MTL - I Make Games To Scare Crying Players-Chapter 142 pocket space

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  Chapter 142 Pocket Space

  During the game, the real-time calculation continues.

  The female researcher immediately ran to the security guard and knelt down to intercede.

  [Please. Please let him go. He was also impulsive. Sorry. I apologize to you on his behalf. Sorry. Please let him go.]

  [This place is too weird, can’t we cooperate well? Why are we attacking each other]

  Listening to what the female researcher said, two options appeared in front of Xinxin.

  【1. His temper and dignity make him seem a little blind, and it is easy to make him a little impatient. I must prevent him from stabbing me (killing him) at a critical moment】

  【2. You are right, this place is really weird, we should help each other (let him go)】

   "Choose one of the two."

  Xinxin looked at the options in front of him, then at the begging female researcher, and was caught in a dilemma.

   "How should I choose?"

  She glanced at the live broadcast room as if asking for help, inside, the audience was divided into two factions again.

   On the one hand, there are those who support shooting, and on the other hand, those who hope not to shoot. The fight is evenly matched, and no one can convince the other.

  Seeing that it is hopeless for the audience to ask for help, I might as well follow my own heart.

  [Please. We can’t live without him. It’s too dangerous here and we need him]

  The female researcher's crying pleading came again, making Xinxin slightly shaken.

[please! Let him go! We are willing to explore the way! We would like to go ahead! Please let him go! ]

  Amidst the pleadings full of hope, Xinxin finally gritted his teeth and chose the second one to let him go.

   "Let's see how it goes first. If this guy dares to attack me, I will immediately read the file and go back to kill him!"

  Xin Jiang said so.

   Soon, as the selection ended, the protagonist retracted the gun without saying a word.

  The female researcher immediately showed a grateful expression.

  [Thank you. Thank you.]

   Then, he helped up the security guard who was still coughing violently.

   Just seeing him clutching his throat, his face flushed red from coughing.

  That facial expression, that acting skill, they were brought into full play, and Xinxin was speechless.

   "Did those very popular little fresh meat cook it?"

  Xin Jiang shook his head and continued playing the game.

  During the game, the female researcher asked softly.

  [Then we. Which channel to go now]

   As soon as the voice fell, options appeared in front of Xinxin again.

  【1. Enter the first channel】

  【2. Enter the second channel】

  【3. Enter the third channel】

  【9. Enter the ninth channel】

  Looking at these options, she didn't know how to choose for a moment.

  So, she chose the third channel with the chance that the primary school English exam ABCD depended on lottery a long time ago!

   Then, under the deterrence of the protagonist's firearms.

  The female researcher walked in with the support of the security guard trembling.

   And because the passage is too narrow, two people cannot pass through. The security guard patted the female researcher on the shoulder, saying it was fine. Then went in first.

  The female researcher froze for a moment, and hurriedly followed.

   Then came Xinjiang, who walked at the end so that the two people in front were always within the range of the flashlight of the gun.

   It feels like a slave owner.

   "Made, there are only 3 bullets left in this gun, play a ghost!"

  Looking at the clip capacity, Xin Jiang wanted to cry but had no tears.

  I thought that if I got a rifle, I would have a guarantee of safety and the right to speak.

   The result is only 3 bullets, so why play?

   The bullets are finished and there is no replenishment. Who can use this gun?

  Xinxin sighed, and looked at the two people supporting her in front of her. Soon, there was a light at the end.

   They came to the new circular space, which is exactly the same as before, without any changes.

   After choosing a passage again, the female researcher and the security guard entered it.

  Xinxin followed closely behind, but her game screen suddenly malfunctioned and flickered.

   And at this moment, the two people in front of her within the range of her flashlight.


   Just for a split second, the person disappeared! ?

  Xinxin was a little stunned. The two big living people disappeared in the blink of an eye. How could it be possible?

   Is something wrong?

   Or some kind of random event?

  At this time, Xinxin, who was alone in the dark passage, began to feel a little scared.

  After all, two living people disappeared under her nose, which couldn't keep her calm.

  The protagonist of the game also spoke gloomily at this time.

  [This passage seems to be a bit different, and it may be dangerous to go deeper. I'd better go back and choose a new path.]

return to?


  Xinxin hurriedly turned around and walked back.

   Within a few steps, I saw the light.

  A relaxed expression appeared on her face, her steps quickened, and she returned to a new circular space.

   As a result, a sallow mummy was found here!

   "I'm stupid. Dead!?"

  Xinxin's eyes widened, and she was in shock.

  She swallowed and approached slowly.

   This mummy was sitting against the wall of one of the passage openings.

  It is skinny, dry and sallow. Corpse spots are everywhere, withered grass grows in disorder.

  Looks like, was dead for quite some time.

   Even the white coat on his body was tattered and yellowed.

   "This is a woman?"

  Xinxin was a little surprised. Judging from the long weed-like hair, it was a female corpse.

   Judging from the clothes on his body, could it be

   Xinxin glanced out of the corner of her eye and found something in the mummy's hand.

   Taking a closer look, it was an identity card and a note.

  She carefully picked up the ID card and looked at it, her expression changed immediately.

It says:

  ‘Level 2 Identification Card’

   'Name: Rose Emily'

   'Position: Space Research Assistant'

  'Level: B-level personnel'

  'Coding: B7546988421346X'

   "Fuck, it's really that female researcher just now! She said her name is Rose Emily!"

  Xinxin exclaimed suddenly, and quickly picked up the note to take a look.

It says:

[They ditched me. That **** agent named Deev and that D-class. First the D-class ran away. Then Deve went crazy. He said he saw a rotten old man and hurt me. Preempted me insult I ended up shooting me in the leg. Said I was a sacrifice to it. Let me die here. I will not forgive you. I will not forgive you even if I die.! 】

   "My mother.!"

  Xinjiang's hands shook violently, and he dropped the note on the ground.


   It's the security guard!

   Security killed this female researcher?

   "What the **** is going on here"

  At this moment, the protagonist of the game spoke coldly.

  [The situation has exceeded my imagination, my perception has been affected by this place, and I must leave as soon as possible. ]

  Then, the angle of view is forced to look at the passage where the female corpse is sitting.

  The meaning is self-evident, the protagonist is hinting at this path.

  Xinxin put down the note and saved a file on the spot. Glancing at the female corpse, he lifted the rifle with only 3 bullets left in his hand, and then plunged into it.

  In the passage, it was pitch black.

  Footsteps echoed.

  Xinxin held a firearm and was cautiously vigilant about her surroundings.

   "The female corpse should not be real. She said she was shot in the leg by the security guard, but the security guard's gun was in my hand. So who shot the female corpse just now?"

   "After those two people disappeared suddenly, things became strange. I have to be careful."

   "And the body of the black arm has never appeared from the beginning to the end. Judging from the A in front of the number, it is definitely Aleph (dangerous) level. So it must have very scary characteristics."

"This pocket space. The game prompts. These passages are just one of the areas of the pocket space. Does that mean that there are many weird spaces like this? Is this 0106 anomaly a bit too unimaginable. It can be It makes people desperate, what will happen after the abnormal entity appears?"

   "And the rotting old man mentioned in the note"

  While walking in the dark passage, Xinxin whispered in the live broadcast room.

  Audience and fans immediately swiped the barrage, and some even comforted her not to be afraid, to have fun by looking at the swiped gifts.

  But how could Xinxin be happy?

  Just as she was cautious, a bright light appeared in front of the passage.

  She has arrived in the new circular space!

   But at the same time, she heard a low voice.

   There was a very obvious voice of a man and a woman, and it was a female researcher and a male security guard!

  [Look at him here]

  [Yeah he is here]

[What is he doing.]

[What is he doing.]

  [He seems lost]

  [He should be lost]

  [He needs help.]

  [I need to help him.]

  The next second, there was a sound of footsteps.

   At the same time, dangerous and creepy music exploded!

   Let Xinxin's hairs suddenly stand up!

   This is another sound of footsteps besides the protagonist, and it is gradually approaching!

   Judging from the music playing, this is definitely not a good thing!

   "Damn it!"

  She yelled and quickly pressed the accelerator key to run.

   Within a few steps, they rushed into the new circular platform.

  The physical strength consumed also made the protagonist gasp slightly.


  Xinjiang saw the female researcher from before. She happened to be in this circular space, and panicked, with a frightened expression on her face.

  [Yes. It's you! ]

  She looked very surprised after seeing the protagonist, her eyes were full of disbelief.

   At this time, the game once again entered the first-person real-time calculation animation.

  The female researcher wanted to step forward, but the protagonist pointed a gun at her, and she was stunned.

  [What's going on, where's the agent? ]

  The protagonist of the game opened his mouth coldly, and the gun in his hand emitted metal reflections under the light.

  The female researcher froze for a moment, then shook her head.

  [We got separated. We were scared because of your sudden departure in the passage. We ran back to the next space. As a result, he disappeared and you happened to come out of another passage]

  [Why did you leave? The cooperation gun you mentioned was also taken away by you. Why did you leave just now]

  After hearing this, Xinxin couldn't react.

   This woman only ran back from the passage for such a short time. She actually synchronized with the time when the protagonist ran two passages in a row?

   And lost one in the middle?

  If this woman is not dead, is the mummy just now a hallucination?

   At this point, the protagonist speaks again.

  [This place is getting weirder, leave now. ]

  Game, resume controls.

  Xinxin pursed her lips, saved a file on the spot, and plunged into one of the passages.

  The female researcher also hurriedly followed, for fear of falling behind again.

   At this time, in the dark passage, compared with the previous two, it is very normal.

  The two did not encounter any danger or incident, and soon came to the new circular platform.

   But they didn't stay too long, but chose a passage again and walked in.

  The silent darkness filled the surroundings.

  The resounding footsteps linger in my ears.

  Xinxin was a little impatient at this time.

  After she decided to walk through this passage, she started to save and try one by one.

  Until the correct path is found.

  She really wanted to see what expression this female NPC would have if she saw the exit.

   Will I just leave this pocket space?


  Facts are always beyond expectations.

  The passage in front of me has become wider before I know it!

  At the same time, an old male voice resounded in the darkness that could not be seen ahead.

   "Is anyone. in front.?"

   His voice was hoarse, and he looked extremely old.

   In the darkness, accompanied by staggering steps of walking, it is gradually approaching.

  The female researcher suddenly groaned softly, a little scared.

  Xinxin is not the same, but she still holds the gun and uses the only 3 bullets for self-defense.

  [Who.Who is there.? ]

  The female researcher trembled softly, her tone full of fear.

   But as her voice sounded, the next moment, the distant footsteps disappeared.

   Then, a trembling and excited voice came from the darkness.

  [Ai. Emily? ]

  Xinxin was taken aback.

  I wipe, acquaintance?

  She glanced at the female NPC behind her, and found that she also looked stunned, obviously she didn't know who the voice was.

   Seeing this, Xinxin continued to raise his gun vigilantly.

  But soon, she knew who the voice belonged to.

  [Ai. Emily. It's me.]

  A figure came out from the darkness. He was skinny, old, with a stooped body and staggered.

   His white hair was disheveled, and the security clothing on his body was torn and old, from which most of the loose skin was exposed.

  [I.It is.Diff.]

  His face was full of joy and surprise, the old voice came out of his mouth again, but it made Xinxin terrified.

   "Hold a grass!"

   "It's that security guy! How did he get so old!?"

   At this time, the female researcher behind her looked even more terrified.

  While saying it was impossible, she backed away in fright.

  [Emily. Fifty Years]

  The old man was still staggering forward. He leaned on the wall with one hand and reached out to the female researcher with the other.

  [I.have been.looking for you]

  The female researcher fell to the ground in fright at this moment, and her eyes were full of fear.

  Xinxin is already stupid.

   What random event is this?

   It's amazing!

   This security guard was a man in his 30s more than ten minutes ago.

  It’s actually getting so old now.

   In front of her, she seemed to see the female researcher's expression of fear and disgust.

  Anbao's face was suddenly stunned, his expression sank, and his outstretched hand slowly dropped.

   Then he laughed out loud, tears streaming down his cheeks.

  [This look, hahahaha, this look at monsters, hahahaha! ]

   I don't know when, the old Anbao's speech became smoother, and he was no longer slow and obedient.

  [Fifty years, a full fifty years! I keep marking, keep doing, keep doing, just to find you! ]

   Wanting to speak, the old security rushed forward and pressed down on Emily who fell to the ground.

   The speed was so fast that Xin Jiang didn't even react!

  If the security guard attacked me at this speed just now.

  Xinjiang's tender body trembled violently, not daring to think anymore.

  At the same time, a scream from the female researcher behind her brought her back to reality.

  Xinjiang looked back, her eyes widened.

  [Emily. Fifty years, I have been looking for you for so long. Now you look at me like garbage. I hate it! I feel worthless! Emily stay with me. Emily. Stay with me.]

[let me go! let me go! help me! help me! ! ]

  The old security guard kept tearing the female researcher's clothes, and his whole body became hysterical, as if he wanted to tear the girl under him to pieces.

  The female researcher also had a good time, which caused restlessness among the LSPs in the live broadcast room.

  Xinxin couldn't watch it anymore, for no other reason than to avoid being warned by Super Management in the live broadcast room, she had to work hard to stop the indescribable in front of her eyes!

  So, she raised her gun and aimed at the violent old security guard.

   Then, without hesitation, he pulled the trigger.


   There was a loud noise, and the gunpowder smoke drifted away.

  Wearing VR, Xinxin felt a sharp tinnitus.

   This is due to the narrow space.

  The protagonist in the game also suffered.

  It was as if his brain had exploded, his eyes were blurred in discomfort, his footsteps were shaky, and he had to lean on the wall to barely stand still.

   At the same time, he stretched out his hands to cover his ears, and found that he was bleeding!

   And in this burst of blurred vision, he saw nothing in the dark passage in front of him.

  The originally wide passage also became narrow again at this time, so that only one person can pass through.

   There is no old security guard, no female researcher.

Nothing at all!

  Everything just now is like an illusion!

  In front of Xinjiang, there was only a strange figure with no face visible, slowly approaching under the tactical flashlight.

   Judging from the body shape, the figure is naked and without clothes.

  At the same time, under the blurred vision, the figure looks like it came out of the water, a little wet, but not reflective.

   Tick —

   Tick —

   The sound of dripping water rang continuously in the narrow space.

   And the figure is getting closer and closer.



  Xinjiang has a warning of danger in his heart, and the figure in front of him is not good, so he must escape!

   But the **** protagonist seems to be seriously injured and can't walk.

  No matter how she manipulates it, it seems like she is carrying several tons of weight, making it difficult to move an inch!

  The sound of dripping water is getting closer.

  The figure became clearer and clearer.

  Xin Jiang's little heart was also beating extremely fast.

  The next second, under the light of the flashlight, the figure gradually appeared.


  Front, under light.

  Xin Jiang completely saw the approaching figure.

  It was as black as ink, dripping with liquid.

  The body is disintegrated, rotting and naked.

  Every step it took, it left behind footprints that were smoking white smoke and corroding the ground.

   Its head has rotted to the point of being dented and deformed.

   Its old face, with a ferocious smile, is walking step by step!

   After writing Xinjiang, the game is over in a little bit. The author did not run away, nor did he have eunuchs. This book has been ordered for 2200, and it is not easy to write it now! It may be recommended by the editor-in-chief next week, so next week we have to work hard to get recommended by the editor-in-chief! Then make a boutique! !



  (end of this chapter)