MTL - I Like This Dream!-v2 Chapter 61

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The frontier people of Thebes have spent extremely busy spring and autumn.

They not only have to carry water and catch the nasty bugs that spoil the fruits of their labor, but also "go to school". The frontier army built several huts, divided the people into many "classes" according to the village, and asked people to go to the huts in groups at different times every day to listen to the teacher's lectures. Some teachers are priests, while others are sinners. Those who are unwilling to study under the sinners are directly thrown out. The god-favored person said that if he didn't want to learn, he would go away, and when he figured it out, he would shut his mouth and come back.

Given the limited number of teachers, the only ones who are forced to attend classes are strong laborers and teenagers. Although people think it is good to be able to read and write, they think it is okay for inferior people like themselves not to read and write. There are many people who skip classes in various ways, and those who are kicked out of classes think that they have saved time. However, those people were not happy for long.

Not long after, signs were hung on the temporary houses of every household, with strange symbols engraved on the signs, such as "001" and "002", and only those who had attended the class knew what they meant. It is said that it is a number, but it is different from the 12 numbers used by the nobles. It is a secret taught to the teachers by the Favored One. The people boiled over the news, and they remembered the words of the Favored One, who said that she would teach them how the world worked.

Then those who went to school were assigned a small sign with that kind of symbol engraved on it. As long as they finished their homework that day, they could take the sign to the big cafeteria for a meal. It was a full meal. In a huge pot, the processed meat of wild animals, as well as wild fruits and vegetables, were packed in a large bowl that was not round enough to be held by two hands, and it could last a day.

As more and more people waited for food with the brand name, the cooking class of the frontier army became insufficient. So those omegas who were considered unable to do physical work were recruited. Although the reward was only a meal for themselves and the right to attend lectures at any time, there was an endless stream of applicants. The alphas were happy for the benefits of that meal, and allowed and even encouraged their omega to participate. Anyway, only omega works in the kitchen, and nothing dishonorable will happen.

Every day, while carrying water, someone muttered the formulas for recognizing characters. If people outside saw it, they would probably think it was some kind of ritual spell. The ninety-nine multiplication table was compiled into a series of folk songs by the mountain people. People walked on the ridge of the field and sang addition, subtraction, multiplication and division resoundingly. Thoughtful omegas sew different patterns on the cuffs or trouser legs of their spouses, so that they can review which is left and which is right when they walk or raise their hands.

Alphas suddenly find that they have a common language with their spouses. In the past, they felt that they could not understand anything with those cute omegas, but now they can discuss together what 15+6 equals and what this word means. Some people are shocked to find that their helpless spouse can learn faster than themselves, which makes them have a sense of respect and even awe for each other-in the eyes of most frontier people, only great adults can master it. Use your knowledge!

There are also alphas who feel dissatisfied, but they find that in this situation, they can't conveniently hit their own omega. Omega who worked as a helper in the kitchen can also get a badge, and the person with the badge is a classmate, and beating a classmate is a crime for reporting and rewarding. Offenders will be deprived of food for more than a week according to the severity of the crime, and will be tied to a high platform on the Sunday when the incident happened, and will not be beaten to death by onlookers with leftover rotten vegetables, mud, rotten eggs, etc. People smashed things. It has become a weekly entertainment, well received by the crowd, but disgraced by those who are entertained.

Two months after the class started, the temporary classrooms were overcrowded, and almost everyone who was able to do so tried to stick their heads in. Classes based on villages and identities (frontier soldiers, border residents, and criminals) were too bloated, and the number of people varied too much, so the classes were broken up one by one and regrouped according to learning progress and age groups.

The number of classes has doubled, and the number of teachers is barely enough. This is thanks to the fact that the beast tide ended early last winter (it can be said that it ended right after the beginning). down. The education these people have received is useless in the beast tide, but their knowledge is more profound than a hundred border dwellers with big sticks. God's favor kept them alive, like saving dozens of books that were almost burned as firewood.

"Is it worth it?" Jane once asked An Xu in private, "The money you spend on them is enough for you to raise a private soldier."

Leaving aside the matter of purchasing seeds and distributing them, just for educating the common people, daily meals, teachers’ remuneration (the appearance fee for monks is not low, and the gods even pay for criminals), stationery, etc. It can run a private army or a manor for the same amount of time. Jane didn't think it was useful to teach those civilians. She ordered the illiterate frontier soldiers to go to school, but it was only out of trust and support for the gods.

"Ah, ah, I will pay you interest. Even if Sullivan's inheritance is not returned to me, it will be enough to pay you back after the harvest. Speaking of which, parchment is really not cheap..." An Xu said, his thoughts had already drifted away. Papermaking was unsuccessful. She has never studied the necessary skills for crossing a powerful country, and she only vaguely remembers that papermaking requires throwing bark leaves into a large pot to boil, and then taking them out. Tried it here, only to fish out strange unidentified objects.

"I'm not fussing about money!" Jian Liu raised her eyebrows upside down.

"Oh, I know!" An Xu quickly comforted, "Anyway, I think it must be worth it!"

Jane snorted, probably feeling that she was holding on.

An Xu didn't hold back, she really felt it was worth it.

Unlike the people here who take the ignorance of ordinary people as a matter of course, An Xu comes from a poor and white country built by ordinary people. Compulsory education makes it possible for people to break the fate of where they were born and where they died. She has seen how stupid flocks of sheep in history are numb to decline, and she has also seen how the awakened people can create miracles; she understands how terrible disasters can be caused by ignorant fanaticism, and also knows that the light of civilization can shatter all seemingly impossible things. The broken shackles. People are plastic, if one person is a drop of water, countless people can form an ocean.

What will become of these people who frankly show the ugliness and beauty of human beings after enlightenment?

An Xu was genuinely curious and looking forward to it.

Of course, if after education you're still hopelessly obtrusive, the man who thinks he's dreaming casually thinks, then you're all going to die.

This summer on the Thebes Line was very busy, and almost no one left to celebrate St. Cecil's Day, whether it was border troops, monks or civilians. No one gave orders, and they refused to go by themselves.

A few months ago, the bald open space was covered with golden wheat, and the planters watched them grow taller and bear fruit, and watched the red soil covered with green shoots, and then dyed golden. The grains of wheat are getting fuller day by day, and the huge ears of wheat hang down their heads. At first, some people were worried that something was wrong with these bent plants, but when they understood what its weight meant, everyone was ecstatic.

The divinely favored person once guessed how much she could harvest, and since she didn't know much about farming, she could only be sure that it would not be so miserable that one would reap two. This year's spring and summer were smooth, the temperature was suitable, and there were no outbreaks of diseases and insect pests. The fertile land that had never been planted rewarded the first cultivators.

Twenty-fold return.

The people involved in the cultivation of the entire defense line fell into an uncontrollable carnival before and after the harvest. Everyone seemed to be drunk and couldn't stop laughing. People carefully harvested the ears of wheat, clumsily hand-threw the wheat grains, picked out the straw inside, and piled the wheat grains together. What a big pile of wheat! They glistened in the sun and looked like gold coins to people.

Stealing wheat is also a crime with rewards and severe penalties (you will lose 10% of your own grain). Everyone stares at each other with wide eyes. Only three blind fools were publicly punished, and a few others couldn't help but plunged into the wheat pile, explaining that they didn't want to take the wealth for themselves, but couldn't help thinking about it in the wheat pile. Roll in the pile. This statement aroused a lot of sympathy, so people who were itchy and unable to put it into practice beat up these lucky bastards.

The general's jaw dropped to the ground, looking at the newly built granary, he hurriedly sent his sister the eighteenth letter of the month, asking a bunch of questions about grain storage, transportation and sales that he had never thought about.

The dean of the monastery swept away the depression after taking up this position, and his whole person was as kind as a bodhisattva every day. From time to time, he would lock himself into the room with a reserved smile on his face, and people passing by his door would hear a burst of high-pitched laughter.

Polly, a businessman, made a fortune. She is a small businessman with a not-so-rich family background. She was unable to buy low-priced crystal nuclei at the Tibes defense line in winter, so she did not leave for the time being in order to reduce losses. As the last merchant to leave the line of defense, she received an order to buy grain in early spring, and now she has become an agent for selling grain at the Tibes line of defense. These two sudden profits made her an upstart in one fell swoop. Twente City gained a foothold. Without hesitation, she surrendered to the frontier army and the favored ones.

Duke the Convict crawled out of a situation from which he thought his life was hopeless. He used to be the housekeeper and accountant of a small nobleman, but unfortunately he took the blame for his master's family and was exiled to the defense line. As a supporter with decades of management and financial experience, he stood out from other criminals who taught, and volunteered to direct the border villagers to handle food, build granaries, and deal with businessmen, cutting off half of the income. He was successfully transferred to take care of the property of the favored person, and was even praised by the other party. Although he didn't know what "good secretary" meant, he was determined to do a good job.

The lives of countless people have changed, and the harvest of the Tibes defense line, although not believed by most people, has spread throughout Yamenan as a "miracle of the gods". As for the god-favored person who made all of this happen, her current feeling is only that "he finally paid off his debts and became rich".

Before the end of the summer, a visitor who claimed to be an old acquaintance of the God-Fated One came to the Thebes defense line. An Xu followed the messenger into the room, and the dusty Nancy smiled at her.