MTL - I Have a System of Orcs-~ Chapter 13

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Daniel's father and father, the patriarchs of the eastern tribe, live in the northern one of the two mountains. Daniel led Wei Changcheng to the bottom of the mountain, and pointed to the cave in the middle of the northern mountain: "That's my home."

Wei Changcheng nodded, a little nervous. Of course, the reason was not to follow Daniel to meet his parents, but because he was afraid that the eastern tribe would not welcome him. After all, Daniel’s meaning could not represent the meaning of the entire eastern tribe. It was just that he decided to come here at the beginning Because of the tasks issued by the system, he has to resign himself to this step—Wei Changcheng has completely forgotten the rewards that the system gave him at the beginning.

"Now my father probably hasn't come back, only my father is here, let's go in and wait."

Wei Changcheng nodded again and followed Daniel into the cave.

"Daddy, I'm back!" Daniel yelled loudly as soon as he entered the cave, and just after he finished yelling, Wei Changcheng saw a man hurriedly coming out from the depths of the cave: "Daniel!"

Both Daniel and his father were very excited. Wei Changcheng stood aside and did not make a sound. The man Daniel called his father was about 1.9 meters tall, with a well-proportioned figure and a handsome face. Daniel and him were not the same. Too much alike.

The two over there were over excited, and Daniel's father, Pei Ji, noticed the existence of Wei Changcheng, and his eyes lit up: "Who is this?"

Wei Changcheng took a step forward, with a smile on his face: "Hi, I'm Daniel's friend, and my name is Wei Changcheng."

friend? Pei Ji's suspicious eyes moved to Daniel's face. Seeing the expression on his son's face, Pei Ji suddenly realized, and his face was filled with a smile: "My son's friend, right? Welcome, welcome."

Seeing Pei Ji who was so enthusiastic about him, Wei Changcheng was so scared that he took a step back, saying that because he was Daniel's friend, could his father be so enthusiastic about him?

Daniel grabbed Pei Ji without leaving a trace, Pei Ji coughed twice, and then restrained himself a little.

"Father, when will father come back?"

"Maybe we have to wait until the sun goes down." Pei Ji replied.

"It's like this. Xiao Cheng is from the Karu tribe. I brought Xiao Cheng back. I hope my father can agree to Xiao Cheng joining our tribe."

Pei Ji chuckled, and patted Daniel's arm: "I believe your father will agree, what do you think?"

Looking at Dad who was blinking at him, Daniel also smiled, and nodded firmly: "Yes, Dad will definitely agree."

Wei Changcheng was at a loss again, looking at this and that, although what they were talking about was his own life, but no matter what he heard, Wei Changcheng felt that there seemed to be something important that he didn't know, and finally Wei Changcheng Chang Cheng scratched his head irritably, what an annoying feeling!

Amidst Pei Ji's unusual enthusiasm, Daniel's weird gaze, and Wei Changcheng's restlessness, a tall figure finally walked into the cave.

The robust male who came in was holding a large piece of meat with blood and streaks on it. The male was about the same height as Daniel, his body was covered with muscles, and his facial expression was quite serious. As soon as Pei Ji saw the male, Regardless of Wei Changcheng, he got up and went to meet him.

"Jeffrey, look who's back?!"

Jeffrey's eyes fell on Daniel. He was not as enthusiastic as Pei Ji just saw Daniel, but his eyes were slightly softer. He nodded at Daniel, and then looked at Wei Changcheng. body.

Daniel said: "Father, this is my friend, his name is Wei Changcheng. I hope my father can allow him to join our eastern tribe."

Jeffrey's gaze was full of inquiry. Even if Daniel told Wei Changcheng's background, Jeffrey still couldn't completely relax. After all, he is the patriarch of the eastern tribe, so he should be careful in everything. In fact, it is not peaceful.

After a long time, Jeffrey opened his mouth: "Is Wei Changcheng right? Since you are my son's friend, I naturally believe in my son's vision. You can also stay in the eastern tribe."

"That's great." Wei Changcheng's heart was finally relieved. If the male named Jeffrey in front of him refused to allow him to enter the eastern tribe, he didn't know what to do.

"But before you officially enter the eastern tribe, you need to briefly introduce yourself." Jeffrey said to Wei Changcheng.

Wei Changcheng nodded, as he should, and organized his words in his mind: "My name is Wei Changcheng, a male, from the Kalu tribe, and my father and father are gone."

"Male?" Wei Changcheng had just finished speaking, but Pei Ji exclaimed, and turned his gaze to Daniel, only to find that Daniel also looked shocked. Jeffrey also frowned, male? But why didn't I smell any male scent from him?

"Well, male." Wei Changcheng nodded affirmatively, he can be sure of this, even if he doesn't know if it is Wei Changcheng, he is also very sure that he is a male! Must be male!

"Then what's your beast shape?" Jeffrey asked.

"..." Wei Changcheng was embarrassed, "It's like this, for some reason, I can't transform into a beast shape, so I don't know what my beast body is."

Jeffrey was silent for a while, and continued: "Males that cannot transform into beasts cannot participate in hunting, patrolling, and other activities, nor can they protect females, so they can only get very little food in the daily food distribution. I'll prepare it for you, do you have any comments?"

Wei Changcheng shook his head: "This is good, is there anything I need to pay attention to?"

"It's basically these." Jeffrey replied calmly, but there was pity in his eyes. A male who cannot transform into a beast will lose not only the right to eat, but also the right to reproduce. Presumably in his original In the tribe, life is also very difficult.

"Daniel, there is still a spare cave at the bottom of the mountain on the south side. Take Wei Changcheng to find one to settle down in." Jeffrey ordered.

The dazed Daniel was brought back to his senses by Jeffrey, and he reluctantly twitched the corner of his mouth: "Okay."

"Wait." Jeffrey divided part of the meat he brought back and handed it to Daniel, and said to Wei Changcheng, "From now on, you are part of the eastern tribe, and this is your dinner today. "

Daniel walked in front carrying the meat, and Wei Changcheng followed behind. Looking at Daniel who was walking in front of him who was unusually silent, Wei Changcheng was a little puzzled, what happened to Daniel?

Wei Changcheng poked Daniel in the back, took two quick steps and stood side by side with Daniel: "Daniel, what's wrong with you?"

"Ah?" Daniel looked at Wei Changcheng in a panic, and quickly looked away, "No, it's nothing."

Wei Changcheng frowned, but he didn't say anything, and followed Daniel silently.

"Here, it's here." Daniel pointed to a cave and said to Wei Changcheng.

Wei Changcheng looked inside, well, because of the darkness, he couldn't see anything.

"This is for you." Daniel stuffed the meat into Wei Changcheng's arms, "Well, I'll go back first."

Looking at the back of Daniel who was almost running away, Wei Changcheng frowned, shrugged his shoulders, and entered the cave with flesh.

This cave is bigger than the previous cave in the Karu tribe. According to Wei Changcheng's estimate, it is about 200 square meters. If there is such a big house in a big city, it will be a fortune. But here, there is as much land as you want, and only 200 square meters is still small.

The onion, ginger, and garlic brought back were also handed over to Wei Changcheng by Daniel. Wei Changcheng thought about staying with Daniel for a meal, making an iron plate or something for him to taste the onion, ginger, and garlic, but Seeing Daniel's appearance, Wei Changcheng didn't open his mouth, and he was too lazy to do it. In the end, Wei Changcheng just roasted meat, took out a few apples from the space, and wiped them casually. , I didn’t even wash it, I just stuffed it into my mouth and started chewing.

Isn't there a folk saying that if you don't clean up, you won't get sick if you eat it. In short, Wei Changcheng has implemented this goal and policy. After dinner, it was almost dark outside, Wei Changcheng patted his butt, got up and went to sleep. Well, the stone bed here doesn't even have any animal skins, but it's really cool!

Of course, there is a reason for Daniel's attitude. The reason is that Wei Changcheng said that he is a male.

From the first moment when he saw Wei Changcheng in a daze, Daniel never doubted Wei Changcheng's gender. In Daniel's view, Wei Changcheng was a pure female. He is thin, pale, has no masculine smell on his body, and always has a refreshing breath (that's because Wei Changcheng likes to take a bath very much). What is this kind of orc if it's not a female?

But Wei Changcheng himself said that he was a male, and Daniel had to believe it even if he didn't believe it anymore. However, this also explained everything that confused Daniel. For example, why is Wei Changcheng, who is thin and pale, taller than ordinary females? For example, although Wei Changcheng is the child of a beast, how could a female be rejected by the orcs of the Kalu tribe?

Yes, Daniel knew Wei Changcheng's identity as the son of You Beast. That was when his injury was almost healed and he was responsible for hunting. He passed by the river and heard what the female by the river said. But he doesn't care, he doesn't care what Wei Changcheng's identity is, he only knows that he wants to be with Wei Changcheng forever.

But now it's different from what he thought. He always thought that Wei Changcheng was a female, and they would have one or more orc babies in the future, he was the father, and Wei Changcheng was the father, but all this was completely disillusioned after knowing that Wei Changcheng was a male.

He was a little overwhelmed and didn't know what to do, so when facing Wei Changcheng, he ran away. He needs time to think about it, and think about what happened between him and Wei Changcheng, or their future.