MTL - I Have a Big Problem with My Achievement System-Chapter 37 This is not to eat the peak of martial arts?

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Little Rosie huddled in Ji Ruo's arms, clutching Ji Ruo's clothes tightly, her eyes closed tightly, and she kept thinking.

"Meow meow meow meow... (Can't see me, can't see me, can't see me...

Ji Ruo took a knife in one hand and cut the monster meat, and every time he cut a piece, Liang Shixian quickly smeared the processed 'seasoning' on the monster meat - there were so many tree monsters waiting to be fed, but there was no time for them to slowly marinate system.

Moreover, these are serious monster meat!

Ji Ruo's palm was crimson, and she used ten successes to quickly roast the monster meat that was smeared with 'seasoning'.

The high temperature generated by the iron sand palm makes the monster meat cooked at an extremely fast speed - even Ji Ruo himself did not realize that the iron sand palm he obtained by unlocking the achievement seems to have some kind of cooking ability. Very magical effect.

'Iron Sand Palm at the age of six', the note for this achievement is [Tie Sand Palm and fried rice are a perfect match~].

Judging from the remarks, Ji Ruo's martial art can be used for cooking.

Because logically, when he used the iron sand palm to fry the raw rice, the cooked rice should be very hard because there was no water added, but this is not the case.

The fried rice with iron sand palm is sweet and delicious, plump and fluffy, with an excellent taste.

This achievement martial skill seems to have a special bonus in cooking.

The tempting aroma wafted out, and if a piece was cooked, he stuffed a piece into his mouth and chewed it.

He ate a piece by himself, and handed another piece to Liang Shixian, seamless connection.

"Squad leader, be fast, eat while it's hot!"

"Uh... Slow down, I'm a little choked." Liang Shixian said vaguely.

Up to now, he doesn't think about safety or not. It's useless to think about it. Ji Ruo seems to have his own unique way of life in the secret realm...

And it seems that Ji Ruo's method seems to be much better than his idea...

Little Rosie originally hid in Ji Ruo's arms and whispered, but the screams of a large number of monsters around her made her extremely terrified.

But gradually, the rich fragrance pouring into her nose made her suddenly confused.

She quietly tried to stick her head out of her arms, and then she was startled: "Miaomiaomiao! (Master! Why don't you call me when you eat!

"Ahaha, I forgot, I forgot, come on, you eat too."

Ji Ruo laughed and handed Rosie a piece of barbecue.

Rosie happily took over the barbecue: "Meow~ (Thank you master!

Inexplicably, he forgot his fear.

The bound monsters were all struggling and screaming, but as the aroma of Ji Ruo's barbecue became stronger and stronger, they gradually turned to look at Ji Ruo, staring straight at Ji Ruo's hands.

"Roar~ (what is that?

"Jiji~ (It smells so good!

"Ow~ (Give me a bite! Give me a bite!

Ji Ruoli was too lazy to deal with these reserves.

You are all going to the table, what to eat?

The two and one cat ate quickly.

Ji Ruo was surprised to find that the proficiency of his iron sand palm was also steadily improving at a slow rate, and he was getting closer and closer to the level of 'pure blue', the scarlet color was deeper and the temperature was higher!

The barbecue efficiency has been greatly improved!

Ji Ruo realized.

It turns out that this iron sand palm, in addition to fried rice, can also improve proficiency by cooking!

Liang Shixian's mouth was full of oil, and his body was extremely hot. The flesh and blood of monsters contains a lot of flesh and blood essence, which is the best auxiliary resource for martial arts practice. After all, martial artist practice requires a lot of blood supply.

You are practicing martial arts, how can you not eat meat?

He would feel dry and hot, entirely because of the supply of his own qi and blood, which became more and more full of monster meat.

Ji Ruo was in a similar situation, her face flushed.

As soon as he saw that it was almost done, he stopped the barbecue, stopped the barbecue, and began to practice martial arts to aid digestion.

Referring to a large number of basic breathing methods to create "full concentration breathing" operation, cooperate with martial arts movements, digest the monster barbecue in the belly.

Split palms and kicks, kicking and kicking, open and close, hearty - the law that you can't exercise vigorously when you are full is completely inapplicable to warriors.

Martial arts, just move!

As long as you have enough energy, you can keep practicing!

The seventh-level martial artist who had just been promoted has loosened up, and once again began to improve at a speed that is visible to the naked eye, and the speed is not slow!

After all, although they are all low-level monsters, they are also extremely high-grade ingredients for martial arts training for martial practitioners!

"Total Concentrated Breathing" is another breathing method created by Ji Ruo to mobilize and control the physical body with extremely high efficiency. Combining the two, the growth rate is naturally not slow.

Of course, while the growth rate is not slow, the digestion rate is also very fast.

After ten minutes of such a high-intensity exercise, Ji Ruo came to feel it -- a warrior has a very strong digestion ability, and the 'full concentration breathing' can also be added...

With so many monsters waiting to be slaughtered, Ji Ruo doesn't need to think about waste at all, and quickly digests it!

After a while, Ji Ruo found a slightly hidden place and dug a dry toilet...

Liang Shixian's digestion speed was slower. If he was finished, he wiped clean and stood up, and said to the tree demon leader, "Boss, the first wave of fertilizer has been transformed. It's not a lot, so you can divide it yourself."

"Shasha~ (Good good! Brother, thank you so much!

The tree demon leader was ecstatic.

The rest of the Dryads were also very happy.

"Shasha~ (The transformation speed is so fast!

"Shasha~ (As expected, it is a divine tree!

In fact, these tree demons can directly kill the monsters, and they can also have the effect of fertilizing themselves.

But in that case, they have to wait for the corpse of the monster to decompose and slowly absorb the nutrients in it, which takes too long - they can't absorb it directly.

But it's different with feces, they're absorbed very quickly...

Ji Ruo cheerfully asked Liang Shixian to wait until the digestion was almost done, and then dig a dry toilet like himself to solve After running to the creek to wash his hands, he came back and picked two fruits and nibbled them— The combination of meat and vegetables is healthy!

After resting for a while, Ji Ruo started to eat barbecue again... Tired is a little tired, but people who practice martial arts! How can you not be able to eat so hard?

It's all small problems that can be overcome!

Little Rosie is a demon. Judging from the [pet details], this little guy's innate ability is illusion.

However, Ji Ruo thinks that this little guy probably has some hidden talents - he will be full after eating, and his belly will be rounded, but he does not see him going to the toilet. After lying on the ground and resting comfortably for a while, Can continue to eat.

Do you want to eat only? Pixiu is a distant relative, right?

The two people and one cat have been eating like this, and have been digesting at a high speed.

When the night fell on the fourth day, Ji Ruo was promoted to the eighth-level martial artist... The other changes were not very obvious, but the appetite became bigger...

An hour later, Liang Shixian also completed the promotion.

After the seventh round of eating, Liang Shixian practiced martial arts to aid digestion, smacked his lips, and said with emotion: "Ji Ruo, how do I feel that after this martial arts test is over, we can break through to the ninth-level martial arts apprentice?"

After eating it for a long time, he is a little nauseated when he sees the meat, but the effect is really obvious!

Ji Ruo said cheerfully: "It's small, the layout is small, there are more than two days left in the martial arts exam, I feel that we can fight for the peak of martial arts... Come on, let's eat later."

"Meow~ (eat, eat, eat!

Liang Shixian's expression was complicated: "Wait for me to slow down... vomit~"

He never dreamed that he would one day be able to eat monster meat until he vomited...
