MTL - I Like This Dream!-v2 Chapter 58

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Farming, the secrets for the vast number of time travelers to make a fortune. Anyway, there is no battle dungeon to farm now, and it is not bad to do some construction in spare time.

The only problem is, the dream is a little too realistic.

Anxu has no portable space, no auxiliary system, no spiritual spring, spiritual soil, spiritual plant, etc. As the second generation who immigrated from the countryside to the city, An Xu's only impression of the farmland comes from the few glances he takes when returning to his hometown in the countryside every Spring Festival.

Can she farm? Won't. Is farming her hobby? no. An Xu didn't get the enlightenment on how to farm, and he couldn't come up with a bunch of results to prove the possibility that ordinary people can also farm. Therefore, when she categorically asked people to plant the land, and then said uncertainly that as long as "throwing the seeds into the ground, watering and fertilizing, a lot of food can be grown", the head of the monastery continued to practice Tai Chi, and asked the god-favored man Please go out.

An Xu curled his lips at the monastery, who clearly didn't believe it, and said to himself that he didn't have any imagination at all, so he was ashamed to be a magic stick! She turned to Jane and told the abbot's remarks. The general frowned, and said: "According to the conversion amount of general crystal nuclei and gold, this year's offering to Stuart can be used as an emergency."

"Why pay for it!"

"It's better than them raiding civilians. This year, everyone can't pay the money." Jane said, "If the head of the monastery can't hand over the offering, he will either take the risk or be evacuated."

Although the border army and the monastery on the border hate each other, when facing the Pope of Alingu, they can be regarded as a natural alliance. The abbot didn't want to be transferred, and the border army didn't want to transfer an unknown, possibly more severe minion of the Holy See. Everyone wished that the sky would be so high that the emperor would be far away, and they would just sit on the border and make a fortune.

"I can't afford it this year, does that mean I could afford it in previous years?" An Xu was distracted, "Isn't the loss this year smaller than before?"

"That's true, but the income is also low. After the beast tide before, there are not only crystal nuclei, but also meat, fur, etc., which can be sold to merchants in exchange for what they want. This year..." The general shook his head and looked at An Xuzhi Sighing, "There is less meat and more mouths, barely able to make ends meet."

An Xu understood.

Alien beasts and border people form an ecological circle, and the annual beast tide is like a natural selection, reducing the population and providing resources. For example, the beast tide is a pack of wolves, and the border people are a herd of deer. The wolves reduce the old, weak, sick and disabled, and their corpses can nourish the earth and produce lush forage. An Xu seemed to have invaded by alien creatures, and wiped out the wolves. The result is deer overgrowth and lack of nourishment in pastures, eventually leading to more deer herds than this fragile ecosystem can sustain.

In this situation where the population is screened every year, the whole people can really survive without planting and only hunting and picking fruits. An Xu felt a sense of guilt and responsibility for a scientist who found that she unintentionally caused an ecological imbalance. She turned her mind to the normal way of dealing with the above-mentioned problems (planting trees, killing deer), and remembered that Jane hadn't commented on the matter of farming.

"What about farming? You can't harvest it in spring, but in autumn you can pay back all the money on the pad!" She said hastily.

Jane was completely unaware of the anti-human and anti-social thoughts that flashed through the head of the God-Fated One, and only showed the same helplessness as the head of the monastery. She shook her head and said, "That's not feasible!"

"How do you know if you don't try? Do you also think that only gods and supernatural beings can do it?"

"I know because I tried it!" said the general, "You never thought of planting as a frontier man?"

The climate on the border of Tibes is suitable, and wild fruits can grow into one piece when dropped on the ground. The border residents who first settled in also planted it with a fluke mentality, but it is a pity that one grain of wheat can only be reaped, and it will take a long time, so the gain outweighs the loss.

"A plant supernaturalist can use one grain of wheat to grow a loaf of bread, and it can be done in ten minutes." Jane said, "What's the use of exchanging one grain of wheat for two? If you have this time, why not go hunting .”

"How did you grow it?" An Xu asked.

Nancy is a plant supernatural being. She told An Shu that plant supernatural beings cannot create things out of thin air, but can only catalyze and alienate them in equal amounts (such as making manna). The amount of bread that can be exchanged under the catalysis shows that the seed itself is not a big problem, and the environment and climate are suitable. The girl from a large agricultural country wants to break her head but can't figure out how to plant one and reap two.

"Dig a hole and bury it," Jane replied.

"…that's it?"

"What's the matter?" Jane was puzzled, "Except for not having the ability, it's the same as the planting method of the plant ability."

"Not loosening the soil?"


"No fertilization?"


"What about watering? Do you always water?"

"Of course not!" said the general as a matter of course. "The seeds are planted in the open air, and the sky knows the right amount of rain."

Anxu deeply and deeply sympathized with those seeds of misfortune. These people simply treat domesticated varieties of food as wild varieties. Wild boars are fierce, but do they have as much meat as domestic pigs? Are there any fat domestic pigs? Are domestic pigs economical? Your skill tree is completely wrong!

In Yamenan, the word "farmer" refers to herdsmen and gatherers. "Food" in the civilian population mostly refers to cheese and dried meat. Developed towns have the circulation of agricultural products catalyzed by plant supernatural beings, and only in cities People can afford it. An Xu, who dressed as a noble lady and lived in the most high-end seminary in Yamenan for many years, had no sense of these incongruities before, but only now has she realized the deformity of the development of science and technology in this world.

Just as the progress of science and technology has degraded the physical fitness of modern people, the black box of technology that is too convenient for supernatural powers has caused the inertia of the inhabitants of this world, and the faults of the dark age have caused a lot of knowledge to be lost. Up to now, some basic technologies that should be developed are so backward that people To the point of surprise.

Even if Anxu's agricultural knowledge is fifty years behind her time, she is enough to crush this place that is hundreds of years behind. A sense of superiority suddenly rose in the girl's heart, and she thought proudly, get out of the way and let the professional come!

An Xu managed to persuade Jane ("Anyway, if you can't hunt, you are idle, and it's not good to start fighting when you are idle. Didn't you say that the Sullivan family has a lot of inheritance? I will ask you to borrow some money first, and I will pay you back in the future. In fact, the autumn harvest can be paid back!"), the general nodded his head reluctantly, and exchanged money for the abbot to pay the offerings in exchange for the help of the monastery. Soon she got a lot of seeds from all sides, as well as strange agricultural tools (a **** and a wooden plow built according to her memory).

The beast tide made most of the people in the villages move to the vicinity of the Tibes fortress, which provided convenience for the gathering of civilians. Anshu urged the border army and the monastery to maintain order, and gathered people in the open space that had been razed one morning. Holding a simple loudspeaker made of metal and animal skin in mid-air (self-provided current), she loudly announced that the withdrawal of mercy is just a rumor, and everyone can go to the monastery with idols and amulets to exchange for their own money. And, the frontier army will distribute seeds and farm tools. As long as you diligently follow the methods to loosen the soil, sprinkle water, sow seeds, water and fertilize regularly, you will be able to harvest food equivalent to the catalysis of plant supernatural beings in autumn.

Although farming is just a thought-provoking method, An Xu is very mobile. She recalled the steps and key points of planting and how to use farm tools. Not only did she tell the public once, but she also had many copies posted everywhere. A priest stood around to explain the meaning of the announcement to the illiterate onlookers at any time. . The planting method here is too primitive, a little change is a huge improvement; the conditions are too unique, the land is so fertile, Anxu is full of confidence that as long as he follows the requirements, the autumn fruits are enough to easily break the superstition.

You see, how persuasive these lovely border people are!

The people were not as stubborn as the general and the abbot. They looked at each other for a while, and immediately accepted the request to farm. People were full of respect for Queen Thunder, and nodded to every word An Xu said. The seeds and agricultural tools were quickly distributed to everyone. They bowed to the sky and went looking for "flat and sunny" farmland.

Satisfied, An Xu gave a thumbs up to Jane and Dennis, who couldn't lift their spirits, and went to the tree to bask in the sun. She fell asleep thinking about the smooth planting plan, playing medieval construction games in her dreams. With a click of the mouse, An Xu transferred a large number of civilians to farmers and assigned them to open up wasteland and farm. She glanced at the expected harvest and confirmed it with satisfaction.

In such a happy mood, An Xu returned to the practice house life of meditating all day long. Recalling that it had been several days, she chewed the cheese to see how it was going.

An Xu first went to the place where the announcement was posted, and there were no priests left who were supposed to be next to the announcement. She ran to the monastery to question Dennis, and the other party immediately complained to her, saying that it was not that her people were not in place, but that there was no one in so many days, and it was a waste of manpower to put it there.

"Not on the first day?" An Xu frowned.

"No!" Dennis insisted.

"Are you vicious?" An Xu looked at him suspiciously.

"Absolutely not!" Dennis swore, "For your assistance, we can't be unkind to civilians!"

An Xu had anticipated the prestige of the priests (she was the kind of person who would rather be blind than asking the dean when she was a child), and ordered them not to wait for anyone to ask, as long as someone was nearby, they must explain clearly, otherwise they would wander around and check. The frontier army saw it and caught it and reduced it by half.

But the head of the monastery didn't lie. If he wanted to treat the common people badly, he had to come up to them. From the first day, no one paid any attention to the corner of the planting method. Someone looked at it from a distance, and then left.

Can everyone understand if I say it once? An Xu faintly felt something was wrong, so he flew over to take a look without asking anyone else.

Flat land is not hard to find. Since Anxu worked as a demolition worker in autumn and winter, the open space in the nearby forest just hasn't grown back yet. She skimmed through several clearings, but found no traces of cultivation. It took a long time before she saw someone watering the clearing beside a hut.

It was a small, chestnut-haired young man who laboriously carried a bucket to the edge of the clearing and carefully poured water over the ground. An Xu got a little closer, and saw that the ground had probably been poured with a lot of buckets of water, and the corners and corners were soaked, making it look a bit muddy. Even a person like her who doesn't distinguish between grains and grains feels that this method is not right.

"Too much water!" An Xu reminded.

The young man was startled, raised his head when he heard the sound, and knelt down into the mud with a plop. An Xu didn't expect his reaction to be so strong, so he hurried down to pull him up, thinking that he had already said that he would not "take back his mercy", so why did they still look like **** in the daytime.

"What's your name?" she asked quickly, lest the other party start calling her queen or goddess.

"I, Ian!" The man replied stammeringly, wanting to raise his head but not daring to, blinking his eyes desperately. An Xu was confused by him and didn't know what to say, so he cleared his throat and praised: "Good job! It's just that there is too much water."

Speaking of the first half of the sentence, Ian's cheeks flushed with excitement, and when he heard the second half of the sentence, he was as anxious as if he was about to kneel down again. An Xu immediately changed the subject and said, "Do you know where others are planting? I haven't seen anyone."

"They're being lazy!" Ian's voice suddenly rose.

This sound attracted other people. There was a small simple shack beside the large open space. The people living inside looked out from Ian's sudden voice, and An Xu who was standing outside was scared and ran out, trembling. salute.

"My lord! They didn't loosen the soil as diligently as you asked, and watered regularly every day!" Ian raised his head and chest under the gaze of these people.

"No, my lord!" Someone hurriedly argued, "We loosened the soil, planted the seeds, and watered it every day..."

"Is that called watering!" Ian swept away the excitement and nervousness just now, and raised his eyebrows, "You only poured a small half bucket of water on the ground casually, let alone lightly plowed the surface when loosening the soil! You guys Do you deserve to call yourself 'hardworking'?"

"Yes! Sarah let her pigs step on the farmland!" Another person stood up from the crowd, looked at An Xu with bright eyes, pointed at one of the crowd and said loudly, "My lord, they You are disrespectful!"

"That was an accident!" The person pointed at immediately yelled, "My lord! I have God and your amulet! My belief in you is no worse than anyone else!"

"The adults have said that it is a lie of the Holy See!"

"Don't make noise in front of adults! My lord, we are all devout believers, and those in the north are disrespectful to you!"

"That's right, those people actually ate the seeds! They only buried half of them!"

"My God, someone dared to do that!"

"Let the thunder fall on them!"

The crowd became agitated, and the voices of justification, report and credit were mixed together and buzzed continuously. The more An Xu heard it, the more she felt uncomfortable. She scanned the noisy crowd and saw faces that were either worried, excited, or filled with righteous indignation...all of which were covered with fanaticism.

The frontier folk were not "persuaded".

They are just, as usual, blindly driven by orders, driven by belief or fear, to do things that are grotesque and incomprehensible in their eyes.