MTL - I Made the World Mutate-Chapter 1064 All kneel down

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", all go out and kneel in a row on the square, waiting for Jia's order to come and lead people."

Xiao Mu, while speaking, turned his head again, looked at the staff in the Zhengshen Hall, and pointed them one by one.

These Zhengshentang staff hesitated when they heard the words, but for a while, no one moved.

Although they are afraid of Xiao Mu, they don't want to kneel in the square. It's shameful!

"Why? Let me ask you to fail? You, you go out first, otherwise, don't blame the old man for being cruel."

Xiao Mu, followed by a staff member.

That was a man in his early thirties, who had a cultivation base in the later stage of the Spirit Realm.

The man in the late stage of the Spirit Realm suddenly panicked when he saw Xiao Mu pointed at him, then he hesitated.

Xiao Mu, seeing this scene, suddenly raised his hand, a golden light suddenly flew up.

Boom! boom!

The man's body flew out directly, and the blood spattered. The whole body was chopped in half shoulder-to-shoulder on the spot under Xiao Mu Jinguang's slash.

"No, this is the end!"

Xiao Mu, a hesitant man with Jinguang Zhanfei, split his body in half. Although he was not dead for a while, he was already seriously injured.

The staff of Zhengshentang, seeing this scene, suddenly fell silent, all of them were frightened.

"You, go out and kneel in the square. You are all young people, you are involuntary, the old veteran, don’t want to target you, don’t force the old veteran to kill you."

Xiao Mu, once again pointed at a staff member, the murderous intent on his face gradually sinking.

The staff member, when Xiao Mu stretched out his hand, his back became cold and his body became cold. He hurriedly got up from his seat and walked to the square outside.

", follow him out, kneel down in the square outside, kneel in a row."

Xiao Mu, once again stretched out his hand to the other staff.

The staff of Zhengshentang, seeing this, did not dare to hesitate anymore, and walked out one by one.

Soon, the office was empty. All the staff, all walked out, kneeled in a row in the square.

"Xiao Mu, when you did this, you were openly arguing with Master Jia Ming. Senior Master Jia will punish you severely. You are just a senior veteran, and you are not a senior veteran for the time being. You will also take the punishment from the senior elder Jia. Can't live."

Yu Yun, who was held by Xiao Mu in his hand, suddenly called to remind Xiao Mu.

"Jia Ming, do you have the ability to punish me? If you don't count, go out and kneel with your men."

Xiao Mu responded with a sneer, waved, and threw the injured Yu Yun out.

Yu Yun was thrown into the air by Xiao Mu. However, this person, who was in mid-air, hurriedly performed the five-element escape technique to stabilize his figure and land steadily.

As soon as he landed, Yu Yun walked towards the door.

Xiao Mu stared at the other person's back and suddenly sneered, "If you dare to escape privately, I will directly chase you and kill you. You can try to see if you can escape from my hand with your speed."

Yu Yun, after hearing Xiao Mu's words, his figure suddenly stopped.

He had really planned to use the escape technique to leave and ask for help from Jia Ming after he had really gone out, but after listening to Xiao Mu's words, he felt the threat in Xiao Mu's words, and he immediately hesitated.

"Xiao Mu, I hope Elder Jia is here, and you still have the courage to do so."

Yu Yun bit his scalp and said a hard word that was not hard, and walked out the door.

After all, this person did not dare to leave, and as soon as he walked out of the studio, he knelt down on the square with others.

"And you!"

Xiao Mu, mentioning the man who was cut in half by a golden light of his own, hit the opponent with a mass of vitality, and glued the two pieces of his body together.

After that, he threw it to the door and shouted: "Don't think that if you are injured, the elder will let you go. Kneel down on the square with others."

This injured man escaped from the dead, and he dared to continue to violate Xiao Mu's words, dragged his wounded body, walked out of the door, and knelt on the square.

Xiao Mu, following the injured man, walked out the door.

When Xiao Mu went out, the staff of Zhengshentang had already knelt neatly in a row on the square, looking very spectacular.

Originally, the human mutants gathered in the square obviously did not know what was going on. Seeing that the staff of Zhengshentang walked out of the studio one after another, they knelt down in a row on the square one after another. Cried out in surprise.

Everyone came over to watch.

Xiao Mu ignored these onlookers first, his gaze was very familiar with Yun's body, and it fell on Yu Yun's right hand.

Yu Yun felt Xiao Mu's gaze and hurriedly retracted his right hand, but as soon as he moved his right hand, he realized something and stopped abruptly.

Xiao Mu looked at her right hand, obviously aware of what she had done, and it was too late to take it back at this time.

Xiao Mu ignored this person and sneered instead.

This Yu Yun, between the three fingers of his right thumb, index finger, and middle finger, from the eyes of Xiao Mushen, at a glance, he knew that a Taoist talisman had just been crushed.

There is no doubt that this talisman contacted Jia Ming and informed Jia Ming.

Xiao Mu, because he was waiting for Jia Ming to arrive, he didn't care much about Yu Yun secretly informing Jia Ming.

"This...what happened? Why are people in Zhengshentang punished? Who is this person?"

"Yu Yun was injured? The people in Zhengshentang were injured? Could it be that this person did it? Who is this person and why should he make a noise in Zhengshentang? Don't you be afraid that Elder Jia will get angry when he knows?"

"Who is this person? Does anyone know him?"

Amidst the crowd of onlookers, there was a burst of whispers, and many mutants were discussing, and most of them were guessing Xiao Mu's identity.

"Presumptuous, who are you? How dare you let the people of Zhengshentang kneel? Let them get up soon?" Suddenly, a loud shout came out from the crowd.

A man walked out of the crowd.

This man has a slender body, and his appearance is about twenty-five or sixty-six. His body is filled with the breath of a thunder father. His realm has reached the peak of the spirit realm. Just like Xiao Mu, he can step into the righteous spirit with only one step away. The state of the environment.

Xiao Mu turned around when he heard the sound and looked at the man, "What are you, dare to give me an order and sign up."

"You..." the man was furious when he heard the words, and cried, "You are bold, dare to scold me, Xu Fu..."

Boom! boom!

The man, Xu Fu, hadn't finished speaking. Behind him, there was a sudden flash of five colors of light, followed by a flash of golden light, a magic weapon appeared, and a fierce bang against his back.

With a heavy bang, this man Xu Fu flew forward directly under the bombardment of Xiao Mu's magical soldiers.

At the same time, his body was also pierced by the sledgehammer magic soldier, and a large hole was directly blasted out of his chest, and the blood was scattered in patches.

"So you are Xu Fu, the third on the list. Are you a member of the Eight Elders? I'm looking for you."

Xiao Mu stared at the injured Xu Fu with a cold face.

"You...who are you?" Xu Fu, injured by Xiao Mu, immediately felt Xiao Mu's powerful strength.

Let him realize that Xiao Mu is definitely not his opponent.

"Kneel on the ground with them."

Xiao Mu, amidst the voice, his figure moved again.

When the five-color light flashed, he moved away to Xu Fu's side, and as soon as he reached out his hand, he lifted Xu Fu up.

"Don't think about it, who are you, how dare you let me kneel down? Elder Jia, who knows, will definitely kill you." Xu Fu, held by Xiao Mu, pressed his head to the ground, ashamed and annoyed, constantly struggling , Yelled at Xiao Mu.

"Jia Ming? So you are Jia Ming’s person. Very well, I finally made no mistake. Kneel, otherwise I will break your legs and then your arms. If you are not afraid, just try, I have some The power of life is enough to torture you while protecting you from death."

With that, Xiao Mu suddenly stretched out his right foot, facing Xu Fu's legs, and slammed it down.


There was the sound of bone fragmentation, and Xu Fu's legs were broken by Xiao Mu.

"Ah~" Xu Fu howled in pain.

Xiao Mu's foot had a chaos-like power, and when he stepped it down, it blocked the true power of the opponent's body, causing him to endure great pain.

"You...who are you?"

In the hissing sound, Xu Fu roared loudly at Xiao Mu.

Xiao Mu didn't answer, but instead said: "Xu Fu, I advise you to kneel down and wait for Jia's command to come and lead you, otherwise, if you want to taste the hardship, you will have to struggle."

Xu Fu, when he heard the words, felt a chill in his heart, not feeling it, turning his head and looking at Yu Yun, there was an inquiring look in his eyes.

Yu Yun, when he saw Xu Fu, he immediately replied in voice transmission, "Brother Xu, this is Xiao Mu, I have come here. Just bear it, you and I are not opponents of this person."

"Xiao Mu, you are Xiao Mu."

Xu Fu suddenly yelled and shouted hoarsely, "Xiao Mu, you insult Zhengshentang, insult yourself, the elder Jia Ming will not let you go, and the eight elders will not let you go."

"Will the Eight Great Elders let me go? I don't know, and I'm not afraid. But if you dare to move casually, or get up and don't kneel down, this old elder won't let you go now."

Xiao Mu responded with a sneer.

Just now, Yu Yun Chuanyin told Xu Fu that he had guessed it too, but ignored it.

When Xu Fu heard this, he was immediately frustrated and stopped talking.

Anyway, Jia ordered Elder Jia to come soon. Why should I ask for hardship? At this time, I would fight against Xiao Mu and bear more insults?

Xiao Mu shifted his eyes and looked at the whole crowd suddenly.

There were 19 people on the list he had seen before, and Xu Fu, since he was here, most of the others were also here.

"Zheng Wei, Xu Dong, Guo Liang..."

Xiao Mu suddenly recited the names on the list except Xu Fu, and while reciting the names, he observed the movement of the surrounding crowd.

A name has just been read, and someone in the crowd immediately moved.

Xiao Mu's body moved instantaneously, and as soon as the five elements escaped, he rushed into the crowd.

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

In the loud noise, the brilliance of the gods flickered, and Xiao Mu threw them out of the crowd one by one, and threw them onto the square.

"You, Xiao Mu, you, why are you attacking us?"

The mutants who were thrown out of the crowd by Xiao Mu were suddenly angry.

However, even though they were angry, they didn't dare to attack, stood up one by one, and immediately stared at Xiao Mu and questioned.

Xiao Mu responded coldly, "Why? Which one of you is not on the list? Which one is not the person Jia Ming arranged to enter the Zheng Shentang in advance?"

"Now, all kneel next to Xu Fu for me, waiting for Jia Ming to come and take people, otherwise, don't blame myself for being rude."

"Xiao Mu, what qualifications do you have to punish us?" a middle-aged man wearing an off-white Qing Dynasty gown questioned Xiao Mu angrily.

Whoosh whoosh!

With the light on, Xiao Mu's figure moved directly, and in the blink of an eye, he was behind the middle-aged man in a gray-white gown.

Hearing the sound of Kara, Xiao Mu stepped on and directly broke the legs of the middle-aged man in the off-white gown.

Then, Xiao Mu grabbed the neck of the middle-aged man in the gown, and threw it with a bang. Xiao Mu threw the middle-aged man in the gray-white gown next to Xu Fu. Together with Xu Fu, he faced the righteous spirit. The hall staff knelt down.

The middle-aged man in this long gown landed on his knees with a painful expression on his face, struggling as if he was about to get up from the ground.

Xiao Mu, staring coldly at the middle-aged man in the gown, said murderously: "If you dare to get up, the elder will put a heavy hand on you. Just scrap your legs, and then use the power of chaos to destroy the wound, so that you can never recover forever. ."

The middle-aged man in a long gown was shocked when he heard the words. The posture he had planned to stand up suddenly stopped, and then he knelt down.

The legs can still grow when they are scrapped, but if the wound is destroyed by the power of Chaos, it will be impossible to grow out.

Seeing this, Xiao Mu sneered and looked at the other mutants thrown out by him.

These mutants at the pinnacle of the Spirit Realm were seen by Xiao Mu and hurriedly averted their gazes, not daring to look at Xiao Mu.

Xiao Mu shouted: "You, all of you, let me kneel down and wait for Jia's orders to come and lead people. You are nothing more than little people who are being used by others, and have no enemies with this elder. This elder does not want to take you. Excuse me, but if you dare not listen to the elder's order and resist forcibly, don't blame the elder for being ruthless."

These ordinary God Spirit Realm pinnacle mutants, upon hearing this, all felt chills in their hearts.

This Xiao Mu is too strong, and too ruthless to start.

Just now, UU Reading shot so many of them at the same time, and none of them had the power to resist.

In addition, just now, Xiao Mu hit Xu Fu and the middle-aged man in a long shirt one after another. These people were suppressed, so they stopped resisting.

Soon, these mutants at the pinnacle of the spirit realm, driven by Xiao Mu, walked one by one to Xu Fu and the middle-aged man in the long sweater and knelt down.

Xiao Mu, when he saw the people who had just been picked out by him, one after another also knelt down in the square, and looked at the crowd again.

He said coldly: "Just now, the elder said a total of 18 names, but only seven people came out, and eleven people were still in the crowd."

"Come out quickly, don't let the elders pull you out one by one."

Xiao Mu, after finishing speaking, his eyes were like cold electricity, one by one, he looked at the faces of the mutants in the square, mainly, looked at the peak of the gods.

However, almost all of the mutants gathered here are at the peak of the spiritual realm. It is difficult for Xiao Mu to use his strength for a while to recognize which one he wants to find.