MTL - I Love Farming-Chapter 17 It's hard to refuse you

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Cui Qichao walked to the school with Xiaobai cordless, carrying a small basket in his hand, which contained honeysuckle seedlings. Honeysuckle is a climbing plant. He holds so many honeysuckle, of course, is searching for every inch of land that can be planted ... No, it should be said to beautify every inch of the campus.

Honeysuckle has strong vitality, and it is sufficient to directly transplant seedlings for cultivation. The time for transplanting the seedlings is actually all year round, but the survival rate is very high at this time. After all, these flower seedlings are transported and have some damage.

Just be careful not to sow or water the day when the sun is strongest, otherwise honeysuckle will be burned. In fact, this applies to other crops. Some people think that the sun is big and the crops are rampant. Watering them is good for the crops. In fact, it can cause burns to the crop, which is counterproductive.

Every time Cui Qichao came to a place he felt suitable, he stopped, turned the ground over with the tools he carried, and transplanted it by cutting. Xiaobai squatted aside, and after he had planted one, he clinched another from the basket.

Cui Qichao squatted and planted seedlings, while Xiao Bai's stance helped a lot of students.

"What about ducks, Xiaobai, ducks?"

"Why aren't you with Yaya?"

"Where are your ducks, Xiaobai?"

In their interrogation, Xiaobai's pupils became a vertical line: Didn't anyone notice that it was working, boasting about it?

Although Xiaobai's "cats of other people's behavior" is very rare, it can be seen that everyone is more interested in the relationship between Xiaobai and Yaya, which is even more rare. The second interest is not Xiaobaiben, but Cui Qichao.

They only watched for a while and found that Cui Qichao didn't draw a line. He used his fingers to draw holes, inserted a seedling every five centimeters, and poured the base fertilizer with a portable bottle.

The rows are neat and tidy, and the separation distance is the same everywhere. If you don't see it, you would think he used a ruler to compare the seeds.

If they can see through the eyes, Cui Qichao ’s hole is exactly the same.

Even old farmers who have worked hard for years can hardly achieve this level, and the accuracy is scary.

And each time the base fertilizer is not the same, there are slight differences under the hand according to different plants. Cui Qichao would not do this when planting in a large area, and the workload was too much, but he estimated it easily when cutting himself.

"This picture ... is too friendly for OCD patients!"

Everyone is convinced by this technology. Boss Cui is worthy of bringing high-quality students who grow their own vegetables. The movement is smooth and accurate. Although it is just a seedling, it is particularly comfortable for people to see. .

However, after Cui Qichao finished seeding this small area, the students realized afterwards that:

Boss Cui doesn't even let go of this kind of horns!

Even honeysuckle was planted elsewhere in the school. Of course, Cui Qichao around the cafeteria would certainly not miss it. After the honeysuckle survived, it began to grow and climb, covering walls and shelves. After blooming, it was actually pretty beautiful.

When honeysuckle was first bloomed, it was white, and it became yellow in a few days. The flower that was put first and the flower that bloomed later were mixed together, just like its name, just like gold and silver.

Cui Qichao walked about one-fifth of the campus and the workload was almost the same. He took Xiaobai back. Seeing that there were neat honeysuckle seedlings in front of Sanwu from time to time, his heart was filled with satisfaction, and even his attitude towards Xiaobai was softer, "Come, hug you."

Xiaobai, accustomed to the cold treatment, was somewhat flattered and crawled up Cui Qichao's trouser legs, leaning between his arms.


"Mr. Cui, Mr. Cui." Cui Qichao walked outside the cafeteria. An employee on the second floor came out from the office and called him, "Someone is waiting for you in the office. It was brought by the director of the financial department.

"Okay, I see." Cui Qichao thought that it had something to do with the cafeteria, and asked Xiaobai to drive the ducks back and went upstairs.

Cui Qichao pushed the door and saw a man in his thirties who was sitting in the break area of ​​the office. When he saw him come in, he immediately stood up, put on a decent smile, and held out his hand. In general, the little surnames Xu and Xu Qingyuan, harassed through Director Lin's door. "

He handed in a business card, and Cui Qichao glanced at it, which was different from what he had thought before. Most of this person had nothing to do with the school. He was the owner of a restaurant chain.

"It's okay. Is there anything wrong with you?" In fact, Cui Qichao had roughly guessed the other party's intention.

Sure enough, Xu Qingyuan said that because of a small wave recently caused by a cafeteria, he wanted to find him to develop the restaurant industry and launch a cooperative brand.

Xu Qingyuan is a chain restaurant, fast food, and after-cooker is also a big pot, so when I saw the news about a cafeteria, my heart moved, and I managed to come to each of the cafeterias of C University and had a meal, more Can't wait to find Cui Qichao.

Cui Qichao frowned: "Do you buy a campus card from a student?" Obviously this method has been restricted, why is anyone still finding a hole?

Xu Qingyuan sweated, "That's not the point ..." He looked at Cui Qichao's eyes and said, "Not a student, the card I got at the Finance Department."

Cui Qichao didn't say anything, so he decided to go back and talk to his uncle. The faculty should also emphasize this issue.

"I already have so many facades, the passenger flow is stable, and they are all in relatively good locations, but they still lack the brand influence, and your cafeteria is now relatively well-known, but there are no channels to spread it out." Xu Qingyuan explained cheerfully .

"You see, taking advantage of this heat, when you open a store in the university town, you can also use that lucky food to advertise ..." The other party was very full of fantasy.

"I'm sorry, I won't leave school." Cui Qichao rejected the other side coldly. He knew nothing about online remarks, and had no interest in any cooperative development.

"Why? Mr. Cui, don't you want to make money?" Xu Qingyuan drew the blueprint, and he was all excited. Cui Qichao poured cold water into his heart.

Cui Qichao looked at him twice. "Director Lin hasn't told you that I can bid for the next cafeteria because I am a related household?"

"... Uh, I said." Xu Qingyuan said depressedly. "But I don't think that's a problem, and shouldn't you be more interested in my proposal from your perspective? You can even grow vegetables. In order to create characteristics, we must also set up a special planting base. My relatives have 800 acres of land in the suburbs, and the procedures do not have to be troublesome, they can be directly transferred. "

Cui Qichao was heartbroken, a specialized planting base!

Unfortunately, he was confined to the campus by ljj.

"No need, I just ..." Cui Qichao sighed, thinking about a serious authentic, "I just yearn for the youthful and romantic life on campus."

Xu Qingyuan glanced back at the scene just seen in the downstairs cafeteria, and wondered where the youth and romance were.

Everyone who went into the cafeteria with a lunch box was full of faces, "Chongya couldn't get any food." The crowded scene made him think of the water ducks raised in his hometown to eat feed ...

"I'm sorry." Cui Qichao put on a stance of delivering passengers and shook hands with Xu Qingyuan again.

Xu Qingyuan regretfully held Cui Qichao's hand, shook it, and wanted to pull it back, but found that he couldn't pull it, "?"

Cui Qichao held Xu Qingyuan tightly, his eyes were different from the usual quietness, with a bit of sharpness. This is the man who wants to find him to build a planting base together. Eight hundred acres ... But he can't agree!

Xu Qingyuan was embarrassed, and he was uncomfortable to see if his pants were slitting. "Mr. Cui, what's wrong?"

Close to him, he felt more and more that the boss of this little Cui was really good, and even he felt a little embarrassed about the same sex.

"Nothing. No more." Cui Qichao slowly released Xu Qingyuan's hand.

After Xu Qingyuan opened the door, he continued to examine himself. It was strange that there was no dirt on his body.


"Meow ..." Xiao Bai slipped in through the door slit and looked at his master with strange eyes. The scene that Xu Qingyuan was holding back just now was too strange.

Even after Xu Qingyuan left, Cui Qichao slowly put his hand on his chest, and his face, which always looked pale, showed a little sadness.

Xiaobai made two rounds around Cui Qichao's legs, and the man stood up, his forepaws rested on his knees, and tilted his head to look at him.

Cui Qichao leaned back on the chair and rubbed his eyebrows tiredly. "It's too difficult to refuse such a person ..."


He held Xiaobai's claw. "Not only has he offered to build a planting base, but he has 800 acres of ready-made land."

Xiaobai: "... meow meow meow?"

ljj playback platform.

In the live broadcast, Cui Qichao held Xu Qingyuan's hand vigorously. It was always calm, and occasionally flashed with mocking eyes, the first time hidden waves.

After the person left, in a close-up shot, Cui Qichao's face on Zhang Junmei's face looked even more heartbreaking for him.

So far, even when Cui Qichao uttered the first half of the sentence, the barrage was still full of hearts.

Until Cui Qichao opened his mouth, it was difficult to refuse his 800-acre land ...

[Please, don't you speak? ? 】

[Oh, I was fully conscious when he was going to plant honeysuckle in even the horned owl. 】

[Dark Shennong, farming at school. 】

[I became aware of watching the first episode, I have adjusted my mentality. 】

【I have not yet! My mentality is about to explode! Why is this guy talking? 】

[I want to spit out Cui Qichao. They asked him to open a restaurant, but in his mind, he remembered an eight hundred acre, right? 】

[Day, this actor should be fined, the company will send you to fall in love, you feed the students every day, what kind of fat are Nima c college students! !! 】

[C college students become fat as they are. See five episodes of fat and three pounds in one episode. 】

[I feel that because of him, the female frequency comment is about to be killed. 】

[He doesn't say I can still immerse myself in fairy tales. I decided to take revenge on the society, cut the material and other footage just now into an authentic female style, and let it out to deceive. 】

[In front of the sink you ... good job! Hurry up! 2k novel reading network