MTL - I Have a Big Problem with My Achievement System-Chapter 34 Radical and conservative

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"Of course it makes sense!" Xiao Wang was wary of the powerful monsters and monsters around him, and calculated silently in his heart.

Although those guys are very strong, Xiao Wang himself is not weak. In fact, the reason why Li Yuanqing brought Xiao Wang here is because Xiao Wang is also very strong. At a young age, he has become a leader in the third realm. By.

It is very unrealistic to kill all these demons, but if he just runs away with Li Yuanqing, then Xiao Wang can barely do it.

Although I don't know why these powerful demons living on the top of the mountain didn't do anything to them, they had to be vigilant.

While vigilant, Xiao Wang replied to Li Yuanqing: "Deputy Director Li, I have also participated in the martial arts test. Although the secret martial arts test system is dangerous, it is undeniable that this system can also be regarded as a system that can maximize the development of martial arts students. The potential of the rank... Only when you have truly seen blood can you move forward bravely."

Li Yuanqing smiled and said, "That's true. That's why I pushed through the crowd and implemented the secret martial arts examination system."

Xiao Wang said: "It turns out that you are right. To this day, when I recall that period of history, I still feel emotional, you obviously can't practice martial arts, but you dare to enter this place that has not yet been controlled by us humans at that time. In the Mountain of Ten Thousand Beasts, beyond everyone's expectations, we obtained the first territory in the Mountain of Ten Thousand Beasts for us humans..."

Speaking of this, Xiao Wang was suddenly stunned.

He looked around at the giant monsters and big demons who ignored them, vaguely seeming to realize something.

No matter how brilliant Li Yuanqing's personal achievements are, it cannot hide the fact that he is nothing but a waste body.

It has been nearly 150 years since the appearance of the martial arts examination system in the secret realm. How did Li Yuanqing, as a martial artist, gain land control for human beings alone in the Myriad Beast Mountains 150 years ago?

Li Yuanqing sighed and said, "Yes, I also admired myself back then.

A martial artist needs the courage to go forward. Although I can't practice martial arts, I think that few people can compare with me in terms of courage. "

Xiao Wang hesitated: "The book doesn't record the details of that year, can you tell me how you did it?"

Li Yuanqing answered the question: "The secret realm martial arts examination system has been in use for nearly 150 years. Over the years, countless powerful warriors have emerged in our summer, and the number of warriors who break through the Qi pulse realm every year is more than before the emergence of the secret realm martial arts examination system. , the proportion increased thirteen times.

The number of Dongtianjing warriors has increased by more than seven times... With the huge basic supply, more and more high-level warriors have emerged, and Daxia's overall strength has become stronger and stronger, and can gradually compete with powerful demons. "

Li Yuanqing looked at Xiao Wang: "This is my career, I can't practice martial arts, but I am using my own way to seek development for Daxia.

The secret martial arts examination system cannot be interrupted! "

"However, this accident has already shown that the risk of the secret realm martial arts test system is extremely high. Once the accident happens again, no matter what the situation is, the loss will be immeasurable."

Li Yuanqing shook his head slightly: "This is not an accident."

Xiao Wang was taken aback: "Isn't it an accident?"

Li Yuanqing said: "This happens suddenly, just because these guys are no longer satisfied with the 'price' set back then, just raise the price... Let's raise it a little more, five percent, or ten percent , they will always be satisfied.

Our cooperation can continue. "

"Deal? Cooperation? You make it clear!" Xiao Wang's expression turned cold, he finally realized something, and he no longer respected Li Yuanqing in his words.

Li Yuanqing didn't care about the change in Xiao Wang's attitude, and continued: "The journey of martial arts is actually not mysterious.

Many things are traceable. For example, those who are determined and who study hard will probably go farther in martial arts than those who are lazy.

Talent is important, but more important is the hard work and perseverance.

A person with a strong talent may be easier than others in the martial arts journey, but if he can't endure hardship, then the talent is useless.

Before the launch of the Secret Realm Martial Arts Examination System, many of my Daxia's resources were actually wasted needlessly.

The non-screening and indiscriminate cultivation of the younger generation has caused a lot of resources to be wasted in vain.

Many people are not worthy of that resource. "

"So you cooperated with the demons and exchanged those people for some control over the secret realm?" Xiao Wang looked cold and sad at the same time.

He never thought that the elder he always respected was such a person!

It turns out that there is such a big secret behind the martial arts examination system in the secret realm!

No wonder, no wonder Li Yuanqing was able to accomplish such a feat back then!

Xiao Wang was very heartbroken: "There are tens of thousands of young students every year, how can you bear it!"

"I don't think I did anything wrong, and the data also proves it." Li Yuanqing said calmly: "This is just a normal resource replacement. We give some children who theoretically don't have many futures to demons as food, demons. To provide us with the perfect proving ground, to screen out the best successors for's a perfect deal."

"You fart!" Xiao Wang scolded: "Li Yuanqing! I am a jerk! What qualifications do you have to do this, and what qualifications do you have to decide the future of others!"

He remembered the martial arts exam he was in that year. At the high school he was in, there were no candidates out of ten. The principal knelt down in front of all the surviving students, wept bitterly, and said sorry over and over again... The average martial arts exam was average. The death rate is 3 percent, but this 3 percent death rate is not evenly distributed among schools.

Fortunately for Xiao Wang, he survived and grew up to the cave realm.

He has carried too many burdens on him, making him a leader in the cave... But those classmates didn't need to die!

In an instant, Xiao Wang figured out many things.

Why is the mortality rate of the martial arts exams around 3% every year? Why hasn't the secret realm teleportation device used in the martial arts exams changed for 150 years...

Daxia obviously has a better secret realm teleportation device, and even has a secret realm teleportation device that can realize real-time transmission!

But in the past 150 years, it has never been provided to candidates for the martial arts exam... The Ministry of Education's external rhetoric is that the device is extremely expensive...

Shit! It can be reused after making it once!

The seven-day period stipulated in the martial arts test is to give these demons enough time to hunt!

"Everything is for the sake of Daxia. Doing this will make Daxia develop better, and time has proved it." Li Yuanqing sighed: "Little Wang, I thought you were different from others, but I didn't expect..."

"What's wrong with those kids? Why do you use them as bargaining chips!"

"It's not my transaction, it's a human transaction." Li Yuanqing corrected: "I have not relied on this transaction for any personal gain for myself over the past 100 years... Those life-extending medicines are all because of my merits. I have been rewarded by the higher-ups, and apart from that, all the resources I deserved have been distributed, and I have not kept any of them.

Accepting the life-extending medicine is also because I have no successor in my career, and I can't die yet. "

"What do you deserve! How can you take things for granted in exchange for someone else's life!"

Li Yuanqing shook his head: "I think you probably forgot one thing, that is, in addition to this transaction, I am also responsible for compiling teaching materials for the first four realms of martial arts, as well as a series of rewards for martial arts teaching and research.

My contribution is there, I will not deny it, and no one can deny it. "

"To shut up!"

Xiao Wang trembled in anger.

He knew that Li Yuanqing was right, but when he thought of those classmates who died tragically, the countless candidates who died in the martial arts exam over the years, and his younger brother...

Xiao Wang was furious!

"Go to hell! You scumbag!"

Xiao Wang shot with anger, and his surging qi and blood built thirty-six dazzling stars in the cave behind him, which were the projections of human body acupoints that had been developed!


"What's the noise about?"

The Moon Swallowing Toad turned around impatiently, and knocked the angry little Wang into the air, suppressing it with one hand!

Xiao Wang still overestimated himself and underestimated these giant monsters.

Capable of occupying the top of Ten Thousand Beast Mountains, these giant monsters are all existences standing at the top of the food chain in the secret realm.

The huge demon pupil looked at Li Yuanqing: "The talk broke down again? Follow the old rules, right?"

Li Yuanqing sighed and came to Xiao Wang, who was being suppressed, and said, "Xiao Wang... Wang Zhengchu, I will teach you one last lesson.

In the world of adults, there is no right or wrong, only interests.

Whether you admit it or not, what I do is to consider the entire Daxia, and over the years, Daxia has become stronger because of me..."

"You fart! My Daxia sons and daughters are constantly striving for self-improvement. I would rather die in battle than use the lives of my compatriots to seek development in exchange for the future!

Compromising and seeking perfection is never something a warrior should do! "

Li Yuanqing said with emotion: "I have always recognized the ideological education of our Daxia, but it is too pedantic.

Wang Zhengchu, this is the last lesson I will teach you. I hope you can remember it in your next life. "

He looked up at the Moon Swallowing Toad: "He is the third realm of martial arts, a powerhouse in the cave realm, as you can see, he has opened up thirty-six aperture caves and caves, this is my meeting gift this time, I hope to be able to renew it. Discuss the content of cooperation."

"Oh? Re-negotiate?"

The Moon Swallowing Toad finally became interested, it seems, there is still a windfall?

Wang Zhengchu knew the truth, remembered that most of the textbooks he had studied over the years were written by Li Yuanqing, and remembered everything Li Yuanqing had done over the years...he was sad and angry.

"Draft it! I would rather die than be your accomplice in continuing to harm my Daxia children!"

With that said, Wang Zhengchu, who was pressed to the ground by the Moon Swallowing Toad, stirred up his qi and blood, and the thirty-six qi and blood acupuncture points were connected into one, and the vast qi and blood stored in the cave Tianqiao hole broke through the shackles.

Wang Zhengchu's body swelled rapidly, his expression grim.

"Go to hell! You rubbish! Scumbag!"

Li Yuanqing's face changed dramatically.


A violent explosion sounded, the ground shook and the mountains shook, and the giant palm of the Moon Swallowing Toad was bloodied by Wang Zhengchu's self-explosion. The sudden severe pain made it unable to resist and scolded: "Huh! (Damn human!

The violent explosion caused the surging qi and blood to rise Wang Zhengchu's body burst, but with the support of his unusually condensed and tenacious martial arts will, he did not completely die in the first time.

He endured the endless pain, and used his final martial dao will to control the surging and spreading qi and blood, condensing it into words in the sky, and wanted to pass the news.

But the news has not yet been fully condensed and formed. A huge whale monster opened its mouth and sucked, swallowing all the qi and blood scattered after Wang Zhengchu's self-destruction!

The giant demons and demons surrounded Li Yuanqing, who was being protected by a blood-red barrier, with a bad expression on his face.

One of Moon Swallowing Toad's palms was **** and bloody, with demonic aura overflowing, and his eyes were gloomy.

"Little baby, now, it's your turn to give us an explanation!"

Li Yuanqing remained indifferent and said, "I admit that the people I brought this time are a little impulsive, but please rest assured, I will compensate you, and our cooperation will continue."

"What compensation do you get!"

A giant chicken with a body as strong as a mountain said coldly.

Li Yuanqing said, "Take my director of the Daxia Education Department!"

For Li Yuanqing, as long as the general direction remains the same, everything can be used as a bargaining chip.

He is considering the development of Daxia, and sacrifice is necessary!

If he himself has the value of being traded, then he can also sacrifice!

It's a pity that, as a 'waste body', he doesn't have much value for these giant monsters.

Only high-level warriors can arouse the interest of these guys.

After a while, the terrifying demonic energy and demonic energy spread out. These giant monsters and big demons living on the top of the mountain freely released their auras and swept the entire Ten Thousand Beast Mountains, as if they were announcing something.

The terrifying demonic and demonic energy shocked countless creatures in the entire secret realm.
