MTL - I Like This Dream!-v2 Chapter 50

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In the 341st year of the Cecil calendar, the year of the Great Beast Tide, this year's Yamenan is destined to not be peaceful.

The beast tide season is like ink soaked in water, blurred and lost its boundaries. In the spring of the Bungala defense line, there was already a surge of beasts, which was no different from previous summers. The border army did not go around to rescue them in order to preserve their strength in the next big beast tide. The small villages near the line of defense had nowhere to ask for help, and almost all of them suffered disasters.

With the lessons learned from the past, the migration of many small villages on the border of Tibes started early in order to catch up with the colder weather. However, autumn in Thebes is still full of noise and chaos, and for different reasons than Vengala.

God favored.

The vast majority of people on the border of Thebes understood the meaning of this word this autumn. If the church headquarters in Alingu knew this, they would be very pleasantly surprised. You can stop a farmer casually in the defense line and ask him, "Do you know God's Favored?" He will definitely nod repeatedly and say, "Yes! God's Favored One can strike thunder, have electricity in their eyes, and glow in their arms! She is tall Twenty feet tall, with such a big mouth, it can eat any living thing! Wherever it goes, the beast will die! Just look at her and it will die!"

After the legend of the child-eating devil in St. Andrew's Theological Seminary, Anxu once again became the protagonist of folk tales.

She seems to be a nomadic people who live by aquatic plants, and aquatic plants refer to strange beasts. Since discovering that the crystal nucleus of the alien beast is the blue medicine, An Xu has been using the nearby forest as a daily dungeon, and complained that the refreshing speed is not fast enough, and troubled her to run around. The entire defense line was flying like dogs and dogs because of the gods, and once there was a spectacle of frightening all animals to run after thunder and rain.

In autumn, the beast tide had not yet started, and the strange beasts that were equivalent to the vanguard had a slow gathering process. In previous years, they were distributed in groups of three or four in the vast forest, and the frontier army could feel their covetousness, but they could not take the risk of being divided and destroyed. If we use animal metaphors, the alien beasts are cunning wolves, the civilians who are unable to fight back are sheep, and the border army is shepherd dogs. Shepherd dogs can drive away the wolves that pounce on them, but they can't stay away from the sheep and chase them, they can only get tired of coping. It's better to stick to the defense line, wait for the beast tide to gather, and use the advantage of the city wall to fight them to the death.

This year was different, a lion ran out of the flock of sheep, and plunged into the herd like a joy. The food chain was suddenly reversed, and the herd was crushed to death. However, Miss Lion didn't care at all whether the flock would be scattered or whether her teammate would be knocked away on the way of crushing - except for the ascetic monk she carried with her, she didn't regard anyone as a teammate at all.

Creatures with brains heard the thunder and ran away, and there was a miracle of harmony between humans and beasts running in the same direction without interfering with each other.

People called her "Blood Anna" in private, as if talking about a ghost in a story or a natural disaster. Most of the villagers who migrated and those who did not want to migrate saw her traces from afar. The sky was covered by thunderclouds, and the sound of thunderstorms was louder than any thunderstorm, leaving a mess after leaving.

Perhaps "Anna without blood" is more appropriate. The favored ones are not bathed in blood. The saying that Anna in blood bathed in blood and chewed the dead body with blood in her mouth is just an imaginary story. The frontier soldiers who were running around escorting the villagers to relocate passed her several times. They saw the corpses left by the gods. The blood of the dead animals was boiled in the body. The scene was so clean that it was disgusting, as if the ground had become a huge The picky eater ate a little bit of the dinner plate, left the still hot leftovers and left.

The more fortunate, or the unlucky ones, have met face-to-face with the favored ones. She doesn't eat people or kill people, but she doesn't avoid people either. In her eyes, maybe the galloping beasts are no different from the crowd. Xue Anna's notoriety blocked everyone's curiosity, and when people realized that they were so close to her, they would run as far as they could. Thanks to this, the current casualties are all caused by the trampling of the beasts during the escape, and no one has died directly under her hands.

Even so, the survivors who have seen her have no intention of clarifying the legend of Blood Anna. Rather, it has deteriorated.

You'll know it when you've seen her! If you've seen her... the person who was close enough to see the face of the favored one trembled and said this repeatedly.

What kind of face does Xue Anna have? Undoubtedly beautiful, it's just that the focus of the survivors' descriptions was never on it. What kind of expression did she show during the hunt? Those who believe in rumors and think that Anna is a devil think that her face will be full of hatred for the living; those who don't believe in rumors know Anna well. Sullivan was just a soldier with aristocratic ability, thinking that she would concentrate on using such a powerful ability, and had no time to be distracted. Both sides are wrong.

The Favored One smiles occasionally, but most of the time is relaxed and calm. She didn't kill out of hatred, not out of protection, not even to show off her strength. She enjoyed it, but not ecstatically. Will you be overjoyed and saddened to pick the fruits in the garden?

She is neither a gluttonous beast, nor a cunning and greedy priest. If you want to compromise with her, you don't know how to do it. It is more terrifying than the treacherous and evil people. No one knows what the gods are thinking. This kind of unknown fear is like a bear doll with human teeth, and a beauty wriggling holes under the skin. Everyone outside the monastery shunned her like a snake and a scorpion, and the favored man and Lydia were deprived of water and had to move into the monastery of Thebes.

Dennis, the abbot who received the favored man as he wished, also failed to spend the autumn peacefully.

The people of the monastery did not leave the fortress, and did not witness the great deeds of the favored one. Dennis is not afraid of Xue Anna's notoriety, in his opinion, it is just fools and ignorant people. He was afraid of more practical things, such as a decrease in the income of the monastery.

The worship and prayer fees of believers are an important source of income for the monastery, especially the last item. People in Yamenan, from the royal family to the common people, generally believe in this truth: the more pious and ascetic the prayers, the easier it is for their prayers to be heard by the gods and cleanse people's sins. How are you going to make your voice heard if you're so busy having fun, fighting, and struggling to survive? Pay the priests to do it for you!

Even on the border of Thebes, a large number of believers were willing to send money to the monastery in previous years. This is one of the reasons why the Tibes Abbey will not shake its foundation despite the deep hatred of previous commanders. In the year of the Great Beast Tide, Dean Dennis was ready to make a big deal out of the flustered people and the relatives of the dead, but he didn't expect that the plan would be ruined before it even started.

First of all, people are more afraid of the god-favored than they are afraid of the beast tide, and no one cares about the amulet to drive away the beast tide. A farmer asked innocently if there was a blood Anna expulsion talisman. The head of the monastery twitched, and turned around and took out the amulet of the gods that he had made earlier ("Let the glory of the gods bless you!", what a good promotional slogan! , how much money can be sold, Dennis is literally bleeding) and locked it under the warehouse. Secondly, the divinely favored person lived in the monastery—it was impossible to hide this, she flew in under the eyes of everyone—the flow of people in the monastery plummeted the next day.

No one dared to come to worship, and no one came to send money for the priests to pray. Dennis condescended to let the priests go out to visit the rich in person. They said: It doesn't matter on our side! Not the point! For the well-being of Tibes, please concentrate on reciting prayers to suppress Blood Anna!

What can Dennis do? He can't explain that Blood Anna is the one favored by the gods at this time (no one believed it at first, but he didn't dare to say it later, lest the monastery be reduced to the point of being exorcised by idiots, Dennis has experienced the folk customs of the frontier as soon as he took office Sturdy), can’t keep up with his boss (how did the god-favored person who was deeply influenced by Alingu Theological Seminary become a big devil once he arrived here? Dennis’ enemies must be happy to catch this point and annoy him), and You have to placate the foolish people while whitewashing the peace to your superiors.

He put his money on the pad with a painful heart, and reported with his nose: the decrease in income was due to changes in the weather, frequent thunderstorms, and poor harvests for farmers. The Familiar of God has strengthened the influence of the Holy See in the southern border of Yamen, and every household is chanting the name of the Familiar of God...

Dennis felt that his hair was beginning to fall out, in handfuls.

In such a tense atmosphere, winter has arrived.

An Xu woke up early one morning and broke away from his meditation. She faintly felt something different, that feeling was like the morning of the first heavy snow, when you got up, you had a premonition before you opened the curtains.

She stood at the window of the monastery and looked out. The sky was still shrouded in mist, and the sun had not risen in the east. The border of Thebes has not yet woken up, and even the monastery looks very deserted. It seemed that she was the only one awakened by such an inexplicable premonition in the whole border.

It has been a while since I used meditation to replace sleep. Meditation can supplement energy consumption, but it is not as comfortable as sleeping in bed, but An Xu is not here for an outing. The leveling crazy girl uses meditation instead of sleep, eats manna to survive, wanders around the border all day hunting, and collects the crystal nuclei of various beasts, and does experiments to see which one is within her tolerance (the ordinary Gale Rabbit The effect of the crystal nucleus on her has been negligible). An Xu doesn't feel hard work at all, she thinks the conditions are much better now than when she was alone at home, forgetting to eat, sleep and write books to practice leveling, so don't worry about food, clothing, housing and transportation, let alone Lydia.

Speaking of which, Lydia?

An Xu got up and looked around, but he didn't see the ascetic monk. After moving to the convent, Lydia was supposed to lie on the opposite bed when the Abbot gave them a room for both at her request. The bedding on the opposite bed was already cold, and Lydia had already left at some point.

Maybe go out for morning class? In the monastery, Anxu didn't worry about Lydia being beaten. During the team formation during this period, she also found that Lydia is a nimble milkman, and she has no problem protecting herself and keeping up with DPS. After An Xu thought about it, he stretched himself to wash up.

Going back to the room again, there is already a person inside. That was one of the people sent by the monastery to take care of their food and clothing, and he was making the bed with his back to An Xu. An Xu pushed the door open and made a creak, and the man jumped up in fright.

"You're so timid." An Xu curled his lips, looked around the room, but couldn't find the dinner plate, "Didn't you bring any food?"

"It's too early, I thought you were out, let me tidy up for you..."

An Xu passed him and glanced at Lydia's bed, and said with disgust, "Why is it more messy than tidying up?"

"Because you came back early, I haven't finished laying it yet, so I will do it right away!" the man said quickly.

"Really, I don't know what you think you're flipping through." An Xu rolled his eyes, "It's as messy as a dog digging through."

"Your Excellency, God's Favored One, you are joking," the man said dryly, "What can I look for..."


Lydia suddenly appeared at the door, holding a small herb sac in her hand—although it was called a herb sac, what was inside was not vanilla, but a local plant with an unpleasant smell. Alien beasts with a keen sense of smell hate this plant, so people on the defensive line love to wear one, even if the alien beasts are really hungry and don't care too much about the taste of food, it's still better than nothing. An Xu didn't bother to care about such things, and Lydia wore one like the custom.

The clean-up person trembled, his smile stiffened, and he stumbled and said, "You, I don't know what you're talking about."

The ascetic monk was expressionless, holding a small cloth bag, and looked at each other calmly until the monk was sweating profusely. An Xu looked here and there, wondering what kind of medicine Lydia sold in her gourd. Even now, she often can't see what the taciturn bound milk is thinking and how she is feeling. If An Xu knows other people's evaluation of her "mysterious and unpredictable", she must cry out: I am very straightforward ! Mysterious and unpredictable should describe Lydia like this!

"What's the matter?" She couldn't help asking.

The enigmatic Lydia said nothing, shook her head, and put her hands down. The monk bid farewell in a hurry, and left the room as if fleeing. Lydia stared at him quietly the whole time, and saw him fall halfway, and ran away without a trace.

"What happened?" An Xu asked again.

"It's been resolved." Lydia said flatly, the corners of her mouth suddenly turned up, showing a smile like a puppet.