MTL - I Made a Fortune By Raiding Houses In Ancient Times-Chapter 377 share a ride

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Chapter 377: Ride Together

The people in front have already run an unknown distance, and if they fall behind after dark, the consequences will be disastrous if they encounter danger.

 If you delay any further, the emperor will be in a bad mood. If he finds out, he will probably be blamed.

 When you are away from home, you cannot pay so much attention to it.

 You can only ride with Master Ning.

"Thank you, sir." Ling Chu thanked him, took Ning Chuyi's hand, got on his horse, and sat behind him.

 “Sit tight.” Ning Chuyi said briefly and pulled the reins.

Taoxue immediately spread his hooves and ran forward like lightning.

Although the accompanying guards felt that it was inappropriate for Ling Chu and Ning Chuyi to ride on the same horse, under the current circumstances, they could only act urgently.

Seeing that Ning Chuyi's horse had already run some way, the guards quickly rode up to follow, their hearts filled with envy.

Ning Chuyi's Taxue is indeed a good horse, with a strong body, well-developed muscles and shiny coat.

 It is also fast and has very strong endurance.

 The horses under them were already showing signs of fatigue, but the state of walking on the snow was not much different from when they first set off.

Even though he was now carrying the weight of two people, he still threw the mounts under them far away when he ran.

Ling Chu also secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

 At first she was a little worried that Ning Chuyi's mount would be overwhelmed, but it surprised her.

Not only the guards want to own such a good horse, but she also covets it.

 It’s a pity that bole is not always available, and a good horse from a thousand miles is equally hard to find.

 The weather today is a bit unusual.

 Change as soon as you say so.

In just a short time, the heavy rain started pouring down.

Although they wore bamboo hats and raincoats, they were walking against the wind and rain and could not withstand the wind and rain at all.

However, with Ning Chuyi standing in front of him, blocking the rain and cold wind, Ling Chu felt much better than before when he was riding alone.

 Thank you for your hard work, Mr. Ning.

Ling Chu sighed, a little worried.

She owed Lord Ning more and more, and she didn’t know how long it would take to pay it off.

I hope she can live a little longer. Otherwise, if she died one day and still owed a lot of debt to Ning Chuyi, she would have a bad conscience even if she died.

After thinking wildly for a while, Ling Chu gathered his thoughts and grabbed the clothes on Ning Chuyi's back with his left hand, leaving his right hand free for calculations.

 Not long after, his face changed slightly.

This time she actually figured it out. Although the details were unknown, it showed that the road ahead was dangerous.

Afraid of not being able to calculate accurately, Ling Chu quickly calculated again.

 The result is the same.

"Master Ning, can we go faster? I've calculated that there may be danger ahead, and we have to catch up with the people in front of us as soon as possible."

 The rain was strong and the wind was strong, and the rumble of horses' hooves continued.

Lingchu was worried that Ning Chuyi couldn't hear clearly, so he could only stand up straight and try to get as close to his ear as possible.

Ning Chuyi noticed that she was holding on to his clothes with only one hand, and was worried that she would be thrown off the horse again.

He was looking back, wanting to remind her to hurry up.

Unexpectedly, Ling Chu happened to be close to his ear and spoke.

 He turned his head this time, and Ling Chu's lips almost touched his cheek.

Ning Chuyi's heart tightened, and she leaned back quietly.

 But the two of them were so close that he could still smell her breath.

 Just hearing Ling Chu’s words, Ning Chuyi had no time to care.

He said "Hold on" and turned around to signal Ta Xue to move forward at full speed.

Lingchu's mind was on the team in front, and he didn't notice that Ning Chuyi's ears were red and her voice was a little hoarse.

She was also worried about being thrown off again, so she could only hold on to Ning Chuyi's clothes tightly with both hands.

 The guards at the back saw that Tuxue was going faster and were worried about being left behind, so they could only grit their teeth and catch up with all their strength. The guards didn't know Ling Chu's fortune-telling. They just wanted to catch up with the emperor and his entourage quickly so they could stop and rest for a while.

 If they keep running like this, even if they can bear it, the horses under them will be exhausted.

 Running as fast as lightning through the snow and wind, under the influence of inertia, Ling Chu suddenly pressed against Ning Chuyi's back, subconsciously holding his waist with both hands.

 The rain is strong and the wind is strong, and there is danger ahead. Under such circumstances, one should be anxious.

But a thought suddenly came into Lingchu's mind: Master Ning's waist is really strong and strong.

 When he realized what he was thinking, Ling Chu felt a sense of embarrassment in his heart.

 Master Ning shouldn’t think that she is taking advantage of this, right?

 Absolutely, absolutely don’t.

With a cry in his heart, Ling Chu hurriedly used his hands to hold Ning Chuyi's waist to use his strength to straighten his body. I want to keep some distance so as not to misunderstand Master Ning.

I ran too fast through the snow, and the cold wind blew past my ears.

In order to prevent himself from being left behind, Ling Chu did not dare to continue hugging Master Ning, so he could only pull on his clothes as before.

 But due to too much force, the knuckles of both her hands turned white and hurt. But she didn't dare to say anything for fear of affecting her speed.

I could only grit my teeth and pray in my heart that I could catch up with the emperor and his entourage quickly.

 Fortunately, Master Ning's clothes were of good quality and were not torn by her.

 Otherwise, she might not be able to face him in the future.

Ling Chu raised his head and took a sneak peek at Ning Chuyi, and found that there was nothing unusual about him, and he was really relieved.

However, what she didn't know was that although Ning Chuyi didn't react, it didn't mean that he didn't notice her actions just now.

 The two of them were riding together, so they were close to each other.

Ling Chu suddenly pressed against his back and hugged his waist with both hands.

 In fact, he felt the softness on his back immediately.

Ning Chuyi's waist suddenly stiffened, and a darkness filled her sword eyes. Her thin lips pursed slightly, and her hands holding the reins suddenly tightened.

It’s just that Ling Chu was sitting behind him and didn’t notice anything unusual about him.

Ning Chuyi knew that their posture was inappropriate and wanted to warn her, but she was afraid that she, a girl, would be thin-skinned. When he was hesitating and tangled, he noticed Ling Chu's movements and realized that she was closing the distance between them.

While I breathed a sigh of relief, I felt a sense of loss.

 But soon, he noticed that Ling Chu seemed to be secretly looking at him.

Ning Chuyi's heart tightened, and she subconsciously restrained herself and focused on her journey.

In order to avoid the embarrassing situation just now, Ning Chuyi could only focus on controlling the rhythm of walking in the snow.

After chasing for about a quarter of an hour, Ning Chuyi faintly heard the sound of swords and swords coming from the front.

 The breath around him suddenly condensed.

As Taxue ran closer and closer, Lingchu also heard the sound of swords and swords.

She subconsciously wanted to take a look at the situation ahead, but was blocked by Ning Chuyi's tall body.

Just as he was worried, Ning Chuyi made Ta Xue stop. He turned back to her and said, "It's dangerous ahead. You stay here and I'll help the emperor and the others."

After saying that, Ning Chuyi handed the reins to Ling Chu, held the long sword and flew forward using Qinggong.

Lingchu took the reins and looked forward.

Beside the woods, the emperor's team was being besieged by a group of masked men.

Facing this situation, Ling Chu did not hide aside.

 Pull the reins with both hands, "Drive!"

Taxue immediately ran forward.

Lingchu summoned a shovel and a small hammer from the system and quickly smashed them at the masked men...

   Thanks to book friends such as Hengzhu Chuishang, kolinglan, Purgatory Phoenix King, 20220809203547212, and Hyacinth Wind for their monthly support.

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 (End of this chapter)