MTL - I Only Like Your Character Settings-~ Episode 10: vlog

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Episode 104: vlog

Since the incident of the horse falling, the entry of [Zhou Ziheng's character design collapsed] has not left the hot search on Weibo. More and more people watched on the trumpet, and Zhou Ziheng was so panicked that he even skipped class.

Knowing this, Jiang Yin was angry and funny, so she called him and scolded him, "Do you know how hard it is for us to let you, the general attacker, be so deeply rooted in the hearts of the people? I really admire you, really."

"I didn't do it on purpose... Besides, I didn't want to set up this character when I came here."

"If you don't set up this person, you will always be that child star in everyone's heart, and you will always be a child." Jiang Yin sighed helplessly, "Forget it, but fortunately everyone is just laughing at you now."

Fortunately? ? ? Is it okay to laugh at me? Zhou Ziheng felt a great shame.

Jiang Yin said again, "The company will keep an eye on it for you. Don't update your account for the time being. Delete anything related to love, just in case."

"I don't want to delete it." Zhou Ziheng frowned. Hearing movement outside the door, he got up from the sofa and walked to the entrance. Nuan Nuan's face was pressed against Xia Xiqing's. Xia Xiqing saw that he seemed to be making a call with his mobile phone, so he didn't speak, and let him hold his face.

"Then you give me your account, and I will delete it for you. There will be no good things after the exposure of celebrity trumpets, and it is easy to be used by others."

Xia Xiqing faintly heard the word trumpet, and couldn't help laughing again. He grabbed Zhou Ziheng's shoulder and leaned against him, laughing non-stop.

Zhou Ziheng felt that his dignity as an attacker was gone.

"Didn't you prepare a vlog before? Now that you post it, I'll buy a trending search and put it up to suppress the trumpet matter. I'll discuss the follow-up guide plan with the team about the trumpet matter, and I'll put it there first. "Jiang Yin sighed, "Why are you so uneasy, you."

Zhou Ziheng pursed his lips as a silent protest, and Xia Xiqing, who had had enough laughs, came up and pecked his mouth lightly twice, imitating Jiang Yin's tone and lip-syncing, why are you so uneasy, you.

After hanging up the phone, Zhou Ziheng put the phone in his pocket and picked up Xia Xiqing in a hug.

"Hey, what are you doing!"

"You're still laughing!" Zhou Ziheng hugged him around several times, went to the sofa and put him down, and then pressed himself on Xia Xiqing's body, "Are you still laughing at me?"

Xia Xiqing was not afraid of him at all, he kept laughing, "What's wrong with laughing, I'm going to laugh."

Zhou Ziheng pressed down on him dejectedly, like a giant stone slab, Xia Xiqing couldn't breathe, "Get up, ahem, I can act like a boulder in my chest." Hearing what he said, Zhou Ziheng was a little bit reluctant, so he Turned over and rolled onto the wool carpet.

"Hahahahahaha what are you doing?" Xia Xiqing sat up and kicked Zhou Ziheng who was lying on the carpet like a corpse, "It's okay, it's not a big deal if people collapse if they collapse."

Zhou Ziheng's face was pressed against the ground, and the voice came muffled, "This time I'm ashamed and ashamed."

This grievance made Xia Xiqing almost laugh at him. He stretched out his foot and lightly stepped on Zhou Ziheng's back, "No, everyone thinks you are cute." Thinking of Jiang Yin's words just now, Xia Xiqing quickly shifted his attention, "By the way, didn't your sister-in-law ask you to post a vlog? Go and post it quickly." Ah, don't hang around here and forget about it."

Zhou Ziheng reluctantly went upstairs to the study and took down his laptop. Xia Xiqing was talking on the phone with the curator. He sat on the sofa and posted the edited vlog on Weibo, and shared it on b.

"I'm going to attend the **** awards later, right?" Xia Xiqing hung up the phone, walked over and took a sip of coffee from the coffee table. Only then did Zhou Ziheng remember, "Yes, we have to do styling."

Those who came to watch the barrage, but have no time.

In fact, the vlog doesn’t have any special content, the theme is [Zhou Ziheng’s Day], using video to record his life from morning to night. The content of the recorded vlog was also selected by Jiang Yin. She signed a top blue blood endorsement before. In order to make invisible publicity for this endorsement when the vlog comes out, Jiang Yin specially asked him to arrange the vlog to shoot brand promotion advertisements that day.

@无限好文, all in Jamie

b has so many barrages that it almost covers the entire screen.

The first scene of the video is the alarm clock next to the bed ringing, Zhou Ziheng reached out to turn it off, then took it back and covered his face, turned around and hugged a large "quilt" with his hands and feet on the ground, hugging several times. Minutes to sit up.

[AaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaHi must be Xi Qing! ]

[Aahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh out, is dog food! ]

[Does Xi Qing like to cover his head while sleeping? ]

[Maybe it was Zhou Ziheng who hid him under the quilt in order to make a video. ]

[Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, the one hiding in the quilt made me laugh so hard]

[So sweet ah ah ah ah why is my self-study so sweet ah ah ah]

The next shot is Zhou Ziheng washing in the bathroom. His hair curled up from sleep, and he just closed his eyes and lowered his head to brush his teeth, carefully brushing for a long time. After washing his face, Zhou Ziheng picked up the camera with his hand, took a picture with the camera, and said softly, "Why is my messy."

[Stay hairy is the body hahahaha]

[The last time Xi Qing broadcast live, there was also a small group of dumb hairs, super cute. ]

[Stupid husband ha ha ha ha ha]

It wasn't until he walked out of the room that his voice became louder, "Hi everyone, I'm Zhou Ziheng."

[The voice was so low just now, is it because you are afraid of waking up brother Xi Qing? ]

[It's so sweet, isn't Hengheng being a little too pampered? ]

[The sugar for self-study is too much for me to eat really]

He pointed the camera at himself while helping the stairs to go downstairs, "Actually, it's my first time to shoot a vlog, and I promised everyone a billion benefits." Yes..." He squinted his eyes and looked at the clock in the living room. "It's 6:15 in the morning. I'll have a class later. The class starts at 8:00. That's right."

[Hahahahahahaha is going to school again hahaha]

[Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Zhou Ziheng can't escape from going to school]

[First class in the morning is the devil! The morning xiqing is so soft and warm that I don't want to go to school! ! ] The screen is filled with this one.

[Hahahahaha you will cry if you play Hengheng again. ] @无限好文, all in Jamie

At this time, Zhou Ziheng in the video has already walked to the restaurant talking to himself, "I usually make breakfast by myself in the morning, and breakfast is very important." He said that he looked directly at the camera and repeated solemnly, "Breakfast is really important , you know? Eat breakfast well."

[What kind of father's tone is this? It's so cute! ]

[Mother fans and daughter fans seamlessly connect, I love Zhou Ziheng! ]

"I have to prepare the ingredients." He covered the camera with his hand.

When the screen turned on again, Zhou Ziheng was already in front of the kitchen counter, cutting bacon. After cutting six pieces, he put the remaining whole piece of bacon back into the crisper and took out an avocado.

"Can you cut this? I can teach you." He held the avocado in one hand, and put a knife in the middle of it with the other. "Cut across the median line," he quickly asked himself in a daze, "Median line?"

[Hahahahahahaha what the **** is the median line, man of science! ]

[Medium line, I burst out laughing hahahahaha]

[Zhou Ziheng is the cutest science guy I've ever seen, so cute. ]

do not care. After Zhou Ziheng cut around the whole avocado, he put down the knife, "Then grab the two halves, turn around like this, and look, the core in the middle comes out." He said he put the avocado on the cutting board and cut it into slices with a knife , whispering to himself while cutting, "Actually, I don't like eating this very much, and..." He turned to face the camera, "The nutritional value of avocado is not very high. I saw a lot of fat-reducing meals on the Internet There are avocados in all the recipes, and I thought..." His neck was a little sore, he raised his head and then lowered it, "It's a ghost that this thing can lose weight."

[Famous line hahahahaha there is a ghost]

[It’s a ghost if I can catch up hahahahahaha I thought of Hengheng in the trumpet again]

[I don’t like avocados either, but Hengheng cuts them nicely]

[If you don’t like it, why do you want to eat it? ]

[Because someone likes it! ]

[If someone likes it, don't run away! Sister, you are the truth! ! ]

Said that he started rambling again, "The fat content of avocado is higher than that of durian, and the nutritional content is not very special. The reason why it is so popular is all marketing hype, giving him a low-fat and high-nutrition... fruit set." Zhou Ziheng seemed quite satisfied with his newly invented words, and smiled happily, "Anyway, this marketing case was so successful that the unsold avocados became popular all over the world, comparable to the scam diamonds of the century."

[So serious about popular science, hahahaha]

[Earth is a little scumbag, avocado is a little liar hahahaha]

But soon he whispered bb again, "Ah, what a shame..."

[Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, what kind of cute internet addicted boy is this! ]

[I’m so ashamed hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha what kind of fan circle term is this hahahaha]

[Avocado Black Powder—Zhou Ziheng]

"Every time I think about popular science, I will be scolded for not being romantic enough." Zhou Ziheng raised his head and smiled. The water in another pot boiled, and he stirred it with a spoon. Poached eggs."

[I must want to popularize science for Xi Qing, and then I was disgusted by the little painter hahahaha]

[Little painter: I just like avocado, what do you think? Hengheng: I like it, can I eat it? ]

[The brain made up the picture hahahahahahaha]

With a ding, the bread slices are baked. Zhou Ziheng took out two slices of baked toast and put them on two plates, and put three slices of bacon that was fried until crispy, and the half-cooked egg flickered when it was put on it, yellow sugar was faintly visible in the white tenderness Arrange the avocado slices and halved cherry tomatoes, and sprinkle with a thin layer of pepper. Finally, put the washed blueberries and diced strawberries into the yogurt that has already been poured.

[My god, I can actually get hungry after watching a celebrity's daily vlog]

[I’m so hungry, I’m going to make some noodles]

[Zhou Ziheng is so good at cooking! ! Fairy boyfriend! ]

"Okay, here's breakfast." Zhou Ziheng picked up one of the plates and put it on the dining table, "Actually, I will order noodles or eat cereal when I don't have time, but today I want to record a video, so I have to arrange it a bit."

[Hahahahahaha, it’s very real, little brother! ]

[Hahahahahaha there are rows of noodles and rows of noodles! ! ]

[Is there another plate? ]

[There is another dish that must be for brother Xi Qing! ! ]

[Thinking of brother Xi Qing saying "the breakfast maker was almost late" during the last live broadcast, hahaha he must be talking about Hengheng. ]


When the camera cut, Zhou Ziheng was already putting on his coat, "It's seven twenty-eight, I'm ready to go out." He picked up the bag on the cabinet in the entrance, and the thermos bottle on the side fell off, Zhou Ziheng quickly picked it up Put it back, "This is coffee, I am sleepy after listening to lectures in the morning, and I tend to fall asleep."

[hahahaha same as me]

[I can’t go to school without coffee hahahaha]

[This schoolbag also appeared in the last live broadcast! ! ]

The next favorite scene is Zhou Ziheng getting out of the driver's seat, carrying his schoolbag and closing the car door, "I don't want to drive to school, but I tried to ride the subway once, and it was embarrassing to be recognized. My height is really too big." It's easy to admit."

[There are very few passers-by who are 1.9 meters tall, hahaha]

[Who would have thought that this kid who is always attacking height secretly thinks about not wanting to go to school every day hahaha]

After entering the classroom, Zhou Ziheng automatically sat in the back row of the classroom, put the camera on the corner of the table, took out a glasses case from his bag, took out the black-rimmed glasses inside, and put them on, "I don't usually wear glasses, Wear it in class."

[So good! ! Black frame glasses are too good! ]

[Oh my god, this courseware looks so's all bible]

[Heng Heng, look! Your professor's head is bald! ! ]

[Ha ha ha ha ha too much! Hengheng has a lot of hair volume! ]

The whole course of the class is accelerated, and it only takes about one minute.

"get out of class is over." Zhou Ziheng glanced at his watch, "I'm going to the shooting location now, and I have a new endorsement to take a set of promotional photos. Then I should fly to a foreign country to shoot a promotional video. It seems to be New Zealand. Sure. See you later." Zhou Ziheng's palm once again covered the screen.

The camera cut, and Zhou Ziheng had already done the modeling, "Today is the wolf's head, and I have blown it up."

[Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! ! The first alpha in the universe! ! ]

[Fuck, you even know how to run wild? ? ! True Internet addicted boy hahahaha]

[This hairstyle is the best! ! ]

He touched his hairline, and the hair stylist behind him smiled and said, "There is no receding, no receding, don't worry hahaha."

[Did the hair stylist secretly look at the trumpet too! ! ]

[The hair stylist looks at the trumpet, don't go hahahahaha]

[Hengheng said that you can't rely on your face for a living! Bald is bald hahaha]

Zhou Ziheng in the video also laughed along with the hair stylist, and showed his top, a gray shirt with the camera, "The neckline of this one is specially designed to look loose, it's not that I don't dress well." The stylist brought another very thin black tie, put it on Zhou Ziheng's neck, tied a simple knot, and put a pair of gold-rimmed glasses on him.

[Fuck, so handsome! ! I can! ! ]

[Sisters can be sisters too! ! ! ] @无限好文, all in Jamie

[Total attack! ! ! Abstinence system! ! ]

[Think about his trumpet hahahaha is he still abstinent hahahahahahahahahaha I don’t want to go to school! ! ]

"This is my first look, and I may have to shoot five sets later." Zhou Ziheng got up, took the camera from the dressing room to the studio, "This studio is cool, red lights." He came Next to the photographer, this time the photographer is a famous French photographer, a blond man in his early forties. Zhou Ziheng held the camera and said, "heylucien~"

[English good Su! ]

[British! ! I like! ! ]

[Fuck, this British accent matches his outfit too well, what an invincible gentleman! ]

"Hey!" The photographer turned his head, and Zhou Ziheng adjusted the camera to selfie mode and walked to Lucien's side. The two entered the camera together and chatted in English for a while.

[Zhou Ziheng's English is really good, and his spoken English is really good! ]

[No matter how you say it, he is a big p, and his high school grades are very good! ]

[After all, he is an awesome science student who can score points in English! ]

[Eng ying ying is so suave, I heard that brother Xi Qing is from the Florence Academy of Fine Arts, I want to hear brother Xi Qing speak Italian! ]

[Ahhhhhhhhhhh I made up my mind about Italian! ! Good Sue! ]

The chat between Zhou Ziheng and the photographer was interrupted by Lucien's assistant.

"I've always wanted to learn French." Zhou Ziheng walked to the side alone, and the makeup artist helped him adjust the look, "but I don't have time." Someone called his name not far away, and Zhou Ziheng raised his head, "Are you going to shoot? Okay. "

[Mom won't allow you to learn French! Go to Xia Xiqing to learn Italian! ! ]

[Hahahahahaha just a mother honing]

[Hahahahahaha learn Italian! ! ]

"See you later."

The shooting process was not recorded in the vlog. The next shot is Zhou Ziheng sitting in the car eating, his hair is different from the hairstyle just now, it has become bracket bangs.

[Ahhh, this shape is so tender! Little milk dog! ]

[Mother Heng Heng loves you! ! eat more! ! ]

"This is my lunch. I didn't have time to eat just now. I took three and a half hours of continuous shooting." Zhou Ziheng showed his phone lock screen, "It's 2:30 in the afternoon."

[Thank you my son! ! ]

[Fuck the lock screen! ! ]

[What is the lock screen! ! ? ? ? ]

[Looking back, it seems to be a profile of a person, it is too blurry, it seems to be taken on an airplane, it is the small window of the airplane! ]

[Ahhhhhhhh it's Brother Xi Qing! ! Brother Xi Qing who fell asleep on the plane! ]

[This profile is very similar! Beautiful composition and great lighting! A beam of light hit brother Xi Qing's chest! ]

[Heng Heng! ! Quickly release the private room photos of mother and daughter-in-law! ! ]

Zhou Ziheng in the video is still eating, "Because I'm working out recently, all I eat is these," he adjusted the camera, and the bowl is sliced ​​steak, boiled broccoli and hard-boiled eggs. Chunks of pepper-boiled potatoes and a box of fruit, "It's hard to eat, but I have to, for my abs."

[Hahahahaha son, didn’t we say that you can’t rely on your face for food? ]

[Hahahaha A man who says one thing and does another! ]

[Is there any other use for people's abdominal muscles! ]

Zhou Ziheng, who took off his makeup after the filming, returned to P University, "It's 6 o'clock in the evening, and I'm going back to school." Zhou Ziheng wore a mask on his face, and the night was approaching, and the street lights on the campus had been turned on, "I'm going to The second teacher, because there is a course paper to be handed in in two days, I wrote half of it, and I am going to write it today before going home."

[This scene is so salty! ! It looks like a little boyfriend taking a tour of the campus! ]

[Oh my god, I have to go back to school for self-study at work]

[As expected of a self-study cp hahahaha]

[Hahahahahahahahahabi travel to self -study]

[Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I'm in the Second Teaching! ! ]

Zhou Ziheng, who found an empty classroom, sat alone in a corner. He didn’t take off his mask or hat, but the hat blocked the light. He took out a power bank from his schoolbag, and inserted a finger-length into the power bank. He thought it was funny to plug in the small night light for the book, and he laughed for a long time before taking out the laptop.

[Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

[Wearing a hat to play the night light hahahahaha why is my son so cute! ]

[Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh the daily Hengheng is really milky, so milky that she sheds tears! ]

The subtitles displayed a line of words, [I'm about to start studying. Keeping quiet is an essential virtue in the study room. ]

It was played at double speed again, and because there were no lines, it was accompanied by a piece of music. Zhou Ziheng read the book carefully the whole time, writing his course paper. Get up occasionally in the middle, drink saliva and continue.

[Ahhhhhhh bgm! ! ]

[Fuck the bgm is "Rhinoceros"! ! Omg I'm about to cry! ]

[Self-study girl with blue sky above her head! ! ! It's "Rhinoceros" sung by brother Xi Qing! ! ]

[Zhou Ziheng must have watched the live broadcast many times! God, what kind of fairy love is this that I got! ]

Subtitles—[Two hours later. ]

"I'm going home now. But I'm going to buy some skewers next to the school." Zhou Ziheng walked to the door of a small skewer shop, "Boss, ten skewers of mutton, five skewers of kidneys, and five skewers of gluten."

[Hahaha I feel like I’m watching a food blogger’s vlog]

[I'm really hungry Hengheng]

"Do you want it spicy, handsome?"

"Well, put more." Zhou Ziheng held up the camera to film the process of grilling skewers, "Play more."

[? ? ? ? ? ? Zhou Ziheng doesn't eat spicy food! Once he ate spicy food on a show and almost shed tears]

[? ? ? ? There are so many peppers, what are you doing, Zhou Ziheng! ]

"Can you eat spicy food like this?"

Zhou Ziheng smiled, but did not reply.

[Ahhhhhhhh I see, I bought it for Xi Qing! ! ]

[Ah ah ah ah brother Xi Qing is from Wuhan and has a strong taste! ! ]

[Oh my god, I'm so sour, I even bring supper to my boyfriend before I go home from self-study, really obedient and pampered, what kind of loyal dog is this cute! ]

[No wonder Xi Qing said that Zhou Ziheng is a reality that is better than illusion, the daily Hengheng is really too cute and wonderful. ]

[I also shed tears for the beautiful love of self-study today]

When the camera cut again, Zhou Ziheng was already in the bathroom with wet hair, "I just took a shower and was going to bed. It is already half past eleven in the evening, but there will be no morning class tomorrow morning, so I can sleep a little longer."

[Ahhhhhh Hengheng's dark blue pajamas are so milky! ! ]

[Hair needs to be blown dry, baby! ]

He came out of the bathroom with the camera in his hand, sat on the bed and wanted to take a picture of the bedroom, but a figure suddenly appeared at the door, but quickly moved away, as if he was about to come in and then back out.

The barrage exploded all of a sudden.

[Fuck! ! ! ! ! ]

[It was brother Xi Qing just now! ! ! ! ]

[Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh brother Xi Qing! ! ]

[Definitely yes! ! ! Ah, my brother Xi Qing is hiding! ! ! ]

[Brother Xi Qing, I love you! ! ]

[Confess to Brother Xiqing! ! ]

The camera cuts off suddenly, but the barrage is still going on.

[Is this an accident hahahahahahaha]

[Zhou Ziheng didn't even cut this part! ! So cunning hahahahaha! ]

[So brother Xiqing and Ziheng really sleep together every day! ! ]

[The one who sleeps with you, do you want to laugh at me to death? Hahahaha, aren’t you talking nonsense hahahaha]

[Wooooow, I want to sleep between the two of them! ! ]

In the last scene, Zhou Ziheng was lying on the bed, holding the camera in his hand, "Good night. This is my vlog, it's over, call it a day!" A small voice suddenly came from beside him.

[Ahhhhhhhhhh I heard brother Xi Qing's voice! ! ]

[Brother Xi Qing seems to have said goodnight! ]

[Ahhhhhhhhhh brother Xiqing's Gu Nai! ! ]

[This vlog is too sweet! My tooth hurts, my heart hurts. ]

As soon as this vlog was broadcast, it was immediately forwarded to Weibo's hot list. The previous luxury endorsement also specially made the official announcement of the spokesperson after the release of this video, and released the first wave of promotional photos. But this didn't suppress the matter of Zhou Ziheng's trumpet, not only that, netizens also picked up his account in lofter along his trumpet, and saw that he followed more than 30 self-study CP writers on Great, there are still a lot of comments that are too late to delete.

[I hate Lenz's law the most: Is it even bigger? ]

[I hate Lenz's Law the most: Da Da's writing is very good, and the plot is also very good. bt, not bar, I really think zzh is gong! ]

[I hate Lenz's law the most: Please update [poor][poor]! ]

[I hate Lenz's law the most: can you not add a rival? ? I think it would be better for the two of them to have no rivals in love. The formula in PS seems to be written wrong, and a polynomial is missing. ]

[I hate Lenz's Law the most: Don't send out razor blades, sister, please! ! ]

At this time, Xia Xiqing and Zhou Ziheng had already finished styling. In order to walk on the red carpet, the stylist had to wear suits for them. Both of them wore high-end clothes. Xia Xiqing was white and Zhou Ziheng was black. The blanket can be put on in time after signing and taking pictures.

The two walked onto the red carpet together, signed their names and waited for the reporter to take pictures.

As soon as Zhou Ziheng made a cool expression, he heard a female fan below screaming, the volume was comparable to that of a built-in microphone.

"Hengheng!! Mom doesn't allow you to wear so little!!"

"Hahahahahaha..." All the reporters and fans present laughed, and even Xia Xiqing who was on the side couldn't hold back.

Zhou Ziheng also laughed, but after a second, he immediately turned serious and continued to take pictures.

"Hengheng!!! Study hard!! Watch less fanfiction!!"

"Hahahahahahahaha sister, you are a ruthless person!!"

Zhou Ziheng was taken aback, Xia Xiqing also kept laughing with his head down, it was so funny to these fans.

The two took photos with difficulty and were about to leave the red carpet. Xia Xiqing was still laughing non-stop, and kept making jokes about Zhou Ziheng, "You're embarrassing and throwing grandma's house this time hahahahahahahaha."

Unexpectedly, in the next second, a deafening voice appeared in the crowd.

"Xi Qing!! Mother-in-law loves you!! My daughter-in-law wants to eat well!"

Heaven is a good reincarnation.

God forgive who.