MTL - I Have a Big Problem with My Achievement System-Chapter 466 Serious dual practice of martial arts!

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The latest website: Ji Xiaoxiao has the memory of the future, although that future can only be regarded as a parallel time and space, and what happened in theory has nothing to do with the present, but...

If Ji Ruo knew that he had produced a township religious book of an illegal organization twenty years later, would Ji Ruo beat him to death?

Thinking about it, Ji Xiaoxiao subconsciously let go of his hand, smiled and helped the other party tidy up his crumpled clothes, and said dryly: "Haha, it turned out to be you, wouldn't it be over if I said it earlier, look at this There's a lot of trouble..."

Yin-Yang Hehuandian didn't know what kind of medicine Ji Xiaoxiao bought in the gourd, but it was true that Ji Xiaoxiao could ignore her charm, and she had acquired many inner demons and martial arts, so she knew Ji Xiaoxiao quite well.

Almost all mental demons and martial arts have one thing in common when evaluating Ji Xiaoxiao - this guy is moody.

Therefore, Yin Yang He Huan Dian didn't dare to be presumptuous anymore, and laughed along with him.

The atmosphere suddenly became awkward.

After a while, Ji Xiaoxiao, who felt a little uncomfortable all over, took the lead to break the calm: "By the way, what do you mainly know?"

Yin Yang He Huan Dian looked at Ji Xiaoxiao timidly, and said cautiously: "Cai Bu..."

Ji Xiaoxiao nodded, he could tell this from the other party's name, after all, it was an evil skill specializing in this area!

After a while, Ji Xiaoxiao saw that the other party seemed to have no intention of continuing, and widened his eyes: "What else?"

"No, no more..."

"It's gone?" Ji Xiaoxiao was a little confused: "You have exhausted so many demons and martial arts, will you just pick one up?!"

"Then what else?" Yin Yang Hehuan Dian said hesitantly, "What else should I know?"

"What about the means you used to charm me before?"

Yin Yang He Juan Dian shyly said: "That's not martial arts, it's the tea art I learned in the dreams of the demons..."

This guy introduced himself to Ji Xiaoxiao, but he faltered in the description, and he couldn't explain many things clearly.

But this doesn't mean that she deliberately concealed it, on the contrary... She doesn't seem to be very clear about it herself.


Ji Xiaoxiao rubbed his brows, he could see it.

This Yin-Yang Acacia Code is strong and strong, and its grade is indeed very high, but it is probably because too much power and desire of inner demons were absorbed during the birth process, coupled with the intrusion of nightmares, and then the combination of various martial arts seems to be unreasonable ...It was born under such circumstances, without the concentration and control of the first generation of martial arts villains, it is not even considered martial arts.

"Ah, forget it, it's useless to ask." Ji Xiaoxiao scratched his head: "Let's study it by myself."

He cultivated an evil skill, although he didn't intend it, but he did cause trouble.

Now that the disaster is a foregone conclusion, it's too late to save it. It's better to study this guy clearly first, and see what excuses he can use to explain it, so as to save him from being beaten...

Thinking about it, Ji Xiaoxiao smiled and told Yin Yang Hehuan Dian to stand still. The latter didn't know why, so he glanced at the hideous chainsaw in Ji Xiaoxiao's hand, but he didn't dare to refuse, and stood there awkwardly.

"Don't be nervous, I'll strike quickly and it won't hurt."

Yin-Yang Jubilee Ceremony: "?"

Before she could figure out what Ji Xiaoxiao meant, she saw Ji Xiaoxiao holding up the chainsaw with a grinning grin, and the teeth on it turned rapidly and buzzed.


Ji Xiaoxiao waved fiercely, and suddenly the chainsaw seemed to have simultaneously hidden the true meaning of the knife and the sword, the two ways merged into one, completely natural!

Yin Yang He Huan Dian was caught off guard and forgot to dodge, his whole body was split in two, revealing his insides.

However, the scene is not bloody, just because it is a personified martial arts, there are no internal organs in the body, only a series of "magnificent colors" martial arts are brewing and circulating in it.

"Is it so messy?"

Ji Xiaoxiao was a little surprised, the "core" of ordinary martial arts is only one or several "colors", and these "colors" are all united according to a special law...even if it is superficial Martial arts, martial arts must also be clear.

But the 'core' of the Yin-Yang Joyous Festival is in a state of chaos. Just one glance can make people dizzy.

"Fortunately, the young master is not human... Let me see what you are."

Ji Xiaoxiao muttered, stuck his head in through the gap, and carefully felt and experienced it.

As Ji Ruo's heart demon, his understanding is naturally not weak, not to mention the 'core' of martial arts in the Yin-Yang Hehuan Code is completely undisguised and exposed in front of him.

In an instant, countless martial arts concepts intertwined and collided. Because it was too chaotic, it was like a heavy hammer hitting Ji Xiaoxiao's head fiercely. Although it was an illusion, it still made Ji Xiaoxiao dizzy.

"The Great Way of Yin and Yang... Harvesting Yin to supplement Yang... Learn from each other's strengths..."

"Music martial arts, fist and foot techniques, weapon combat skills, horizontal training of external skills, self-cultivation of internal skills, strong mysterious methods..."

"Chaos! It's so messed up!"

Ji Xiaoxiao grinned, he understood, because this guy absorbed too many different martial arts principles, he forcibly melted them into one furnace. Strong, but can't practice...

Not to mention human beings, even if they are demons, they will go crazy after practicing this evil skill!

Ji Xiaoxiao only felt it for a while, and then he couldn't stand it—it was too messy, he had all the obsessive-compulsive disorder he felt!

"How can rhythmic martial arts be used in this kind of place? The limitations are too great. I will help you change it!"

"There's also boxing and think you're a technician!"

He began to help Yin Yang Hehuan Dian adjust and sort out his own martial arts.

As for the Yin-Yang Acacia Ceremony, because it was hacked, it is currently in a downtime state, but as time goes by, with Ji Xiaoxiao's operations, it gradually exudes a mysterious and mysterious charm.


His Royal Highness the Heavenly King, who was taking a nap, seemed to have noticed something, with a puzzled expression on his face, not understanding why such a mysterious and strange Taoism suddenly appeared in his palace.

After thinking for a while, he waved a breeze and went to check.

Ji Xiaoxiao danced her hands, and afterimages continued to help Yin Yang Hehuan Dian to sort out herself.

It's just that with the passage of time, Yin Yang Hehuandian's split body is gradually healing, Ji Xiaoxiao is a little upset, and simply opens the time-stop field directly to 'cash homework' in it.

I don't know how much time has passed in the time-stop domain—

Ji Xiaoxiao wiped off her sweat, and was very satisfied with her work: "That's right! It's all about supplements, how can you just think about that stuff? You have to learn to diverge your thinking!"

Yin-Yang Hehuandian's body was healed, but the whole person was still confused. She could clearly feel that she seemed to have become stronger, and the world in her eyes was gradually becoming clearer...


A cyan wind shadow appeared behind Ji Xiaoxiao and the others at some point, condensed into shape, and his eyes were full of curiosity: "What kind of birds are you? This king has never seen you, and there is no information about you in Feishengchi, and you are not five-star." are you here?"

"none of your business!"

Ji Xiaoxiao replied, "Who the **** are you? You ask so many questions from the beginning, why should I answer you?"

As he ranted, he observed the other party carefully and thought at the same time.

"This guy claims to be my king, so he probably isn't an ordinary guy..."

'This looks similar to 'Shadow Clone', it should be a means of incarnation... Also, how did this guy speak Chinese? Or the 'dragon' type, could it be related to Da Xia? '

Ji Xiaoxiao thought about it.

A hint of sullenness flashed across the face of the blue dragon-shaped Kazekage, just about to say something—

Ji Xiaoxiao thinks carefully, and Ji Xiaoxiao makes a decision.

He grabbed Yin Yang He Huan Dian who was still in a daze, and pressed it to his waist.

"It doesn't matter what you are, strike first!"


Ji Xiaoxiao used the Yin-Yang Acacia Code as the 'material' to transform.

The next moment, the Yin-Yang Dao manifested behind Ji Xiaoxiao, and two quaint seal characters emerged, which were quickly dismantled with the sound of "Kaka", turned into battle armor parts, and clung to Ji Xiaoxiao's body in the blink of an eye.

After the transformation is completed, all kinds of wonderful methods come to my mind!

Ji Xiaoxiao jumped up, squeezed away the fist mark with five fingers, and smashed it down with one punch: "Yin Yang Hehuan·Sheng Ji Yang Physique!"

In an instant, this world seemed to be divided into two levels, the yang flourishing and the yin declining!

Qingfeng Longying was startled.

He obviously felt that the power of his avatar seemed to be weakened at this moment, and the weakened part seemed to go to Ji Xiaoxiao...

Although it was only for a moment, it also lowered some of his avatar's defenses, and temporarily enhanced Ji Xiaoxiao's power...Under the ebb and flow, Ji Xiaoxiao is obviously not strong, but he is also strong. Almost smashed his incarnation with a punch.

Qingfeng Longying was sullen, this is the Palace of Heavenly Kings! It's his place!

This guy of unknown origin is really too arrogant!

Qingfeng Longying's phantom-like dragon tail moved slightly, and the invisible wind seemed to turn into a tangible wind whip, whipping towards Ji Xiaoxiao viciously.

Ji Xiaoxiao didn't panic, didn't dodge or dodge, and confronted head-on: "Yin-yang accompaniment, a leaky yin body!"

The 'polarity' of this space suddenly reversed, and Ji Xiaoxiao became the 'weak' side.


Ji Xiaoxiao shouted loudly, raised his hand to catch the wind whip, relieved part of the strength with Taijiquan, and pressed the wind whip to his chest again.


The wind whip disappeared, and the remaining power was absorbed by Ji Xiaoxiao, turning into a breeze and wrapping around Ji Xiaoxiao's battle armor, temporarily enhancing the performance of all aspects of the battle armor.

Not only that, but if Ji Xiaoxiao has time, he can refine this breeze into his own power!

Qingfeng Longying didn't know the truth, so he didn't care, and continued to attack.

Ji Xiaoxiao is getting stronger and stronger, although it is only temporary, but it also makes Qingfeng Longying more and more frightened - he suddenly discovered that his strength not only cannot hurt the opponent, but even strengthens the opponent!

Ji Xiaoxiao was triumphant, very satisfied with the Yin-Yang Acacia Ceremony after sorting out and reforming.

As the saying goes, there is no right or wrong in martial arts, it all depends on people's hearts.

This yin and yang accompaniment scripture is not the sorcery of harvesting and tonic described in those cultivating immortals. It melts thousands of martial arts concepts into one furnace, and its foundation is excellent.

After sorting out, all kinds of martial arts concepts are equivalent to setting things right, and the Yin-Yang Hehuan Code has changed from being purely just supplements to what it is now.

The way of nourishing, yin and yang flow, use the strong to strengthen the weak, use the weak to defeat the strong!

In the world of human life, eating and drinking, sharpening the body, absorbing spiritual energy, strengthening the spirit, comprehending the rules... itself is equivalent to a kind of tonic.

Regardless of martial arts or other skills, it can be regarded as harvesting and nourishing the world.

It's just that Ji Xiaoxiao's Yin-Yang Acacia Classic is more thorough in this regard.

After activating martial arts, he himself is equivalent to a loophole in the world, and the spiritual energy of the world will automatically flow back to where he is.

Pick up the world and make up for yourself!

In terms of combat, it is even more wonderful.

Since even the sky and the earth can be harvested, why can't the enemy's attack be harvested?

all the same!

Isn't picking and supplementing means picking the strong to make up for the weak, and learning from each other's strengths to make up for its weaknesses?

When the enemy's attack falls on him, it will first be replenished with a part of its strength, and then it will start to hurt him.

It's just that in the process of hurting him, he still needs to fight against the enemy's own strength, and in the process of confrontation, he will also be supplemented by Ji Xiaoxiao... As long as the enemy's attack does not exceed the limit of the enemy's attack in an instant, Ji Xiaoxiao Xiaoxiao will only get stronger and stronger as he fights, and his strength will hardly be consumed, so it can be called perpetual motion!

"What kind of power is this! Why is it so weird!"

The more Qingfeng Longying fought, the more frightened he became. The side hall here has been destroyed in a bad way, and a large number of servants and guards from the Temple of Heavenly Kings rushed over.

The direction of the main hall is even more powerful, and the body of Qingfeng Longying is also coming!

The white lines in Ji Xiaoxiao's eyes frantically flashed, [a first-line intuition] crazy warning.

He has almost finished experimenting with new martial arts, and with a thought, he used his agility—

"Yin-Yang Acacia, Rise and Fall Flow!"

There are a large number of powerful birds gathered here, with majestic demonic aura, which is the 'extreme prosperity', and the body technique of 'flow of prosperity and decline' allows Ji Xiaoxiao to reach the point of 'weakness and decline' at a seemingly extremely fast speed. bit!

The speed is so fast that it is almost like teleportation!

Although Ji Xiaoxiao can't control the direction by himself, no matter where the "Weakness" is, he can always get out of danger-there are not so many monsters, the aura of heaven and earth is not so strong, and the fluctuation of power is not so strong. Decline and prosperity are two extremes!

Almost in an instant, Ji Xiaoxiao had already appeared on the other side of the Heavenly King Hall, facing the side hall where he fought just now, facing each other's north and south!

There was too much movement there, and all the monsters in the Temple of Heavenly Kings went there.

"This martial art is really good!"

Ji Xiaoxiao thought happily, and then canceled the transformation.

The Yin-Yang Hehuandian who had come to her senses was stunned. She looked at the large number of monsters flying towards the battlefield just now, then at Ji Xiaoxiao, and said in disbelief: "Just now... that's my strength ? I'm so strong?!"

Ji Xiaoxiao is in a good mood now, patted Yin Yang He Huan Dian on the shoulder, and said with a smile: "Yes, you are that strong!"

"But, I..." Yin Yang He Juan Dian hesitated: "In the dreams of those demons, I am like this, it seems to be called the secret method of dual cultivation..."

"But what is it? What's wrong with the secret method of double cultivation?" Ji Xiaoxiao said seriously: "Although I don't know what generation you are, UU Reading But in the final analysis, you are the daughter of martial arts, and martial arts is It's used to fight, what's the matter with thinking about that stuff all day long?

What a waste of money!

Remember, in the future, I will develop myself according to the way I just did, and develop in the field of fighting, understand? "

"I... the dual-cultivation secret technique is not for fighting..."

"That's why it's called development... Come on, let's continue to study..."

Yin Yang He Huan Dian resisted to no avail, so he could only accept his fate.

Afterwards, Ji Xiaoxiao opened a brand new door for her. can still understand it like this? !

The yin and yang acacia ceremony shocked heaven and man.
