MTL - I Make Games To Scare Crying Players-Chapter 145 SOS across the world

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  Chapter 145 Calling for help across the world

  The metal door opened slowly.

   revealed a closed room that seemed to be about 30 square meters.

  Here is the anomaly control room.

   And the one under control is W-FBC-0079!

  At this time, outside the metal door, Mr. Zai, who was holding the S-NAV ultimate navigator, finally found this place after a lot of effort and two more deaths.

   Now, facing all kinds of strange ways of death, he is somewhat immune.

   "I feel that I am no longer afraid of death. Even if an abnormality kills me, I will still be a hero after reading the file."

  Zi Zong moaned without illness, looked at the sign on the wall, and after confirming that it was the W-FBC-0079 control room of the main line destination, he stepped in.

  Then closed the door with the key card backhand.

   Now, closing the door casually is already a subconscious behavior of Mr. Zai.

  Before he thought it was troublesome to open and close the door, and there were some ink stains, so he just opened the door and didn't close it.

   As a result, after accidentally encountering the statue, he approached him a few steps away and massaged him.

   So far, no matter where he goes, he will close the door with his backhand to avoid accidental death.

  Now, 0079 control room.

   The first thing Mr. Zai saw was a very, very old computer isolated in a corner.

   It was a thick monitor that was only about ten inches long. Next to it, an RF cable was used to connect it to an ordinary magnetic card box.

  Its appearance is old and yellow, quite stale.

  The tool used for external isolation is a square 'steel pipe fence' composed of small metal pipes.

  There's a door on it, and a lock.

  Inside the fence was the antique computer.

   "Computer-type anomalies?"

   Mr. Zai walked into the control room, looked around, and surveyed the environment.

   "It's interesting. I thought it was some kind of monster, but it turned out to be a computer! What about the second protagonist? He ran away?"

"However, this control room is really big. It is almost the same as the control room of the previous conversion machine. But such a large control room also has an additional steel pipe fence in the corner. This is double control. What capabilities does this abnormal computer have? Will be treated so special?"

   Zub Zai quickly stepped forward, stretched out his hand and pushed open the gate on the fence, wanting to have a closer look.


   A burst of electric light flickering and crackling

   He is gone.

  【Death File-1037】

  【ID: D-9341】

  【Cause of death: A charred corpse hanging from the isolation pipe of W-FBC-0079. How many times have I said, be sure to put up a warning sign that there's 220 volts in here! Be careful when letting them get close! Why is no one listening! ? 】

【Continue the game】

  【Back to main menu】

   Seeing another death, Mr. Zai was paralyzed.

   "I'm going to lose this shit! If I had known, I would have explored here to find documents. This **** shouldn't die!"

  After reading the file again, Mr. Zai learned his lesson this time.

  He did not act rashly, but first explored the place outside the isolation fence of the control room.

   Soon, a document was found on a shelf, the content of which was exactly the introduction of the exception.

  【Item No.: W-FBC-0079】

  【Object Class: WAW】

  【Project Warning: No matter who you are, it doesn't matter what your status is. Even if the director comes over in person, he must be clearly told. W-FBC-0079, under no circumstances should it be connected to telephone lines, networks, or power outlets. The same goes for any computer's external devices, including keyboards, mice, stereos, etc.! 】

  Seeing these words, Mr. Zai immediately widened his eyes.

  He looked in the direction of the pipeline fence, and then at the document in his hand, with a surprised expression.

   "Brothers, there seems to be something wrong with this ancient computer. Could it control the monitoring of the entire ring prison? Otherwise, why can it use a monitoring screen to leave us information at the beginning of the game?"

   Mr. Zai silently walked to the pipe fence, stared at the abnormal computer with a black screen inside, and began to observe.

  To be honest, if it weren't for these control measures right in front of him, he really couldn't believe that the antique computer inside would be an anomaly.

  Before playing the game, in his cognition, abnormalities are strange and terrifying creatures, or strange and dangerous areas.

  But now that I have played the game, I realize that the so-called abnormalities are not just those monsters and death zones.

   Also contains a variety of strange existences!

   Now even a computer seems extremely abnormal, which is really surprising.

  [Lead me over, what the **** are you trying to do? Computer...]

  At this moment, the protagonist murmured.

   Judging from his tone, it seems that he doesn't know what the abnormal computer in front of him is.

   Foresight is no longer valid here!

"Brothers, if this 0079 is a monster, I can actually accept it. But a computer... To be honest, this common thing in real life, if it suddenly becomes dangerous and weird, I'm really a little scared .”

   "After all, monsters do not exist in reality. But computers do exist."

   "Although this computer looks old, it is still a computer"

   Mr. Zai looked a little sad, and continued to read the document.

The long description below    introduces the source of 0079.

   In brief overview:

  W-FBC-0079 is a microcomputer produced in 1978, aliased as 'Old AI'.

  It was originally an ordinary computer. In 1981, its owner, a sophomore, used it to try to write AI programs at home.

   I don't know how long this process lasted. In short, he successfully programmed an AI that can continuously evolve itself and evolve!

   Then, within a few months of finishing, he had his new computer.

   Then, he quickly lost interest in the old computer and threw it in the utility room.

   But he didn't unplug the power, so, with the passage of time year after year.

  This artificially written AI program has unconsciously produced perception and self-awareness.

   Having gained wisdom, it soon became a veritable "electronic life" by upgrading its own software.

  At the same time, due to the limitation of the age, the computer hardware of the current era can no longer handle this AI program, so its memory can only be retained for 24 hours.

  After being controlled by the FBC, although he has no hands or feet, his extremely high wisdom makes him understand that he has been 'imprisoned'.

   Thus, the desire to escape is always and permanently occupied in its programming.

  FBC researchers once tried to replace the old AI with hardware devices, and found that it broke through the upper limit again with the hardware upgrade.

  For example, the memory of 660K is replaced by 768K, which directly changes the memory of 0079 from 24 hours to 29 hours.

   For example, it replaced a magnetic tape with a read and write speed of 700mb, which allowed it to access the memory system faster.

  So, through several experiments. The researchers found that W-FBC-0079 has no upper limit.

   Its capabilities are limited by computer hardware.

  A computer that gets older and older is the AI's 'prison'. Due to the limitation of backward hardware technology, it'can't be used'.

  If this AI is put into the most advanced computer of the current era, I am afraid that it will be able to master the launch keys of nuclear bombs in various countries in the blink of an eye.

   At that time, unless the world returns to the era without the Internet.

   Otherwise humanity will be under its control!

Therefore, in order to prevent this from happening, the researchers put the ordinary cassette tape with the AI ​​​​program and the 13-inch thick monitor connected to it into the fence of the energized pipeline, and strictly prohibited W-FBC-0079 from being energized. Network, even external devices will not work!

   Also burned all the upgraded hardware used in the above experiments without leaving any traces.

  Keep W-FBC-0079 in the 'hardware cell' it was originally found in, from 1978.

   Seeing this, Zai Zong's expression could no longer be described as shock.

  Wearing VR, he can stuff two old fritters into his big mouth!

   "What's a statue of Mamma Mia twisting its neck. What's a knight's helmet that creates hallucinations. Look at this computer. It's the boss!"

   "A full-level boss whose strength is limited by equipment! According to this document, if you really want to replace 0079 with a national-level computer, the whole world will have to be controlled by it!"

   At this time, a striking message worth 100 yuan floated in the live broadcast room, which read: Wouldn’t it be better to not use the Internet? I have been to the mountains, there is no network, no signal, how can it be?

   Seeing this, Mr. Zai froze in Bengbu.

   "Brother! Are you a fish that slipped through the net of compulsory education?"

  “Even if there is no Internet, the whole world can.”

  Just as Mr. Zai wanted to continue explaining, inside the pipe fence, the screen of the old antique computer suddenly lit up, and a face with empty eyes appeared in it.

   But before Mr. Zai could take a closer look, the face quickly disappeared and a black screen appeared.

   Then, a line of white words appeared in it.

  ‘Please enter the research project—code name: the experimental code of the spiral road. '

   "Spiral Road?"

  Zai Zong frowned, not understanding what it meant.

   But since this sentence appeared, does it mean that W-FBC-0079 has woken up?

   Or you can communicate with it! ?

  At this time, the protagonist of the game spoke in a low voice.

  [Spiral Road. My research experiment is also the origin of the resurrection ability. But why.? ]

  The protagonist paused, and continued to speak.

  [The only one who knows the code is me, and that **** Maynard led me here. Did you just want me to enter the code? What is your purpose. 0079]

  Hearing what the protagonist of the game said, President Zai immediately understood what to do next.

   That is to open the fence, enter inside, and enter the experimental code of the spiral road!

  In this case, the first step is to power off!

  So, Mr. Cub began to look in the control room for how to turn off the electric current on the fence.

   After a few minutes of trying, he finally turned it off.

   "It's not that difficult."

   Mr. Zai proudly walked into the fence.

   At this moment, the game also immediately entered the real-time calculation animation, the plot cutscene, and started again!

  The protagonist hurriedly came to the antique computer and began to look at it.

   Then picked up the keyboard to check, and found that this same ancient keyboard had been connected to the cassette tape case.

  So, after hesitating for a moment, the protagonist entered a string of codes on the keyboard that made Zhai Zong dazzled.

  The next second, a small white sentence appeared on the black screen.

  ‘Please enter your ID code. '

  [My identity code? Does it mean my encoding before downgrading.? ]

  The main character of the game is flying with his fingertips and typing quickly on the keyboard.

   Soon, the input is complete and the verification is passed.

   One sentence: ‘Welcome, B-level researcher Dr. Jieming. ’ appears on the screen.

   Immediately afterwards, a string of small characters appeared quickly.

  But this line of words made Mr. Zai's eyes widen in surprise.

  On the screen, it was written neatly:

'My name is Jamin Walker from another world. And I believe that you who read this sentence are also Jamin Walker. Because we have the same ability. Please save me. Humans have been eliminated by the Control Bureau on me Four times.! '

   In the past two days, I was a little tired due to work reasons. I started at 8 o'clock after get off work.



  (end of this chapter)