MTL - I [Imperial] Am This Type of Man-Chapter 69 Chief Minister of Conquest (4)

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After lunch, Ji Jinrong, a part-time chef, was basically free.

He was allowed to play in the leisure area of ​​the A-government.

In addition to Mesa Sa, Ji Jinrong also has a small follower behind her.


For the sake of the cuteness of the two little loli, Ji Jinrong did not dislike them.

Kococo lives here these days. He is more familiar with Ji Jinrong and Mesa than here, and took them to the leisure area.

At the same time, Minister Kou received Ji Jinrong's information. Judging from the data, Ji Jinrong's past is not very special, he is a very ordinary and relatively smart e-resident. The e-zone is not particularly backward or prosperous. It belongs to the middle and middle area and is not very eye-catching.

Minister Kou has no other relatives. He loves Kou Keco's sister most, so he looked at Ji Jinrong's information for a long time and did not want to miss any possible problems.

He had a hunch that Ji Jinrong was wrong.

Ji Jinrong was wrong with him.

If it was just an ordinary e-zone civilian, it would be impossible to meet him so easily.

Minister Kou signaled the assistant to come over and instructed the assistant to investigate something.

Soon, the assistant drove the car that Ji Jinrong and Meike Ke drove to when they arrived, the hotel that they settled in these days, and so on. Although he knew that Minister Kou was the supreme leader of District A government, the assistant could not help reminding him: "Minister, you are infringing on others ** and breaking the law."

Minister Kou didn't reply and picked up the documents from the assistant investigation. After watching it, he looked up at the assistant who was still aside.

Seeing what the assistant wanted to tell him intently, Minister Kou stood up and put the documents into the shredder aside. He watched the paper slowly turn into a homogenate and was pressed into a brand new white paper again, with a slight smile on his lips: "It's you who breaks the law, not me."

assistant Manager:"……"

He felt helpless and wanted to cry in the toilet.

Minister Kou ignored the sorrowful assistant and re-entered the day's work.

Judging from Ji Jinrong's confidence in spending money without blinking, he is not like an ordinary civilian. His looks, his demeanor, and his culinary skills are not educated by the civilian family.

The little chef must come with some purpose.

If it was normal, Minister Kou would surely fire such a suspicious character-but this time he did not want to do so inexplicably.

Minister Kou couldn't find out why this idea came about.

Minister Kou rarely has such "emotions". Even his own sister is not too close. It is precisely because he is rarely disturbed by feelings that he can decisively reach the top in the government-government struggle for power.

Now he has almost reached the pinnacle of power.

But he never considered "affections".

From the time he accepted his marriage with the emperor, he was destined to be out of love.

In the past, Minister Kou didn't care much about this. After all, he never thought he would fall in love with someone. In this case, taking the "marriage" that you don't need to win the power you want, it seems to be a stable business that does not lose money.

So Minister Kou accepted the match.

This meant that he accepted the fact that his partner would be an unawakened person.

Have a living, talking and walking lover?

At noon, the good-looking face flashed in the head of Minister Kou, but he was finally suppressed by him.

There are many "admirers" who have appeared next to him over the years, and he has never considered it.

Crossing the river to remove the bridge has done too much, and no one would be willing to serve him as a bridge again.

Minister Kou suppressed the trace of throbbing and shaking in his heart.

He removed Ji Jinrong's information from his light brain.

No matter what Ji Jinrong's purpose is, as long as he doesn't give this guy a chance, this guy can't set off any storm.

District A-The government has always kept a lot of spies from all over the world, and what a little chef is.


Ji Jinrong is very interested in two things of this era.

One is music and the other is medicine.

Medicine has been groping in the first few worlds. The medical system of this era is very developed, and there are many virtual tutorials in the light brain-even a complete clinical simulation system, so that the owner of the light brain can It studies various known clinical cases and tries to prescribe medicine or surgery for patients!

Ji Jinrong can apply for a lot of courses after receiving a passing certificate, and even in his free time, he can study in the light brain.

Ji Jinrong has determined that Minister Kou is Wei Tingjun.

Appearance can change, personality can change, but Wei Tingjun never feels the same. After experiencing four worlds, he found that as soon as he saw someone, he could judge whether the other party was Wei Tingjun.

Maybe just like Wei Tingjun will remember everything after falling in love with him again, when he really falls in love with Wei Tingjun, he can recognize Wei Tingjun as soon as possible.

Ji Jinrong is not in a hurry to "pursue" Minister Kou.

Minister Kou in this world is different from the previous world.

In the previous world, although he and Wei Tingjun have different positions, what Wei Tingjun wants to do is just to make the demons disappear from the world. His pursuit of strength and power is actually not high.

Minister Kou of this world, Ji Jinrong can't see what he wants to do.

You need to understand it first.

Before that, he used the light brain to enrich himself.

After completing an operation in the clinical simulation system, Ji Jinrong stretched his waist and submitted the results to earn credits. The higher the credits, the higher the degree of openness of the system. Ji Jinrong actively devotes himself to the work of scoring and wants to learn more sophisticated and advanced surgical techniques!

With her cocoa partner, Mesasha became more cheerful than before. After getting familiar with it, Kou Coco's nature gradually revealed, and the soft and sweet Mesa was only obedient in her presence!

Kou Keke likes Ji Jinrong very much, very envious that Mesa Sa can have Ji Jinrong as an elder brother, so when she is free, she will be Ji Jinrong's follower with Mesa Sa.

Thanks to Kou Coco's privileges, Ji Jinrong has the right to enter many places. After knowing that Ji Jinrong was interested in the piano, Kou Coco enthusiastically took Ji Jinrong to the music hall and practiced Ji Jinrong with the piano prepared by her for her: "This was ordered by my brother from the Dawn Federation. There is only one The stage! "

Ji Jinrong put her hand on the piano and said to Kou Coco, "Your brother hurts you."

When referring to this, Kou Keco felt aggrieved again: "If my brother really hurts me, he should help me to dissolve the marriage contract! He is the chief minister, and the empire listens to him. Why ca n’t he dismiss that absurd marriage contract ... "

Ji Jinrong reached out and kneaded Kou Coco's hair: "The greater the power, the greater the responsibility. The higher you stand, the more people look at you. Like a star, there are countless pairs of eyes staring at all times-no matter how small Things are done by them, and they will be magnified by one hundred and one thousand times to analyze and blame. "

Kou Coco understood it.

In this era, what you want to learn and what you want to do are very simple, but because they are very simple, it is easy to make people feel confused and slack. Kou Coco had everything she wanted from a young age. She never experienced any setbacks. In her eyes, her brother is omnipotent, and she did not let her suffer any hardship even when they were the poorest.

So Koko has been aggrieved.

Why do you love your brother so much that you just don't want to help yourself to dissolve the dregs?

Is her brother under great pressure?

Kococo never thought about it.

Ji Jinrong saw that Kou Coco listened to his words, and continued to follow the temptation: "Your brother is usually not interested in all entertainment activities, right?"

Kou Coco nodded.

Ji Jinrong said, "Even in front of you, he will not say too much, and he will not laugh like everyone else."

Kou Keke said, "Yes, my brother always froze with a face, and said very little." The more she said, the more angry she was. "He said the most cursing words! I have never seen him smile happily once!"

Ji Jinrong said, "So, your brother usually has a hard time." He said firmly, "He is standing too high, no one can accompany him, and many people who approach him usually are unintentional— —And even your dearest sister has been making trouble with him. "

Kou Coco bowed his head in shame.

That's right, she never thought that her brother would have something he couldn't do, and sometimes he would feel tired-someone would also need to cheer him up and help him share.

Kou Keco's voice was dumb: "I was wrong, I shouldn't be like this." She grabbed Ji Jinrong's hand and asked Ji Jinrong for help. "Brother Ajin, what should I do!"

Ji Jinrong thinks this baby is really cute and cute.

He said: "Your brother, he doesn't need to sell your marriage to gain benefits, I think he should always think of a way to solve this. He hurts you so much, he must want to minimize the impact of this marriage contract on you -You're making too much noise and disrupting his plan. "

Coco is sad.

There is too little communication between her and her brother. After listening to Ji Jinrong's words, the more she thought about it, the more she felt that Ji Jinrong was right. The elder brother must have planned this way! It's just that the elder brother always likes to keep things in his heart and not say anything.

Coco was still at a loss: "What then?"

Ji Jinrong said, "It's easy to handle." His smile seemed to have a calming power. "On the one hand, you are his only sister, and he should be his closest person. You can't help in business, you can live in life. Li cares about him well, for example, he usually accompanies him to rest and relax, such as making a cup of tea and making a snack for him. Even if he doesn't say it, he will be very happy. "

Kou Keke kept it in his heart, nodded hard, and said vigorously: "Okay! I will learn to make snacks with you at noon!"

Ji Jinrong smiled: "Do you know what he likes to eat?"

Kococo suddenly collapsed: "I don't know ..."

Ji Jinrong said: "If you don't know, you can observe first or ask more. Your elder brother is a bit stuffy. Don't ask 'What do you like to eat?' I like crunchy "I like apples or strawberries", so that I can get specific answers. "

Koko's eyes lit up: "I see!"

Ji Jinrong went on to say, "On the other hand, since you want to break the engagement, you should put yourself on the side of the auspicious, rather than just messing around." If it has been previously evaluated as "huddle up", Kou Coco will be very angry, but Ji Jinrong said that she was not angry at all. She tried to ask for advice: "So how do you count as a reason?"

Ji Jinrong said: "It's very simple, to make yourself better and better, and to make that guy infamous, negative-face news. At that time, everyone will think that guy is not worthy of you-for the mud, everyone just thinks How can you continue to help them when they step on their feet? They are now completely determined that your brother must be trustworthy. In fact, they are untenable in law. There is no law in the empire that you must get married— —Even if you are married, you can file a divorce if one party is unbearable and your private life is rotten, let alone a marriage contract. "

Coco felt that it was becoming clear.

She clenched her fist: "Brother A Jin, you are right, I must not embarrass my brother! As long as I work hard and good enough, no one can force me to marry that stupid person!" She hugged Ji Jinrong vigorously, "A Jin Brother, you better be the smartest! "

Mesasha looked hot on the side.

Ji Jinrong smiled, beckoned to let Methasha come, and reached out to carry Methasha into her arms. He rubbed his head with one hand and said with a smile: "Girls like your age should be happy. Whoever makes you frown is a sinful thing."

Koko and Mesa Salgan were a little red.

They looked at Ji Jinrong's arms, released Ji Jinrong, and hugged each other. Although they knew each other soon, their fate was not shallow at all! For example, their names are superimposed! For example, they all particularly like Ji Jinrong!

Coco Coco pulled Ji Jinrong to sit down and sat next to Ji Jinrong himself, explaining some basic piano knowledge to Ji Jinrong.

Ji Jinrong listened to Kou Keco's rhetoric and asked with a smile: "Have you studied it seriously?"

Kou Keke said, "Yeah! My brother let my brother Qingyuan teach me!" She seemed to remember something, her eyes suddenly flashed, "Brother Qingyuan is your brother's friend, have you heard that? Brother Qingyuan is very powerful , Can write songs, can play the piano, even the Dawn Federation is famous! "Dawn Federation is a well-known arts hometown, music, fine arts, painting and calligraphy have spread well in Dawn Federation.

Ji Jinrong smiled softly: "Heard, the songs he wrote are very good."

Kou Coco lowered his voice and said, "I want Brother Qingyuan to be a **** to me!"

Ji Jinrong didn't change her smile when she heard this, but Meshasha exploded: "How can this be!"

Koko didn't know why his new friend was suddenly so angry.

She argued reasonably: "Why not! Is my brother to be a guy who will never wake up forever!"

Mesasha wanted to refute a few words, but was stopped by Ji Jinrong.

Ji Jinrong said, "Sasa, Coco, she's right."

Mei Sasha listened to Ji Jinrong the most, but she was still not reconciled: "Will your Majesty also find someone else after waking up!"

Kococo was a little stuffy. She thought for a long time before saying, "If he can wake up, of course he can." But everyone said that Her Majesty could not wake up.

Ji Jinrong didn't want two good friends who had just met recently to quarrel about such a thing.

He put his hand on the keys: "I tried playing."

Koko and Mesasha's attention was suddenly turned away.

The sound of the piano quickly poured out from the fingertips of Ji Jinrong.

Ji Jinrong plays the famous "Sonata of Nature". The tunes are cheerful and lively. It sounds like a naughty elf traveling around the forest. Forests, springs, smoke, fields, and the sound of a piano spread like a scroll Right now.

Coco and Mesa were both stunned.

They waited until the sound of the piano stopped slowly, and then they looked back at Ji Jinrong sitting in front of the piano.

Kou could see Ye Qingyuan playing the piano. At that time, she thought Ye Qingyuan was an angel sent by heaven!

At that time she suddenly fell in love with the piano, pestering her brother to learn piano with Ye Qingyuan.

But Ji Jinrong and Ye Qingyuan are different.

Ye Qingyuan is beautiful and fragile, as if it is a dream that will break when touched. Ji Jinrong's feelings for Kou Coco are contradictory, tough and soft, calm and clear, just like the living elven in "Nature Sonata" has experienced everything in the world, and has become a world full of fireworks. Ordinary people appeared before them.

Kou Keco felt that Ye Qingyuan's favor was instantly washed away.

That was too thin, far less powerful than Ji Jinrong's impact on her.

Listening to Ye Qingyuan's playing the piano, she will feel very beautiful and listening to it; after listening to Ji Jinrong's playing, she felt a strong desire to understand everything behind the sound of the piano, and understand what kind of past Ji Jinrong has had- What kind of past allowed his piano sound to penetrate people's hearts and dance with his soul.

Kou Keco suddenly felt that all the languages ​​were too pale to speak for a while.

Methasha is not very interested in music and does not have the keen sense of Kou Coco. She just thought that her majesty was doing a great job: "Brother, you played so well!"

Ji Jinrong said with a smile: "In fact, I dared to play after practicing many times in my brain."

Kou Keco finally found his voice: "I want to put the video of Brother Jin you playing on the light wall of the room, and listen to it every night before going to bed!" She grabbed Ji Jinrong's hand, "Brother Jin, Will you teach me to play the piano? "

Ji Jinrong deliberately teased Kou Coco and said with a smile, "Did you not have your brother Qingyuan teach you?"

Kou Keke said, "Brother Qingyuan is going to a concert around the world, and he may not be back so soon."

Ji Jinrong was sad to pretend, and sighed, "I am a substitute."

Kou Keke was anxious: "I didn't mean that! Brother Jin, how could you be a substitute! I really like you!"

Ji Jinrong said "Oh" meaningfully and said with a smile: "Coco likes me?"

Kou Coco blushed: "I, I am not ..."

She was embarrassed and didn't know how to express her thoughts. She likes Ji Jinrong very much, but this kind of likeness is not the kind that girls like men, but she feels that Ji Jinrong can rely on, can trust, and will never harm herself and will always be nice to herself.

Ji Jinrong did not tease Kou Coco anymore.

He smiled softly: "I'm also a novice, let's play together."

Koko felt that his whole heart was bright.

She said firmly: "Okay! I will definitely become as powerful as Brother Ajin in the future!"

Three people talked about fun, lunch time is coming. Kou Keke followed Ji Jinrong and Me Sasha to the kitchen, gave Ji Jinrong a hand, and learned basic cooking skills.

In fact, she and Meshasha have nothing to do. Many things can be done by robots. At most, they stir and stir with the robots at the same time, watching Ji Jinrong make a variety of colors and flavors.


On the other side, Minister Kou is listening to his assistant's report on Kou's situation.

Since meeting Melissa, a new friend, "Heart Disease" has been cured again. Where can Kou Keke sit still? Run all day and night to Mesa Sa.

Together, Minister Kou also heard what the "little chef" was doing every day.

This little chef seems to really come to work seriously. The only people he contacts every day are the colleagues in the cafeteria and the staff in the various branches of the leisure area. Except for playing with Coco and Mesa, the little chef almost stayed in the apartment and did not go out, and had no interest in the flourishing area A.

So why did this little chef come to Area A?

Is it really just looking for a decent job?

When realizing that he actually took the time to think about the "little chef", Minister Kou snapped back.

The door was knocked at this time.

Minister Kou said, "Come in."

The next moment, a ghost in his head appeared before him.

Obviously, with the "little chef", Kou Coco and Mesasha came in, but Minister Kou only saw the "little chef" alone.

"Little Chef" adapts well here and looks more at ease than the first meeting. There was always a smile on that lip, as if there was something happening in his life that made him happy.

How can there be so much happiness.

Minister Kou looked back.

Kou Coco ran to him with a dinner plate, and laid it on the table like Xianbao said, "Brother, I churned the egg custard for lunch. You eat and see if it tastes good or not!" Just remember this dish that they loved when they were little, and she can learn quickly.

Minister Kou eagerly looked at her sister, and her heart was hit by something.

He and the younger sister are not usually close to each other. Most of the problems lie with him-he has too much work to do, and he is not good at communicating with a child of Kou Coco's age. The two don't even talk much Many, where can I get close?

Kococo was even scared of him, and he didn't even cry in front of him.

What changed Kococo?

Minister Kou's eyes fell on Ji Jinrong uncontrollably.

Ji Jinrong asked Mesa to put down Koko's meals and thoughtfully reserved space for them two brothers and sisters: "There are a lot of people who ordered us to cook today. Let's go back to work first."

This time, Minister Kou did not let Ji Jinrong watch.

Minister Kou ate in the eyes Kou Coco expected.

Seeing that Coco had been waiting for him to respond, Minister Kou ** said, "Hurry up and eat."

Koko didn't get a compliment and sat down aside to settle for lunch.

When she buried her head in frustration to eat, she suddenly heard Minister Kou said, "The custard tastes good."

Kococo felt he had never been so happy.

She flushed her eyes, lowered the cutlery in her hand and flung it tightly into her brother's arms, crying "wow".

Kou Coco choked and said, "Brother, I'm sorry! I like you the most!"

Minister Kou is a little stiff.

Minister Kou brushed Coco's soft hair and asked her what had happened.

When Kou Coco recounted Ji Jinrong's words with a twitch, and his love and admiration for Ji Jinrong continued to overflow between the lines, Minister Kou's brow jumped.

That little chef came to hook his sister? !!