MTL - I Like This Dream!-v2 Chapter 60

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The favored person distributed the seeds to the border residents for the second time, and she asked everyone to do what Ian had demonstrated before. "You can only eat the seeds that first come to the surface," she said, and the people obeyed.

The border residents brought back the seeds, cleaned them, sorted them, filtered them, covered them with cloth and covered them. The priests were surrounded by the new notice until they became hoarse, and there was still an endless stream of people who came to listen to the guidance. Two days later, the pots and pans of every family were full of seedlings.

Since then, everyone in Thebes defense line believed in God's Favored Person. Everyone was convinced by her, and firmly believed that what she said was the law of the gods. Even if she is not a **** herself, she must be a great figure like a prophet and a sage.

They followed what she said, put a handful of seeds in a bowl or dish, and poured muddy red muddy water into it, just enough to expose half of the seeds to the air and half submerged in the muddy water. They carefully enshrined the family's dinner guy in a sunny place, chasing the sunlight and moving it several times a day. This is also the guidance of the gods. "Chasing the Light" finally has the religious color they are familiar with. People have worked very hard, and the effect can be seen with the naked eye: the seedlings grow a knuckle every day, and soon they will be as high as a palm.

Until many years later, there was such a mysterious saying: one should hide from the light when sprouting, it is the gods who teach mortals to avoid the eyes of the God of light; the sprouting should chase the light, that is to steal as much as possible the power of the **** of light to make all things germinate. "The gods stand on the side of the mortals, stealing power from the harsh gods" is a joy to hear, and the spread far exceeds the boring saying "the phototropism and backlighting of plants", and there are still people hundreds of years later. relish.

As for An Xu, she is very grateful for two things at present. First, she has a friend who is studying in an agricultural university. Half of it was deducted when the seeds were distributed, so the previous loss can still be made up.

Anxu thanked Dennis for his help, and deducted 10% of the agreed free aid.

After discovering that planting is really interesting, without her reminding, the monastery and the border army will no longer be passive and sabotage. Dennis cautiously assigned half of the priests to farm, while Jane waved her hand, very reassuringly letting most of the border troops temporarily disarm and return to the fields. "Aren't you here?" She said with a big heart, as if she was not afraid of cheating.

Under the command of An Xu, the people cleared the open space, and the seeds they bought were limited. The autumn and winter results of the girl from the demolition office were enough for the time being. They only needed to clean up the weeds and gravel, and loosen the land. They buried the seedlings as tall as a hand in lumps, each at an arm's length apart. Every day, people change shifts to water the land, and for a while it seems that they are on the right track.'s strange.

For the umpteenth time, An Xu thought heavily: How can people be so stupid?

Today, two people quarreled about the range of cultivation because the distances they measured with their arms overlapped; yesterday someone planted and found that they were planted on someone else’s field, because the new farmer put two The shoes are placed with one toe pointing to the east and the other to the west, to show that the toes of one foot are pointing at their own fields, and the other is pointing at others... Similar cases happen many times a day, not to mention not knowing which container contains Too much water, I can’t remember where I watered it several times, etc.

This is a world where nobles can read and write, and there are no schools except seminaries, aristocratic colleges, and tutors.

Therefore, it is very normal for civilians to be illiterate, illiterate, not to distinguish between east, west, north, south, left, and right (they can still distinguish between upper and lower), and not knowing how to convert weights and measures, etc.

The trouble is not only to change "Anxu teaches you the scientific common sense that middle school students will also know" into "the gods show you the laws of the world", what they lack is not only the way of planting and the way of thinking that is not superstitious. The border residents here lack knowledge, lack quality, and have strange views. There is a difference of hundreds of years of modern civilization between them and Anxu.

Anxu finally couldn't stand it anymore.

"Get someone to teach them!" The divinely favored person patted the head of the monastery's table unceremoniously, "It doesn't need to be too advanced, as long as you can read and count! The monks here can read, right?"

Dennis's face twisted into a particularly delicate expression. He held his breath, and seemed to want to refute the inappropriate slander of the divinely favored (Monks of course can read and write! Priests who are not from Alingu have dignity!), and because of Holding the IOU for the offering and the method of planting in his hand, the other party swallowed the rebuttal.

"We can read and write." He said reservedly, "But Your Excellency, God's Favored One, you want priests to teach civilians? This is too fantastic."

"You still thought it was fantastic when I said I wanted to farm the land." An Xu rolled his eyes.

"I don't know what's dissatisfied with His Excellency," Dennis said sincerely, "Aren't all civilians tame like lambs?"

"Where is it dissatisfied? I am not satisfied with anything! Have you ever seen such a stupid person?"

"But, isn't that what common people are like?" Dennis asked logically, "'The lion drives the lamb with its teeth and claws, and the shepherd uses the whip, because the sheep are blind'. How can the common people not be stupid? This is the nobleman. Oh the necessity of being with us shepherds."

"Stupid." An Xu said.

"Indeed." Dennis agreed.

"I'm talking about the person who wrote that sentence and believed it." An Xu sneered disapprovingly.

Commoners don't need to think, it's enough for nobles and the Holy See to think. They'd better be like blindfolded donkeys, obediently turning around the millstone for a lifetime, until they die, skinned and boiled. —It’s just that those who are used to standing at the top of the crowd forget that they are still essentially human beings.

"Sheep, lion, shepherd? The distinction is so clear, is there reproductive isolation between you or something?" An Xu curled his lips at Dennis's obviously incomprehensible expression, "Sheep are not born sheep, they are taught. Yes. You fooled 90% of Yamenan’s population into stupid lambs, and then? Wait and cry when more powerful alien creatures invade! Wait, there are alien beasts on your side? Humans are not at the top of the food chain, you are still busy making fools of the living forces, it is all luck that the human world has not been destroyed, right?"

The god-favored man took a deep breath, and felt that it was a good thing that he was not focusing on the construction route, otherwise he would be **** to death as the lord of this group of people. How did the king survive? Oh, and remember the king is not very in his head either. This is the rhythm of the pill.

"Forget it, don't fight about the three viewpoints, there is no way to deal with historical limitations." The favored man said to himself, "Anyway, you have to send someone to teach them, and the teaching practice is paid according to the time you pray for."

"Is this..." The head of the monastery didn't respond directly, but he was obviously moved. Pay according to alternate prayer times! Common people are so stupid, if they want to teach, it must take a long time to teach; common people are so stupid, if they can't learn, then there must be no way...

"If you can't teach me, I won't pay a penny." An Xu added.

Dennis immediately broke into a haha, saying that teaching common people how to read is not in compliance with the rules (An Xu said that I am the rule, and those who disagree will come to me by themselves), and then said that common people are stupid and absolutely impossible to teach (An Xu said that if others can teach Does it mean that the monastery is not qualified to be a shepherd), you came and I went on the two sides for a long time, and finally the head of the monastery gave in under the coercion and temptation, and had to ask for forgiveness: "To teach so many common people, a monastery is completely too busy. !"

"I know you guys are going to die, and I don't expect to leave it all to you." An Xu shook his hands, making the other party fall backwards angrily.

An Xu went to find Jane.

"A teacher who can teach them?" Jane asked, rubbing her chin. "There are less than one hand who can be hired nearby."

"You don't need a teacher, you just need to know how to read and write." An Xu said.

"That's okay? Do you think people who can read and write are all over the street! There are no nobles here on the border..." At this point, Jane looked at An Xu with some hesitation, "There may be dozens of people who can read, but they are criminals. civil."


"Sinners." Jane repeated, seeing that Anxu didn't look like he couldn't bear it, and continued: "Many nobles who offended the Holy See, lords, and colleagues have been exiled here with their families, and they haven't been kicked out this year."

"Why are you driving out?" An Xu asked.

"According to the usual practice, they shouldn't be admitted into the defense... Don't you hate them?"

"Since when did I hate them? I didn't even know what criminals are just now!" An Xu said inexplicably.

As soon as the two talked, they understood what kind of misunderstanding had occurred before. Jane was a little embarrassed to find that Anxu not only didn't hate the criminals, but even treated them magnanimously to the point of not caring.

"Some people don't have to be stupid!" An Xu said, "Why chase them away?"

"Isn't that good?" On the contrary, Jane hesitated.

"What's wrong? Do you think they are unpardonable?"

"That's not true! The border army absorbs some of the criminals who are brave and good at fighting every year!"

"Then what are you afraid of?" An Xu looked at the general bitterly, "You know that the number of criminals is reduced by using the beast tide, why don't you bring in all the people? The king doesn't know how many people died here !"

"Holy See…"

"Do you think that guy Dennis," she pointed to the monastery in the distance, imitating Dennis' gesture of counting money and smirking, "will he report it?"

A light dinged in Jane's head.

That's right, people are begging us now! In the past years, Jane has been at odds with the monastery, and she will never be like the lords in some places who spend money and bribes in exchange for turning a blind eye. Now Jane still didn't bribe the other party, but she became her creditor by mistake. It feels so much better to be the begging creditor instead of the submissive one.

And so it was done.


This morning the frontier army knocked on the gate of the criminals, and the criminals welcomed the soldiers with apprehensive expressions, fearing that the soldiers would send them an ultimatum to drive them out of the city. In previous years, they had to go out. The pain should have become numb, but this year is different. The seedlings in the field change every day. If they leave, who will water the seedlings?

The soldiers only asked one question, was there anyone who could read and write, and after asking, they made a registration (letting those who could read write down their names and the location of their temporary residence) before leaving.

"My lords," someone ventured to ask, "shall we see the wheat ripen before we go?"

Talking in sleep, some onlookers shook their heads sympathetically. Although those people are criminals, but during this period of time, we lived together and went out to water together every day. You can look at the fields for me, and I can fetch water for you. Those who did not become enemies probably developed some revolutionary friendship. . When they heard that someone was forced to leave before the harvest of this miracle, people thought about it for themselves and lamented in sympathy.

"Okay," said the soldier.

"Really?" cried the crowd, "can the harvest be done in the spring?"

"Not so fast. Your Excellency the God's Favored One said, if it's summer... summer will be fine."

The soldiers also had a dreamy look on their faces, people chattered non-stop ignorantly, and the expressions of the criminals turned gray. After all, no criminals could stay in the line of defense until the summer break. The soldier shook his head and added, "No one needs to leave, though."