MTL - I [Imperial] Am This Type of Man-Chapter 20 Conquer the Grassroots King (XX)

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Ji Jinrong is inexplicable.

The son of King Yan was soon brought in. He was a fourteen-year-old boy and he was stronger than Ji Jinrong. His eyes were a bit fierce, like a wolf cub, and his fierce gaze could almost bite.

Obviously the facial features are not very similar, but Ji Jinrong recognized them all at once.

The look, the look, looked like his nephew pushed into the water.

Ji Jinrong said to the black cavalry cavalry who had captured the son of King Yan: "Let go."

The two didn't hesitate, and let go of their orders. The boy was struggling hard, but stopped when he heard Ji Jinrong's voice. The boy looked up boldly and looked at Ji Jinrong sitting at the table.

At a glance, it seemed like he had lost the soul, and could not return to God for a long time.

Ji Jinrong asked: "Are you hungry?"

The teenager swallowed. He stayed in the city for two more days before leaving the city in the crowd. I didn't expect to run into the hand of Zhennan King Nashaxing just after leaving the city.

These two days the teenager was afraid of being found, where would he dare to buy food. I didn't feel it when I was struggling just now. Now I don't have to struggle, and I feel cold and hungry. Seeing King Zhennan sitting on one side, he gritted his teeth and said, "Not hungry!"

Ji Jinrong said "Oh" and never invited again. He laughed: "Why out of town?"

The boy pursed his lips and stared at Ji Jinrong. Ji Jinrong is obviously a person of pride and honor, with thin skin-whitening-fair skin, and the facial features are even more beautiful-as long as he smiles and looks at you, you will be unconscious if you are not careful!

The teenager was afraid of falling into the hands of King Zhennan again and told the truth to Ji Jinrong: "I want to save my sister."

Ji Jinrong didn't speak, looking at the boy quietly, which meant that the boy would continue to talk down.

The teenager had to tell the truth together. Although he and his sister were from the princess, Wang Yan favored him. After the death of their mother, they loved him and his brother and sister. This time his sister was so ill that even the elder doctor was helpless (or didn't want to care at all). He heard that a psychiatrist was settled in Ping'an County, and he was going to quietly invite the psychiatrist back.

Ji Jinrong finished listening and looked towards Zhennan King.

King Zhennan said, "Your Majesty is assured that the minister has ordered someone to invite the divine doctor to Yanwang's palace."

Ji Jinrong nodded.

The teenager noticed the tacit understanding between Ji Jinrong and King Zhennan, and was a little shocked. He knelt straight on the ground without getting up: "Thank you Your Majesty."

Ji Jinrong said, "Get up." He didn't embarrass the half-big boy and asked the store to give him another meal.

The teenager was flattered.

Seeing that Han Shizhi and Long Sun Meng were both sitting aside, he sat down stunned.

For some reason, King Zhennan felt very dangerous and terrible, but Ji Jinrong was completely different. Ji Jinrong always reveals closeness, transparency and joy, like, like, just like a fairy character only in a dream. The boy peeped at Ji Jinrong cautiously, and his heart became inexplicably stable.

Ji Jinrong looked at the boy brightly and rightly, and waited for him to devour braised meat and bacon before he asked, "Name?"

The teenager ate Ji Jinrong's stuff, and he was not good enough to remain cold, and answered honestly, "Xiao Xuanwei."

Ji Jinrong's heart jumped. He said, "Your father took it?"

The boy squeezed his lips tightly, and the coyote stared stubbornly at Ji Jinrong.

After a while, he said, "I took it myself." King Yan simply ignored the brothers and sisters. If his mother did not protect them, they would not be able to get the royal jade. When his mother thought of a name for him, he mentioned the word "Xuanwei".

Ji Jinrong knew a little what happened to the teenager, and felt a little distressed.

He wanted to ask the teenager why he chose the word "Xuanwei", but he was afraid that the greater the expectations, the greater the disappointment.

This is just a coincidence. These two words are not partial, and it is impossible to think of one when naming them.

However, the young man was not close to his biological father, and it was useful to teach him around. With this in mind, Ji Jinrong said, "You and I are in the palace," seeing the young man to object, Ji Jinrong added, "Bring your sister."

The boy was overjoyed, "Is it really possible?" He didn't want Ronghua to be rich and rich, he just wanted to take his sister to live well. Ji Jinrong means that from now on he can take his sister to live in the palace-although I do not know why Ji Jinrong did this, he has an inexplicable trust in Ji Jinrong!

Ji Jinrong nodded.

Zhennan King frowned.

Ji Jinrong said, "Let's go."

A group went to Yanwang Mansion.

Ji Jinrong didn't plan to explain anything to Yan Wang, so he left. Xiao Xuanwei's sister is still very young, hiding behind Xiao Xuanwei timidly to peep at Ji Jinrong. Ji Jinrong didn't talk to them immediately, but let people set them up, and then instructed Han Shizhi to find a good teacher for Xiao Xuanwei, and he had to be talented and able to control the wolf cub.

Before he turned to Changsun Meng, Changsun Meng already knew: "Your Majesty, rest assured, I will find someone to teach Shizi to practice martial arts!"

Ji Jinrong smiled with satisfaction and asked them to do their work.

As soon as Chang Meng and Han Shizhi left, Zhennan King came. King Jinnan saw that Ji Jinrong was not alone, and I wondered if he should be happy. He shouted, "Your Majesty."

Ji Jinrong said, "Is that the child, Xuan Wei?"

King Jinnan said, "I don't know."

Ji Jin glorified King Zhennan. He did not believe that King Zhennan did not know the name "Xiao Xuanwei" until then.

King Jinnan said, "Your Majesty, the minister did have seen Yuxi and knew the existence of Xiao Xuanwei. But before he agreed with His Majesty, the Chen did not want to let him appear under His Majesty, nor did he want to check whether he was The guy who made His Majesty sad. "He reached out and wrapped Ji Jinrong's palm," Chen didn't want anyone else to take his Majesty's attention. "

Zhennan King was righteous, Ji Jinrong could not blame him.

He will not be generous enough to let others occupy his partner for too long.

Ji Jinrong only said, "Let's see some time."

King Zhennan nodded. The presence of Xiao Xuanwei also counts Ji Jinrong's regrets. At that time, Ji Jinrong would pass the throne to him, wasn't it because of the death of that baby that he was cold to the royal family? Now that there is such a baby, they can retreat when they have tasted the delicious food here!

As for the so-called "mission", it can't be simpler.

Ji Jinrong intends to change the country name to "Zhou" after playing Turkic and selecting Chu Jun. It is not only a celebration for "Unification of the World", but also a "task". At that time, the tasks on both sides are completed, and they can choose a new world at any time! It was just that he used to violently destroy the old world and directly enter the new world. I wonder if it would be different to complete the task "step by step".

Zhennan Wang faintly worried.

Ji Jinrong, however, planned the next thing in an orderly manner.

By the way, "look" Xiao Xuanwei.

This "look", I saw more than March.

In the blink of an eye, it was the end of spring, the spring was plowed, and there was no problem in the middle of the North. The king of Zhennan ordered someone to hold a "food festival". This food festival brought together famous chefs from the north and the south of the river, and merchant ships docked at the Jingshui Pier, bringing in fresh produce from the river. The Central Plains has always been a country that eats and eats, and in order to win booths at the Food Festival, various cooking skills are displayed. The variety of tricks makes the Turkic people, color eyes people, and Western people staying in Beijing all dizzy !!

Xiao Xuanwei Mu faced defense around the food festival venue.

At first he was "entrusted with a heavy responsibility" by King Zhennan. Xiao Xuanwei refused. Later, after seeing Ji Jinrong's bright eyes, Xiao Xuanwei silently compromised. Their Majesty doesn't like anything, they just like to eat it, can't they satisfy their little appetite?

Xiao Xuanwei meticulously arranged everything and returned to Ji Jinrong in the palace.

The security guard saw Xiao Xuanwei, and there was no pass, so he opened the way for him to enter.

Xiao Xuanwei didn't know why Ji Jinrong trusted and treated him like this, but he was very moved. Wait for him, wait for him to prepare, maybe you can call Ji Jinrong and say "five uncles"-

Xiao Xuanwei himself felt strange, obviously Ji Jinrong was about the same age as him, but he had an unspeakable admiration for Ji Jinrong. If he had not identified only that "five uncle" in his mind, he would have shouted out!

In fact, this is something that Xiao Xuanwei couldn't understand.

Why does he want to be close when he sees Ji Jinrong?

Is it because Ji Jinrong is also ranked fifth? Or is it because Ji Jinrong's eyebrows are similar to "that person"?

I was thinking that the Imperial Study was near. Xiao Xuanwei knew that Zhennan King must be in there too, and he couldn't help but lighten his feet and approached quietly, wanting to hear what Zhennan King and Ji Jinrong talked in private.

Near the study, his ears were raised, Xiao Xuanwei held his breath and listened.

King Zhennan is fiddleting with the flag on the sand table.

As he started, he said, "In that year Turkic had been divided into three, Turk's two sons, and the Flying Eagles and his sons. His Majesty's vision was so ambitious, this flying eagle and his young son were really ambitious, accounting for two fifths in just six months Grassland. "

Ji Jinrong frowned slightly, not as optimistic as Zhennan Wang. He said, "It's not a good thing to get out of the box."

King Zhennan said: "When this tiger can hurt people, the wolf cubs that His Majesty taught him have grown up, and they just use them to practice their hands."

Ji Jinrong shouted, "Stone."

The king of Zhennan closed his mouth and looked at Ji Jinrong.

Ji Jinrong said, "Don't belittle others." He looked at King Zhennan. "In this world, there will always be-never, no shortage of smart people."

Seeing Ji Jinrong's seriousness, the king of Zhennan felt extraordinarily cute.

He was about to reconcile, but he heard the light crying outside. The crying man seemed to be suppressing his sadness, and did not want to be heard by the people in the room.

King Zhennan's ears are very good. How could the somber weeping be hidden from his ears?

Only Xiao Xuanwei was able to come outside the study room silently. The king of Zhennan did not have to guess that Xiao Xuanwei was outside!

Ji Jinrong also heard.

He looked at King Zhennan, walked to the door, and opened the study door.

Xiao Xuanwei did not hide.

He looked at Ji Jinrong with tears.

He heard it! He heard Ji Jinrong calling Zhennan King "Stone"! He heard the familiar and tacit conversation between them, just like the two in the "dream"!

Ji Jinrong did not avoid Xiao Xuanwei's eyes.

Over the past few months, Ji Jinrong has become more and more affirming her guess.

At first, only this name was the same; then later, they found that Xiao Xuanwei, who had never been taught, had a rare talent for training; there was also a preference for diet, and actions and habits on weekdays-

Comparing them all the same, there are actually eight to nine points.

Ji Jinrong hasn't figured out how to speak with Xiao Xuanwei.

If he could see that little baby again, he would be happy. Is it really possible that this good thing will happen? In the thousands of worlds, can they meet again in different time and space and in different times? If "God" is really so kind--

Then he is willing to give back its equal goodwill.

Ji Jinrong said, "Xuanwei."

Ji Jinrong hasn't called Xiao Xuanwei like this in the past few months, but this sound is totally different to Xiao Xuanwei. He couldn't hold back the joy that was about to overflow. He stepped forward and knelt on the ground. He hugged Ji Jinrong vigorously: "Five uncles!"

Zhennan King: "..."

Zhennan Wang silently stunned Xiao Xuanwei.

——Throw it out the door.


The door was forced to close.

Xiao Xuanwei: "..."