MTL - I Like This Dream!-v2 Chapter 43

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Far from the line of defense of Thebes, in Skag County near Urburg, a young woman is sitting at a desk in the lord's mansion. There were a lot of official documents neatly piled up on the table, the woman's eyes quickly scanned the one in front of her, she pondered for a moment, then quickly wrote the response with the quill pen, and finally stamped the lord's seal.

There is no doubt that this is the central part of the entire Skag County, and the most important official documents are submitted here by civil servants. The woman with brown-red eyes looked calm, and she had the aura of a ruler, and she performed better than most of the lords. But she could never be the ruler of Skag County, or even the lord's staff, because she was an omega.

eve. Stuart was wearing the fashionable long skirt of noble omegas, but the sleeves with complicated lace were **** to avoid knocking over the things on the table. The servant handed the urgent letter to her, and left without any abnormality, obviously used to her overstepping.

Everyone knows that Marquis Samuel loves his wife deeply, and he doesn't want to remarry after being widowed, and now he is accompanied by wine every day, and he has let go of most things. what happened. The eldest daughter of the Marquis is an alpha, who went to the Tibes defense line shortly after she became an adult, and the omega of the noble family refused to accompany her to the dangerous border, and she also said that she did not want a partner who only met once a year. In addition, Stuart was already a run-down nobleman before Samuel made his fortune again with his military exploits, and they were the only relatives who died. Therefore, there is no one who can manage things in such a large marquis's mansion, and there is an unmarried youngest daughter who is a housekeeper.

This matter has been circulated among nobles who have nothing to do for many years. Every time the noble ladies* mention it, they will cover their mouths with fans and sigh. Poor Eve! Although she is good-looking, wearing the most fashionable clothes and jewelry, always smiling, it is a pity that she was dragged down by her family and turned into a shadow of a twenty-year-old girl who has not yet married! These people talked a few words after dinner, and they were proud that they had a better life than the young lady of the Marquis's Mansion, and it was fine when they were satisfied, and they didn't really care about what Eve was busy with.

"Poor Eve" flicked the pen, signed the last letter on an official document that would bring disaster to a baron hiding a robber, and reached out to take the bulging letter. She took out the letter that had been folded several times, sighed with a headache, and read with a pen.

The way she reads the letter is also like reviewing official documents, dipping the ink from time to time and drawing a horizontal line under some handwriting. Compared with the enthusiastic letters, this neat behavior is a bit unreasonable. After Eve finished reviewing the letter, she read it again at the underlined position, quickly eliminated the interference from her sister, and extracted what she wanted to know.

anna. Sullivan claimed to dislike the Church, but refused to distance himself from the ascetic influence.

anna. Sullivan refused to show favor, had no intention of accepting the Sullivan family, and had no obvious affection for the king.

anna. Sullivan has powerful abilities and poor health.

That's enough for Eve to make a decision.

Unlike her impulsive father and sister, Eve is more like a patient and rational mother, and much more decisive than a weak mother. Different from the general speculation about the Marquis family, to some extent, after the mother passed away, this smart omega was the helm of the Stewart family.

Included in this invisible storm.

The king's patience with the Holy See is getting closer and closer to the limit, and the Holy See is the same with the royal court. Fools think that it is still the same as before, and peace can continue for decades after delivering some benefits to each other, but they never thought that this may be a precursor to another "Richard's Covenant" or "Ice and Snow Audience": the former made the royal court take back The secular power, the nobles have the right to appoint priests to be baptized by themselves, and once made the priests the employees of the nobles; the latter forced the king to kneel in the ice and snow to ask the pope for forgiveness, and soon died of depression. It has once again become a country where all people believe in religion. In such a big event, a behemoth with no deep roots like the Marquis Mansion must find its own way out as soon as possible.

The tide of alien beasts is getting worse every year. The big beast tide that happened on the Vengalo defense line in summer has caused heavy losses in the Vengalo area. Prince Ronald, who was stationed there, lost more than half of his family property. Alphas can't fill a legion, and nobles can't fill a knight order. At this time, the absurd recruitment he announced in the early spring of this year—without restrictions on origin and gender—seemed very wise. Jane has always been full of confidence in front of Eve, but Eve knows in her heart that it is still unknown whether her sister can survive the big beast tide completely.

All Eve can do is to prepare a healer, make a plan for her sister to pull out a bunch of nails while the head of the monastery takes over, collect information about the Bungala beast tide, and repeatedly ask Jane not to fight too hard. Jane promised her, but it's a pity that this guy has never been able to control so much when he is hot-blooded.

At such a critical juncture, if a powerful person who bears the titles of "God's Favored One" and "The Last Sullivan" cannot be used by her, and asks to stay on her sister's line of defense with unknown intentions, Besides, the emotional elder sister doesn't seem to treat her as an enemy at all, what should I do?

Since "the body is not good", Eve pointed at the line with tender fingers like green onion, since the god-favored person is really in poor health, has deteriorated so much that he has to leave the line of defense for treatment, or is accidentally inspired by God, etc. Are these all normal things?

Thinking this way, she wrote a letter to the Tibes defense line.

The addressee of this letter is of course not Jane.


During this coma, An Xu dreamed a lot of things, mixed together in a mess. At first she dreamed of the end, and then Chris ran in, and An Xu immediately sat on his shoulders.... Lydia yells "I'll make the head!" rushing over, climbing on top of both of them; Esther, next to her in her school cheerleading outfit, cheering them up hard (and falling); Nancy Waving a light stick while blowing the horn. Then the super combination of DPS/T/milk (what the **** kind of combination is this) was invincible, killing the monkeys with the faces of Lance and Mammy Mary, and finally defeated the big devil.

When An Xu was wearing a wedding dress with big red flowers tied on his chest, holding Chris in his arms, and riding a horse back triumphantly amid everyone's blessings, An Xu finally woke up. She was still holding the quilt in her hands, with a happy silly smile on her face, and she saw a dead face beside the bed.

The ideal is so full, the reality is so backbone. An Xu sneered at Lydia, feeling guilty that he was caught right after he ruined the image of the other party in his heart ("I'll make up the head!"). Especially since the other party didn't say a word, he really can't adjust the atmosphere.

"Why don't you say things like 'you finally woke up' or 'are you okay'?" she complained. "Isn't that standard procedure for waking up from a coma?"

"You're obviously awake." Lydia said, as if wondering why she asked such obvious nonsense, "I used the maximum healing technique for you, and you should be fine, otherwise I can't do anything."

Her honesty made An Xu choke, and shook his head helplessly. Before, she tried how many big moves she could use when she was calm on the tower, and the result was gratifying, the AOE (range attack) was fine, but unfortunately there was no visible MP (magic/spiritual power) gauge to use as a reference. It all depends on the experience to let go of the meeting. An Xu felt that he was like a little white friend in the game. The opponent used all the bonus points on attack power, with low MP and thin blood. After the ultimate move, the enemy would kneel if he didn't kneel. If the enemy kneeled, he would still kneel. Battery life is like nothing. At that time, she laughed at others for a long time, and now it was her turn to experience the feeling of the real version of the character.

An Xu's head was a little groggy, better than last time, probably because of Lydia's treatment. She hoped that she could increase her total MP by meditating a few more times, she thought so, and she didn't have the mind to meditate for a while, so she simply chatted with Lydia.

"People ask this **** to show they care," she said. "Isn't Lydia worried about me?"

Lydia nodded. An Xu deliberately misinterpreted her meaning, put on a crying face and said, "Lydia is not worried about me! How sad! I refused the general just to keep you from leaving, which led to this situation Yes!"

"Worry!" Lydia couldn't see her fake crying at all, and hurriedly defended. An Xu aroused her interest, but she was not willing to be coaxed back by a word. She rolled around on the bed, covering her face and whining, wondering if Lydia would be hooked by this fake sloppy rolling. The ascetic monk stood by the bed and looked at the god-favored man who had no shame, and stood there in a daze at a loss.

In the end, An Xu himself was too tired to hear the answer, and felt that it might be too fake. Lydia didn't like this, so she lay down on the bed lazily.

"I'm worried that you will be killed," Lydia said, "don't be sad."

An Xu turned to look at her, the ascetic was really serious and at a loss, which made the perpetrator feel a little bit sorry. She got up quickly and reached out to touch the girl's head. The other party's hair is dry and astringent, which may be uncomfortable to the touch due to malnutrition.

"You're kidding me." An Xu said, "It's just a fake... Do you know what it means to pretend?"

Lydia shook her head.

"For example, there is something that is not like this, and it is exaggerated..."

"Lying?" Lydia frowned, "You can't lie."

"Oh, it's not that serious! It's not necessary to distort the facts, it's just a moderate exaggeration, it's just a joke," An Xu scratched his head, thinking it was a bit of a shirk, "It's good that it didn't cause bad results or harm anyone. For example, I didn't lie just now."

"You did this for me?" Lydia's face was wrinkled, "Why?"

This was the first time Lydia asked her something, and An Xu felt that he shouldn't make a joke to prevaricate it.

"Actually, I'm exaggerating." She waved her palm and said, "Generally speaking, the general doesn't like you, and if I want to play with them, I can't play with you, so I choose to play with you. Then I will prove myself It’s okay to play, if you accidentally put yourself down.”


"I probably didn't recover well before, and I haven't tried to what extent I will faint."

"Why did you choose me?"

"You are a healer." An Xu replied honestly casually, feeling that his mouth was a bit dry in explaining, and he really couldn't expect an ascetic to be considerate enough to prepare water. Oh, Nancy is an exception.

"There are also healers in the monastery." Lydia asked persistently.

"You look so cute!"

"You want to have **** with me?"

If An Xu had listened to his heart and got water to drink, he would have spewed a mouthful of water one meter away by now. "No!" she yelled injustice, "Who told you such nonsense?!"

Lydia fell silent.

She was chosen to set off to follow the Favored One not only because of her skill. The Holy See heard that the Favored One got along well with a little girl who later developed into an omega and an older ascetic monk, so they chose a lovable little ascetic monk girl. Before leaving, she was asked to agree to all the innocuous demands of the favored man, including sex. alpha well. Even in the center of the kingdom, it is not uncommon for priests who claim to be unmarried for life to have lovers and illegitimate children, and no one will care about it. They made Lydia ready for everything, a devotion beneficial to God, if the Favored One so desired.

"There's no reason!" An Xu held his head and groaned#, the ascetic stared at An Xu with real confusion on his face, as if it was a very strange thing for him to be chosen.

Lydia is indeed strange, she is a part of the penitentiary, there is no difference between one part and another, can be replaced at will, there is no choice which one to choose - maybe this little girl will think about it, it is already It must be different. An Xu suddenly felt that Lydia was a bit pitiful, and at this moment, she felt like a real person, not an NPC with bound milk written on her head.

"In the very beginning, I needed a healer, whoever you want, just don't hate it too much." An Xu said, "But it's different now, we got to know each other, right? Give me treatment, you worry about me, then you are not 'any ascetic monk who doesn't hate' to me, but 'Lydia'."

An Xu thought for a while, and added: "I think the general is nice, and I want to be friends with her. I like you too—I don't want to sleep with your kind of liking—I think we can be friends. One friend can't make me leave the other, understand?"

Lydia looked at her ignorantly.

"It doesn't matter if you don't understand, hey, I'm not good at pouring chicken soup for the soul." An Xu said with a smile, "Anyway, we'll see, you still have to learn."

The ascetic monk opened his big owl-like eyes and nodded with a vague understanding.