MTL - I Like This Dream!-v2 Chapter 57

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During the first meditation after waking up this time, An Xu almost felt that he was on the wrong channel.

Anyway, it's another breakthrough, it's fine if the inner world hasn't become more cool, what's going on with the ghostly look it has now? The once beautiful and gorgeous universe and the bright moon are gone, only a dim yellow crystal hangs in the dark space. To put it mildly, it looks like citrine, but to put it bluntly, it is basically an irregular light bulb with no electricity.

An Xu checked all this suspiciously, feeling a sense of melancholy that the membership had not been renewed and the photoelectric effects were all blocked. Regardless of the visual effects, she focused on meditation, and the golden thread as thin as a spider's silk was looming around her. After working hard for a long time, the bottom of the golden core was only a little bit brighter. It may be that she stared at it for too long and saw a hallucination.

This directly caused Anxu's enthusiasm to be hit, and he withdrew from meditation. The meditation speed did not slow down, she shot a small lightning in the air, and the operation of the supernatural ability was no different, even a little smoother, as if the little man had given up the huge tractor and replaced it with a small car. But this effect is really ugly! Don't say it doesn't matter, why don't you turn all the cool skill effects in online games into flat cuts? See if players don't kill you!

An Xu thought about it for a while, and felt that he should get some crystal nuclei to supplement it, maybe it was the fault of insufficient energy again. She went to call Lydia, but Lydia told her that there might not be many crystal nuclei to get.

"There are also strange beasts outside the beast tide season, right?" An Xu asked strangely, "And it's not the year of the big beast tide, shouldn't there be many strange beasts in early spring?"

"It's gone this year," Lydia said honestly.

Theoretically, it is indeed as Ansu said, and this year's Bungalow defense line is a good example. However, the Tibes defense line has Anxu this year.

∵ Anxu's single blow killed the most number of alien beasts, and then the thunder cocoon that wrapped her continued to attract the remaining alien beasts to commit suicide attacks. Both of the above two methods of death have no bones left.

Also∵this year’s snow clouds came early and went quickly. I don’t know if it’s the fault of the warm weather. A large number of new alien beasts that should have appeared in the beast tide season in previous years disappeared. Among the surviving beasts, the transformation rate of alien beasts is almost the same as in normal seasons. .

∴ There are very few exotic beasts, and there is an urgent shortage of crystal nuclei.

Not to mention strange beasts, the frontier residents who could pick up half-dead meat by cleaning the battlefield in winter found that they had to go hunting in the forest to make a living. Anxu's big trick of wasting food caused the prey that people hunted to be completely digested internally, and not many of them could be sold to merchants.

An Xu took Lydia for a walk in disbelief. In the past, the hordes of strange beasts really disappeared, but he met many hunters who were diligently searching for their prey. When they saw An Xu from a distance, they yelled, and many of them knelt down exaggeratedly, embarrassing her and running away. An Xu felt like an internet celebrity who became famous for no reason, the kind who didn't use sunglasses and a mask—nonsense, she was the only one who could fly in this place.

An Xu went back in despair, and as soon as he landed, he met Jane who came to look for her. The general had been waiting for her for a while, and when he saw An Xu, he asked straight to the point: "Do you know that the monastery is selling amulets in your name?"

An Xu shook his head quickly.

Jane did take her as one of her own, and said everything in one go. The monastery sells the amulets of the gods at high prices, claiming that they can survive the beast tide season with minimal loss thanks to the blessings of the gods (which is true to some extent), and they must be sincerely put together with the gods and the gods Please enter the house to repay the protection of the gods (this is complete nonsense). This matter went on for a month or two, and the general didn't care about it at first. After all, the purchase is all voluntary, and people can't be stopped from buying it. But lately the monastery is no longer content with this level of business.

With the enthusiasm of preaching, they proclaimed that the disaster is near, because God found that his mercy had not been respected enough, and was going to let His executor, the favored one, withdraw his mercy with thunder. People who should have died will die, houses that should have collapsed will collapse, man! If you don't save money and buy back as many statues of gods and gods as possible (and the price has increased several times), your disaster is near!

"Those Dalmatians are going door-to-door," Jane wrinkled her nose in disgust, "those who can't afford money are cursed to face disaster..."

"Ignore them." An Xu said lightly, "Does anyone have the ability to curse? No."

Jane glanced at her helplessly and said, “Ordinary people don’t think so.”

It is difficult for one or two people with supernatural powers to appear among a hundred civilians. In the eyes of ordinary people, priests are linked to supernatural powers, and supernatural powers are linked to divine power. Disaster... Ah no, it is "worshiping money to reflect piousness and seeking forgiveness". In the past years, the publicity without shadow can make a lot of money, not to mention this winter that is inconsistent with the common sense of the border residents. The god-fated ones, whose every move is earth-shattering, are simply the living signs of the monastery. Even the frontier army under Jane's command bought a bunch of statues and amulets.

Now that I think about it, those hunters who knelt down when they saw Anxu were not necessarily out of gratitude. When they knelt down, they might have been nervous, wondering if they had enough amulets at home, and whether they would be taken back by the Queen of Thunder this time. question.

As Jane spoke, she took out an amulet of the gods, and An Xu turned it over to take a look...

As we all know, before the Renaissance, medieval statues were very abstract. The saints seem to be pressed out of a mold, showing their high morals with their age, and their majesty and integrity with their serious expressions. At the same time, due to the level of productivity, the carving results are directly proportional to the craftsman's level. good. Although there are supernatural powers in this world, it is obviously too prodigal to use supernatural powers to make money-making props.

...Therefore, the amulet is engraved with a lightning bolt above her head, a woman who is at least fifty years old with a bitter face, crooked eyes and a slanted nose.

"Leave it to me!" An Xu said decisively.

Letting her take the blame and not paying any money is already enough of a bastard, what would you want if you carve her like Aunt Mary? Still selling this statue everywhere? Everyone thinks what should be done if the favored man looks like this? The favored man turned around abruptly and rushed all the way into the monastery. The priests collapsed in front of the divinely favored man holding an electric light, scrambling to point out the location of the dean's office. An Xu slapped the ugly amulet on the table of the abbot, and sneered twice.

"Your Excellency, God's Favored One! I have no other choice!" Dennis begged for mercy very kindly, his eyes quickly became moist, and he said with snot and tears, "The life of the monastery is going to be hard!"

The great monasteries in various places belong to the Pope and the Holy See who live in Alingu, and the monasteries get their authority from Alingu, and they also have to turn in the offerings regularly, which is similar to the relationship between the king and the major lords. The Vengalo Monastery and the Tibes Monastery are special. They are required to hand over less gold and materials, and half of the offerings are crystal nuclei.

This is a very suitable requirement. The border area is vast and sparsely populated, and the most indispensable thing is the alien beast crystal nucleus left after the beast tide. The crystal nuclei obtained by the Wengalo defense line in summer far exceed the needs of offerings, and even exceed the amount that local supernatural beings can consume, so that merchants can sell crystal nuclei on the streets of nearby cities. For this reason, Alingu increased the quota for this year's Tibes Abbey, and demanded to hand over 30% of the crystal nuclei over the years.

"Not to mention 30% more than previous years, you can't even collect one-third of previous years!" Dennis cried bitterly, "Without crystal cores, we can only use materials or gold instead. This year's hunters can only make ends meet! Gold... There are hundreds of people in the monastery, they have to dress and eat, they have to maintain the monastery, and they have to pray for the people of Thebes! It’s hard to live! You, look at me!"

In the end, he actually walked a few steps in front of An Xu with his neck stuck, which shows that the anger of a miser can make him charge towards the tiger. The abbot patted his cheek, intending to let the favored one see his thin face, but An Xu couldn't help but look at Dennis' forehead. Only then did she realize the difference she felt vaguely after entering the door: the top of the head of the head of the monastery, which was once full of hair, looked a little empty, and the scalp could be seen in the middle of the top of the head, which was the result of the surrounding hair supporting the center.

An Xu felt a little guilty.

If the favored person knew the inside story that the head of the monastery did not tell, she would understand the other party's chest-thumping anger. As Dennis said, the higher-ups asked the Tibes Monastery for crystal nuclei, and firmly believed that the scale of this year's beast tide would make the number of crystal nuclei more than sufficient. What? You said that the gods have lost all the crystal nuclei? Ah bah, are you a country bumpkin who doesn't know what supernatural powers are? Where's the ability will evaporate the crystal nucleus of a line of defense! No, we don't care what happens to you, as long as the offerings are brought up. Can't collect? You won't rob... Do you mean to increase the intensity of preaching to make the people more pious?

That's right, the unspoken rule that can't be said is: in the past, the monastery preserved its strength in its own fortress, and when the border troops and border people were seriously injured, they could arrogantly take advantage of it. The Holy See set the time for Tibes to collect offerings at Spring is there for a reason. Dennis looked at the reply and wanted to cry, he really couldn't grab it, he couldn't grab it! The strength of the border army this year has only hurt a drop in the bucket. Do you dare to force it? He still remembers the dozen or so heads he had on the day he took office!

An Xu laughed at the resentful eyes of the head of the monastery, and said, "Can't you eat manna?"

"Only Alingu has such a generous plan to make all the priests eat manna." Dennis closed his eyes in pain.

"Then farm the land normally?" An Xu said again, "The number of wild beasts has decreased, let the hunters farm the land?"

"Your Excellency!" Dennis looked at people and said, "Why don't you eat minced meat?" Dennis was heartbroken, "Where did Tibes get the conditions to farm?"

"Why not?" An Xuqi asked.

"We don't have so many plant power users!"

"I don't need it? The plants here are growing well." An Xu was even more puzzled. She felt that the climate here was a bit like the Jiangnan area of ​​the motherland, and the food should grow well.

"That's the result of sowing by the hand of God!"

An Xu looked at him blankly.

The head of the monastery despaired of this noble lady's common sense, and he said with a headache: "Without plant supernatural beings, how could the earth grow food?"

Anshu was shocked.

She finally realized where the poor communication was. In this place where there are people with supernatural powers, so many places are black-boxed in technology, people generally think that plants cannot be planted without people with supernatural powers.

This is a world where nobles and monks can only eat the food catalyzed by supernatural beings, and the poor can only hunt and pick wild fruits for a living, because the option of planting does not exist in the skill points of ordinary people.

"So food is more expensive than meat?" An Xu quickly realized.

"Indeed." Dennis sniffed, "But we lack..."

"Very good, the problem is solved!" The favored man snapped his fingers, "It's just spring, let's plant the land!"