lips and said, "Yeah, I have eaten all lunch this time, and it's still **** rice. It feels like we're here for an outing... But I heard that every year in the martial arts exam, there will be different Few people starved to death."

He glanced at his watch again and said, "Also, didn't the teacher say that after the distress signal is sent, the patrolling warriors will arrive within two hours at most, but it's been a day, why hasn't anyone come yet?"

Ji Ruo also had some doubts: "Indeed, I can't figure out where the problem is, it's strange."

Liang Shixian thought about it and said, "Could it be a bug?"

Liu Neng checked his watch carefully, nodded, and said, "It should be, our watch seems to have been unable to receive signals for a long time."

"Don't think about it so much, the inspectors won't come if they don't come. We are still safe now, just be more careful."


At this time, Ji Ruo said cheerfully: "It's dinner, it's dinner! Everyone eat quickly, let's leave here quickly after eating."

After speaking, Ji Ruo did not dislike it at all, grabbed the shelled blood rice that had been forcibly cooked, stuffed it into his mouth, and chewed it.

While eating, the teenager said vaguely: "This martial arts exam is too random. I haven't met other candidates for so long. I thought we were playing a stand-alone game. I don't know what other students are doing. How is it? Are you eating well, are you hungry..."
