MTL - I Made the World Mutate-Chapter 1065 Shame of Righteous God

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There was some restlessness in the crowd, but no one came out in the end.

Xiao Mu, carefully observed among the crowd, the remaining eleven people were well hidden, and he did not recognize any suspicious person.

"You, recognize me."

Xiao Mu lifted Xu Fu up with his hand and threw it into the crowd to make him recognize him.

"Xiao Mu, don't be arrogant, Jia ordered the old veteran to come, and I will definitely not let you go." Xu Fu, strong propped up, yelled at Xiao Mu.

"Very well, don't you refuse to recognize people? The elder will search for your spiritual thoughts, and pick out the eleven people from your spiritual thoughts."

Xiao Mu, mentioning Xu Fu, he must search for his spiritual thoughts.

"Xiao Mu, enough!"

Suddenly there was a shout from the crowd. A tall and strong man walked out of the crowd and courageously said to Xiao Mu: "Searching for spirituality will damage people's authority and cause permanent damage to cultivation. Let Xu Fu go. Well, I will recognize people for you."

"very good!"

Xiao Mu turned his head and glanced at the tall and tall man, "very courageous, this elder admires a person like you, what is your name?"

"My name is Zheng Min, and I'm also on the list you just mentioned." The middle-aged man was not very afraid.

"It seems that you are also in the family of Jia Ming. Recognize people." Xiao Mu didn't say much, let the mature man Zheng Min begin to recognize people.

"Chenji, Xu Fan, Mei Jing..., come out if you can't hide." Zheng Min, a mature man, called his name, and looked at the several abnormalities in the crowd.

Whoosh whoosh!

A male mutator in his early forties in red was recognized by Zheng Min and immediately began to escape, trying to escape.

This person turned into a five-color light, and quickly escaped, and in an instant, he reached the other side of the square.

"Want to run?" Xiao Mu, seeing that the red-clothed mutant wanted to escape, his expression moved slightly, and he gave a clear drink, stood still and did not move, and directly took out a good luck axe and waved it.


A portal appeared directly in front of the male mutator in red, twisting his path. The next moment, the male mutator in red entered the portal unexpectedly and appeared in front of Xiao Mu.


Xiao Mu, shot directly, between his hands, golden light flickered, and with a wave of golden light, he broke all the limbs of the man in red.

Then, Xiao Mu mentioned this person, threw it at Xu Fu's side, and shouted: "Go over and kneel before you dare to run away. Don't blame yourself for being horrible."

The man in red, who had his limbs broken by Xiao Mu, threw him heavily, suddenly pained intolerable, and no longer had the courage to run away, so he braced himself and knelt down beside Xu Fu.

"Xiao Mu, I have found all the people you want me to find."

The middle-aged man Zheng Min took advantage of this moment, turned his head and spoke to Xiao Mu, still in a posture of neither humble nor overbearing.

"Very well, let me take a look."

Xiao Mu, while talking, looked at the abnormal people around Zheng Min, and deliberately counted the number of people, and finally found that even if Zheng Min was included, only eight people had been found, and coldly questioned: "Only only Eight people, why are two missing? There are two more people, why didn't they find out?"

Zheng Min said neither overbearing nor overbearing: "There are two more, Zheng Wei and Xu Dong. They are not here. I have found all of them here."

Zheng Wei? Xu Dong?

Xiao Mu, remembering the names on the list, remembering that Zheng Wei and Xu Dong happened to be the first and second two on the list.

"Zheng Wei, Xu Dong, where are you now?"

Zheng Min shook his head, "I don't know."

"It's time to come back sooner or later."

Xiao Mu, not in a hurry, told Zheng Min, "Take them, kneel next to Xu Fu, and kneel in a row. You are all being used by others, but it's just a little girl. I will not target you. But also Don't resist rashly, otherwise, you will annoy yourself, he, he, he will end up."

With that, Xiao Mu pointed at Xu Fu, the middle-aged man in red, Yu Yun.

Zheng Min still said neither humble nor overbearing: "Don't worry, we will not resist, but we also hope that you can do what you say and don't hurt people at will."


Xiao Mu smiled and ignored this person.

This Zheng Min, no matter how vigorous he is, is just a small person, not worthy of his special attention.

Zheng Min, not to say any more, took the lead and knelt beside the middle-aged man in red, kneeling in a row with Xu Fu, the man in the gray gown.

With Zheng Min taking the lead, four of the other people called out by Zheng Min stopped resisting, and followed Zheng Min and knelt down beside him.

However, there are still three people left, standing still.

Xiao Mu couldn't help but look at these three people.

These three people, two men and one woman, of the two men, one of them is extraordinary and looks about 30, the other, although the temperament is a little worse, with a fair complexion and delicate appearance, it is estimated that it can be deep in the mundane world. Some women are pleased.

The last woman looked thirty-five and sixty-six, not rushed, but rather calm.

Seeing Xiao Muwang, among the three, the extraordinary man suddenly spoke to Xiao Mu, "Xiao Mu, the three of us, just like you, are all of the first line of **** and phoenix women, not from the eight veterans. Among them, , Is there any misunderstanding?"

The calm woman also followed: "Xiao Mu, we are also very happy when you clean up the eight veterans. But don't we need to kneel as our own people?"

The white-faced man said anxiously: "Xiao Mu, we have all heard of your name, and we also know your deeds. It doesn't matter if you deal with the eight veterans, but don't hurt yourself by mistake."

Xiao Mu felt a headache when he heard it.

Things seem to be more complicated than I thought.

The eight veterans, among the nineteen people, deliberately picked out three people from their side. What did they want to do? Want to prove that they have no selfishness? In other words, to cover up their own selfishness?

"Sorry, three."

Xiao Mu, Chuanyin responded to the three of them, “I’m not sure whether the three of them are their own for the time being. Now, I would like to invite three more, just like those of the Eight Great Elders, to kneel down in the past. Afterwards, if you find that the three are really yours, I Xiao Mu must personally apologize to the three of them."

When the three heard this, their expressions suddenly changed.

The white-faced man said displeased: "Xiao Mu, you don't show mercy to your own people?"

Both the extraordinary man and the calm woman were not happy, looking at Xiao Mu.

Qi Yu's extraordinary man said: "Xiao Mu, you treat yourself in this way, how can you gain a foothold in the league in the future?"

The calm woman followed, "Xiao Mu, dealing with the enemy's cruelty, we can understand. But what is the truth in dealing with your own cruelty? As Zhu Qi said, will you still have a foothold in the alliance in the future?"

Xiao Mu became impatient when he heard the words, and looked at him with a serious expression, "Three people, what's going on now, it's more than usual. I don't have the time or energy to judge whether the three are my own."

"If you are really your own person, you should cooperate with yourself, not at this moment, and you will be in conflict with yourself and deliberately create conflicts."

"I said, afterwards, if you really find that it was a misunderstanding and hurt yourself by mistake, I, Xiao Mu, will personally apologize."

"The three are still unwilling, what do you want?"

"Simply say this. If you really don't cooperate, I'm sorry, don't blame me for treating the three as the eight veterans to clean up."

When the three of them heard the words, their faces suddenly changed.

What Xiao Mu said suddenly became severe, which made the three of them immediately afraid to provoke them easily.

"Xiao Mu, you are ruthless!"

In the end, the extraordinary man from Qiyu said to Xiao Mu fiercely, "Looking back, I will go to the Shenfeng Girl to sue you. However, now, you are right. You shouldn’t be at this time. Conflict."

"Jiang Yue, He Chong, please bear with me for a while, don't conflict at this time."


The calm woman was persuaded by Zhu Qi, gave Xiao Mu a fierce look, and knelt down next to Xu Fu and others with Zhu Qi.

Although He Chong was a little unhappy, in the end, being pulled by Jiang Yue and Zhu Qi, he did not resist.

Xiao Mu, seeing this scene, nodded secretly.

So far, he believed in ninety-nine percent of the identity of the three.

Jiang Yue, Zhu Qi, and He Chong seem to be their own people. But Jiang Yue and Zhu Qi were able to take care of the overall situation, which made him quite admired.

Standing in the field, looking north, quietly waiting for Jia Ming to arrive.

Probably, in just three or four minutes, a cloud of five elements suddenly appeared in the air in the north.

As soon as the cloud of the five elements appeared, it flew over here quickly.

Xiao Mu turned his head and looked over the cloud of the five elements. Above that cloud head, stood Jia Ming, who was eighth among the eight great elders.

"Xiao Mu, you are bold and make a big fuss in Zhengshentang, who gives you the courage!"

A long distance away, Jia Ming, saw the scene here clearly, and yelled at Xiao Mu in furious.

His voice is directly transmitted through real power, like the speed of light. In an instant, we arrived at the square and spread to the ears of everyone on the scene.

In the square, the staff of Zhengshen Hall, the people on the list, and all the mutations of the eight veterans on the scene, hearing Jia Ming's voice, couldn't help but feel refreshed and joyous.

Elder Jia has already arrived, Xiao Mu, he is dead.

"Elder Jia Da, don't be scary with big talk."

Xiao Mu, seeing Jia Ming's arrival, he didn't panic, "I'll be here, waiting for you. If you want to speak, why not come forward and speak clearly. Speak out loudly, and think who will scare you?"

Xiao Mu's voice was also transmitted to Jia Ming through real power.

"Very well, Xiao Mu, you are very courageous, dare to use this method to talk to the veteran of the university. The veteran of the university will come here and make it clear to you."

Jia Ming called out angrily, and the voice was transmitted through the real power again.

At the same time, he himself, driving the cloud of the five elements, flew over at a faster speed.

"Report to the great elder, just now, there was news from Zhengshentang, Xiao Mu, there is a big trouble in the Zhengshentang, the great elder Jia Ming has passed, and we want to capture him."

In the real five elements space, a boy is reporting respectfully to Zun.

"Xiao Mu, Jia Ming, what happened? Jia Ming is a righteous god, Xiao Mu is still a god. Fighting with Jia Ming is afraid that you will suffer. You guard your family, and the elder will come over and take a look."

With that said, Zun suddenly took control of the true five elements cloud and flew directly towards the direction of Zhengshentang.

Jia Ming, in the extremely fast flight speed, it didn't take long for him to get close to Xiao Mu.

As soon as he got closer, this elder Jia, who was in the clouds and above the sky, suddenly stepped on the cloud of the five elements, bent down to come, and his giant hand changed. Grabbed it in his hand.

At the same time, Jia Ming, even more directly, announced: "Xiao Mu, you are making trouble in the righteous temple. The elder is bound to arrest you and be tried in front of the emperor to see how confident you are and dare not defend. Rules, make a big fuss in Zhengshentang."

Seeing this, Xiao Mu immediately lifted his spirits.

In the recent period, his strength has improved again. He has gone from the peak of the spiritual realm to the peak of the spiritual realm. In addition, he has merged with the Yan Luoxi of the East Territory, and has connected with this land, with the help of the world. The majesty of the earth, the strength has been improved again.

In addition, coupled with the power of the Blood Cloud Banner of the Righteous God, Xiao Mu believes that even if his strength is still lower than that of the Righteous God, it is no longer inferior to the power of the Righteous God.

Therefore, in the face of Jia Ming's arrest, Xiao Mu immediately became ambitious and determined to test his own strength to what extent.

"Jia Ming, do you really think that Xiao Mu will be afraid of you? You want to take me, but I want to see if you Jia Ming, do you really have that ability."

call! call! call!

Xiao Mu, in the sound of shouts, a cloud of golden light gushed out of his body.

It is the authority of Chenghuang.

Although Chenghuang's authority was not strong, at this time, under Xiao Mu's feet, the earth suddenly oscillated.

The earth shook, and the whole world responded. Xiao Mu's strength suddenly increased, and his authority was greatly enhanced.

Hum! Hum! Hum!

Amid the tremor of authority, six Yama Hammers appeared at the same time, and they merged into one in an instant.

After the six handles were combined into one, the Yan Luo hammer, due to Xiao Mu's increase in authority, increased the strength of the world, and immediately increased. Compared with the original, its power was at least doubled.

Xiao Mu, as soon as he stretched out his right hand, he took this huge Yama Hammer in his hand.

The huge Yama Hammer radiated brilliance in his hand, carrying the blessing of the whole world, and it looked extremely sacred.

Then, in Xiao Mu's left hand, blood flickered, and a blood cloud flag appeared.

Wow! Wow! Wow!

Xiao Mu waved the blood cloud flag and shook it violently. In an instant, a cloud of blood appeared. This blood gushes out, among them, blooming flowers of righteous gods, each flower has three petals.

The blood cloud flag, the treasure of the righteous god, is truly fully restored and possesses the power of the righteous god. Inside its banner, there are blood-colored strange faces, twisted and struggling, and weeping bitterly.

And in front of Xiao Mu's chest, a hand suddenly appeared, and this hand held a good luck axe.


The good fortune axe hit, and a ball of white light hits up, directly covering the blood cloud flag and the Yama Hammer.

The blood cloud flag, the power of the Yama Hammer, became stronger under the cover of the white light of good fortune.

boom! boom!

Xiao Mu waved the Blood Cloud Flag and Yan Luo Hammer with both hands at the same time, and aimed directly at the huge grab that Jia Ming used his authority to illusion.

The three-color blood-colored flowers rushed to the sky, and the huge Yama Hammer was hidden in them, carrying the power after the blessings of the world. UU reading www.

Jia Ming, transformed into a big hand, instantly covered it.

boom! boom!

There was a shocking blast, and the messy authoritarian power was flying in mid-air, constantly breaking.

The brilliance played by Xiao Muxueyunqi, and the six-handed Yan Luo hammer, were directly shattered by the blow of Jia Ming's authoritarian magical hand.

However, Jia Ming, grasping Xiao Mu's illusion giant hand, was also blocked and dissipated on the spot while Xiao Mu's blood cloud flag and Yan Luo hammer were simultaneously facing him.

"Jia Ming, as a righteous god, your original strength is nothing more than that. Even my **** can't beat me. Jia Ming, you are really the shame of a righteous god. Don't leave, you also come to pick me up and attack."

Xiao Mu, amidst the roar, the blood cloud flag waved, leaped, and the extra hand on his chest waved. The bridge of good fortune rose from under his feet and held him all the way up to the high altitude to Jia Ming, who was driving the five-colored cloud. Above the head.

Therefore, Xiao Mu, condescendingly, waved both hands at the same time, the blood cloud flag waved, and the Yama hammer blasted into the sky. Amidst the shocking sound, two divine treasures were aimed at Jia Ming and fell fiercely.