MTL - I Made Scientific Magic-Chapter 22 Sorry, aliens have no human rights (read more)

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  Chapter 22 Sorry, aliens have no human rights (read more)

  In the evening, when the afterglow of the setting sun was about to dissipate, Lynn had been drifting on the sea for almost a day!

In view of the fact that the obstructive long sword was borrowed from Jonny, Lynn did not throw it away after much hesitation. Instead, he spent two hours learning to swim backstroke and swim in the water under the guidance of the intelligent brain simulation. Dog planing.

   "071, next time you encounter this situation, you should warn me in advance." Lynn paddled the water with difficulty, avoiding hitting his head on the raised reef ahead.

  【According to the order of the agreed target seventeen hours, twenty-three minutes and fifty seconds ago, the warning sound has been turned off...】

   "Then open it for me now!" Lynn said subconsciously, and immediately regretted it.

  【You have an unprocessed criminal record, do you want to make an online defense statement? 】

  Lin En sighed helplessly. He almost faced the projection of the gods, but he hoped that the federal police could drive a spaceship to take him away from this evil medieval world.

   Maybe I can get a big reward for being the first to discover a planet with extraterrestrial life.

   It's a pity that this fantasy is destined not to be realized. Before he crossed, the range of the Federation spacecraft was limited to the solar system, and it didn't have the ability to travel to the galaxy...

   And I can't even find the signal, so there will be a ghost if it comes!

  Lin En, who is very familiar with the operation logic of the brain, thought about it, and suddenly said.

   "071, according to the existing information, locate the current planet."

  【It is detected that the planet has unknown energy called magic power, and it is beyond the coverage of the Uranus signal tower. It is predicted that the current location is in the Milky Way-Orion Cantilever-an unknown galaxy outside the solar system. It cannot be determined whether it is the same universe. 】

   "Then please describe the definition of the protection of alien life forms in the "Smart Management Act!" Lynn said again.

  【The "Smart Management Law" does not have regulations on the protection of extraterrestrial life forms...】

  071's answer is very concise. Since the Federation has not been able to discover extraterrestrial civilizations in the process of exploring the universe, naturally it will not deliberately add any regulations to protect alien life forms in the "Intelligence Management Law".

   "So aliens don't have human rights, right? In fact, I didn't commit a crime!" Lynn said solemnly.

  The high-speed intellectual brain seemed to freeze for a moment, and after consuming one-thousandth of the energy for calculations, it gave the answer.

  【The logical chain is established, and the criminal record has been eliminated! 】

  Hearing this, Lynn finally breathed a sigh of relief. He knew that no matter what he did in the future, there would no longer be annoying warning sounds.

  After all, the laws of the Federation can't control the coming of another world...

  Lin En secretly made up his mind that after he became an official wizard and could freely use magic power, he must study whether this artificial retarded person can be reformed.

Just as Lynn was thinking, there were dots of flames on the endless water in the distance, and a tall city wall appeared in front of him when he approached. The flames he saw before were just bonfires on the battlements for lighting .

  Floating on the water for a day, I finally saw something different. Lin En was also a little excited, but he didn't approach it rashly. Instead, he decided to go ashore nearby first, and wait until tomorrow to find out where it is.

  The previous battle outside the town of Ur caused a lot of commotion, and it failed to wipe out all the people. The news may have spread.

  Lin En has no doubt that the entire Nordland Territory has been completely under martial law. His hair color, age, and figure are all very obvious signs. If he doesn't make some disguise, he may be arrested as soon as he enters.

  Realizing this, Lynn changed his posture from the effortless backstroke to the unskilled dog planing, planning to go ashore to avoid it.

  At this moment, something heavy fell from the towering city wall in front of it, accompanied by a dull sound, a burst of water splashed high, and then the ripples on the water surface gradually expanded, as if something was struggling under the water.

   "People?" Lin En's pupils narrowed slightly, he hesitated for a moment, and swam over very quickly.

  Although this looks like a murder scene, he just needs someone to answer some doubts.

  Water splashed everywhere, and the clear lake surface had already been stained blood-colored.

  Lin En became more and more sure of his previous conjecture. Before he had time to rescue him after approaching, a hand stretched out from the bottom of the lake, dragging him down desperately.

  This is a common stress reaction of drowning people, and sometimes even drags the rescuer into the bottom of the water. Fortunately, Lynn doesn't need to worry about oxygen, so he pulls the rescuer by the collar and swims to the shore.


   An hour later, in a natural cave outside the city, a blazing flame gradually ignited, lighting up and dispelling the chill of the night.

   Taking advantage of the gap between drying clothes, Lin En turned to look at the boy who was "rescued" by him.

This is a young man of about eighteen or nineteen years old, with an ordinary face and a hair color very similar to his. What made Lin En sigh was that a deep scar burst on the chest of the other party, which should have been used by someone. The dagger pierced the heart.

  Knowing this, he just ignored it. After spending so much effort, he actually saved a corpse.

  Lin En shook his head helplessly, but still carried out the work of groping the corpse according to the usual practice. After all, he looked like a son of a nobleman, so maybe he could find some good things.

  Three gold coins, more than ten silver coins, several exquisite ornaments, and a book soaked in water without any name on the cover, these are all the property of the young man in front of him.

   For a nobleman, this is undoubtedly a bit shabby, but for Lynn, it is already a windfall.

   You must know that in the Sekas Empire, a copper coin can buy a black bread, and water can solve the problem of food and clothing for a meal.

  The exchange rate between silver coins and copper coins is uncertain, generally floating around 1:80, while the exchange rate between gold and silver is more than one hundred, and it can be higher if there is a war.

   After all, gold is considered a rare element in the entire universe, and its reserves are very limited...

  But since these things are still there, the possibility of killing people for ordinary money can basically be ruled out.

Lynn tossed the coin in his hand. He was not a professional detective, but after carefully looking at the wound on the chest of the corpse, his expression suddenly paused, and then he held his right hand to simulate the appearance of holding a dagger, trying to use similar pierced his chest at an angle.

  The angle of the wound is exactly the same...

   Is this...suicide?

Lynn immediately realized this possibility. After thinking for a while, he reached out to pick up the book he had missed, and gently lifted the water-soaked pages with his fingernails. The words on it were scrawled, but the pen was deep , the handwriting is like engraved on it.

  [Maybe everything will be fine without me...]

  (end of this chapter)