MTL - I Make Games To Scare Crying Players-Chapter 150 strange rules

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  Chapter 150 Strange rules

   At this time, in the live broadcast room, a striking message worth 30 yuan floated by.

   It says: Damn, I saw it in the Xinjiang live broadcast room! It was this thin, barking monster! Xinjiang just saw its face on the surveillance, and it killed it in the end! Strong group!

   Mr. Zai suddenly realized that it was so.

  It turned out that what Xinxin encountered was this monster

   Now I finally saw it, even though it was just a figure, it was still a glimpse.

   Mr. Zai looked sideways, and once again glanced at the dead bodies all over the ground in front of him.

  This game... **** and cruel, children really have to play it, but they probably dare not go to the toilet at night.

   "Can't look at its face, can you? Okay, I see what the hell? Wait a minute!"

   Zai always seemed to remember something, and hurried to the security station and opened the door.

   Inside, it was still messy, with blood spilling all over the floor.

   But only missing. The armored man with the severed head.

  Cub's expression changed.

  If we say that this world is the past time period of the original world.

  The tragedy happened, but what about the armored man?

  Has the decapitated armored man not appeared yet? Or... he already showed up, just

   became myself!

   Or was it just me?

   I am grass!

  At this moment, Mr. Zai's face turned green!

   "I don't think it's me who picked it up!?"

  Speaking of which, from playing the game until now, he has never seen what the protagonist looks like.

  When I picked up the battle armor earlier, the people inside were not wearing orange clothes, but naked, so I don’t know if it’s the protagonist himself.

  Then, the decapitated battle armor man who should be here is not here, but now he just appears here wearing a battle armor.



   Mr. Zai immediately turned around, rushed out, pressed the accelerator key with all his might, and returned to the passage at a very fast speed!

   Then he closed the mechanical door with his backhand, and then gasped slightly, as if he had survived the disaster.

   And in his live broadcast room, another eye-catching message worth 30 yuan popped up.

  It said: Isn’t your suit self-invisible?

   Seeing this, Mr. Zai finally reacted, slapped his head and said why he forgot.

   "Forget it, I don't know if this invisibility is useful for abnormalities. But I was really scared just now, and I almost became a completer of history. Let's not talk about it, let's move on."

   Mr. Zai took off the VR and asked Huanhuan to pass him water. After taking a big sip, he continued to play.

  In the game, he entered the lounge again and opened the door inside.

   Outside, there is a new passage, the same as the original one.

   Instructions have entered the cycle again.

  Cub always continues to repeat the previous door opening operation.

   One minute later.

  As the mechanical door opened again, the scene in front of him once again stunned him.

  Because the new channel not only does not have a cleaner's bucket, but is also badly damaged, with large areas of rust and dull mold everywhere!

   It looks like it has been abandoned for a long time.

   And the corners of the ground also accumulated a lot of gravel and rubble.

  Spider webs are also everywhere. Obviously, no one has been here for a long time.

  Then this world is probably extraordinary!

"That is."

   Mr. Zai has sharp eyes, and immediately found an identity card on the ground of the new passage.

  He quickly stepped forward to pick it up, and after a closer look, it turned out to be the other protagonist's!

  ‘Level 4 Identification Card’

   'Name: Jamin Walker'

  ‘Position: Senior Biological Researcher/Doctor of Logical Mathematics’

  'Level: B-level personnel'

  'Coding: B4985412547844X'

  This identity card was seriously damaged.

   The 1-inch ID photo above is already worn out and can't be seen clearly.

   "Brothers, rare skins, battle-damaged identity cards."

   "I conservatively estimate that it has been here for more than 5 years, maybe 10 years."

   "Then I got the identity card now, so the world where the other protagonist lives?"

   Mr. Zai looked around at the desolate and dilapidated surroundings, and frowned.

   "Although I know that the Control Bureau has destroyed human beings, don't they still have some people left? Why does this place look so deserted..."

   "What happened to the Control Bureau of this world..."

   Mr. Zai put away his ID card and looked around again.

  Here, it's dark and dark.

  If it is said that his original world was only relatively dark, then there is no lighting for lighting here.

  The reason why he can see the environment clearly now is mainly due to the built-in flashlight function of the armor helmet.

  Of course, you can also switch the night vision function at any time to let him see more clearly.

  But now that we’ve reached our destination, let’s explore.

   Mr. Zai was about to walk to the end of the passage when a note pasted on the wall attracted him.


   Mr. Zai immediately stepped forward and took a look!

  —A note written by an unknown person. It seems to have been placed for a long time, and it is already worn and yellowed. There are still a lot of traces of black pen smearing on it, which seems to be covering up something.

  Here is handwritten blue lettering:

  Listen, I don't know who you are, but I guess you are ■■■■.

  If you come out of these two doors and you can see my note, it means you are ■■■■■.

  In this world, I only came ■days earlier than you. And you can't go back, because the entire site is ■■■■ imposed.

   I wrote a few brief instructions that might keep you alive, please follow them! Otherwise. good luck!

  1. Don't trust anyone in this world. (blue letter)

  2. People here will not help you, nor will they smile at you, absolutely not! (Blue letter) includes people in D-level 11 and 12 dormitory areas. (black letter)

  3. Please try your best to become a member of ■■ or above, and don’t become a member of ■■ here, you will be very dangerous (only for you)! (in blue) Unless you become a D-class personnel. (black letter)

  4. If you can’t do Article 3 and unfortunately become a member of ■■, then please don’t abide by ‘■■■■■■’, especially Article 1 in it! (blue letter)

  5. Don't get close to ■-FBC-0682 'Undead Monitor Lizard' / ■-FBC-0049 'Plague Doctor', no matter what your current status is! And don't wonder why they don't hurt people here. (blue letter)

  6. The researchers who take the initiative to go to the D-class dormitory area and the security personnel who patrol at any time can be trusted. (in blue) But don't forget #1. (black letter)

7. You are human, but you have to force ■■■■■■ (blue pen smear) No/Okay, most/I/Okay/Will/What/Go/What/This/All/What/Don’t/Do/Do /of. (blue/black writing overlapping)

  8. Do not go to ■, ■, ■, ■, ■■■■ (blue pen smear). Don't eat! (blue letter)

  9. Don't deal with anyone unless they come to you! (blue letter) But be careful, the comer is not good! (black letter)

   (The following part is torn)

  After reading this note, Mr. Zai was immediately dumbfounded.

   "wdnmd! Production team, if you persecute me again, I won't go through the process!"

  (end of this chapter)