MTL - I Have a “System” Halo-Chapter 285 I have a "system" halo

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If the bet has risen this time, he believes that Song Songyu will definitely value him. At that time, the favorability will also become faster. But if the bet fails, Wang Junhui cannot afford the consequences.

Before the calculus, he also thought that the power maker who had destroyed himself before would cause trouble, but his fluke made him conceal Song Songyu.

Wanting to persuade Song Songyu to go back to the company to solve the problem, the other party did not agree. It ’s all here. If you do n’t calcite here, how can you be considered a gambling stone?

The appearance of the emerald reassured Wang Junhui, however, he was still too relieved.

The crowd on the side was not as excited as before, but they whispered to each other. Mixed in various colors, Song Songyu's face turned red.


He even believed in Wang Junhui!

However, for the first time, the other party said nothing more than the actual situation, which made him hesitate again. Even by coincidence, there is no such coincidence.

Thinking, the stone was cut in half. Still the mineral surface shows that Song Songyu is betting on it.

More than 100 million, just hit the water? !!

The quality of emeralds is considered to be excellent, but there is only a thin piece, even if it is made of jade, it is not impossible. It ’s so thin, it ’s cut off with a little effort. Who bought it?

Jadeite has a high collection value, but it is also related to its size. Such emeralds are not meaningful for collection, and processing is a waste of resources.

The emerald's seams are connected to mottled emeralds with a high content of impurities. The calcite workers were worried that they might break the emerald and kept that section of jade.

I thought I could make a fortune. In this case, I can't say if I can get it.

For the other's face, the crowd dispersed.

Mo Fan came down the road and said, "Mr. Wang, I wonder if you are going to repay my debt."

Wang Junhui yelled, "I only have more than 10 million."

That more than 10 million is the money I got after the jade was sold.

The power was exhausted, and those with horror looked at it. Wang Junhui didn't dare to invest more than ten million.

"Mr. Song?" Mo Fan looked at Song Songyu. "If you're okay, why don't you let me handle private affairs?"

Song Songyu knew that Mo Fan meant that if he did not protect Wang Junhui, he should not prevent him from taking debts.

More than 100 million, he didn't have so much cash at all, and paid by credit card. At that time, if he asks his elder brother for money, he will be severely applauded.

Song Xiyu is several years older than Song Songyu, and he also joined the company earlier than him. Today, he has taken over the position of the old chairman and is the company's president.

Song Songyu is just a vice president with little power and is still familiar with the business stage.

"General Song ..." Wang Junhui begged.

The youth's dark eyes were moist, revealing fragility, and Song Songyu couldn't help but tremble in his heart.

Wang Junhui's ability has not yet been determined. Even though Song Songyu was angry at the more than one hundred million, he still suppressed it and decided to find out the authenticity of the opponent's ability.

Speaking of which, if you look at it so closely, the youth's facial features are average, but the skin is excellent. His bright, big eyes made him want to make it more colorful.

Song Songyu's deep eyes caused Wang Junhui's heart to panic, and the subsequent increase in favorability made him relax.

Since the other party's favorability has increased, it will certainly not hurt him.

This favorability came in time, and he could buy "Golden Eye" again.

Song Songyu looked at Mo Fan, and the other side had a clear interest in it.

Song Songyu gave a cough, "Wang Junhui owes Mo's money. If I don't have enough, I will help him to make up for it first. Does Mo always think it can be?"

"Of course, I just want the money."

The meaning of this reference is too obvious, and Rao is a cheeky Song Songyu.

Wang Junhui smiled gratefully when Song Songyu decided to help him pay back the money.


Since the two talked away, Mo Fan was not polite, and Ling Ling helped him pay attention to Wang Junhui's movement.

When Ling Zhi made comparisons with each other intentionally or unintentionally from time to time, Mo Fan was surprised that Ling Ye was jealous.

Knowing that he had no other thoughts on Wang Junhui and was so prepared, Mo Fan was speechless.

Mo Fan chopped vegetables for Ling Ye, and seemed to ask casually, "Have there been any recent changes in Wang Junhui?"

After Wang Junhui left Yundian, Mo Fan returned home with a cart of stones. The company's backlog left him with little time alone with men. Nevertheless, Mo Fan felt something different from before.

Ling Ye clearly identified his identity, and did not need to sneak back Mo Fan to handle the affairs. So, Mo Fan gave up half of his study and used it with Ling Ye.

Although there is no communication, the feeling of having the other side to accompany oneself beautifully becomes less boring.

At 9 o'clock in the evening, Ling Ye reminded Mo Fan to take a rest. If he doesn't go, the other side will take him out.

Mo Fan used to have regular exercise time every month, but his strength is still incomparable with Ling Ye. Struggling to no avail, Mo Fan left the other party to go.

After enough sleep, the spirit of the whole person will also be full.

"After Song's jewellery handed over the stone procurement to Wang Junhui, many people in the company were dissatisfied. However, Wang Junhui was a bit strange, and the rate of jade stones he bought back was somewhat unexpected.

Ling Ye ate contentedly with the dishes that Mo Fan personally gave him, and even the other person asked about Wang Junhui's situation, and his performance was not as depressed as usual.

Mo Fan continued to chop him a few chopsticks. "You also found that he was wrong?"

"As long as you pay attention, you can see it. I have seen a lot of palms in the world, and the deepest qualifications are not as weird as him."

Ling Ye didn't think Wang Junhui was talented, he just felt weird. Moreover, in the information, the other party was faintly informed that the other party could know the specific situation of the jade in the stone.

When he saw Mo Fan, he would also add vegetables to his bowl. Ling Yan quickly stopped, "You didn't eat much, eat quickly, don't be busy with me."

Mo Fan nodded and said, "I found out that he was wrong when gambling at the stone workshop, so I made you stare at him."

His family does not have the rule of "no food, no sleep," and proper conversation at the dinner table can promote harmony in family relationships.

Ling Ye stopped holding his chopsticks in his hand, and then he said, "I know."

It turned out Xiaofan stared at Wang Junhui because of this. In Gambling Corner, he only looked at each other throughout the process. Where would he notice others?

The only impression on Wang Junhui is that he owed Mo Fan money. It wasn't until later when the people under him took the materials up and helped them remove them, they noticed the difference in Wang Junhui's body.


Mo Fan pretended not to see the man's eyebrows stretched for a moment, and his tone of breath seemed to be just an ordinary conversation.

After a few days, I heard that Wang Junhui was going to the cloud shop with Song Songyu again. He drove Ling Ye to the cloud shop one day in advance.

It was supposed to be Mo Fan driving, but somehow it became Ling Ye driving behind. They didn't bring the driver, they just left with a few pieces of changing clothes.

Last time they booked two rooms, this time Ling Ye finally had a chance to book a room.

It is a double bed room.

When checking in at the counter, Mo Fan glanced at Ling Yan obliquely and asked for another one without opening his mouth. Ling Yan breathed a sigh of relief, and he couldn't help bringing a touch of joy on his face.

When Ling Yan was taking a bath, Mo Fan was reading the newly submitted materials.

After Wang Junhui was brought back to the Song family, Song Songyu arranged a purchasing position for him. Although it was a purchase, it was with Song Songyu.

On the day they returned, Song Songyu took Wang Junhui to bed.

Many people in Song's company said privately that Wang Junhui was a position obtained by the body. It's just that these are not on the bright side, so a few people don't know.

Originally, this was only a rumor. Later, when someone saw Wang Junhui getting out of Song Songyu's office, he sat down.

For the relationship households, everyone's heart is rejected, but the effort on the surface is to be done. When they first joined the company, many people tripped Wang Junhui. Only the next day, those people were punished accordingly.

At this moment, everyone dare not be too brazen, that is, complain two times in private.

What makes them slightly different is that Wang Junhui is different from ordinary people's purchasing ability. 80% of the stones he brought back are out of jade, and there are even many treasures.

The stone that Mo Fan originally purchased at the Gambling Stone Workshop was also handled by the company. He didn't pay attention to the follow-up, but the assistant mentioned a few words while reporting. It is said that the workers are discussing who chooses the stone, and there are many excellent jade.

The information in Mo Fan's hand brought new news. Wang Junhui went to Song Xiyu's bed.

When Song Songyu was informed, he was furious.

The man's natural possession = desire = makes him not give up when facing the brother of the person who forced him. Later, the brothers had a fight in the study and talked for a long time. I didn't know what agreement was made and decided to share.

This progress has nothing to do with the plot. The only thing that surprised Mo Fan was that the two had negotiated Wang Junhui's ownership problem so early.

In the circle, the rich second generation who played well also shared the behavior of each other's play. The Song brothers were also close brothers. After opening, they were not uncomfortable.

It was Wang Jinhui, who was getting more and more proud, thinking that they both fell under their suit pants. As everyone knows, his careful calculations and small calculations were seen by the two brothers.

They needed Wang Junhui to create greater benefits for their company, so they could not bear it. Moreover, the body that has been systematically transformed can indeed be called a special thing, which is very edible.

"Look what?" Ling Ye came out of the bathroom with a bath towel wrapped in his head and looked down at Mo Fan's paper.


A drop of water dripped from the wet hair and fainted on the black and white paper surface. Mo Fan stood up, took a towel and was still on Ling Yuan's head. "Wipe it."

"Help me?" Ling Yan opened his corner of his eyes.

"sit down."

Ling Yan just said casually, who ever thought that Mo Fan really helped him up.

Ling Yan's hair is very short. In fact, she can wipe it just a few times, but Mo Fan rubbed it very seriously.

The towels are neatly stacked, and the corners are folded up so that they will not hit the eyes due to negligence. The gentle, yet forceful compressions reciprocated back and forth in a certain pattern, and the nerves seemed to relax.

Ling Yan squinted slightly, because of his height, his eyes fell on Mo Fan's waist and abdomen. And Mo Fan's stooping movement made him easily see the delicate collarbone under his shoulder blades.

When the two lived in the same place, Ling Ye often could see the beautiful scene of Mo Fan wearing a bathrobe after bathing. Thinking that the relationship has just been established, the progress of the two is limited to hugs.

Ling Ye reached out and tentatively placed on Mo Fan's waist. Mo Fan didn't stop his hand, and habitually continued his movements.

Rough fingers rub on the flexible waist side, pick up a corner drill = into the clothes. A warm, creamy touch came from my fingers.

Mo Fan still didn't stop, Ling Ye glanced up and glanced at Mo Fan's face that could not see clearly under the shadows, and became more and more intrusive.

When Ling Yan's hand reached Mo Fan's chest, Mo Fan stopped. Ling Yan could not help but stop.

The towel was taken off and thrown on the ground, Ling Ling had no time to look at it, and his leg was heavy. Mo Fan sat sideways on Ling Yue's thigh, holding one hand against the other's offensive hand, the other hand resting on the other's shoulder, bowed his head and kissed his lips.

Ling Yan also took a moment to stun, and immediately hugged Mo Fan after the reaction, holding the back of his head with the palm of his hand, and became active.

Breathing, the fiery kiss makes people want to go deeper. The lips and tongues of the two were entangled, making a sound of sticky water.