MTL - I Only Like Your Character Settings-Chapter 72 Love Art of War

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During the night scene for several days, Xia Xiqing suffered from severe lack of sleep, and his overall condition was not very good. Yesterday, in order to shoot a rain scene, he was drenched in artificial rain all night, and he could not go back to the hotel that night. Today's scenes were all scheduled during the day, Xia Xiqing got up at 5:00 in the morning, poured three glasses of iced Americano, and filmed until 2:30 in the afternoon.

Finally finished shooting his own part, Xia Xiqing sat on the steps in a daze, the afternoon sun made his eyes dizzy, and he felt like he was about to turn into a wisp of smoke.

"Xi Qing, your dark circles are so heavy, do you want Sister Cindy to cover them for you?" Xiaoxiao squatted in front of him and held a small fan for him, with a worried expression on her face, "Are you still sleepy? What to eat?"

Xia Xiqing shook his head, resting his palms on his cheeks, speaking weakly, "With dark circles under my eyes, I look more like Jiang Tong. Anyway, Sister Cindy has made me ugly when she comes. Go and sit in the car. I will get up after a short rest." ...Ah chirp—" He suddenly sneezed, and asked nervously with a smile, "Could it be that you got caught in the rain yesterday and caught a cold?"

"No," Xia Xiqing rubbed his nose with his hand, and yawned again, "It's in the sun."

Smiling after repeated reminders and invitations, Xia Xiqing stood up and stretched. Zhou Ziheng was filming, so he could only stand by and watch.

This scene is a scene where Gao Kun went to the black clinic to see a doctor after he found out that he was unwell. The clinic was also a very small room rented in the Hua'anli community. , There is only one old ceiling fan in the whole room, there is no wind when it is turned on, and it is sweltering with all the windows open.

Xia Xiqing stood next to the director and looked at the monitor screen.

"It hurts when I swallow something." Gao Kun frowned and explained to the clinic doctor across a small wooden table, "That kind of pain from scratching. The throat, just the throat seems to be swollen."

The doctor was a middle-aged woman in her fifties, wearing reading glasses and a white coat. She reached out and touched Gao Kun's throat, "Open your mouth."

After reading it, "You're all bubbling inside."

She stood up and found two boxes of medicine in the medicine cabinet behind her, and threw them in front of Gao Kun with a snap, "Two boxes of blue ones a day, and three boxes of green ones a day."

"You don't even say what's wrong with me?" Gao Kun touched his neck, glanced at the two boxes of medicine, and then looked at the doctor.

"Get angry." The middle-aged woman rolled her eyes, and it took a long time for her bloated body to turn around from the narrow gap between the medicine cabinet and the table, and sat down again, "Do you want this medicine or not?" ?”

Gao Kun's brows were still frowning, he reached out to get the medicine, then retracted some, and looked up at her, "Is it really just getting angry?"

"Are you seeing a doctor or am I seeing a doctor?" She rolled her eyes, her tone was harsh, "Why, you can't get angry, you still want to be terminally ill."

Gao Kun lost his temper and got up. He slapped the table with his hand, attracting the attention of the people around him. The children with their eyes closed and on the bottle all opened their eyes and began to cry. The crying became louder and louder. He looked back , Turned his head again, pressed the fire and asked how much it was.


"Sixty-five? Why don't you grab it?"

"Are you going out to inquire? Is this too expensive?" Her eyes swept Gao Kun's face like a knife, wishing she could goug out two pieces of meat, "If you don't have money, you still have trouble here. Do you want it or not!"

Gao Kun didn't know what to do. He pulled out a stack of banknotes from his trouser pocket, which he earned last time as a temporary worker. He put the banknotes under the table and counted them. He took out several and photographed them on the table, and grabbed two boxes of medicine. He walked out the door, and the wind chimes on the door jingled.

"What are you playing, if you have the ability to go to a big hospital, you will be poor and sick all your life."

"Cut!" Kuncheng yelled, "Take a break. This one is good, it's over." He turned to look at Xi Qing, "How are you, have you gotten used to the life of an actor?"

Xi Qing smiled wryly, "I'm used to it, but I can't be called an actor yet."

"I think you are quite talented." Kuncheng said with a smile, the assistant director came over, followed by a girl, Xia Xiqing turned to look, the girl looked familiar, she looked twenty years old No, she was wearing an orange camisole with skinny jeans underneath, revealing half of her white waist. She had a good figure, her hair was dyed yellow-brown, and she wore two exaggerated big earrings, which looked like wind chimes that were just swaying. .

"Director Kun, I just arrived at noon, so I'm sorry."

Kuncheng stood up, "It's okay, it just happened that they were delayed for a while, and it will be your scene with Gao Kun later." After speaking, he walked to the side of the assistant director, and the two discussed other matters. The girl turned to look at Xia Xiqing, and gave him a big grin, "Hi, I'm Song Nian, playing Lingling."

Song Nian? Xia Xiqing quickly realized that it was no wonder that she looked familiar. She seemed to have seen her before when she was browsing Zhou Ziheng's acting collection at station b. She was probably a female artist who had worked with her several times. He extended his hand generously and smiled softly, "I'm Xia Xiqing."

"I know, I also like to watch your variety show." Song Nian was wearing bright red lipstick, which made her teeth very white. Her appearance is definitely not a big beauty in the entertainment industry, but she laughed It's very likable, and it's a more comfortable look, "You look really good-looking, prettier than me."

This word was Xia Xiqing's minefield, but when they met for the first time, he just smiled and said thank you, and the two of them didn't chat a few words before Zhou Ziheng walked over.

"Hey, Song Nian, you're late..."

Before he finished speaking, the cheerful Song Nian rushed to Zhou Ziheng, jumped up and grabbed his neck, "Long time no see!"

Zhou Ziheng's first reaction was to pat Song Nian's arm and look at Xia Xiqing.

Xia Xiqing's first reaction was to turn his face away, and sneezed while turning his head sideways.

After sneezing, he still lowered his head, rubbing his nose while thinking about why he turned his face away just now, it seemed that he didn't want to look like that.

"Your hair is dyed so cool, it looks like Yingmu Huadao." Song Nian tiptoed and reached out to touch his hair, "If I knew I would have dyed it red, wouldn't we be a couple?"

Is it a couple? We are afraid that it is not a script. Xia Xiqing complained in his heart. The Lingling played by Song Nian met Gao Kun in a group fight when she first came to the big city. The two had a crush on each other and had an affair for a while. Only then did Kun have a way to sell blood.

But after finding out that Gao Kun was infected with AIDS, Lingling moved overnight and was nowhere to be found.

"Your color is also pretty, better than the red one." Zhou Ziheng stood half a step away, his eyes still looking at Xia Xiqing, but Xia Xiqing ignored him, covering his eyes with his palms to block the sun, just in time a makeup artist came over, and Xia Xiqing stopped him Stopped, "Xiaoyue, help me take off my makeup."

"Okay, let's go."

Before Zhou Ziheng could speak, he watched Xia Xiqing follow the make-up artist lady with his hands in his pockets, without even turning his head and saying hello in face. He suddenly became irritable, and Song Nian was babbling at the side again, the usual good education was useless at this time.

"I'm going to take a rest over there, I'm dizzy from the heat."

Song Nian said awkwardly in the middle of the sentence, "Then...then you go."

Zhou Ziheng sat down in the shade of a tree, took out his mobile phone and checked the time, just in time to see the message from Zhao Ke.

[Ke Zi: Will the duo come? Can't find anyone! ]

I get angry just by looking at it. Zhou Ziheng typed out a line of words to hate him.

[Hengheng: Are you out of your mind? Do you think an actor who is filming in the group has the time to play games with you? ]

Not long after it was sent, Zhao Ke's call came in, and Zhou Ziheng let out an angry hello after answering the call.

"Yo yo yo, who made our Heng brother like this?" Zhao Ke was also full of yin and yang, and he was confused, "Brother Heng, your filming of this scene seems to be not going well."

"Fuck you." Zhou Ziheng's accent came out, "Aren't you playing games, why are you calling?"

"It's not as interesting to watch our Hengheng's jokes while playing games. Hey, let me tell you, what happened to you? I was so angry that my ears burned through the phone."

"It's nothing..." Zhou Ziheng's tone lowered, and Zhao Ke could tell something was wrong when he heard it. Although he was usually poor and poor, he always cared about his family's small things. Who is Zhou Ziheng? He was holding a lantern The angel who has nowhere to look, never gets angry with people, and usually doesn't even have a little emotion.

He was probably the only one who could make him so angry that he typed without punctuation marks.

"Then what, you must have quarreled with Xia Xiqing, right?" Zhao Ke said tentatively, and when he heard that the other side hadn't spoken for a long time, he had a clue in his mind, "I said, I'll be on the top in the afternoon, and it will be a long time Get angry with Xi Qing."

Zhou Ziheng gave a low hum and didn't say anything else.


Zhou Ziheng lowered his head, watching a group of small ants crawling towards him not far away, he sighed in a muffled voice, the cicadas chirping behind him made people panic.

Just like that, Zhou Ziheng finally opened his mouth after being bored for a while like a dumb gourd holding a phone.

"I like Xia Xiqing."

He waited for Zhao Ke's hair to explode, but he heard a sigh of hatred coming from the phone.

"Hey, Zhou Ziheng, is there something wrong with you! I don't play games and wait here for a long time and you tell me this!? Who the **** can't see that you like Xia Xiqing!"

This time, Zhou Ziheng was stunned, "Yes, is it that obvious?"

"Super-super-obvious." Zhao Ke was so angry that his brain hurt, "Thomas, the invincible universe, turned 780 degrees in three and a half weeks, and the total score was the most obvious."

"..." Zhou Ziheng swallowed, "Then do you think Xia Xiqing can tell?"

"...Damn it, I'm going to play games."

"Hey wait a minute."

Zhao Ke was convinced, "You two haven't been in love for a long time, I thought you two went back to your mother's house at public expense this time. Make me so angry. Xia Xiqing is so smart, how could he not see that you like him, you So heartless."

That's right. Seeing that the little ant was about to come to him, Zhou Ziheng raised his feet, "Actually, I don't want him to know. If he knows that I like him, he will definitely avoid me. He only likes to flirt. People who don't like him."

Zhao Ke was silent for a long time, "What does he mean to you now? Where are you two?"

"It's reached the point where even couples don't necessarily come."

"Well, I didn't ask." Zhao Ke patted his mouth, "Then what are you worried about?"

"I think his relationship with me is very strange now. I think he has other meanings to me, but I'm not sure. Just now an actress I worked with before came to me, and he avoided it as soon as he saw it."

Zhao Ke got excited when he heard that, "No, according to Xia Xiqing's efforts, he should tease you, maybe he is really interested in you." He immediately changed into a calculating tone, "How about Are you probing?"

"How to test?"

"Hey~ I just saw a tweet from an official account, it was about this, I'll send it to you."

With a click, Zhao Ke hung up the phone. Zhou Ziheng looked puzzled, and the little ants on the ground also left. He leaned against the big tree and knocked on the trunk with the back of his head a few times. The phone vibrated, and I clicked to open it.

[Ke Zi: Fuck him! "The Art of Love" teaches you how to make your ambiguous object jealous and hooked, and the success or failure of getting out of the order depends on it! ]

What the hell... Zhou Ziheng wrinkled his face. Zhao Ke usually pays attention to the messy public account...

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