MTL - I Like This Dream!-v2 Chapter 44

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In Eve. Stuart is busy writing letters, Anna. While Sullivan was still in a coma, the Vengalo defense line was busy.

Contrary to Xiaxiu, where the Tibes defense line was so leisurely that the garrison could have a holiday, the summer in Wenjialuo was full of strange beasts and the blood of the garrison. At the junction of summer and autumn in previous years, the annual beast tide on the Wenjialuo defense line had just ended. The border army breathed a sigh of relief from the slow reduction of alien beast attacks, and began to look forward to the slowly cooling weather. As the town closest to the defense line, Ashwood Town will also be lively.

But it should never be as lively as it is now, especially this year.

The once-in-a-decade wave of big beasts has just swept across the Wenjialuo defense line. It is coming fiercely, but it is slow when it goes away. It is said that the soil of the defense line was stained red with blood, and the merchants were busy. The caravans that left at the end of summer in previous years left early. A large number of exotic animal products were sold, and even the crystal nuclei were placed on the street. The quantity of goods has risen sharply, but the population on the border has dropped sharply. The strength of the Wenjialuo border army has been greatly weakened, and all available reserve troops have been replenished.

The bustling crowd filled Ashwood Town, most of them were young and middle-aged people, but the northern natives with the tradition of growing beards only accounted for a small part. Dressed in spotty attire, the men didn't know each other, but couldn't help talking to each other in their eclectic accents while waiting in line. They're all here for one reason: Prince Ronald's recruitment order.

Hank was one of them, and he stood in line, stamping his feet and rubbing his hands, trying not to shake himself. He is a southerner through and through, and he only wears a thin short sleeve. He never expected that this ghost place can be so cold in summer and autumn. The team he lined up was much smaller, because this was not a place to recruit soldiers but knights. The team next to it was crowded together noisily, and Hank shook the iron sword hilt at his waist, while spurning these uneducated guys, he secretly hoped that the team here would also squeeze a little more, so as to keep him warmer.

"It's really cold in here, isn't it?" He turned around and spoke to the person behind him. Behind him was a man like a bear, with a beard that grew to his chest, a shiny head, and also wearing short sleeves—maybe mid-sleeves, but they were made into short sleeves on this guy. The bearded man glanced at him, snorted, and said, "Is this called cold? A pampered southerner."

Hank was very upset. Bitter sarcasm twirled in his mind, and his eyes rolled on the other person: tattoos were engraved on the shiny scalp, he was a barbarian from the north; his muscles were thick, his fingers were thick, poking out the wooden handle of his body to see It looked like an axe; the defenders maintaining order not far away laughed in unison. The bearded man glanced at Hank with a sneer, turned to talk to the people behind him, and met the eyes of the defenders, obviously familiar with each other. The strong dragon couldn't overwhelm the local snake, Hank turned back angrily, and secretly cursed the Yankees hundreds of times.

"It's true that the north is much colder than the south," a gentle voice interjected, "I was too cold when I first came to the north. If you don't mind, please use my cloak as an emergency."

Hank looked up and saw that the person in front had turned sideways and handed him a cape. It was a young man as tall as Hank (only an inch or two shorter than Bear Man), with blond hair and blue eyes. Hank hurriedly thanked him and put the cloak on himself. The material of the cloak was quite good. Hank touched it, then scanned the opponent's leather armor, scabbard, and outfit, and immediately knew that the opponent was not comparable to the second son of a down-and-out nobleman like himself.

"Thank you so much!" He expressed his thanks and complained bitterly. "I'm a country bumpkin who has never left the south. If I wasn't so poor that I couldn't get by soon, I wouldn't come to the north to suffer! Are you also a southerner?"

"Born near Abery." The young man nodded.

"Ai Bo Li? Ah, that's a big city!" Hank praised, "there are countless stone bricks there, the houses are beautiful, and the order is exceptionally good. A great warrior like you, the city lord didn't keep you there ?"

"Don't dare to be, how do you know that I am a great fighter?" The young man was a little dumbfounded by the praise.

"It can be seen from your standing posture." As Hank said, he imitated the other party's appearance and stood up straight, but unfortunately he looked a little...not majestic, and he looked like a villain when he stood up straight. "Ordinary people don't stand like this. The hanging position of your scabbard is just right, and you can draw out your sword at any time. Forgive me, I accidentally touched your hand when I was picking up the cloak just now, and you still have calluses on your fingers that have been pulling bows all year round!"

The young man showed a surprised expression, and Hank gave an exaggerated noble salute.

"I'm not boasting, don't look at me like this, your eyes are pretty good." He said with some pride, "I said you are a great fighter, that's not a compliment. Tell me, let you run outside Son is a mistake."

Why is such a person here? Hank was really surprised by this. As the second son of a down-and-out nobleman, he could not inherit the title and most of his property. His father was kicked out by his elder brother early after his death. He traveled around and grew up to be a man who knows how to watch occasions. From the standing posture of the blond young man, it can be seen that he is by no means just a showy figure (many aristocratic idiots can't even hold a sword, and Hank is happy to take advantage of their orders), that outfit and gentle conversation It can be seen that there is at least one noble parent. With these two, even as a beta, it is enough to find a good position in the local area, why bother to come and squeeze with them.

Prince Ronald's recruitment order states that the recruitment of border troops does not restrict origin or gender, but only an approximate age limit (from gender differentiation to too old to run/before holding a sword); candidates for the Knights only require "as One of "alpha" and "noble origin", you don't need to go through formal knight training (that is, you have been taught by a formal knight for many years as a knight squire), and you can become a member of the Glorious Knights after passing the test. In the past when the official army only accepted alphas or supernatural beings, and the knights only accepted noble alphas, as a beta, Hank had no chance to try his luck.

Suddenly there was a burst of laughter behind him. Hank took a step back vigilantly and then turned around. He saw the bearded man pointing at the blond young man in disbelief and shouting, "Great soldier? Are you blind? That's an omega! Fuck, omega How did you get in here?"

His voice stopped half of the people in the square, half of the noise stopped immediately, and the other half also closed their mouths inexplicably because of the sudden decrease in volume. In the crowded square, suddenly there was only whispering, and everyone's eyes were focused here.

"His Royal Highness's recruitment order does not prohibit omega from participating." The young man said calmly.

With a bang, all the sounds exploded back, louder than before, as if someone poked a beehive. Hank was dumbfounded, never expecting that this was what he missed.

The betas are not sensitive to the smell of gender, but where is it necessary to smell something so obvious as alpha and omega? Alpha has an alpha spirit, wears light clothing that is easy to move, is strong, tall and aggressive; omega is gentle and delicate, short, accompanied by long skirts, perfume and children, the body may be petite or plump, anyway, it is absolutely "strong", " Warrior" is irrelevant. You said that soldier in front of you is an omega? You might as well say that Hank is an omega!

"What is an omega doing on the battlefield? All the alphas in your family are dead?" The bearded man shook his head, looking from head to toe with naked eyes. Omega, who was not at all like an omega, was unmoved, and just replied calmly: "I'm here to compete for a place to join the Glory Knights, just like everyone else."

The bearded man stared at him with wide eyes, and laughed wildly with his companion behind him. "He...he said he wanted to join the Knights!" They laughed out of breath, "Also, still 'like us'! Hahahahaha! Listen! Omega! Go back and breastfeed your child!"

This is already a serious offense, enough to make this omega's alpha relative propose a duel. But obviously this young man came alone, without any companions, and Hank had retreated wisely to the side. There are enough idlers gathered in the conscription square. This group of guys who come to try their luck and work their lives are laughing dirty, and the center of their topic is always expressionless, as if watching a group of boring urchins.

A rocket soared into the sky, scattering sparks in the air. "Quiet!" the guards yelled in unison. The crowd in the square forked a path, and a knight in armor walked over with a serious face. The bearded group recognized the insignia on his armor and hurriedly bowed in salute.

This is a member of the Knights of Glory, an alpha aristocratic elite who enjoys the power of "can only be judged by the head of the Knights" and "beheads the civilians first".

"What's going on?" he asked, frowning.

"My lord," said the most articulate man among the bearded group, "here is an omega."

"Omega?" The knight frowned and looked at the young man beside him, immediately smelling his gender, "His Royal Highness Prince Ronald will definitely ensure the stability of the Bungalow defense line, you should go back, sir, the battlefield is not an omega The place to come."

"I inherited my father's title of baron. According to the request of His Royal Highness, I am qualified to compete for the position of the Knights of Glory." That omega is neither arrogant nor humble, "His Royal Highness once said that in this critical moment of life and death, omega, Non-nobles and even sinners with bad deeds can contribute to the defense of Yamenan. If this is true, I am in the right place."

The whispers that had been ringing around from time to time stopped, and everyone pricked up their ears, wanting to hear the knight's answer. They didn't come to try their luck in previous years, all because the conditions were not up to standard. The recruitment order not only does not limit gender and background, promises money and status, but also declares to ignore the past of the joiners, and protect sinners who sincerely repent. Alphas from commoner backgrounds, betas from aristocratic backgrounds, and wanted ex-criminals all gathered for this event. If Prince Ronald repented, these desperate guys would definitely make a fuss.

The knight frowned even deeper, realizing that changing his words without permission would tarnish the lord's reputation. Who expected such a thing to happen? To be precise, what His Royal Highness said back then was "Anyone can try, even an omega"—you said "Any reinforcement is welcome, even if there is only one person", but it doesn't mean that you are really happy that there is only one reinforcement!

So far, only alpha and beta have appeared in the line of defense since the conscription. If the omega with its own capital is in trouble, there are obviously safer ways to get money, so why bother to come to the dangerous border? It has long been common sense for omega to stay away from the battlefield. Although the knights don't feel that it will be bad luck for the military camp to let omega get close like some places, they still think that those guys will only cause trouble if they stay on the battlefield.

The knight glanced at Omega unhappily, and said coldly: "Anyone has a chance, it doesn't mean that the Knights will recruit everyone. If there is any accident during the selection process, it is your own responsibility."

"Thank you for your answer." The young man said politely, "I'm ready."

Before the knight said anything, the bearded man was already irritated by the overbearing words. Let an omega choose with him? This is a complete insult! "Don't bother, my lord!" he roared. "Let me, Quick, take this watch home!"

"Disrespectful!" The knight attendant reprimanded, not because of what the other party said, but because a mere commoner interrupted in front of the knight. The bearded man hurriedly lowered his head, and the hastily bent whole body made the knight decide not to argue with him. He went to look at that omega again, only to see that the other party looked calm and composed, without any panic.

The Cavaliers changed their minds.

It would be better for this arrogant omega to be beaten back than to die on the defensive line. The knight thought benevolently, and nodded.