MTL - I Have a Big Problem with My Achievement System-Chapter 444 Fantasy Celestial Troops

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"Here it comes! Shoe shoe it comes!"

The Xuntian Island whale was extremely excited.

That's right, that's how it feels!

This kind of power that cannot be resisted, cannot be dodged, will reach the landing point no matter what!

Ah, this familiar and wonderful touch, as well as the moment of just contact, made his heart move, as if the kindred he was looking for was waiting for him in an endless distance in a certain direction.

so wonderful~

"Xiaxie, come back with me! Let's travel together, explore the sky and look for our own family members. When I have a child, I will let him know you. We are a family!"

Xuntian Island Whale was not calm anymore, and was very emotional.

And present, apart from the spectators and the group of demons brought by Xuntian Island Whale, few people even saw clearly the trajectory of the sneaker.

It seemed to suddenly appear and then disappear... If it hadn't been for feeling the change of the power of time, if it hadn't been for the surprise of the whales on the sky-watching island, many demon people wouldn't even know what happened just now.

"What just took a break?"

A warrior asked quietly.

"The sneakers he was looking for appeared? Impossible, if such a big shoe appeared, how could we not see it?"

"You are stupid, that is a magic projection, it must be bigger than the original size... But yes, there is no shoe size on the shoe he projected..."

"But speaking of it, that shoe seems familiar."


The warrior said hesitantly: "I always feel as if I have seen it somewhere."


The warrior thought hard, and suddenly a flash of inspiration flashed, and said: "Hey! Just now at the martial arts meeting, the number one in the world was wearing such shoes!"

"Hiss? Do you have a screenshot?"

"This is my first number one in the world in Daxia. There must be one, wait for me to find it... I have it! Hiss—exactly the same!"


The warriors looked at each other.

The shoes are found, but they are the best in the world.

And it can make such a big reaction from the Xuntian Island whale, those shoes are probably not precious!

For a while, the warriors hesitated.

Such things as fantasy creations have a very high level of secrecy in Daxia, and not everyone knows about them.

Those shoes are treasures... Although this conclusion is a bit outrageous, but what if it is true?

He gave the treasure to Xuntian Island Whale, and he may retreat, but he may continue to attack.

The former is fine, but if the latter, this move is no different from being an enemy...

You can't take chances when discussing with demons.

On the back of the whale on Xuntian Island, a demon dog heard the deliberately lowered voices of the warriors, and immediately became alert, and said loudly: "My lord, they don't want to return the king of shoes and shoes to us!"


Dog, you are a real dog!


The Xuntian Island Whale narrowed its eyes, and it was like the sun and the moon going out together in an instant, feeling full of oppression.

Those malicious demons suddenly became excited.

"Yes! That's it! King of Sky Surveyor, this matter must be severely taught to these human beings!"

"King Sky Surveyor, I am willing to follow you to invade Great Xia!"

Xuntian Island Whale's face was gloomy, and he opened his mouth to swallow: "Wait, are you teaching me how to do things!"

The faces of the monsters changed wildly: "Why are you swallowing us!"

Just at this time, Ji Ruo opened the door and came, seeing this situation, stretched out his hand and shouted urgently: "Leave... oh, you are eating them, it's okay, eat whatever you want."

The familiar breath made Xuntian Island Whale stop swallowing.

His Whale Swallowing is an innate spell, its strength is almost comparable to martial artist's martial arts supernatural powers, second only to fantasy creations, to a certain extent, it is equivalent to the second rule, the only criterion for judging whether to be swallowed is the strength of the bloodline, which is extremely powerful.

If it wasn't for Ji Ruo's sudden appearance, not to mention these monsters, even the land within a radius of a hundred miles would have been lifted up, and some small hills would have been uprooted.

These were all observed by Ji Ruo himself in the future.

It can be said that in Daxia today, he is the person who knows the whales of Xuntian Island best.

And the Xuntian Island Whale was indeed coming for him...

The corner of Ji Ruo's mouth twitched slightly, he took a step forward, and said, "This... King of Sky Surveyor, look..."

"Give me back my shoes!"


"Then what, look like this, the relationship between us and the shoe and shoe family is not a relationship between slavery and enslavement, but a symbiotic relationship... Do you understand symbiosis?" The image in the factory was projected, and the introduction said: "Shoes are not born, but made by us humans.

Shoes have no thinking, but they are indeed our good helpers, and it is because of their existence that we can travel thousands of miles..."

"King Sky Surveyor, don't listen to him, human beings are eloquent, he must be lying to you!"

A monster who watched the excitement and didn't think it was a big deal said loudly.

Ji Ruo glanced at him indifferently, and pointed like a sword.


"Wan Jian Yunfei·Slaying Demons!"

Thousands of sword shadows condensed in the sky, Ji Ruo seemed to be on the top of the sword, and slashed down with a wave of his finger.

In an instant, Wan Jian fell, blasting and killing the monsters in that area to the ground.

Ji Ruo smiled: "Talk nonsense, but you will die."

Now that he has become number one in the world, he naturally has the arrogance that number one in the world should have.

"You!" The monsters were shocked and furious: "Don't think we dare not do it!"

Ji Ruo called Xingjie Leiyun, and said loudly: "Try to move!"

In an instant, the monsters were all silent.

But there are still people who are not afraid of death.

Some monsters did not dare to speak clearly, so they could only send a sound transmission to Xuntian Island Whale, saying: "King Xuntian, you have also seen it, this human being does not want to have a good talk with you, nor does he intend to exchange your best friend with you, you see. …”

The whales in the Sky Survey Island were silent.

The little demons behind him looked at each other in blank dismay.

"The character of this human... is similar to the king of shoes and shoes."

"That's right, if you don't agree with me, you will do it. Back then, even the King of Sky Surveyor was beaten by him like this..."

"Could it be that humans and the shoe family really have a symbiotic relationship?"

"Thinking about it, it seems to make sense... These shoes will only move when they are stepped on by humans. Those shoes we rescued have used various methods to display different Few spells, and even the Sky Surveyor himself swallowed spiritual energy to heal them, but...they didn't respond at all, just like real dead things."

"Furthermore, the aura of this human being is one with the king of shoes and shoes, and it is indistinguishable from each other..."

"Not only that, look at the images he released, the shoes and shoes family, it seems that it is not a race that can be born naturally, it needs various processes..."

The goblins talked a lot.

Xuntian Island Whale's eyes wandered, and he continued to meditate.

"Are you really Xie Xie... a person who lives with Xie Xie?"

"Yes or no, Your Majesty will know once you try it." Ji Ruo smiled.

"How to try?"


Ji Ruo raised his leg and volleyed: "Eat me a King Kong leg!"

The sneakers flew out immediately under the feet, and the [absolute sense of direction] was perfectly integrated with the characteristics of the sneakers.

[Shadow Martial Arts] was pushed to the extreme by Ji Ruo, and the artistic conception of mountains and rivers amplified it.

Xuntian Island Whale thought for a moment, activated the "Historical Mark" to resist, but the next moment, he was shocked: "This is—"

The damage he shared in time has not been reduced.

That sneaker really hit him in every time and space!

"How is it? Are you familiar with it?"

Ji Ruo chuckled: "My sneakers were accidentally lost before, and they kept moving all the time just to get back to me. I apologize for the trouble I caused you."

The Xuntian Island Whale has a complex complexion.

"So, the things that Xie Xie agreed with me before don't count..."

Ji Ruo smiled in his heart, what was agreed with you, it is clearly your own opinion, when did the shoes agree with you?

"No." Ji Ruo said with a smile: "That matter still counts."

Xuntian Island Whale was stunned: "Do you know what we agreed?"

"Of course." Ji Ruo said, "I'm looking for a fellow clan for your Majesty, am I right?"

"Yes...and Xie Xie has already made me feel a little bit before."

Ji Ruo secretly smiled again.

Now, he is already at the top of the two paths, and can immediately break through the existence of the heaven and man realm, so he can naturally feel the rules.

In his shoes, there is a part of the "sense of direction" rules, and the patrolling island whales have been in close contact with the shoes before, so they will naturally get some senses.

That feeling is not very strong, and to some extent, it can actually be regarded as an illusion.

But Xuntian Island's whale shuttle has patrolled the sky for countless years, and even he himself doesn't remember how long he has been wandering, so he suddenly felt something like an illusion, so he was naturally excited.

This point, Ji Ruo just went to the future to confirm.

He also didn't find the same species as the Xuntian Island Whale, but what is certain is that the other party exists, and there is a high probability that there may only be two Xuntian Island Whales.

If the direction meter can be determined, but the distance is...

"I can take you to find your fellow clan." Ji Ruo said.

"Really?!" Xuntian Island Whale was pleasantly surprised.

"King Skywatcher, don't believe him, this human being must be lying—"

"Shut up!"

The Xuntian Island Whale let out a cold snort, and its demonic power surged, smashing the slanderous demon to pieces.

"I'm talking to my best friend, so what do you have to say!"

However, that monster seemed to come from a relatively powerful monster clan, and now it was smashed to pieces, and the monster of the same clan suddenly said coldly: "Xuntian Island Whale, what do you mean? But hurt the you really think I'm afraid of you?"

The demons clamored: "No matter how strong you are, there is only one of you. You are lonely and lonely. If we really take revenge, what will you do!"


The little demon on the back of the whale on Xuntian Island stared: "How can you talk to King Xuntian!"

"Little bear demon, with mixed blood, dare to bark in front of us? Who gave you the courage!"

The demons quarreled.

"Oh, what a joke!"

Xuntian Island Whale said proudly: "My best friend has already helped my bloodline transform, and now the bloodline contains the power of time, so what if there are many demons and powerful people? It may hurt me a little!"

"What did you say!"

In a few words, the Xuntian Island Whale was drawn directly to the opposite side of the monsters who invaded Daxia this time.

Ji Ruo was slightly taken aback.

After experiencing the influence of the previous curtain, he now has a strange feeling.

At this time, the space intersected, and a woman in Tang suit with an angel halo on her head appeared in front of Ji Ruo, and said, "Ji Ruo, touch this halo on my head."


Ji Ruo was slightly taken aback: "Is it a fantasy creation again?"

"That's right, this is the wisdom-reducing halo of equality for all beings. It can reduce all intelligences within the range. How much intelligence the wearer chooses to reduce will affect the intelligence of the affected person."

The woman explained briefly, and then said: "If the battlefield is placed in my Daxia territory, no matter what, we will be very passive. We can only rely on various fantasy creations to transfer the battlefield before making a decision... ...Your shoes should also be a fantasy creation, right?

Don't worry, we don't take yours, yours is yours, it's just an imaginary creation that transcends the rules, and it has a lot to do with it, and the higher-ups still need to discuss it. "

"That's it."

Ji Ruo touched the aura, and immediately eliminated the influence of Jiangzhi. At the same time, with the help of the system teacher, he knew its name and function, and by the way, he also knew the name of the host, which is the woman.

Her name is Qi Yunmei.

Qi Yunmei continued: "Originally, when we deal with this kind of big monster, we usually kill it regardless of the cost, but from your conversation with him just now, and the tree demon bird demon of Wanshou Mountain and the gods of the Earth Mother Continent Judging from the current situation, the higher-ups have decided that before it is a last resort, you should still get in touch... What do you think?"

"I have no opinion."

"Okay...then let's step back a little bit and let that guy change the battlefield."

Ji Ruo looked into the distance curiously.

Immediately, a stream of light was seen speeding along the border of Daxia, and it traveled a hundred and eight thousand miles in an instant. The speed was so fast that it could be called the extreme speed of heaven and earth.

Looking far away, Ji Ruo saw what seemed to be an unattractive marker pen in the man's hand.

As I ran, the marker pen was also drawing lines.

After a while, a golden line appeared, the man pulled up the line, and together with the warriors on the border, pulled the golden line back forcefully.

Then, Ji Ruo saw an unbelievable scene.

However, the border of the entire Daxia was just pulled up by the warriors. While pulling it back, the shape of the land of Daxia was also changing. The total area remained the same, and only the shape changed.

And some cities, mountains, rivers, etc. have also changed their positions. The people living in the cities seem to be unaware that the cities they are in have shifted from their original positions by an unknown distance.

Mountains and rivers shift, rivers change course!

"That is......?"

"That thing is called Shanhe Sheji's only designated land division marker." Qi Yunmei introduced solemnly: "The function, as you have seen, is to mark the land. As for the side effects..."

Qi Yunmei answers every question. As a martial artist in the heavenly realm, her IQ is not low, but under the influence of the aura of equality of all beings, she is not even as good as the average person, and she seems a bit dull.

In addition to the need to guard the starry sky from time to time, the Heavenly Human Realm warriors in Great Xia will also use their bodies as containment measures to control fantasy creations according to their own characteristics.

Illusionary creations cannot be researched and are unreasonable. While they are powerful, they also do a lot of damage. It is a double-edged sword.

Even most fantasy creations have the same side effect-the solidification of obsession.

For example, Gu Shaoxuan fell into a bewilderment in search of the Netherworld.

For example, believes in simulation and knows the future.

When Ji Ruo got the Wanxiang mirror, it was already broken, so he didn't use it much.

Later, it was transformed into a random door and a four-dimensional pocket, so that it can be used at will without any side effects.

Thinking about it, Ji Ruo said: "Senior, I have also done some research on fantasy creations. If possible, I can try to help you eliminate the side effects of fantasy creations."


Qi Yunmei was taken aback for a moment, then took off the Jiangzhi halo from the top of her head, and tried again.

Puzzled: "It's not affected, so what nonsense are you kidding? How can the side effects of imaginary creation be eliminated so easily?"

Ji Ruo: "..."
