MTL - I Just Want to Be in a Relationship-Chapter 4

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Huo Qu turned for half an hour in the villa area. It was really unable to find a home. In the end, he could only open a small book and call home.

Hoff was sitting in the living room and wiped his tears. He saw Huo Qu, and before he took off his shoes, he rushed over and hugged his little son, and he screamed at the heart of the baby. Wet it.

"There are cars and drivers in the house. You have to go to the institute to do what you want! You know, Mom has been nervous for a day, I am afraid that you have an accident! I have not eaten a meal!"

Huo Qu was stiff and looked at his mother at a loss, his lips squatting and not saying a word.

The Hoff people gave the younger son a broken hair on his forehead, and his nose was pumped.

Her youngest son, who has a high IQ, was able to get a double doctor at the age of twenty and entered the institute. The awards at home and abroad don't know how much they have taken, and countless institutes are vying to let him go. In the field of physics and mathematics, it can be said to be the leading scientist.

However, in life, even a three-year-old child is not as good.

I won't burn water, I won't recognize the road, I won't even take a bus or call a taxi.

Those complex elements can be remembered at a glance, but they can't remember the basics of life. No matter how many times they are taught, they are useless.

"I can't do this next time, do you know?" Seeing Huo Qu’s head down and ignorant, the Hoff people’s heart is even more angry, and they can’t make it out at this time. Speaking seriously.

"Okay, the children are back, saying what they are doing." Huo dad moved to the wife's side and wiped her tears. "Cry in front of the child, you can't lose people."

The Hoffman glanced at him and groaned on his arm. "What happened to my son?"

"I am wrong in the trip." Huo Dao was screamed by his screaming teeth, and did not cry. He apologized along with his wife's words and finally made the Hoff people laugh.

Huo dad leaned over to look at Huo Qu, and the sound was very light. "Three children, you will go back to the room first, and I will let the kitchen's Li Wei give you food."

Huo Qu waited for his father's words, and he couldn't wait to hear the words and quickly stepped upstairs.

Looking at his son's thin and straight back, Huo Dao could not help but sigh.

He has three sons, the boss Huo Wei and the second child Huo Huo are twins. Huo Xunzi took on his father's business and walked his career like him. It was very good in the political world. Huo Wei chose to go from business, and created a lot of commercial myths in just a few years. Now the name is also very popular in China, and he does not need to worry about it.

The only thing that can be assured is the young son of Huo Qu.

"Old Huo, let's not go down like this." Hoff, while wiping his tears, said to his wife: "You don't know that today, my heart is up and down, I am afraid that he has touched it, or if he gives more Three children hired a few bodyguards."

Huo dad shook his head. "There are enough bodyguards around the three children. Today is an accident. Let's take a look."

Although the Huo family is powerful, it has always been low-key, not to mention the bodyguards are not expensive, so many people are useless.

Huo’s parents spoke downstairs, and Huo Qu sat in his room, staring at the number plate on his hand. Li Wei glanced at him when he gave him a meal, and did not feel any strange.

This is how the young master has been since he was a child. He is always immersed in his own world and has no reaction to the outside world. He even forgets to eat.

Li Wei put the food at the door, was about to call Huo Qu to eat, Huo Wei and Huo Wei came over, the probe quietly looked into the brother's room.

"Brother, the younger brother is worried again." Huo Wei sighed and lifted his foot to enter the house, but remembered his brother's obsessive-compulsive disorder, did not dare to settle in the end, only quietly biting his ears outside with Huo.

"I will call the institute and ask the younger brother for a few days off." Huo smashed his temple, his eyes full of worry about his brother.

Huo Wei rushed his head and shook his head: "It is useless to take time off. He is also like this at home." Stopped and said: "Brother, I will discuss things with you. I want to bring the younger brother to our company."

Huo's company is called Xingguang. It is the most prestigious entertainment company in China. After all kinds of shadows, there are endless streams of shadows. It is a holy place where actors want to break into their heads.

"Don't think about it!" Huo Huo yelled at him: "The people in the entertainment circle are so smoky, how can a million brothers fool?"

Huo Zhen thinks about it too, can only annihilate this idea. Just wanting to leave quietly, Huoqu suddenly raised his head and looked over.

Watched by his younger brother's well-behaved eyes, Huo's heart immediately softened. "What's wrong, three children?"

When Huo Wei saw it, he quickly squeezed the second brother and stretched his neck and looked into the room. "Small channel, is there something to help the older brother?"

I thought I wouldn't get a response, but Huo Qu slowly turned his head and then raised his hand to reveal the sticker in his hand. "What is this?"

The younger brother took the initiative to talk to them!

The two brothers were pleasantly surprised, and Qi Qi looked at Huo Qu’s palm.

Huo Wei is an entertainment company. It is natural to see at a glance. It is the number plate of the audition. Not only that, under the name Yu Qinghuan, there is a small starlight entertainment sign, which shows that this person is their company.

Where is the younger brother who knows this? Does anyone know the identity of the younger brother and wants to deliberately approach him?

In the mind of Huo Wei, there were countless thoughts flashing in the blink of an eye. After telling Huo Qu’s what he knew, he asked him the source of this number plate.

Unfortunately, Huo Qu was thrown away after using it. If he knew what he wanted, he would no longer care about his two brothers.

He slammed the door shut and isolated the eyes of the inquiry. He gently rubbed the number plate and bowed his head and didn't know what he was thinking.

On the other hand, Yu Qinghuan ate a bowl of hot beef noodles outside, which was returned to the company dormitory.

Yu Xin had been waiting for him in the room. When he saw him, he immediately greeted him and put a thick script into his hand. "You can be considered back, I will wait for you for a long time. This It’s the script on the side of Liu Dao. You have to ponder and fight for less NG.”

"Brother, this sentence has been said several times when you came back." Yu Qinghuan took the script and went to the sofa, saying something incompetent.

"I am not for you!" Yu Xin raised his hand and wanted to give him a burst of chestnut, but he was shunned by Yu Qinghuan, and suddenly he was helpless. "You said that you, such a good opportunity, if someone else, has long been Le blossoms, how can you react at all?"

Before the audition, the child was still wearing a pair of gears and preparing for a big job. After the successful audition, the heart was like water.

"In any case, this result is the same. High unhappiness is the same." Yu Qinghuan took out two lottery tickets from his pocket and slammed it on the coffee table. "Brother, if I have five million in the lottery, I will support you as my." Exclusive agent."

"Take it down." Yu Xinbai gave him a look. "What is five million? You look at the small meat that is about the size of you. A TV series is tens of millions. It’s better to point to winning the lottery. acting."

There are some emotions in my heart. Although this kid can't see it on the face, but who is good to him, my heart is like a mirror.

When he said this, he suddenly thought of something like this. After taking a shot, he said, "I was taken away by you. I almost forgot to tell you that I will go to your university tomorrow, and we will be the hotspot of Huada University. Topic, prepare for your debut."

"Can you not go?" Yu Qinghuan's eyes are straight, he is an old cucumber brush green paint, but also to market what school grass, simply hot face.

"No." Yu Xin's attitude was very determined. He stood up and never gave Yu Qinghuan a chance to refuse. He told him to go to bed early at night and left.

After he left, Yu Qinghuan sat on the sofa for a long time. In the last life, there was no such thing, but since the audition, his life trajectory seems to be getting farther and farther away from his life.

He didn't want to mix in the entertainment industry, but things were not controlled by him.

Yu Qinghuan licked some of the swelled temples and took out all the thoughts in his mind. Forget it, take a step and take a step.

Early the next morning, Yu Qinghuan was pulled out of the bed by Yu Xin, put on the clothes that had been prepared for a long time, and was ready to go to school.

As soon as I got out of the house, I met Gao Yuncheng and his agent. The two men were coming back from the outside with a large group of assistants and cameras. I don’t know what to do.

Gao Yuncheng debuted two years earlier than Yu Qinghuan. His resources were good and he played two idol dramas. His agent created him a straight-line person, and he was stunned on Weibo every day, but unfortunately it was still tepid.

Gao Yuncheng, the male No. 3 of "Life and Death," also went to the audition. As a result, he just read a few lines and was driven out by Liu.

Therefore, when I learned that Yu Qinghuan had passed the audition, Gao Yuncheng was too angry.

He had a little unclear relationship with a small high-rise of Xingguang. He first learned about the work that Yu Xin gave to Yu Qinghuan. In order to meet Yu Qinghuan, he ran to Huada early in the morning and asked the retoucher to fix the photo. On Weibo, the topic of "Gao Yuncheng National School Grass" has been topped up.

"Go to filming?" Gao Yuncheng was wearing a black hair, and cold eyes and cold eyes looked at Yu Qinghuan. "I didn't watch Weibo this morning. The people who come from small places are small family, and they specialize in people who chew the rest!" ”

When Yu Xin listened to him, he immediately knew that it was not good. He took a look at his mobile phone and suddenly got angry. He didn't think that Gao Yuncheng and his team would do this. Now Weibo is overwhelmingly discussing Gao Yuncheng, the national school grass, and they are marketing a fart!

This trick is not brilliant, but it is to squat on the feet, not to bite people!

Yu Qinghuan did not move at all. When he was brilliant in his life, there was no such thing as Gao Yunxiang in the entertainment circle. His look is unchanged, Gao Yuncheng, the voice is light: "National school grass?"

"How? Just let you create no one else?" Gao Yuncheng thought that he succeeded in angering Yu Qinghuan, proud of his chin, and his eyes were provocative.

Yu Qinghuan does not have a spread hand: "Of course, I just think there is a place on Weibo that is wrong."

what? wrong?

Gao Yuncheng listened and immediately became nervous. He quickly took out his mobile phone, found his manuscript, and quickly read it again.

There are no typos, and there are no inappropriate places, all of which are praised by him.

He looked up angrily. He just wanted to sneer at the small amount of Qi Qing, and deliberately played him. He heard Yu Qinghuan’s faint saying: "Look here, it is written by Huada University. This is not right. Are you not graduated from the brothel? How can your team do things, even the school can make a mistake."

Da'an Vocational and Technical College, referred to as the Grand Technology Institute. Yu Qinghuan did not say anything wrong, Gao Yuncheng did graduate here.

Gao Yuncheng: "..."

You graduated from the brothel! Your whole family is graduated from the brothel! !

When he is a fool, can't he hear his voice-over? !