MTL - I Made Scientific Magic-Chapter 23 diary of a useless man

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  Chapter 23 Diary of the Useless

  [Training, training again... No matter how many times I can't do it, I can't pass the selection...]

  [Why do you look at me with that expectant look? Father…]

  [It’s this time again, in July 824 of the Holy Calendar, the third selection of knights...]

  [Fighting Tilar, lost in twenty-seven seconds, again... are you hating me? Ivana? I can understand your feelings, a useless person snatches the opportunity that belongs to you...]

  [It would be nice if it could be reversed, why not? ]

  [I probably shouldn't have existed...]

  Time passed bit by bit, and the bonfire surging in the cave slowly burned out after exhausting the last trace of dry wood.

  The sudden darkness broke Lynn's thinking. With a wave of his hand, the branches and fallen leaves piled up on the side floated up by themselves and filled into the sparkling wood pile.

  The next moment, the crimson flame jumped up again, and Lin En flipped through the diary in his hand again.

  No, in fact, it may not be appropriate to describe it as a diary.

   This is an ordinary aristocratic boy with no extraordinary talent, who recorded all the cowardice, inferiority, resentment and pain that he could not tell outsiders on the page.

   "Lotte Pedrol!" Lynn read out the boy's name.

   There is no doubt that this is a case of being driven crazy by excessive expectations.

   It's just that what he saw was more complicated than this.

  Lott's father was a baron of the Sekas Empire, but he was a landless noble who had long since declined, the kind with no name, and could only barely maintain his dignity as a nobleman by relying on continuous squandering of savings.

   Just like every parent who expects their son to become a success, Baron Pedrol pinned all hopes of revitalizing the family on his son.

  Aristocratic children like them, if they can pass the knight examination before the age of twenty and have a firm belief, they are eligible to become a priest or priest. This is undoubtedly the best way to change the family's fortunes.

   Because of this, Lott received the most rigorous training since he was a child, with the goal of passing the knight assessment and becoming a priest of the Holy See.

   Baron Pedrol even spent a lot of money to hire formal knights to hone Lott's fighting skills.

  However, Lott's talent is not very good, even hard training will not help.

  In the entire Nordland Territory, there are only three places for priests and priests each year, but there are countless people who think the same way, and many of them are more desperate, talented, and even more powerful than Lott!

  So when he took part in the assessment at the age of sixteen, he was greeted with only one disappointment after another. Under the impact of his family's expectations and reality, Lott gradually became dull, less talkative, and extremely introverted.

   His younger sister, Ivana, is another counterexample. She has a good talent, and she has mastered a good swordsmanship just by repeatedly watching the daily practice of Lott and formal knights.

  But to Baron Pedrol, the talent shown by Ivana is just a small surprise.

  In the Sekas Empire, there are not no precedents for women as nobles, but they were all forced to cut off men, otherwise daughters are usually used as a tool for political marriages to expand the influence of the family.

   It is not worthwhile to spend a lot of resources on cultivation.

   After all, the continuation of blood is the foundation of nobility. If a woman is chosen as the heir, all the wealth accumulated by the family is at risk of being annexed and disappeared.

  Lotter, unable to bear the pressure and expectations, probably planned to use his own death to force Baron Pedrol to make a choice.

  In Lynn's view, Lott's choice is undoubtedly a stupid move.

He also has some understanding of the temperament of these nobles. Judging from the character description of Baron Pedrol in the diary, after learning of Lot's death, the other party will only consider whether he can have a second son. Or adopt a good heir from a side branch.

  Ivana will always be the last option.

   An illegitimate child like his predecessor Karl is even worse. Unless the family is completely extinct, they will get nothing...

   A diary with more than a hundred pages quickly turned to the last page. Lynn was somewhat touched by the experience of this noble boy, but what really caught his attention was a word mentioned in the diary.

   "Useless?" Lin En muttered to himself, he thought he would not hear this title after arriving in another world.

   After all, even a farmer plowing the field here has the value of being exploited.

  Lin En exhaled slowly, readjusted his messy thoughts, and turned his head to look at Lott's body. Since he accepted the relics of the other party, he should bury him properly later.

   "071, how much is the current energy reserve?" Lynn asked in his mind.

  【Remaining energy is 12.3%. It is detected that the energy concentration is continuously decreasing. It is estimated that the energy reserve will increase by 1% every ten hours. 】

   Sure enough... Lynn glanced at the slightly bright sky, and was not surprised by this.

  As he guessed, the lunar day will affect the activity of magic power. After a night of rest, the physical strength and magic power consumed during the previous battle have almost recovered.

  In Lott's diary, Lynn also obtained a very important piece of information—he is located in the harbor town of Nordland Territory!

   That is to say, the hidden underground river in the castle actually flows directly to the sea of ​​mist!

  It's a pity that in order to deal with Bishop Anrioke, he had already sent away Jonny and Baige who got in the way.

  Lin En couldn't tell where the two witches drifted to. If the water quality was good enough, they could go ashore anywhere, instead of just drifting with the current and slowly learning to swim like him.

   In the case of losing communication, it is not easy to find two living people in the entire Nordland Territory.

  How to avoid the tracking of the Holy See is also a big problem.

  Lin En pondered for a long time, and a name suddenly popped into his mind—Lame Lauder!

  No matter where Jonny and White Dove are, as long as they are going to the land of wizards, they will inevitably come to Harbor Town and find a way to make contact with Cripple Lauder.

   Then I only need to find this person first!

  Lynn stood up and looked at the towering city wall in the distance. Now there was only one problem left, how to enter the harbor town safely.

   "071, call me information about disguise and cross-dressing techniques. It's best to use simple materials to complete it!"

  Lynn glanced at Lott, whose body and hair color were very close to his own. Perhaps he could temporarily borrow the identity of the other party to hide it from the guards in Harbor Town.

   If he remembers correctly, in addition to the casual disguise technique, there is also a technique in "Basic Magic General" that can deal with this situation...

   (PS: Ask for everything in the new book.)

  (end of this chapter)