MTL - I [Imperial] Am This Type of Man-Chapter 70 Chief Minister of Receipt (5)

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Ji Jinrong's work in District A government gradually stabilized.

He talked about the current progress through Guangnao and Gu Qiushan.

Gu Qiushan was very relieved to know that Ji Jinrong had successfully met Minister Kou, and even had the opportunity to approach Minister Kou by his cooking skills (face).

Well, young people say, don't say it, they definitely want it!

Gu Qiushan encouraged: "His Majesty, if he likes, try to get along with him, and his feelings are all out."

Ji Jinrong narrowed her eyes with a smile: "I will."

Ji Jinrong does not intend to confess his identity for the time being.

Through the "meeting" during this time, he learned more or less about the character of Minister Kou. This is a very charming man. He pursues power, but has his own principles; he is cold to others, but hides awkward tenderness from those who are in his heart.

Such a lover is definitely a treasure.

It's just that he hasn't got the key to open the treasure yet.

Ji Jinrong was a little sad.

He ended the conversation with Gu Qiushan, and opened up Minister Kou's current "relationship map" in his brain. Guangnao's search engine is very powerful, and it lists all those who are related to Minister Kou. Ji Jinrong can easily see the network of Minister Kou from small to large.

No wonder Minister Kou couldn't easily resolve Kococo's marriage contract.

Standing in the position of Minister Kou, every move will be magnified countless times. Kou Keco's fiance's grandfather had a life-saving favor for Minister Kou's grandfather. Without that rescue, Minister Kou and Kou Coco's father would not have been born!

Regretting such a marriage, Minister Kou would be drowned by the spitting star.

Although their family has fallen, although the fiance is a scum, although there are countless reasons to regret marriage though this and that-but their grandfather saved your grandfather's life!

Minister Kou's life is really hard.

Ji Jinrong was wondering if he should do something about Coco Coco, but there was a sudden message in his brain: Professor Ke Zhenglun requested to establish a call with you.

Ji Jinrong was a little confused. He didn't remember knowing Ke Zhenglun as such.

However, the word "professor" followed gave Ji Jinrong a general understanding. Should it be his music teacher or medical teacher in the light brain?

Ji Jinrong first entered the search engine and entered the words "Ke Zhenglun".

The information of Professor Ke Zhenglun immediately appeared in front of his eyes. It turned out that the teacher was an s-level professor at Medical University A, and the s-level was already the highest level among the professors. People who reached this level were often a bit distorted !!

Ji Jinrong respects older and talented elders.

He immediately connected to the conversation and said hello respectfully: "Hello senior, this is Rong Jin, may I ask what you are looking for?"

Professor Ke Zhenglun looked at Ji Jinrong through the light screen. Ming Ming is 23 years old, but Ji Jinrong looks very young, like a teenager.

Just looking at his appearance and temperament, this child is a young master of high society.

Professor Ke Zhenglun thought he had written the report wrong.

This seemingly immature half-old boy turned out to be the creator of clinical simulation system records? !!

Professor Ke Zhenglun said: "Student Rong Jin, you have performed very well in the clinical simulation system. Are you interested in studying at our medical university?"

Ji Jinrong was surprised: "Can you?"

Professor Ke Zhenglun said earnestly: "Of course." He informed Ji Jinrong of the reason for his personal departure. "In three months, we will have a demo game with the Liming Federation." A newcomer with a 100% success rate, we are worrying about this, so we have selected the newcomers who have entered the clinical simulation system in the past two years. If you are convenient, come here and we will tell you more details. "

Ji Jinrong was a little embarrassed: "I may only be able to pass at night."

Professor Ke Zhenglun said: "It doesn't matter, as long as you can come over."

Ji Jinrong is the most promising of all newcomers!

Originally, they couldn't close their eyes during this time, let alone change to the evening, even if it was changed to the middle of the night, they could accommodate it.

Ji Jinrong looked at Professor Ke Zhenglun's serious and solemn face, and could not help thinking of the original Dr. David.

What Dr. David taught him has been used to this day. If it had not been for the baptism of Dr. David's dialectical thinking, he would not be able to accept a new world and understand strange civilizations again and again.

It is very fortunate to meet these rigorous and knowledgeable predecessors, and it is also his greatest gain after experiencing every world!

Ji Jinrong happily agreed: "Then I'll see you tonight at seven!"

Professor Ke Zhenglun nodded, ending the brief call.

Ji Jinrong is in a good mood.

When he went to deliver meals to Minister Kou at noon, the smile on Ji Jinrong's face was more obvious than usual, and the shallow smile on his cheek was exposed.

Minister Kou was in a bad mood when he thought of his guess.

When Kou Coco and Mesa were eating enough to take Ji Jinrong to play, Minister Kou kept Ji Jinrong and sent them to play by themselves.

Although Coco was not so afraid of Minister Kou, he was still afraid to disobey Minister Kou's words.

She could only run away with her hand.

Only Kou and Ji Jinrong remain in the office.

Ji Jinrong noticed that Minister Kou's gaze had been on himself, as if he had no intention of moving away. He bent his lips slightly and asked with a smile, "Do you want tea? I'll make you a cup!"

Minister Kou thought of the skin he had touched that day.

Soft, warm.

Minister Kou said, "No need." His gaze arrogantly fell on Ji Jinrong's face, which indeed had hook-and-capital. It looks good, but it's not flamboyant at all.

It makes people like it when they see it, and they want to be close when they see it.

It's just that this guy's whereabouts are unclear, and his purpose is unclear. Let him be seduced like that-if you coax Coco Coco, I wonder if there will be any scandal before the marriage contract is terminated.

Minister Kou said, "Sit."

Ji Jinrong sat down according to the words.

Minister Kou said, "I told you to stay, and I just wanted to warn you about one thing--"

Ji Jinrong blinked her eyes and waited for Minister Kou to talk down.

Minister Kou said, "If you let Koko love you, you will never want to know the consequences."

Ji Jinrong listened for a while, and it took him a long time to understand what Minister Kou meant. It turned out that Minister Kou thought that he was approaching Kococo on purpose and made Koko cute. !!

Ji Jinrong said: "You misunderstood, I don't have this idea."

Minister Kou snorted, "It's best if you don't."

Ji Jinrong thought the sound of Minister Kou's hum was particularly cute, which made him feel very sick. He is not afraid to die-dial: "If I want anyone to fall in love with me, I just want you to fall in love with me!"

The office fell silent for a moment.

There was even a hint of coldness emanating from Minister Kou.

Minister Kou said, "Do you know what you are talking about?"

Ji Jinrong narrowed her eyes with a smile: "I know."

Kou stared at Ji Jinrong's smile and said coldly, "You should know that I am married? My companion is His Majesty the Emperor of the Empire, and you have already committed the crime of blasphemy against such words."

Ji Jinrong touched her nose and said, "As far as I know, many people have expressed their love to you over the years, both publicly and privately, and I haven't seen them arrested."

Minister Kou was inexplicably angry.

There are of course many people showing love to him, but how many of them are sincere? Many people don't even look into his eyes and talk!

Ji Jinrong dare to look into his eyes, but the smile on Ji Jinrong's face gave him a feeling of being played. How much can it be true to say that love is so casual?

Minister Kou said: "They have not been arrested, it does not mean that you will not be arrested."

Ji Jinrong was surprised: "Are you going to tell me?"

Minister Kou pursed her lips and tried to suppress the anger in her heart. Some people say it easily and never think about how much people listen and how much they will sacrifice.

If he doesn't feel the slightest in front of this little chef, then he naturally doesn't care what the little chef is talking about. But since he first saw the little chef, he had a special feeling about the little chef-his reason has been tearing away with this feeling, and he barely prevailed.

But after Ji Jinrong said something similar to a confession, his reason was almost instantly defeated.

Minister Kou said, "If you are telling the truth, then you can put away that kind of thinking. What I hate most is the person who betrays the marriage, so I will never betray the marriage of my choice."

Ji Jinrong listened to the serious words of Minister Kou, and didn't know what to say. He sighed and replied, "Never mind, just treat me as a kid." He stood up and turned away from Minister Kou's office.

After walking outside, the smile on Ji Jinrong's lips could not help but slowly expand.

Mr. Kou is really a cute person, and he treats those who show love to him simply. This seems sad, but in fact it is to prevent the other party from being hurt more-since it can not give the other party a promise and future, it is better to cut off the other party's love before the other party gets deeper and deeper.

What to do, it seems that he likes this Minister more and more!

Ji Jinrong happily went to Kou Coco and Mesa Sa, and accompanied Kou Coco to practice the piano for a while. Kou Keco is indeed very talented in music, and Ji Jinrong can have a lot of new insights when practicing with her.

Ji Jinrong praised without hesitation: "Your future achievements in this area may exceed your brother in Qingyuan."

Ye Qingyuan's piano is good, but it's just good. It will be so famous because of his outstanding appearance and dusty temperament. In terms of skills alone, Ye Qingyuan is not a master.

More importantly, Ye Qingyuan has become impetuous in the past two years.

Ye Qingyuan wanted to hold everything in his hands in the past two years, both in the academic side and in the pop music market. This greedy idea caused his work to have a weird sense of cleavage-it was nothing like It was written by one person and popped up by one person.

Kou Keco didn't know Ji Jinrong's evaluation of Ye Qingyuan, but felt that Ji Jinrong was boasting about himself. She said happily, "I'm still far from Qingyuan brother!"

Ji Jinrong smiled and told her and Mesasha what she was going to go to the medical university: "I received an invitation from the medical university. I want to go there for a while, and in the evening you have to find something to do.

Meshasha was refreshed, her eyes gleaming: "Is it a medical university in Area A?"

Ji Jinrong said, "Yes."

Kou Coco said "wow," admiringly, "Brother A Jin, are you still studying medicine?"

Ji Jinrong said: "I usually learn in the light brain when I am free, and I get a certificate of conformity."

Kou Coco felt that he was too bad, not a bit of a star! She said, "I need to plan my evening!"

Methasha was not far behind: "Me too!"

Ji Jinrong likes them most energetic and full of energy.

He led them to make a detailed plan and determined that all three people could make the best use of their spare time.

In the evening, Ji Jinrong did not go to deliver meals to Minister Kou.

Kokoko took the food directly after eating with them.

When the door opened, Minister Kou subconsciously looked for Ji Jinrong.

Only Cocoa came over.

Kou Coco explained on behalf of Ji Jinrong: "Brother A Jin is going to the medical university, and I will give you dinner in the evening!"

Minister Kou wondered: "Medical University?"

Kou Coco naturally relayed Ji Jinrong's words to Minister Kou.

Minister Kou understood from the praises of Kou Coco that "our brother Jin is really good", "our brother Jin is particularly smart", "our brother Jin learns everything very well": little chef is not an ordinary little Chef, he can play the piano, he can heal, all kinds of things!

Minister Kou is increasingly skeptical of Ji Jinrong's identity.

Even if he is really just a civilian in the e-zone, with such a face and such talent, it should have appeared in the eyes of everyone, right?

But Ji Jinrong has been silent for so many years.

Is he really so low-key before?

Minister Kou asked calmly, "Do you like him so much?"

Kou Keke didn't know that the seeds of suspicion in Minister Kou's heart were thriving, and said happily, "Yes, I like Brother Jin Jin!" She likes Ji Jinrong not because of how powerful Ji Jinrong is, but because she is very good to her.

Even Ye Qingyuan, who taught her piano, used to treat her as a child. They never really came to understand her thoughts. They just felt that she was playing around and tossing. Her grievance was a sign that the child was ignorant.

Ji Jinrong is different. Ji Jinrong puts her in an equal position, analyzes the reasons for her from an adult's perspective, and weighs the advantages and disadvantages-so Kou Keke likes Ji Jinrong very much.

Minister Kou looked seriously at Kou Coco's face, and suddenly realized that his sister had really grown up.

He raised his hand and swept Coco's head, and said nothing.

Kou Keke was keenly aware of the seriousness of Minister Kou.

She couldn't help but figure out the planning sheet with Ji Jinrong and Mesasha: "Brother, this is what I and Brother Jin Jin came up with together, see if there is any problem!"

In the bright eyes of Kou Coco, Minister Kou could not say no.

After reading Kococo's planning chart, he rarely exaggerated: "Very good plan."

It was really good. He used to forcefully arrange various courses for Kou Coco. Kou Coco adopted a negative attitude and promised, but absent-minded when he learned something, which made the teachers run away with him.

I don't know what medicine Ji Jinrong poured into her, so she made her own such a heavy study plan-many marks were made on the plan, which marked "contact the teacher"! This shows that she is really determined to work hard.

Is it true that Ji Jinrong's words like soup are really useful?

Minister Kou was lost in thought.

It seems that Ji Jinrong is best at what he is not good at.


Kococo didn't know how complicated her brother was, she was just happy for her approval and praise.

Since the appearance of Brother Jin Jin, everything has improved!

Kou Coco opened his hand, carefully held Minister Kou, and said firmly, "Brother, I will work hard and not let others look down on me! I won't let your brother embarrass you, I will let everyone Seeing how good I am, that scum will never be able to have a little bit more delusion about me! "

"You think that's right," Minister Kou said.

Minister Kou gently hugged Coco Coco, but Ji Jinrong's eyes flashed in his mind.

Those eyes were bright and gentle, as if the sun all over the world was in them.

In the matter of Kou Coco, Ji Jinrong really helped him a lot.

So maybe he shouldn't be suspicious everywhere--

If he has time, he can ask Ji Jinrong how to communicate with Kou Coco.


When Ji Jinrong arrived at the Medical University, he saw the statue of "Medical Saint".

He stood still in front of the statue for a moment, and felt a long-lost familiarity from that quaint dress.

This time and space ten thousand years ago also had a period similar to their big week. They were barren, backward, narrow in vision, and stunned.

After the Big Week, can people persist until they see such a "future"?

Ji Jinrong looked calmly and looked up at the statue of Yisheng quietly.

The dynasty changed continuously, and the emperors took turns to change people. The so-called imperial power and country are only tools for governing the country. The "national puppet" they stand for seems so ridiculous and small in the long history. Only these talents who are earnestly working in the river of history, seeking progress and chasing the truth are the shining stars in the history of civilization. They have become brighter in the sky after millions of years.

After the impact of one world after another, what Ji Jinrong insisted on from an early age gradually fell apart, and the positions of imperial power and national puppet in his heart began to move backwards.

That kind of thing is not worth sacrificing everything to fight.

Ji Jinrong stared at the tall statue, full of respect and admiration in his eyes.

This scene fell in the eyes of Professor Ke Zhenglun standing on the teaching building, which made Professor Ke Zhenglun's evaluation of Ji Jinrong even higher. He said to an old friend around him: "There are few such children now."

There was no one around, but the child showed that kind of sincere respect, which shows that he respected these ancestors who had made great contributions in the history of medicine.

Professor Ke Zhenglun is an old man and he attaches great importance to "Medical Inheritance".

No official meeting yet, Ji Jinrong has brushed the favor of Professor Ke Zhenglun to the highest!

Ji Jinrong knew nothing about this.

When he found Professor Ke Zhenglun's office, his mood was calm. He said hello to Professor Ke Zhenglun, "Hello Professor Ke, I'm here."

Professor Ke Zhenglun introduced Ji Jinrong to his old friend, a well-known professor of neurology Hayakawa Noko. Hayakawa Noko came from the Dawn Federation and has officially joined the Empire ten years ago. Inside-and-behind information about this "clinical simulation" was obtained by Hayakawa Noko from his old relationship.

Hayakawa Yegu looked at Ji Jinrong and felt that Ji Jinrong was too young. He asked, "Have you studied medicine in school before?"

Ji Jinrong shook her head.

Hayakawa Nogu was a little disappointed: "The player of the Federation of Dawn has been taught by his parents at home since he was five years old. His parents are well-known doctors, so his foundation is very solid. He is better than the past. "

Ji Jinrong was not nervous at all: "Is the game one-on-one?"

Hayakawa Nogu said: "The match is three-on-three, and there are three players on each side, and each of them has three games." In addition, there are many big and small competitions, but the most noticeable is the three-on-three. "Rookie Contest"-The result of the contest is equivalent to predicting which side of the good seedlings can change the medical history of the next few decades!

Ji Jinrong, after listening to the rules of the competition, said with a slight smile, "Professor Hayakawa, have you heard the story of Tian Ji's horse racing?"

Hayakawa Noko looked confused.

Ji Jinrong told the story of Tian Ji's horse racing with a smile.

In simple terms, the horses are divided into upper, middle, and lower thirds. Use the best horses against each other's middle horses, and the middle horses against each other's lower horses. Try to win the two games, and then use the lower horses to each other's upper horses. ——It is equivalent to give up one game and keep two games!

Hayakawa Yeko shined.

By doing so, they do have a firm chance of winning.

Especially after discovering this good seedling of Ji Jinrong.

Hayakawa Noko was about to praise Ji Jinrong, but saw Ke Zhenglun shook his head at him.

Hayakawa Nogu suddenly shut up and didn't speak.

Ji Jin was looking forward to Ke Zhenglun.

Ke Zhenglun said, "You are very smart, but such intelligence is not desirable."

Ji Jinrong winced, without refuting, just watching Ke Zhenglun waiting for him to say.

Ke Zhenglun said, "I don't know what the Dawn Federation is thinking, or what other people think." He paused before he said, "But I don't agree with this trick. We and Dawn The Commonwealth organized this competition to find good seed among the newcomers. Winning the Dawn Federation in this way did not benefit us, nor did it benefit the entire medical field. The competition is not for winning or losing, but It's for progress-for common progress. "

Ke Zhenglun's words made Ji Jinrong feel ashamed.

He is a very utilitarian person, and often he does things with a purpose. Ke Zhenglun is the kind of person he admires most. They have no selfishness, and they are born with such righteousness.

Ji Jinrong said: "You're right, I want to be biased."

Ke Zhenglun saw that the shame on Ji Jinrong's face was not like fraud, and was very satisfied. He said, "Let ’s get started. What you learn in the clinical simulation system is too messy and does not form a complete system. Professor Hayakawa and I have to adjust the learning plan for you to help you get the foundation in the shortest possible time. "

Ji Jinrong is very cooperative.

One night, Ji Jinrong felt that everything in his head related to medicine was well organized!

Ji Jinrong said goodbye to Ke Zhenglun and Hayakawa Noko, and walked back to the residence while the moon was shining.

After Ji Jinrong left, Hayakawa Nogu said with regret: "What a good seed, it is too wasteful for you to teach like this."

Ke Zhenglun said angrily: "Do you want to teach as you like? I want to win the Dawn Federation, but I don't want to use this method-if we do that, what is the difference between us and the Dawn Federation people?"

Hayakawa Noko said, "Yes, I can't say anything to you, you can do whatever you say."


Ji Jinrong left the medical university and strolled back to the residential area of ​​District A government. This job is easy and free, and he also provides food and accommodation. The treatment is really good. He doesn't want to end yet.

He was considering whether to confess his identity to Minister Kou earlier.

Ji Jinrong secretly thought what kind of expression might appear on Minister Kou's face.

Will the Minister be anxious to kill him?

Although Minister Kou was righteous when he rejected him, Ji Jinrong did not think how much Minister Kou liked "His Majesty the Emperor".

In the words of the new era, "Her Majesty the Emperor" is the so-called feudal aftermath, and an obstacle that should be cleared early in the era!

Minister Kou was loyal to his chosen marriage, but he did not like His Majesty the Emperor, so he sent His Majesty away from Area A.

So what does he like?

Ji Jinrong is a little elusive.

Is it power?

... still like that Ye Qingyuan?

Ji Jinrong was thinking, and suddenly noticed that Minister Kou's office was still on. This is not the first time Ji Jinrong has seen, his residence is facing the office building, and every time he comes out of the bath, he will take a look here-Minister Kou's office lights up far more often than the dark many.

Do you have so many things to do?

Or ... can't sleep well even when not busy?

Ji Jinrong recalled Minister Kou's usual situation, only to find that Minister Kou's face was indeed not very good. Some places even faintly turned blue, apparently there was no rest.

Ji Jinrong was so annoyed that he had been here for so long and didn't pay much attention to it? Instead of returning to his place of residence, he turned to the kitchen, took some ingredients, boiled a bowl of soothing soup, and held it upstairs.

Even if your body is strong enough, you can't always toss like this!

Ji Jinrong knocked on the door with soothing soup.

Minister Kou froze when he heard the knock.

It's so late, who else will come up?

Minister Kou looked at the door and said, "Come in."

The figure of Ji Jinrong caught his eyes.

Minister Kou's heart seemed to be severely punched. He was severely tortured by insomnia and headaches on this cold and silent night, and could only seek a touch of tranquility in business.

He has long been accustomed to such things, and is accustomed to bearing them alone, never let anyone know.

But Ji Jinrong broke in so suddenly.

Minister Kou's head buzzed, and for a moment he didn't know what to say, let alone what to do.

Sweat leaked from his forehead because of pain.

Ji Jinrong noticed the pain of Minister Kou, and his whole heart followed. He took Anshen Tang in three steps and stepped forward, asking, "What happened to you ?!"

Minister Kou sat up straight and said lightly, "I'm fine."

Ji Jinrong noticed the apparent combing of Minister Kou, and almost instantly wanted to confess his identity.

But Minister Kou did not give him a chance.

Minister Kou watched him and asked coldly, "Why are you here?"

His indifference is a wall built by his own hand, which surrounds himself firmly, and does not accept the kindness and sympathy of anyone.

Sitting in the highest position of the empire, he must do so.

Because he is a person who cannot be weak, cannot retreat, and cannot stop.

He cannot have weaknesses.

Once he has a weakness, he will soon fall from the highest place. By that time, not only himself, but also the followers behind him and the ideals and pursuits in his heart.

Ji Jinrong stood at the door, and the hot Anshen soup was still steaming. He also stared at Minister Kou and understood all the thoughts of this man from the cold expression of Minister Kou.

So this is ah.

Ji Jinrong explained in a warm voice: "When I came back and saw you were still on here, I went to cook a bowl of soothing soup and brought it in. You often get a bad rest like this and your body will collapse!"

Then he walked into the office spontaneously, put Anshen Tang in front of Minister Kou, and watched Minister Kou wait for him to drink Anshen Tang.

Minister Kou worked hard to keep himself sane, and wanted to open up to reject Ji Jinrong-but he could not say a word of rejection to Shang Ji Jinrong's bright eyes.

Minister Kou silently picked up the bowl of hot soup and drank it.

The taste is not bad and not bitter at all.

Minister Kou thought this way, his head slowly let down.

After walking behind Minister Kou, Ji Jinrong volunteered and said, "You seem to have a headache. Let me massage a few points for you!" After he said that, he had raised his hand and pressed Minister Kou.

Minister Kou still could not say a word of rejection.

Forget it tonight ...

Next time, I will never let this guy get closer to him half a step ...

Minister Kou's eyes closed gradually.

Ji Jinrong's breath made him feel inexplicably relieved, and the gentle rubbing motion made him completely relaxed.

Soon, Minister Kou fell asleep on the office chair.

Ji Jinrong frowned as he looked at the tired sleeping face of Minister Kou. He bent over and carefully picked up Minister Kou, and moved Minister Kou into the lounge to give him a good night's sleep.

Perhaps Minister Kou felt particularly comfortable, and his body became warm all over.

Seeing that Minister Kou had fallen asleep, he would never wake up suddenly. He closed the door shamelessly, stomped into the bed with his hands crept, stretched his arms around Minister Kou's waist and head into the arms of Minister Kou, and closed his eyes comfortably. .

It feels so nostalgic ...

Ji Jinrong thought vaguely, and soon entered the dreamland with Minister Kou.

Early the next morning, Minister Kou opened his eyes earlier than Ji Jinrong.

He wasn't fully awake yet, and couldn't react to what was going on.

He felt a soft, warm thing in his arms, and the head of that thing was furry, and was resting comfortably on his chest.

--How is this going? !!

When he saw what the "things" were in his arms, Minister Kou opened his eyes sharply.

There was a bang in his head.