MTL - I Heard That I Am a Scumbag, God of War Alpha-Chapter 3 elder brother

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It was a very tragic day for Qin Heyu.

Chi Tianyi broke up in the morning, because the reason for breaking up was too humiliating, he cried so badly that he couldn't even go to class.

It crashed until the afternoon, and the roommate was coming back soon. Qin Heyu shut himself up in tears, and didn't want to be seen by others in such a mess.

So my friend said, why don't we exchange dormitories these days.

Although everyone has a double room, my friend has always lived alone. His roommate should have rented a house outside and hadn't shown up all year round.

Qin Heyu was shamefully moved.

A private space where I can quietly lick my wounds and digest this failed first love like shit. This is simply luck among misfortunes.

Even if he was beaten to death, he would never have guessed that this roommate who never showed his face turned out to be Zhuang Yan...

If he had known that it was Zhuang Yan, Qin Heyu would rather run a hundred laps crying against the wind in the school playground, crying until he became dehydrated and exhausted, and would never move into this house!


Zhuang Yan entered the door, leaving the big and small bags aside. He dragged Chi Tianyi out of the blacklist on the spot to prove his innocence.

As soon as the phone was connected, Chi Tianyi's voice came out immediately: "Xiao Yan?"

Chi Tianyi was slapped in the face before to break up and block the combination package, but he is still a little confused now, not sure what attitude he should take towards Zhuang Yan.

Zhuang Yan glanced at Qin Heyu, who had red eyes, and said without emotion, "Chi Tianyi, I'm out of money."

Chi Tianyi:?

"Lend me one hundred thousand."

Chi Tianyi: "Wait, you mean, you want to borrow one hundred thousand yuan from me?"

Zhuang Yan hummed.

Chi Tianyi sounded anxious: "Did your family cut off your living expenses? Zhuang Yan, how much cash do you have left?"

Before Zhuang Yan's life was stolen, he never lied. But these years, watching the counterfeit gossip, I have been fascinated, and I have learned some useless knowledge.

"There's only about one hundred yuan left." He said, "Chi Tianyi, the gift I gave you before was worth more than two hundred thousand. You don't need to pay it back now, do you want to borrow it?"

Chi Tianyi was silent for two or three seconds.

Zhuang Yan is not in a hurry. With his excellent memory, he recited the list of gifts given by the counterfeit. Limited edition shoes, a game gift box with supreme luxury packaging, three latest-generation optical computers, and a brand-name mountain suspension vehicle.

The poor boy Qin Heyu was so surprised that he stopped crying, and his eyes gradually filled with pity when he turned to Zhuang Yan...

After listening, Chi Tianyi said: "Zhuang Yan, when you first fell in love, you fell in love with me. Now that we have broken up, I hope you will be more rational."

Zhuang Yan asked him bluntly: "Chi Tianyi, just tell me the truth. Back then, you wanted to date me, did you think I was rich and stupid?"


"I have no money now, what are you going to do?"

Chi Tianyi was as quiet as a chicken, perhaps he was measuring how much surplus value the Zhuang Yan had to extract. Zhuang Yan simply hung up the phone and told Chi Tianyi to go back to his blacklist.

Then he turned his head and opened a tinned cake, and handed the small spoon to Qin Heyu: "Try it?"

Qin Heyu: "...Aren't you sad?"

Zhuang Yan asked back: "Is he worthy?"

The answer, of course, is no.

Seeing that he only lost time and affection, but Zhuang Yan directly threw in 200,000 yuan, Qin Heyu couldn't help but feel a little bit of comfort.

Crying is actually a very physical and energy-consuming thing.

And the cake smells really tempting.

Qin Heyu took the spoon in a low voice, and said to himself, I'll just have a little taste, just one bite!

...It smells so good.

With the second spoon, he raised his head and tearfully said to Zhuang Yan, "I'll treat you to dinner tomorrow."

Zhuang Yan opened another cake for himself, and smiled with crooked eyes: "Okay."

After eating the cake in silence for a while, the two victims who overturned on the same scumbag unexpectedly reached a tacit understanding.

Qin Heyu glanced at the mango on Zhuang Yan's cake, Zhuang Yan immediately understood, and handed it to Qin Heyu: "Help me eat some."

Cannibal's mouth was soft, Qin Heyu thanked awkwardly, and exchanged his red cherries for Zhuang Yan. After a while, he asked:

"What are you going to do with your two hundred thousand?"

Zhuang Yan thought for a while: "It depends on the situation, if it really doesn't work, just treat it as feeding the dog."

Two hundred thousand, feed the dog. The poor boy once again cast complicated eyes on Zhuang Yan.

"What about you?" Zhuang Yan asked.

Speaking of this, Qin Heyu suddenly became depressed.

Because it was my first major assignment in college and I was collaborating with my boyfriend and his boyfriend's friends. Chi Tianyi's group must be unreliable. Qin Heyu has been busy alone for a long time, and even stayed up for several days and nights to calculate data and render models.

Now that everything is done, all the process and design drafts are handed over to Chi Tianyi. Qin Heyu was very confident and earned first place in his group.

Who would have thought that Chi Tianyi would break up at this point!

Qin Heyu now has only two options left—

1. Open it directly, and report to the professor that Chi Tianyi plagiarized his work. But it was very difficult, because Chi Tianyi had already copied the complete process and data into his own optical brain.

2. Swallow your breath and give feedback to the school privately after the results are available. But there are many nights and dreams, maybe there will be no further feedback after feedback.

Choosing one or the other has its own disadvantages. Qin Heyu talked to Zhuang Yan, and the more he talked, the more frustrated he became.

After Zhuang Yan ate the cake, he listened carefully, then lowered his head and began to think.

Under the light, Zhuang Yan's skin was as delicate as white porcelain, and his eyelashes trembled slightly. Qin Heyu glanced over and lost his mind.

Before that, he didn't know that Chi Tianyi was actually a scumbag who cheated on both sides. He thought that Zhuang Yan was the third party that Chi Tianyi forcibly entangled. He hated it so much.

But even when he hated Zhuang Yan the most, Qin Heyu had to admit that this Omega was really pretty.

Zhuang Yan raised his face, the amber pupils were illuminated by light. He said, "Qin Heyu, why don't you just choose one and report Chi Tianyi directly."

Qin Heyu hesitated.

Zhuang Yan added: "There are three days left for this assignment, and I happen to have no team members, how about we cooperate?"

Qin Heyu:?

It's not that he doesn't believe it. Isn't Zhuang Yan a well-known scumbag bought by money?

"…Do you know?"

Zhuang Yan's eyes are bright: "I already have a preliminary idea. After I rest, I'll make a prototype first. You can take a look. Don't worry, I'm not a waste like Chi Tianyi."

"…"real or fake.

"With him, you have the confidence to take the first place. Now if I change to me, I will definitely be able to make a more perfect work. How about it, Qin Heyu?"

A high-spirited Omega boy, beautiful and confident.

Qin Heyu was stunned for a moment, and agreed in a mysterious way: "Okay, okay..."


Just after dealing with the counterattack of the remaining forces of a group of rebels, Chen E returned to the gate of the base. The light brain brushed the iris of the right eye, half a second later, the mechanical female voice said:

"The identity has been confirmed, welcome back, Senior Colonel Chen E."

The first iron gate slowly opened to both sides, and Chen E walked in.

The blue combat uniform was already dirty, and there were groups of darker marks fainted by blood. The roots of the military boots were covered with brown mud, and the sound of stepping on the ground was dull.

Arriving at the second disinfection door, Alpha looked up.

The light flickered slightly, and a pair of huge wings stretched out from behind Chen E.

In a small space of a few square meters, the light is dim. One can only vaguely see the metallic luster flowing on the right half of the wing, and the blade-like feathers drooping downward.

Thorough disinfection takes at least ten minutes.

The murderous anger in Chen E's eyebrows gradually subsided. Until the rest of the body was cleaned up, he folded his wings, opened the side door and walked into the dressing room.

Heavy weapons cannot be brought inside the base, so he only left a wooden warehouse and put it in a leather case.

In the pocket of the original clothes, there was also a very thin silver-white necklace.

Chen E's movements were slightly sluggish, his eyelashes drooping, and he firmly held the necklace in his palm.

Walking into the meeting room, the time is just right. The Central Military Headquarters has established a video link, and Chen E clicked to accept it.

Before being transferred back to the central star, as usual, it has to undergo several more inspections and evaluations. Chen E's tone was cold and tired, and he reported the situation on the border recently.

The rebels have been beaten almost helplessly. No matter who is arranged to take over, he can easily control the situation.

After a brief silence, the inspector on the other side of the screen changed the subject: "Senior Colonel Chen E, the Central Military Inspection Office still has some doubts."

Chen E raised his eyes.

In most cases, it's nothing more than some old tunes. Through various questions and scales, evaluate whether Chen E, a cold-blooded Shura-like killing **** on the border, can adapt to life on the central star.

The censor likes to question him about always choosing the most radical and inhumane way of combat strategy.

I often suspect that his mental state is still unstable, and his temperament is extreme and vicious.

When Chen E was annoyed by the question before, he chuckled lightly. He leaned back in his chair and said coldly: "Inspector, this is a local war. If we don't kill the enemy first, is it possible that we have to wait for them to come over and kill us?"

However, unexpectedly, the other party did not mention these things again today. The examiner said: "I received a report that three days ago, you took an emergency leave and returned to Central Star."

"There is only mopping up work left to encircle and suppress the rebels, and the battle plan has already been determined. I need to resolve the susceptibility period before the war, so I rushed back to the central star overnight."

"Who are you looking for?"

Chen E's tone became cold: "Zhuang Yan."

"What is his relationship with you?"

After half a second of silence, Chen E raised his eyes.

"Zhuang Yan," he snorted, placing the emphasis on the second half of the sentence, "it's my Omega."

Central star, conference room. Hearing these words, Zhuang Jin's face turned black with anger, and he almost couldn't hold his brain.

After the meeting, he smoked a cigarette on the terrace in a dull mood. Hearing footsteps behind him, Zhuang Jin turned his head and saw his friend Shang Yu walking towards him.

"I want to vote against it," Zhuang Jin bit his cigarette and said viciously, "Chen E will be transferred back soon, right? I must **** vote against it."

Shang Yu comforted him: "Old General Xie tried his best to overcome all opinions, the matter has been settled, and it is useless for you to object."

Zhuang Jin laughed angrily: "It's not a question of whether it's useful or not, it's a question of attitude. You heard it just now, right? Chen E went back to the central star. He went to my brother directly and stayed in the same room for four hours!"

Shang Yu: "..."

Of course Shang Yu understands the virtues of Zhuang Jin's younger brother.

"He started killing people as soon as he returned to the border. We have seen the video. The entire squadron of the rebel army and the Intelligence Bureau have no chance to ask for a living. They are all dead, and there is no one left."

Zhuang Jin let out a breath, and looked at Shang Yu: "When Chen E comes back, if he can see my brother every day, my brother is such a jerk."

Shang Yu returned a relieved look.

Zhuang Jin: "Now I have nightmares at night, always dreaming about the future of these two people. Every Monday, Wednesday, Friday, I go to the social news, and on February, 46, I go to the military court. Fighting in the street on weekends is perfect, but it is very lively."

"...Maybe, it's not like that."

Zhuang Jin snorted through his nose and took a deep puff of cigarette.

Shang Yu also took out a cigarette, lit it, and tried to find a topic: "You still care about your brother."

Zhuang Jin paused, as if erecting a thorn on his back, and asked in a drawn-out tone, "I care about him?"

"..." Isn't there?

"I'm caring about myself! Zhuang Yan, that little bastard, I almost lost my life because of meddling his mess with other people."

Facing Shang Yu's gaze, Zhuang Yan pointed to his left chest:

"At that time, he provoked a Beta, who was crazy and wanted to kill, but I blocked it. Here, the laser burned directly through it, and it was two centimeters away from hurting the heart."

Shang Yu didn't know what to say, so he could only try to smooth things over: "Your brother is seven or eight years younger than you, isn't it? People sometimes don't understand. When you grow up, just talk about it."

Zhuang Jin: "Say it? You can't, unless—"

His eyes wandered for a moment, and Shang Yu turned his head. It was found that through a glass door, the interns in the room were fishing and watching TV dramas secretly.

In the center of the screen, a young man falls to his knees crying. With excellent eyesight, Shang Yu can even see the subtitles clearly—

"Brother, I'm really sorry for you."

"You have been wronged so much these years, and I haven't had time to repay you properly."

"Brother, brother, look at me, brother!"

Zhuang Jin sullenly said, "Well, unless Zhuang Yan is like this, crying and apologizing to me."

"..." Shang Yu turned around.

Zhuang Jin said: "Shouting brother sorry a few more times, I reluctantly considered releasing him from the blacklist."
