MTL - I Made Beast-taming Widespread Across The Globe-Chapter 15 The beginning of chaos

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When Lin Ye ran to the street, he found that the neighbors whom he had rarely met in normal times had opened their doors one by one.

When he first came here, he basically never saw these neighbors.

Each door is usually closed.

Of course, it may also have something to do with Lin Ye not going out much...

It turned out to be fine now,

As soon as Lin Ye went out, with the help of the dim moonlight, she saw many neighbors running around with big and small bags, and some of them were pulling children.

All kinds of cries and screams can be heard endlessly.

Facing the flow of people, Lin Ye was about to find someone to ask, when suddenly he heard a burst of air.

In the next second, a giant wolf with no fur and only blood-colored muscles stood up and fell from the sky.

After falling to the ground, the Scarlet Giant Wolf just shook his head, then stood up like a wolf who had nothing to do.

Looking at the fleeing humans, the giant wolf's eyes were full of bloodthirsty.

Food, these are food!

The crowd, who were already flustered, scattered even more after seeing the giant wolf descended from the sky, only regretting that they had lost two legs.

The closest to the giant wolf is a young man, wearing a set of "motor oil-colored" clothes that are very wasteland punk style.

It may be that he was injured while running, and his left foot is limping a little while running.

The speed is not even comparable to many women and children.

Especially under the stimulation of the giant wolf, people quickened their pace one after another.

This young man fell into the last echelon of the team all at once.

Seeing more and more people running past him, Xiaonian's heart was hardened.

When a mother and daughter passed by him, he shot suddenly.

He suddenly picked up the little girl who looked four or five years old, and threw it directly at the giant wolf.

Although it didn't go very far, it had already attracted the attention of the Scarlet Giant Wolf.


The woman's mournful roar did not make any waves in the crowd, and no one tried to reach out to save the little girl.

Seeing that the giant wolf was attracted by the little girl struggling to get up on the ground, the little young man showed a smile that survived the catastrophe.

This smile looked extraordinarily cruel in Lin Ye's eyes.

As the first person to go retrograde in the crowd, Lin Ye was not far from the end of the line.

Moreover, the streets here are fairly wide, so they are not crowded with people.

Therefore, seeing that the giant wolf was getting closer and closer to the little girl, he threw Old Hei towards the giant wolf after running a few more meters.

"Old black!"

"Get big! Remember to get big!"


Hei was already in the air when he heard his boss's words.

It even held the bamboo in its two little paws now.

Seeing that the old black in the air was getting closer to the giant wolf, but still not getting bigger, Lin Ye had already started to regret it.

Old Hei in a small state is not enough to make this giant wolf feel bored, right?

Lin Ye, who had planned for the worst, was already holding a card with a pattern on the back but a blank front in his hand.

If Old Hei hadn't grown in size when he was sent into the giant wolf's mouth, he would have taken it back with a card.

As for the little girl, she can only do her best and obey the destiny.

Lin Ye can't feed the wolves by himself, can he?

He's not that great yet.

The giant wolf's gaze was originally on the little girl.

But Lin Ye couldn't resist feeding it "snacks".

Its brain was not working very well, and it was quickly distracted by the flying black dots.

Seeing the furry "meat dumpling" getting closer, the Scarlet Giant Wolf opened its mouth wide and jumped up.

The moment the giant wolf took off into the air, Lao Hei in the air grew rapidly.

It was not as big as the giant wolf's mouth just now, but now it has become as big as the giant wolf's mouth.

The two big guys hit a solid one in the air.


Of course, the injured must be the giant wolf.

After wailing in pain, the giant wolf landed on the ground, staring at Lao Hei with scarlet eyes.

It didn't understand how the thing in front of it came out.

At the same time, Lao Hei, who felt that he had been stabbed in the back, did not fight immediately after landing, but turned his head and stretched out his claws to point at Lin Ye who had just run out of the crowd.


Seeing this scene, Lin Ye was dumbfounded.

But in order not to have any accidents, Lin Ye still had to persuade Lao Hei well.

"Sorry, let me tell you next time, okay?"

"Don't look at me!"

"Look in front of you, that thing is coming!"

However, Old Hei was still unmoved.

This time the consequences were serious.

The giant wolf saw that the big guy who had hit him so painfully did not move, and immediately swooped towards Old Hei.

Seeing this, Lin Ye could only say loudly:

"I'll buy you bamboo, how about 20?"

Hearing the bamboo, Lao Hei's small eyes suddenly became bright.

The small group of tails behind him also flicked very fast.

Finally, Lao Hei, who was willing to turn his head away, saw the giant wolf that had already rushed in front of it.

Raised two paws abruptly—


There was a sound of liquid and minced meat falling to the ground.

The giant wolf, which seemed extremely ferocious just now, came directly to move with a head.

The neck was broken into pieces.

Seeing this scene, Lin Ye didn't even react a bit.

"This... is this thing so unbeatable?"

"No, it's not because you don't want to be beaten. It's because you are a bit weird as a giant panda."


Hearing the voice suddenly coming from beside her, UU Reading Lin Ye was taken aback.

Seeing that it was Yang Wei, he was relieved.

"Brother, why do you walk without making a sound?"

Yang Wei glanced at Lin Ye and said softly:

"Because I use flying."

Lin Ye: "'re awesome!"

After chatting with Lin Ye, Yang Wei stepped forward and hugged the little girl in his arms, then walked towards the mother who had fallen to the ground.

Looking at it like that, Linye felt that Vice President Yang must have seen the giant wolf landed here, so he came here on purpose.

I just didn't expect Lao Hei to be so powerful.

Just when Lin Ye was about to go to Lao Hei and explain to it again, he suddenly heard someone calling him behind him.

"Lin, Boss Lin, are you okay?"

When Lin Ye heard the sound, he turned around and saw Su Qingqing trotting towards him with the fierce loli Baitao and the husky that was bigger in size.

"It's okay, why are you here?"

In front of Lin Ye, Su Qingqing and Baitao supported their waists and panted for a while.

"It's my dad. He was notified that there was a large-scale alien beast attack here, so he rushed over here."

Hearing Su Qingqing's explanation, Lin Ye nodded clearly.


"Then why are you here?"

These words immediately froze the two girls.

Lin Ye's subtext is obvious - didn't you two come here to make trouble?

PS: Please recommend tickets, monthly tickets! Please follow up! ! Follow-up is important! The big brothers who raise books can also help to click to the end! It would be best to show the number of follow-ups~ Thank you! orz!