MTL - I Like This Dream!-v2 Chapter 49

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Within the defense line of Tibes, in the hills less than the city of Aiboli, there are many villages and towns dotted around, and Honghe Village is one of the remote ones. This remote village welcomed distinguished guests today, the village head and squires all gathered in the house in fear, nodding and bowing to the visitors.

The guest of honor was a priest with soft black hair, wearing a black robe, followed by an ascetic. He is not the kind of country priest that can be seen in the ceremony. A silver holy emblem is pinned on the left chest, which means that this priest is a graduate of the "Shepherd's Cradle" St. Andrew's Theological Seminary. In a small place like Honghe Village, seeing a priest from Alingu is enough for a person to boast about half his life.

The black-haired priest stood with his back to the window, his upright figure was in stark contrast to the others. Unlike the villagers with loud voices, the priest's voice was very soft, and he couldn't hear it clearly outside the house, only the high and low melodious voices could be heard. It was a voice that was extremely suitable for preaching, calm and warm, and one couldn't help but believe that what he said was right. The village head and others who entertained him nodded frequently. Suddenly, the door was opened, and the two teenagers were brought in one by one by another ascetic monk.

They were thrown to the ground stiffly, and the village chief's face changed, but of course it wasn't because of the ascetic's rude actions. One of the teenagers was his son in the rebellious period, with the ashes on the window sill still rubbing on his arms, he knew what he was doing just now.

"I'm very sorry, this is my youngest son!" The village head rubbed his hands and said anxiously, "I'm not raised properly, let him be so naughty..."

"Your child is very cute," said the priest kindly, and both the village headman and his son gave silly, flattered smiles.

The other boy's eyeballs rolled slyly, as if he was surprised by his companion's so attentive and funny expression. The priest turned to look at him, his dark eyes bottomless.

"Are you?" asked the priest, "are you also a child of the village chief?"

"No, I'm Jay." The boy blurted out.

The priest asked again, "Can you tell me what you are doing here?"

"I'll come and see you..."

Speaking of this, Jay bit his lower lip, lowered his eyes shyly, rubbed his nose and said with a smile: "I just came to see the excitement. I heard that a big man came to the village, so I urged Gabi to take me to take a peek. I don’t know if big people also have two eyes and one nose.”

"You're rude!" the village head scolded, and patted Jay on the shoulder to order him to apologize, but it was obvious that there was no effort at all. He smiled again and said to the priest: "Jay is a good boy, but he is a little curious. I am so sorry!"

Jay is a clever boy, quick in his hands and feet, and cute in appearance. It is hard for young and old in the village not to like him. The child hurriedly apologized, but the black-haired priest forgave him with a smile, and said, "I passed by here during my training, and I will leave tomorrow. There is no need to mobilize people."

Then it was time for the village head and the country gentry to recommend themselves and ask the priest to stay at their home. Everyone rushed to the first place and seemed extremely enthusiastic. When he was thrown out, the village chief's son, Gabi, still had a look of reluctance and wanted to stay inside.

"My lord priest is such a wonderful man!" he chattered on the road, "I just learned today that a man in a robe can be so kind, so... wonderful," he repeated poorly, "compared to him, all people Priests are like fakes!"

"Yeah." Jay replied absent-mindedly, took out the pannier from the haystack not far away, took out the ointment inside and handed it to Gabi. He said, "I suddenly remembered that there is still something to be done. Please help me exchange this with Sister Mary! The reward will be placed with you first, and I will come to get it next time."

"Hey, is it so early?" Gabi said regretfully, waving goodbye to his companions. He was still immersed in the experience just now, and he didn't notice that the other person's palms were full of sweat.

Jay returned the same way with his back on his back, at a normal speed at first, and after turning a few turns, he started to run wildly. He spent half the time when he came running back up the mountain, skillfully drilled through the maze surrounded by thorns and thorns, and rushed back to the hut on the top of the mountain in one breath.

The old woman was tidying up the courtyard with her back bent, turning a deaf ear to the young man who rushed back. Jay didn't bother to greet her, and rushed all the way to the deepest room in the hut, stopped at the door, tried to adjust his breathing, and knocked on the door.

"Come in," said the voice from the door.

Jay opened the door. The room was much darker than the hallway with the large windows, and the strange green light inside was reflected on his face. No matter how many times he entered and exited, he was always in awe of this room, stepping here was like stepping into another world.

There are two large potted plants covered with glass covers in the two corners of the room, and the giant fungi planted in them are the source of the light without heat in the room. Everything is full of things as far as the eye can see, and there is only one passageway on the ground that can barely be settled. Walking in it, you can't help but be nervous, worrying that something will cause a chain reaction. Bottles and jars are everywhere, many are covered with cloth, and the distorted shape of the glassware on the table seems to be created by the devil; a large number of books are randomly discarded on the ground, and the noble family may not have that luxury—but if you look closely, you can find that they It is not an exquisite handmade book, but randomly bound notes, handwritten by the same person.

"Teacher, people from the church have come to Honghe Village!" Jay said hurriedly, "The priest wearing the holy emblem and two ascetics, one ascetic can paralyze people, that priest may have real powers!"

A corner of the room moved, and suddenly a figure appeared. The head and face were wrapped in black cloth, only a pair of blue eyes were exposed, like a wizard hiding in the shadows in the story. The figure gestured to Jay, put the boiling round-bottomed glass bottle on the shelf, walked out quickly, and closed the door.

"Only those three people?" The man asked, taking off the black veil covering his head.

The face exposed to the sun is not the ugly wizard in the nursery rhyme, but surprisingly beautiful. It was a good-looking man, with silver strands mixed in the bundled blond hair, and the lines around his eyes and lips showed that he was no longer young, but time fell on him like a craftsman's carving knife, adding a mature look instead. Charm. He squinted his eyes unaccustomed to the light in the corridor, and pursed his thin lips even more severely.

Unlike the apprentice who was born with a certain affinity, the middle-aged man whom Jay called his teacher was very handsome, but he had an aura that made people afraid to get close to him. His scrutinizing cold gaze was like a snake looking at a frog, but the young man he was looking at was not afraid at all, and told what happened just now like pouring beans.

"What's going on here?" The elder interrupted him, touching Jay's face, "Did they do it?"

The boy subconsciously wanted to touch his face, his hands were grabbed, and his cheeks were covered with soft cloth. Jay stood obediently and waited for the teacher to wipe off the blood on his face. He hissed and said embarrassedly, "No, I ran too fast just now and got hooked by a tree."

"What are you in a hurry for?" The elder sneered, "An army of less than a thousand people, and priests below the bishop's level, dare to make trouble at this level. I am not the one who is unlucky."

Jay wowed, tiny stars shooting out of his round green eyes. The teacher's mouth was bent by the strong light, and the stern aura around him was restrained.

"A daredevil." He mumbled and shook his head, then changed the subject and said, "It's not real abilities, it's the kind that makes contracts and lie detectors. It can make people answer every question, and even make you almost say that he didn't ask." His abilities must be too rare to be placed in any category."

"He was weird," Jay recalled. "I was obviously wary. When he asked me something, I felt like I was talking to you. I almost said everything. It felt disgusting."

"Is it disgusting to talk to me?" The teacher raised an eyebrow.

"That's not it!" Jay said quickly, "it's disgusting to talk to strangers like you are talking to... Alas! It's like someone pretending to be you to trick you, but it feels wrong when you are sober, especially uncomfortable !"

He was so distressed that he made gestures, and only when he saw the teacher's widened smile did he realize that he was being teased. "Teacher!" Jay yelled angrily, "I said it's urgent!"

The elder laughed lowly, ruffling the apprentice's hair. "I'm also talking about something important." He said lightly, "Don't go down these days. That priest won't stay for long. You've done a good job. He won't care about such a small person as you."

Jay looked at him worriedly. He understood the apprentice's worry, but he just shook his head and said, "If his target is me, don't worry. As I said just now, I don't think much of a priest. Yes Why don't you just go and cut the sage for me. Don't run away! Apply it to your face first."

Jay nodded, and at this moment a pigeon flew into the window and cooed twice. The elder untied the letter from the pigeon's leg, and Jay hurriedly went to feed the pigeon. When he turned back with a handful of millet in his hand, the teacher was frowning and clasping the window sill with his fingers.

The apprentice fed the feed to the pigeons, and peeked at the pensive teacher without disturbing him. The upside-down words were reflected on the translucent letter paper, Jay didn't specifically peek at them, and only scanned a few words here and there.

"God's favored one"?

Even after learning to read and write from the teacher, this uncommon word is still difficult for Jay to understand. He unconsciously searched for context and saw only "Tibes"...

"Jay, help me get the item in grid 14."

The teacher put down the letter paper and called him. Jay immediately forgot what he was thinking just now and ran to the storage room.

The elder returned to the room and set the letter on fire. He tore off a slip of paper and wrote briefly on it: To the toilers of the Skag:

I am deeply sympathetic to this matter, and I have attached the bait for external use, and the description is in the inside. wish all the best.

your friend alva


The priest who has appeared many times but still doesn't know his name appears again, and a new character is unlocked~