MTL - I Just Want to Be in a Relationship-Chapter 45

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Like the catalytic button that triggered, from the first day of the release, the box office of "Orange" began to climb, and it quickly surpassed most of the movies released in the same period.

The bursting of word of mouth and the huge amount of discussion have formed a virtuous circle.

Gradually, more and more people choose to go to the movie theater to watch "Orange", and the number of rows in the theater is also increasing. Regardless of the later stage, relying on the first three days, Zhao Rui can earn a pot. It’s full.

Not only that, the famous film review network even gave a high score of 9.3 to "Orange", which is already a treatment that domestic movies have not been used for many years.

And a good movie brings more than just the box office itself.

The audience who were immersed in the movie and could not come out began to collect information about "Orange" from the actors to the directors.

The bitterness of the filming was transformed into the sweetness of harvesting fruit in an instant.

The netizens who knew their financial status in detail suddenly felt distressed. Not only did they volunteer to start the tap water, but they also took the initiative to help fight the gun movie. For a time, the "Orange Yellow" fever increased, and even some cities also appeared in the queue to grab tickets.

Yu Qinghuan received a lot of congratulations from the phone. Yu Xin’s mobile phone was almost blasted. They all came to seek cooperation. The director also offered a high price of 10 million yuan and invited Yu Qinghuan to shoot a youth idol drama.

"I have pushed it all," Yu Qinghuan packed up the luggage needed for the road show, and did not lift the head for Xin Dao.

"Know it." Yu Xin sighed and pulled the phone card into a private number, and couldn't help but admire Yu Qinghuan's calmness.

Because of the redness of "Orange", the value of Yu Qinghuan has also risen.

Good directors and scripts are really important, but his own good acting is also indispensable.

As the absolute protagonist of this film, Yu Qinghuan said that he was the one who had the power to directly set off the box office of "Orange".

The first film released will be able to reach this level, which is unique in the entertainment industry.

Not to mention the other, it is this luck, but also can make many people want to move.

Merchants believe in these things, so there are many people who don’t hesitate to pay for Yu Qinghuan.

For a young man who lost his parents at the age of twelve and who has been worried about money since he was a child, the price they offered was too tempting. A TV show or a commercial ad can make him eat and drink for years.

In all fairness, Yu Xin is tempted.

However, Yu Qinghuan is still faint. Even the eyebrows are not moving. It seems that they don’t look at the money in their eyes. What they should do is not affected at all.

"Qing Huan, you will be very busy in the next few days, I will tell you in advance," Yu Xin sat down next to him. When Yu Qinghuan came over, he took out his mobile photo album and turned it over. "You The design renderings of the house have come out, and you can see if there is any dissatisfaction."

Yu Qinghuan lowered his head with his hand. The renderings are typical of the new Chinese style. The color is warm and the design is exquisite. Every space has been used reasonably. At first glance, it looks warm and beautiful.

"It's very good." Yu Qinghuan put a shirt in the suitcase and said: "Just install it according to this."

"That," he nodded. Yu Xin’s heart suddenly settled and said, "Then I will communicate with the designer." Then she got up and was ready to leave. Who knows that just standing up, the phone rang.

He didn't want to pick it up, but when he looked at the name displayed, he had to hand it over to Yu Qinghuan again, "Zhao Qingyuan, looking for you."

"Qing Yuan?" Yu Qinghuan sideways, holding the phone with his shoulder and screaming.

"Congratulations, Qing Huan!" Zhao Qingyuan’s voice sounded very excited. "I watched the box office of "Orange", and it is estimated that I can play for a while. You are a good starter."

Yu Qinghuan also smiled when he was infected by his emotions. "It's a pity that you are not there, or you will be embarrassed by me."

"It doesn't matter," said Zhao Qingyuan. "I am calling to tell you about this. You are not going to Jiangcheng Road Show tomorrow, just as I am, I will help you out."

He has such a bit of sorrow in his tone, but more is devoted to his friends.

"Okay," Yu Qinghuan naturally accepted his kindness. "Then I will call you tomorrow."

"Yeah." Zhao Qingyuan said with a voice, and said: "Yes, you have to renovate recently, and it is on my body. My brother-in-law is doing this! I promise you a good dress."

Yu Qinghuan’s heart suddenly became warmer. Zhao Qingyuan’s nerves are the most big, and he doesn’t care about anything. Now he can remember his own things so clearly, showing how much he cares for himself.

"Then I don't care, I will give it to you."

Zhao Qingyuan patted his chest and promised, "Do not worry." Stopped, suddenly said the music: "Yes, I also helped you pick a few kinds of flooring, now send you on WeChat, you look good ""

"Well?" Yu Qinghuan opened the WeChat with doubts. When I saw the dark old-fashioned floor that slipped, I couldn’t say a word.

Over there, Zhao Qingyuan is still urging, "Qing Huan, look good?! What do you think of your home renovation?"

Yu Qinghuan: "...Qing Yuan."

Zhao Qingyuan: "?"

Yu Qinghuan: "I understand the truth, but why do you use these ugly things to harm my eyes."

Zhao Qingyuan: "..."

Jiangcheng is in the south, and it is already very warm in the middle and late April. Yu Qinghuan is simply wearing a white shirt and jeans. He is handsome and handsome like a small poplar growing up. It is the focus of the crowd wherever he goes. .

He didn't know much about his current popularity. After the crew got off the plane, he couldn't wait to see a large group of fans holding his name.

Because it is necessary to transfer five cities in two days, the "Orange" crew's itinerary is in a race, and even the ticket for the first road show is scheduled for the early morning. They will be at eight o'clock in the morning when they arrive at the airport.

But this is the time, the airport is full of fans to pick up the plane. In the early spring, it was a bit cold. These lovely girls were wearing short skirts in order to make their idols see their most beautiful side.

I don't know how long I have been standing, even the delicate makeup can't cover the blue face.

When I saw Yu Qinghuan, they suddenly seemed to forget all the pain of cold and waiting. They screamed excitedly and rushed to try to rush to him, trying to get close contact with the idol.

Yu Qinghuan has limited time. It is impossible to stop and sign them. When he slowed down for a little while, Zhao Rui was already urging him with his eyes.

The security guards are like a strong and never more strong, and Yu Qinghuan and the fans are firmly separated on both sides.

Seeing that their idols were drifting away, the faces of the girls could not help but reveal the disappointment that could not be concealed. Even the hand holding the name fell weakly.

At this time, Yu Qinghuan suddenly stopped. His voice was not big, but it was clearly introduced into every fan who was present. "Everyone has worked hard. Today's itinerary is too busy. I am sorry I can't sign you. I will let everyone buy a cup of milk tea for a while, and everyone will go home soon after drinking."

The noisy crowd quieted down in an instant, until Yu Qinghuan walked out of the airport, and the fans looked at the back of his departure and returned to it for a long time.

The staff's movements were very fast, and a cup of hot hot cocoa was sent to the fans, not only warming the cold hands, but also warming the naked heart.

The whispering weeping sounded in the hall -

"Hey, Qing Huan is very gentle, I want to powder him forever!"

"Although I didn't have to sign or take a photo, it's really worth it."

"Hey, where is he rich? It’s so painful and moving."


In the car, Yu Xin blames Yu Qinghuan. "If you have a loose hand, you don't know the fan. This is your home today, and tomorrow will become someone else's home."

Yu Qinghuag smiled and said: "But they are in my house one day, I will protect them for a day."

On the road show of the day, according to the agreement last night, Yu Qinghuan called Zhao Qingyuan.

The fans who came to support the team did not expect such a surprise, almost crazy. The non-stop microblogging to express their excitement, but also added a lot of heat for the next few roadshows.

After the road show in Jiangcheng, Yu Qinghuan had no time to rest, and rushed to the next city. After the end of the two games, Rao is good at his physical strength and feels that he can't afford it.

Say hello to Zhao Rui, he did not even eat rice, he returned to his room.

But it is strange to say that the body is obviously tired, but after washing the bed, there is no drowsiness. It seems that the full sleepiness is washed away with the shower gel.

Yu Qinghuan picked up the phone, and the finger unconsciously settled on the name of Huo Qu, and for a few seconds, he let it go.

After a day of separation, he thought of him a little.

Thinking of the soft dimples and shy smiles of the man, Yu Qinghuan is very hot. The impulse that just pressed down suddenly rushed up like a tsunami, hitting his reason.

Just hit this time, he said nothing, just listen to his voice.

No, no, there will be a second time, he has to control himself.

Yu Qinghuan’s upset girl, just wanting to hang up the phone, there was a familiar voice from Huo Qu, “Qing Huan!”

Yu Qinghuan did not guard that he had picked up so quickly, and his thoughts suddenly became a mess. After thinking for a long time, he barely found a topic, "What are you doing?"

"No, no..." The usual coldness of the sentence made Huo Qu’s voice drop down in an instant. He panicked and held his breath, stuttering back.

Yu Qinghuan immediately noticed that he was not right, and sat up unconsciously from the bed. Some nervous asked: "Huo Qu, are you having something?"

There was a silence over there.

Just when Yu Qinghuan couldn't help but rush to rush, Huo Qu finally spoke.

The people who have been happy to see him have no heart and lungs. At this time, the voice is full of frustration and frustration. Just think about it, Yu Qinghuan feels that his heart is going to pick up.

He said: "Sorry, Qing Huan, I said the same as they are, it is a useless person." He whimpered, "I thought I was very smart, but I am not, my experiment failed."

He paused for a while, and cautiously and flusteredly asked: "Qing Huan, would you think that I am useless?"

Clearly conceived in the mind, but when it is really experimenting, it is repeated again and again. Huo Quan licked his lips tightly, and his eyes were full of pain.

Qing Huan is so good, standing on the stage is like shining. But he, the research project has always failed. If you go on like this, how can he be matched with a friend of Qinghuan?

A fear that has never been seen is like a slippery marble, filling his chest, rolling and colliding, lingering.

"Of course not." Yu Qinghuan did not want to say: "You are the best person in the world, and are doing great work, how can it be useless!"

Yu Qinghuan’s heart hurts almost shivering. His Huoqu is so good, simple and sincere. He is just a little different from ordinary people. How can someone be so vicious and use this to hurt him.

When I think of Huo Qu in a place I don't know, I don't know how many times I have been hurt. Yu Qinghuan is uncomfortable.

"Huo Qu, don't care about other people's eyes, let alone deny yourself, do you know?"

"I didn't." Huo Qu's eyelashes trembled. "I don't care about them."

"Then why are you so sad?"

"I am just afraid that you are disappointed with me..."

"I won't." Yu Qinghuan's heart suddenly became sour and rising, he said: "Huo Qu, you are always in my heart, always the best."

After the "Orange Yellow" fire, many people are paying attention to their roadshows. So, when the girls who picked up the planes sent Yu Qinghuan to buy hot cocoa and sent them online, it suddenly caused a stir. .

I have seen pets, I have never seen such a pet!

It is clear that he has just debuted, and he still has the lowest pay, but he cares about fans like this. It is a unique one among the stars.

"I regret that I didn't pick up the plane, I didn't see Qing Huan. I was glad that I didn't go there. I saved a cup of hot cocoa money for Qing Huan. Our small koi is really too warm and warm."

"Qing Huan is only twenty years old, so considerate, really envy his other half."

"Qinghuan is really kind, and I don't know what to say, I can only continue to support it later."

"We don't have family members in Xiaojin, it doesn't matter. From now on, we are your family!"


Not only that, Zhao Qingyuan appeared in the "Orange" roadshow news, also uploaded on Weibo, many fans of Zhao Qingyuan suddenly stunned, can not wait to kill himself yesterday.

You must know that Zhao Qingyuan has not sent Weibo for almost a month! I used to want to send eight people a day, and now I don’t post Weibo! Let them keep these under Weibo, and the fans who are waiting to be fed are scratching their hearts!

Who knows, finally waited for an opportunity for Zhao Qingyuan to appear, they actually missed it!

Zhao Qingyuan’s fans were helpful. Soon, Zhao Qingyuan’s support for Yu Qinghuan’s roadshow was spread on Weibo.

When Qin Hao brushed Weibo, he accidentally saw the news. He sank for a few minutes and reached out to Chen Ming. "Help me push this afternoon's itinerary."

Chen Ming heard the words, his face slammed down in an instant. "No, my brother, you have a degree of self-willedness. The press conference in the afternoon is very important."

"I have more important things to deal with," Qin Lan stood up, and some irritated loose loose tie. "In addition, give me a ticket to Huangshi."

Qin Hao’s character is strong, and he is always in a position to fight for it. Even if he has been working with each other for so many years, Chen Ming is also trembled in front of him. At this time, listening to him said that it was a more important thing, and he saw him face serious, and had to swallow his mouth and silently went to book a ticket for him.

So, Zhao Rui, who is far away from Huangshi, is eating while waiting for the roadshow in his mind. Yu Qinghuan came over with a phone call. "Rui Ge, can the road show be postponed for a while?"

"No!" Zhao Rui returned from his thoughts and firmly refused Yu Qinghuan.

A person must be trustworthy, and when the time begins, it will start at a time, and definitely cannot be changed!

Putting down the chopsticks, he asked Yu Qinghuan, "Do you have something?"

After getting along for so long, Zhao Rui also knew that Yu Qinghuan would not deliberately play a big name, so he asked more.

"No." Yu Qinghuan put down his mobile phone, and his face was very complicated. "He said that he is coming soon."

There was still no reaction between Zhao Rui and the questioning question: "Which brother? Which brother?"

Yu Qinghuan: "Qin Wei."

Zhao Rui: "!!!"

After a full minute, he slowed down and raised his head. He looked at Yu Qinghuan with a firm look: "You say, how long will it take?"

Yu Qinghuan: "..."

After telling Zhao Rui the news, Yu Qinghuan sat down to eat. He didn't see it. Under the table, Zhao Rui was secretly giving Yu Xin WeChat: "Give me a photo of Qing Huan's latest photos! Fast! I am going Weibo turns koi!"

The arrival of Qin Lan added a rich and colorful touch to the last road show of "Orange". The big name that never took part in the event appeared, and the scene and the network boiled at the same time.

"Mom! Before I said that you are superstitious, now I really believe that Yu Qinghuan is a koi! Start Zhao Qingyuan, close the Qin dynasty! Can be, this wave of operation I serve!"

“I feel that Yu Qinghuan is not a particularly enthusiastic character. Is it so good for a good person? It’s just plain.”

"Going upstairs, although Qing Huan looked faint, it was actually a very warm person. Ah... I want to marry."

"Congratulations to another small star on the small koi philatelic book."

"What the **** on the hahahaha! You go away!"


Not only netizens, but the media also used their exaggerated words to report Yu Qinghuan and Zhao Qingyuan, as well as the friendship between Qin and Qin. I don't know, I thought they were the life and death.

However, the biggest benefit is "Orange". By the time Yu Qihuan finally set off on the day, the "Orange" box office has reached 350 million.

Yu Xin kept talking in his ear: "How much money does Zhao Rui have to earn? It’s really a loss for you to take this film." A look of painful expression.

"Brother, you are almost OK." Yu Qinghuan was dizzy by his turn, could not help but said: "Zhao is not easy, before eating so much bitter, this money should be his."

"You are easy?" Yu Xin looked at his thin, concave face and raised his voice. "It was thin enough. After running the road show for two days, it lost another two pounds. People can't help it either."

Yu Xin was not finished, and Yu Qinghuan was most afraid of him. He had to surrender and surrender. "Isn't that the need for acting? I am already recovering my weight. You can rest assured."

What Yu Xin still wants to say, Zhao Rui suddenly pushed the door in. He could only shut up his mouth unwillingly.

"Qing Huan," Zhao Rui looked at Yu Qinghuan with his eyes bright, his face was a disguise of joy, "the cumulative box office reached 350 million!"

Yu Qinghuan laughed: "Yes, congratulations to Rui Ge," handed the phone to Zhao Rui, and gestured to him to see the screen. "I just watched a post on the Internet. The above statistics of the "Orange" daily volume and box office, estimated Hopefully rushed to 500 million."

Zhao Rui took the phone and read the post without fail. The big stone that had been hanging in his heart finally fell.

He did it, he really finished the film and pushed it to the big screen.

In real life, he is an incompetent brother, who can only watch the painful death of his sister. But when he fixed her life in the movie, he could personally create a happy and warm ending for her.

Moreover, nowadays many people are watching this movie, and many parents have noticed the safety of their children.

The purpose of his filming has been fully achieved.

He sighed softly, as if to vomit all the shackles of his heart.

"Qing Huan," Zhao Rui looked at him with excitement. For the first time, he said his true words without awkwardness. "Thank you, really, there is no such movie without you."

The one he paid out, no one can look at it, let alone an actor who is acting well enough to express all his emotions with a pair of eyes.

Retreat 10,000 steps, even if he found such an actor, if there is no Yu Qinghuan, the big bang came, not to mention the movie, that is, he is gone.

Although he said awkwardly in his mouth, he always grateful to Yu Qinghuan.

Yu Qinghuan got used to Zhao Rui's black face and poisonous tongue. At this moment, his attitude was good, and he was a little uncomfortable.

"Rui Ge, don't say this, this is the result of everyone's efforts."

Zhao Rui shook his head and smashed the iron: "You can rest assured that when the box office income is fully settled, I will make a one-off payment for your pay."

On the side of Yu Xin, I immediately opened the flower. I just listed the list of items to be bought next. I heard Zhao Rui continue: "You also know about my sister, the rest of the money, I plan to build a fund. Specifically to help such children."

He knew that he couldn't help it all, but he tried his best. He didn't want to see his sister's tragedy happen again.

Yu Qinghuan was silent for a few seconds, and then in the eyes of Xin’s heartache, calmly said: “Rui Ge, my pay is not required to make up, how much is it at the beginning. If you really feel that you are not willing to go, take my That money is also used to build funds."

Zhao Rui wanted to quit, but he could only nod his head on Shang Yuqing’s serious eyes. "Good."

After he left, Yu Xin immediately flew to Yu Qinghuan, hating the iron and not forming the steel: "Qinghuan, are you stupid?! Do you know how much it is!"

How many things can I buy? He also plans to buy a good car!

"Brother, money is not saved," Yu Qinghuan appease him, in the eyes of Xin complaining, said: "You forgot, "How to love you" I have not signed yet, this piece of pay will certainly not be low, the middle I will pick up another ad and the money will come back."

He said that it is also reasonable, Yu Xin's anger is suddenly like a balloon that has been punctured, and it is empty.

He sighed and wanted to say something, and the phone rang.

There, there is a variety show on the National Taiwan University that invites Yu Qinghuan to be a guest, and wants to talk to him in Starlight.

Yu Xinyi listened, suddenly his eyes lit up, and repeatedly said that he would immediately take Yu Qinghuan. Hanging up the phone, I can't get anything to clean up, just take him and leave.

At the same time, as usual, on the way to work, Huo Qu was awkwardly landing on his own Weibo to search for Yu Qinghuan's news.

Unexpectedly, I saw the media’s reports on the relationship between Yu Qinghuan and Qin.

The violent and dark hidden in my heart suddenly came up. As soon as I thought of Yu Qinghuan, I would laugh at Qin Xiao and gently comfort Qin Qi. Huo Qu’s chest felt like a beast, roaring incessantly. It is like destroying the whole world.

His eyelashes trembled slightly, his face full of wind and rain.

Even though he is a useless person, Qing Huan can only be his, he is alone, no one can take him away!

"Go to the second brother's company." His voice told the driver a cold voice.

The driver sighed and just wanted to ask if he had something wrong, but when he saw Huo Qu’s face from the rearview mirror, he didn’t dare to say a word, only nodded indiscriminately and quickly changed. Road.

So, in the starlight parking lot, Yu Qinghuan just came down from Yu Xin’s car and hit the Huo Qu, who got off at the same time.

"Huo Qu? How are you here?" Yu Qinghuan asked, just to go, was pulled by Yu Xin.

"Qing Huan, the National Taiwan is still waiting."

"You go up first," seeing Huo's face is not right. Yu Qinghuan turned his head to Xin Dao. "I will take him with him."

Yu Xin saw that his look was firm. There seemed to be no room for change. He had no choice but to go upstairs.

"What happened?" Yu Qinghuan looked at Huo Qu as worried, thinking that he was still entangled in the matter of the day. After talking to the Huo driver, he pulled him to a corner of the parking lot and wanted to enlighten him.

"I..." Huo Qu’s lips, just want to speak, suddenly there was a quarrel in front.

Yu Qinghuan looked at the sound source and suddenly stopped, and the people who quarreled were Evanson and Fang Zhongxi!

Specifically, it was noisy, because it was too far away to hear clearly, but then, Yu Qinghuan saw a scene in which the chin was falling.

Evanson even pushed Fang Zhongxi to the wall and kissed him directly!

The two people were fiercely engaged and did not notice at all, and there were two people standing in the back corner.

Yu Qinghuan was spurred by the scalp that was stimulated by this restriction level, and looked like a reflexive look to Huo Qu.

Seeing Huo Quzheng's eyes wide open, looking straight at them, it seems to be like watching.

"Go, Huo Qu." Yu Qinghuan licked his sleeve, whispered.

If the two sides meet, they must be embarrassed to each other. It is better to take advantage of them and have not found them.

Huo Qu, who can always listen to him, did not care about him this time. His eyes were still condensed on the two people and he was unwilling to remove.

"How? Envy?" Yu Qinghuan raised his eyebrows and said: "I want to find a girlfriend myself."

After the talk, Huo Qu did not react, but he himself was uncomfortable.

I don't know what kind of person Huo Qu's wife will be in the future. His feelings are so focused and serious, probably like this, and can't help her to kiss her regardless of the occasion.

Yu Qinghuan thinks more and more, he feels that the chest is more boring, and he can’t move his mouth.

Huo Qu suddenly called him, "Qing Huan."

His voice is low, with a different meaning.

Yu Qinghuan had no time to think about what the feeling was. The back of the head was suddenly tightly buckled, and then a green and overbearing kiss fell.