MTL - I Love Farming-Chapter 18 False amway

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ljj is already a domestic first-class production and broadcasting platform, so the affiliated forums are also very popular, and boring audiences will watch each other here after watching the show and recommend each other.

In the affiliated forum of ljj, the title of the latest hot post is: Click on me to see the strongest general manager of the female frequency this year, the blood of the emperor is different!

In the main building content, the owner introduced a new female frequency work with enthusiastic words, and the male starring Cui Qichao's debut. After he awakened the blood of the emperor, he came to the ancient Chinese campus of the 21st century and found his true love.

The landlord is also accompanied by a small video of her own editing. The male starring, as she said, has a look of pure Eastern style, with eyebrows like Chinese ink and ink, and a bit of apathy.

The male protagonist leaned on the chair, his long fingers pressed between his eyebrows, and his dark eyelashes fell down. "It's too difficult to reject such a person ..."

After this exciting shot, the subtitles show: the best of him, the most unreserved love!

This is followed by a few shorter shots:

The male protagonist kissed the cat with one hand in his hand, and his pink lips touched the furry cat's face, which was especially gentle;

The male protagonist stands on the hill on the campus, holding a tree in the breeze blowing, his temperament is more dusty;

The male starring look cold, said: Uncle, I really want to ...;

Male lead: I don't lack money.


I don't know how many teenage viewers and special male viewers fell into this moment because of this small video, howling to search for programs.

The blood of the emperor is really different. Is the aura so powerful and the speech so charming?

However, when they returned from the show, they all fell silent.

"... a blood sip in my throat, I don't know if I should spray it properly."

"After I saw the male lead starring in true love? It's ... really unreserved love!"

"Nima, I still told my uncle that I really wanted to be with true love, but I think that's right!"

"The lens is all real. Please be sure to trust the landlord. This is the best show this year."

"The audience stamped with Cui Qichao is the most indecent audience of female frequency !!!"

"Lord, you ... I ... starred in him ... forget it ..."

"I * &% # ¥ # got fake Amway!"

"Forget it, homicide."

"Hee hee. I decided to move my finger and transfer it to the seven aunts, eight aunts and three cousins."


At Linjj Headquarters, Lin Lin was pleased to discover that Cui Qichao's programs had been steadily increasing, and the play rate of each episode would rise, and the audience ’s activity would be extremely high-a lively barrage. Now, a new peak has appeared, and a large number of new audiences have poured in.

After tracing it a bit, Lin Lin found that in the relevant data, after a certain post on the forum was published, the playback volume began to increase rapidly.

Opening a post, Lin Lin had some ideas in her heart. This is a bit like how they used the cover to attract the audience, but at that time they didn't dare go too far.

Now that I have seen so many readers, this is a stumbling block. Lin Lin immediately decided to apply it, causing people to make a lot of misleading animations and videos.

What's in it all? Cui Qichao stared at the bottom very ambitious (in fact, the vegetable fields below); Cui Qichao gently leaned in close-up (actually observing the vegetable leaves); there was even a shot of college student c: what can we do No one can stop Cui Qichao at all!

Lin Lin also took a stand-up battle in front of the leaders, proving that even if the blood-line inheritor only awakened the desire for planting, that was also the awakener of the level of the three emperors and five emperors, which could still explode the traffic!


C large in virtual plane

Cui Qichao didn't know that more and more people were watching his show now, even if he knew he probably wouldn't care, he just ordered a batch of monitoring equipment and was going to install it everywhere.

The school's surveillance did not cover the entire Houshan, and other regional cafeterias were not easy to move, so Cui Qichao bought a batch of it.

Mainly because after the celebrity canteen C is well-known, the campus of c university is not closed. Very few people with low quality will come here to order food.

The people in the cafeteria also suggested to Cui Qichao: "Let's have a few more dogs. President Cui has trained your cat so well. Dog training is not a trivial matter."

The little white ears that had been lying on the chair immediately erected.

Cui Qichao saw his ear in the mirror and refused: "It will take three months to buy an adult dog to return to training." And even if a dog is bought, communication still needs to be carried out and accidents must be prevented.

"That's the same, the dishes are bald." The other side said, "Haha, Xiaobai seems to have been training for three months, right? I think it's already pretty good."

"Yes, Xiaobai is smart." Cui Qichao saw Xiaobai's ears slowly flattened again, and turned lazily, not realizing that there was something wrong.

Cui Qichao stared at the monitors before he took the cat to the principal's office.

"Ci Chao is here." Principal Cui saw him and put down his tablet computer. "I was still talking about it, and it will be a summer vacation in another month. You can go home and see if the cafeteria is not busy."

"I see." Cui Qichao sat down and said, "I also want to discuss with my uncle. It is summer vacation right away. Most of the students are leaving school. The campus is also suitable for work."

"What kind of work?" Principal Cui gave him a glance, saying silently, "Qi Chao, there is really no place to plant things, you can't always take out other greening, our school has been called C Agricultural University, The vegetable plots on this campus are not very good. "

Cui Qichao: "Don't you think those landscape trees are wasteful?"

Principal Cui: "..."

Cui Qichao: "If you change the fruit tree, wouldn't it be more practical. I can pay for the cost of buying saplings and workers."

Principal Cui shook his head. "Well, well, who made you my nephew. I don't know what other ideas you can make."

"Yes, the other schools in the university town seem to be quite empty." Cui Qichao was still worried about the eight hundred acres, so he thought about how to find it.

Principal Cui: "..."

He felt that every time his nephew came, he had to occupy a certain place, even if it was corner by corner. Now it is even more dissatisfied with C University, and they all want to "open the territory and expand the soil"!

It was then that Cui Qichao sounded a warning sound in his ears, reminding him that he was trying to break the rules.

He thought about it, maybe the limitation of the standard plane is here. It ca n’t be too exaggerated. It can be used for contracting canteens or paid land across several schools. Negotiation is also quite cola, it can only be said to have such a meaning. The campus map cannot be too large, and the expansion of the territory without limit will not be the campus. It is like the palace marquis label all day out of the palace waves.

Cui Qichao sighed in his heart.

"Those schools are really out of my control!" President Cui supported his forehead. "Qi Chao, if you really want to, why not just contract the land exclusively, you have to toss in the school."

You want students from the entire university town to have nowhere (on campus) to fall in love!

Cui Qichao clutched the cat and said as kindly as "Let ’s forget it. Uncle, when will the new campus be expanded?"

It is said that C University is preparing for the construction of the new campus.

Principal Cui distressed at the look of his "depression", "You can rest assured that I can tell you where I can grow."

Cui Qichao immediately said, "Thank you Uncle."

As soon as he turned around, Cui Qichao immediately called the supplier and told them the exact time, and at the end of the summer vacation, he sent the peach trees, orange trees, and jujube trees he had booked.

The autumn planting fruit tree first has roots, and the spring planting fruit tree germinates first. Although there is a whole summer vacation that can be started, the transplantation of fruit trees in the summer will cause more damage to the crops. It is better to find a cloudy day to transplant in autumn.

During the summer vacation, you can remove the trees in the school first, and the ground is ready. Plan the land boundary. After the autumn equinox, you can transplant it. At this time the temperature has dropped and it is easier to survive.

By next year, Master C students will have fresh fruit to eat.

Cui Qichao is filled with a touch of joy. Although Master C's students don't worry about eating, they can make them eat well, and they also satisfy Cui Qichao's sense of responsibility in the bloodline.


Cui Qichao supported Xiaobai, and on the way back, inspected his vegetable field. Honeysuckle has taken root and has sprouts. It is growing well and the survival rate is basically 100%.

Cui Qichao was holding a seedling to look at, and suddenly heard the sound of Shusuo, as if an animal was crawling fast, he glanced around, losing sight, and saw an immobile snake in the grass. .

"..." Cui Qichao slowly let go of the flower seedlings, and he didn't know how snakes appeared here, because he was not familiar with the species of this era and could not tell whether it was poisonous.

There were no tools around, he was about to slowly back away, and the cell phone in his pocket suddenly ringed.

The snake was startled, and the body bounced sharply, stabbing in the direction of Cui Qichao's calf.

This small snake moves too fast, Cui Qichao's pupils shrink, his brain can't react but his body can't react.

At this moment, a screaming cat called Xiao Bai, and at the same time, he darted out of Cui Qichao's arms, and patted his claws on the snake who wanted the probe several times in a row.

Xiaobai Sanitation paced left and right in front of Cui Qichao, making a terrifying meow, making this long worm unable to pass through its defense line.

The snake hissed twice and didn't go any further.

When Cui Qichao snapped the snake, he stunned his mobile phone and stepped back a distance and shouted, "Xiaobai."

"Meow!" Xiaobai shouted again with a deterrent, and then took a few steps back, then quickly walked to the feet of Cui Qichao, and climbed up along his trouser legs.

Xiaobai is too excited, his claws are not well controlled, and Cui Qichao is stabbed through the fabric, but he just frowns slightly, and does not reprimand Xiaobai.

Xiaobai's behavior just surprised him.

A cat that is a daily herding duck and is often intimidated by the owner to be sent to sterilization, but also knows that the caretaker does not look like a masochist. Is it moral or noble?

Either way is enough to ease the attitude of Cui Qichao's inspection. Maybe he should be better for Xiaobai.

Cui Qichao first called to tell the school janitor, who brought the tools to pack the snakes here, who was the pet snake that was raised in the house, or slipped out of the restaurant. When I waited, I looked at the phone I had previously dropped, and the caller ID was a strange number.

He was thinking about who would call himself, and the number was called again.

Cui Qichao connected, "Hello?"

On that end was a sweet female voice: "Excuse me, Mr. Cui from C?"

"I am, what are you doing?"

"Hello, hello," the female voice said enthusiastically. "My side is the director of the program group of" Good Food Going to the South China Sea "on the TV station of Nanhai Province. Recently, the c cafeteria has caused heated discussion on the Internet. Take part in the show recording. Generally speaking, we only invite restaurants. "

If Cui Qichao is an indigenous person, he would know that this program has a good rating in the province and has a certain influence.

After listening, Cui Qichao said indifferently, "Thank you for the invitation, but sorry, we don't want to participate in the recording."

There was a silence for a while, as if a little unbelievable, "don't want it? Can you ask why?"

Cui Qichao: "No time."

Director: "... Can you think again? Time can be coordinated, and our program promotion is still very good."

Cui Qichao: "I open a cafeteria and don't need promotion."

Director: "..."

The director is also messy, "So, that will also help your school admissions!"

Cui Qichao suspected that she didn't understand what she said just now, and repeated it again, "I open the cafeteria. Admission is a matter for admissions."

Director: "........."

Cui Qichao: "Are you still okay?" He has already seen the janitor coming over.

"No, no ..." the director squeezed out, "I hope you can think again."

"Well, okay." Cui Qichao's perfunctory is very obvious.

After hanging up the phone, he said a few words to the school worker. Cui Qichao calmly returned to a cafeteria, personally cooked a meal for Xiaobai, and he was not affected by the call just now.

For him, it is unnecessary to waste time on recording of such programs.

It can only be said that the company ljj did not put this program into the food business. It is only necessary to put it in from a non-mainstream campus show to a non-mainstream food show. It started from the cafeteria, and the TV media and the media refused.


There are ready-made ingredients in the cafeteria. Peel the fresh shrimp, crush it with a spoon, and cook a piece of chicken breast. Shred the pork with your bare hands.

This half of chicken and half of shrimp are neatly put on the plate. On the left is white boiled chicken breast with no seasoning. On the right is red and white shrimp. It was delivered only this morning. .

Sprinkle a layer of finely chopped emerald green broccoli on the meat, and it looks very refreshing. Finally, a golden egg yolk is placed in the middle.

Xiaobai rolled his tongue—the cat's olfactory height allowed it to discern every savory taste on the plate.

Cui Qichao held the plate in front of Xiaobai, "eat."

Now Xiao Bai hesitated to obey the password quickly, hesitated, turned around the delicious cat rice twice, kept looking up at Cui Qichao. It's weird why Cui Qichao still has no training password.

"Just eat." Cui Qichao touched Xiaobai's head.

No, this must be a conspiracy, a special training method. How could a vicious host give it for nothing, even if he had caught a snake? Xiaobai's desire to survive is very strong, and his right paw keeps pulling Cui Qichao's hand.

Cui Qichao reflected on whether he really trained the cat too seriously. He stretched out his hand in wonder, "Shake hands."

Xiaobai quickly put his paw up skillfully.


Xiaobai rolled down in a circle.


Xiaobai shouted: "Meow!"

Cui Qichao: "... eat."

Xiaobai quickly lowered his head and ate, "Ahhhhh!"