MTL - I [Imperial] Am This Type of Man-Chapter 151 Conquer double-sided doctors (1)

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"I am such a man" / Chunxi Di Xiao

Conquer double-sided doctors (1)

The body of the "son of the gods" is banned, and Ji Jinrong remembered everything almost when he left. Ji Jinrong thinks Wei Tingjun is particularly abominable, knowing that he doesn't remember and reminds him, only treats him tenderly and incomparably-which makes him feel guilty all the time, after all, he still guards that guy from time to time.

After tossing in this life, the two systems became more closely linked. After sending them into the new world, his system took Wei Tingjun's system to "upgrade" and "reform", determined to put "the stone of my home" "Always amnesia" bug fixed.

The system reminded Ji Jinrong and Wei Tingjun to choose a world of stability, otherwise it would be easy to have an accident without the system.

Ji Jinrong and Wei Tingjun both disagree, after all, they have not seen how much the system has helped them before. But after such a lifetime, they also wanted to rest, so they chose to choose, and chose a peaceful world that seemed to have no war.

In this new world, society looks very stable, and countless people live ordinary and peaceful lives ...

What's more, people in this era seem to be able to eat. At first glance of Ji Jinrong, Wei Tingjun naturally agreed, and the two set up the new world and sent the system to "factory modification".

They just didn't notice when entering the new world, the story line of this world is undergoing a huge deviation ...


Nourish ...

Nourish ... nourish ...

The harsh sound rang in Lu Xize's ear.

Lu Xize had a headache, and his consciousness was a bit vague. It took him a long time to think of who he was.

He faintly felt that this body was inconvenient, as if he did not belong to himself, and even those memories in his brain were hiding from Tibet to prevent him from remembering his identity.

At this moment, the door was opened, and bright light came in from the outside. Against the light, Lu Xize saw a tall figure.

The figure, dressed in white robes and glasses, looked so gentle, but the eyes hidden behind the glasses surprised Lu Xize.

This person is not easy!

Lu Xize was alert.

At the moment when his body was tense and nervous, the gate of memory was completely opened, and the memory was pouring out like a tide.

His name is Lu Xize, and he is a famous puppet. It seems to be a normal identity. In fact, the Lu family is a true family. When Lu Xize was born, it was a vision of heaven. The old house of Lu family was full of purple light, which seemed to be the posture of the emperor.

So after Lu Xize was born, he was spoiled by the Lu family and became a feared bully. Only the Lu family felt that "Ozawa is so cute" "I have been so hard to beat people since childhood" If you ca n’t beat it, it ’s great to use a trick. ”

The person in front of him was Xue Shuyang, who was Lu Xize's "conqueror."

The reason why Xue Shuyang would become Lu Xize's "conquest object" is because he did not care about Lu Xize as a young man since Xue Shuyang came to the Lu family.

Xue Shuyang is a refining pharmacist, and Lu Fu spent a lot of money begging him to come back to sit in town. The existence of such a refining pharmacist will greatly help the improvement of the strength of the family. Really please don't come back to Xue Shuyang.

So even Father Lu has respect for Xue Shuyang.

Although he is reluctant to let the baby son converge, and puts down his temper to get along well with Xue Shuyang, when Lu Xize is too troublesome, Father Lu will still reprimand him.

When did Lu Xize hear the rebuke?

The more Lu Father said about him, the more he became more violent, and it was necessary for Xue Shuyang to bow down at his feet.

In short, it's a "good, you got my attention" "man, you're playing with fire" story.

This time it was not Lu Xize.

The children of the Xiuzhen family, like ordinary people, will go to "secular" schools to study. Lu Xize is still a high school student, sixteen years old, is a sophomore, and he is a school dominator. This time he was sent home while lying down, because he and others were racing on the mountain road and accidentally rushed out of the curve. If there was no spiritual protection, a car would be destroyed. Lu Xize then remembered the thrills at that time, and was afraid after a while. He looked at Xue Shuyang and did not avoid Xue Shuyang's hidden cold eyes. This person is a doctor in the "Mundane" and a western doctor, who likes the kind of moving knife. It ’s a bit of an incredible thing for the practitioners to rescue the wounded. For some reason, Lu Xize felt that his heart was peaceful, and he was no longer proud and proud as before. Even when he saw Xue Shuyang, who was provocative in the past, Lu Xize also felt that this person was good except that he was colder and more dangerous.

Lu Xize said, "Dr. Xue, please trouble you."

Xue Shuyang was slightly surprised.

Xue Shuyang's surprised eyes made Lu Xize a little funny.

Is his temper so bad? Too bad to be polite? In the blink of an eye, Lu Xize found a good reason for his change: "I almost died once, and I thought about a lot of things, and I won't deliberately trouble you in the future."

In the face of Xue Shuyang, Lu Xize remembered a lot of things. For example, he always loved to interfere during Xue Shuyang's refining, which caused Xue Shuyang to waste a furnace of new elixir—as a standard puppet, a standard prodigal, Lu Xize I don't feel bad about how much my own material is wasted.

For another example, he would find someone to go to the "secular" hospital and smash Xue Shuyang's place-of course, it was easily resolved by Xue Shuyang in the end. There were even a few people who completely turned the corner and sold him clean.

In short, he was offended by Xue Shuyang.

Don't say that he can't be "People Emperor", what about he is really "People Emperor"? Emperors in this era are all things in feudal society. Who would listen to the "emperor"? Without strength and power, it will make your emperor's son useless.

Lu Xize thought about Lu Shu's attitude towards Xue Shuyang, and he was not very at ease. He was telling the truth. He almost died once. He found that his thinking was much clearer, at least the "Lao Tzu world first" and "Lao Tzu universe invincible" thought.

Now, just hope that a character like Xue Shuyang does not care about himself?

Thinking of this, Lu Xize lay back on the bed "weakly", his illness was unhealed, his face was indeed pale and pale, and he looked pitiful. He felt it carefully, his ribs seemed to be broken, and his hands and feet were broken. He didn't notice that it was okay. He noticed that he was really hurting all the time, and even sweaty beans burst from his brow.

Lu Xize looked pitifully at Xue Shuyang: "Dr. Xue, I hurt, it hurts, and my body hurts. Am I still dying?"

The coldness on Xue Shuyang's face was less. He said, "No."

Xue Shuyang's voice was low and natural magnetism. He could hear Lu Xize's small heart beat fast. This person must have a lot of admirers, right? Look at the face, look at the figure, look at the voice. If you don't think this person is too dangerous, Lu Xize might like it.

Lu Xize put on a look of fear: "That's good, that's good."

Xue Shuyang's eyes glanced lightly from his face, and he could not see any emotion.

Lu Xize's heart beats like a drum. I don't know why, he always felt that this guy saw everything in front of him, but he just didn't write "I know you're a demon but I don't bother you" on his face.

... It's so annoying.

Lu Xize understands why "self" always looks for Xue Shuyang.

This guy is really annoying.

Lu Xize said, "You want to check me again?"

Xue Shuyang nodded, stepped forward, and unbuttoned Lu Xize's clothes. When touched by Xue Shuyang, Lu Xize was shocked and felt like an electric shock. He glared at Xue Shuyang: "You have to take off your clothes during the inspection?"

Xue Shuyang said concisely: "Chest and upper arm." He meant that Lu Xize's injuries were in these two places.

Lu Xize's mouth was cheap: "And thighs and thigh roots."

Xue Shuyang said, "Yes." He stripped Lu Xize's upper body and gently pressed the rib that landed on Xize.

It was clear that Xue Shuyang didn't use much strength, and Lu Xize only felt terrible pain, and his tears were about to burst. He was numb all over, and cried a little, "Are you alright? It really hurts."

Xue Shuyang did not comfort himself for a while, and continued to "check" other injuries on his upper body.

After checking the upper body, Xue Shuyang pulled the quilt on Lu Xize's legs and untied Lu Xize's pants.

Lu Xize: "..."

Lu Xize subconsciously reached out and held down the half-zipped zip.

Xue Shuyang still cherishes the words: "Check."

Lu Xize: ..._ (: 3 "∠) _