MTL - I Really Am a Slag Shou!-Chapter 108 Residue that Regent (24)

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The heavy eyelids were raised again, and the world in front of them was dark. After a long time, Shen Wumian gradually adapted to the dark environment.

Opposite him, He stood a figure.

The dampness and decaying smell of sunshine that has not been seen all year round is full of the tip of the nose. The familiar environment instantly evokes the memories in Shen Wumian's mind. He still did not die, and tried to move his arm, but his arm was hung in the air, and the back was even connected. With two heavy chains, even if he can still move, the area for him to move is not more than an inch.

The same scene and the same treatment as the previous life, the only difference is that this time he was not ill and he could stand up and talk to the person in front of him.

With his movement, Ding-Dang-Dang's voice surrounds this small, impenetrable and airless room. Since he opened his eyes, Chen Yan's face has not changed. He is very calm and ca n’t see whether it is happy or not. angry.

After Shen Wumian stood up, the chain that originally hung his arm fell down, and there were two on his feet. The length of the chain was short enough to enable him to move around this wall. In this way, it is better than the previous life. Yes, after all, in the last life, he did n’t even have this space for activity, just like the bereavement dog, slumped under the root of the wall.

When Chen Wumian raised his hand to watch the chain, the opposite Chen Yi suddenly spoke.

"I sent Shen Shiliu away."

Shen Wumian's figure was a meal, he looked up, his face was dim.

Chi Zhao didn't care what he did. He dropped his eyes and looked at the gray-black stone brick on the ground. In fact, he wasn't sure what color the brick was because it was too dark here and he couldn't see anything. Qing, even Shen Wumian, who was close to him, became blurred.

This is just right, so that he can say the next thing.

"Yu Yuyi told the old man to return to his hometown, so I asked him to go with him. He said that he saw Shen Shiliu as a good seed to learn medicine, and he would take him to a place with beautiful scenery and good teaching. Teach him that he will stick a needle for him and seal the memories of the past. If he stops being a shadow of others, he should be fine in the future. "

In the plot, after Wu Yuyi told his old man to return to his hometown, Shen Wumian could not find anyone, which shows how tricky he was hiding. It is for this reason that Chi Zhao gave Shen Shiliu to him, and Chi Zhao said to Yun Yuyi that as long as he took Shen Liuliu, he agreed to bring the old doctor back to his hometown.

It stands to reason that Yi Yuyi's personality is not easy to be pinched by Chi Zhaona, but I don't know what Yu Yuyi thinks about it. After listening to the transaction offered by the emperor, he thought only a moment and agreed to this. Thing.

Is Shen Shiliu really a medical genius? No one knows, as long as he can be an ordinary person in the future.

In the past and present, the most innocent person is Shen Shiliu. Letting him go, is not only trying to fulfill his own compensation, but also to cut off Shen Wumian's revenge.

After a long time, Shen Wumian's voice finally came from the quiet room. His voice sounded strange, "Why let him go."

Why let him go?

Do n’t you like him, have n’t you always forgotten him, it ’s so easy to get it, why should you let him go?

Chi Zhao frowned. "Anyway, it's a life-saving benefactor. I can't watch him as a prisoner all the time, and he looks like you, and won't end well when he stays."

This statement is impartial, and it is really like the words of a man who repays grace. Shen Wumian stayed for a while, "... is that just the case?"

Otherwise, what else?

Chi Zhao almost blurted out this rhetorical question. Later, he remembered that in the past life he had never experienced, the original owner had always loved Shen Shiliu, and Shen Wumian believed this very much, so this was the problem.

For a moment of silence, Chi Zhao whispered, "My likes are not so cheap and casual, and I will not like others just because of my life-saving grace."

The life-saving grace is just an introduction, no matter it is Chi Zhao now or Chen Ye of the last life, they all like the person in their hearts, not a life-saving grace.

Chen Ye doesn't like Shen Wumian. In fact, it can be seen from many details that Chen Wumian feels that Chen Ye, who doesn't know the truth, treats him well, but in fact, he knows the truth better than Shen Shiliu. Just as he thinks that he likes Shen Wumian for several years, he never thought of having a tie with him, but after Shen Shiliu got away, what he wanted to do most was to get married with Shen Shiliu.

The authorities were fascinated, the onlookers were clear, Shen Wumian didn't see it clearly, but Chi Zhao could see it clearly.

Chi Zhao's thoughts diverged to the last life, but Shen Wumian was still staring at him.

He didn't understand what Chi Zhao had just said. What did he mean? Did he say that he didn't like Shen Shiliu?

So ... who does he like?

Shen Wumian hasn't asked the question yet. Chi Zhao in front of him has pulled back his thoughts. He took a deep breath and went on to say, "Your men are locked in Dali Temple, and the staff of Dali Temple was sent out by me last night. The guards are very weak. It is estimated that it won't be long before your men can escape and come to your rescue. "

Without looking at Shen Wumian's eyes, Chi Zhao said in a breath: "The Chuanguo Jade Seal and Zen Order are both placed in Qinzheng Hall. After you go out, you can take it yourself. I don't like being an emperor, and I don't like making decisions. The king of his life and death, you have always wanted this throne, then I will give it to you, just a little, I hope you can do better than me. "

"In the past few days when I was in power, there were countless deaths and injuries in the capital, and blood flowed into the river. The emperor was supposed to bring Fuze to the people, but I, the emperor, brought only life and death. Shen Wumian, after you became emperor, Don't be like me, okay? "

After Chi Zhao finished speaking, he finally raised his eyes. For a moment, he bumped into Shen Wumian's deep and cold eyes. Chi Zhao instinctively stiffened for no reason. Now Shen Wumian looks too scary. Although he was standing still, Chi Zhao had the feeling that he was about to rush over and kill himself.

Shen Wumian really wanted to kill him. He had such an idea almost every day, but every time, he couldn't let go, sometimes forced himself hard, he couldn't wait to kill himself.

The words the little emperor said were straightforward and calm, and he could understand them personally, but Shen Wumian couldn't believe his ears, and couldn't believe the words came from the mouth of Chen Yi.

He didn't get the joy of the throne in his heart, or the ecstasy of Chen Ye who didn't want to kill him, and might even like him. He felt as if he was asphyxiated by a python wrapped tightly around his chest, and his limbs began to suffocate. Cold.

Shen Wumian took a step forward, and the chain was immediately stretched. He did not let go of any emotional changes on the little emperor's face, stared at him, and gritted his teeth and asked, "What about you?"

The little emperor opened his eyes, he rubbed his fingers, and said naturally, "You don't need to worry about me. The world is big, there is always a place for me. As long as I don't become an emperor, where do I go? I feel very happy. "

From the moment he woke up, the little emperor's body always turned to the left, and now it is even more so. He almost has to block himself half of his body. Shen Wumian frowned and looked at his left arm, Realizing his gaze, Chi Zhao immediately lowered his right hand, holding his left hand, trying to divert Shen Wumian's attention.

"Before your subordinates come, I should leave," Chi Zhaowang looked to Shen Wumian, and he wanted to say something, but after thinking about it for a long time, it seemed that there was nothing to say, "... that's it, I'm leaving . "

With the help of the main system, Chi Zhao had harvested a huge wave of heart abuse in just fifteen days. According to the meaning of the main system, Chi Zhao should have been tortured to the end, molding himself into a failed emperor, and then waiting. When Shen Wumian fought back, when the situation was over, he quickly committed suicide and made the gesture that a dying king should have.

But from the beginning, Chi Zhao did not intend to listen to the main system.

At this step, he did everything he should, and did everything he should not. Isn't it just abuse? He was abused and the harm was caused, but in order that Shen Wumian's life was not so miserable and that he could walk with peace of mind, he still wanted to recover some of the harm he caused.

He wanted Shen Wumian to know that, in fact, he was not so bad, and he didn't hate him so much. His true heart was not without a little bit of reward. In some inconspicuous corners, he also hid some of his heart. If Shen Wumian was enough, If you are careful, you should be able to see it.

Chi Zhao couldn't say what he was doing right now. He didn't like Shen Wumian, but he couldn't let it go. The main system is right, leaving early, good for him and his body.

Chi Zhao turned around, and Shen Wumian, who was still still, moved his wrist slightly. The sound of metal collision came with a sneer of ridicule.

Chi Zhao paused, the room became quiet this time, and the sound behind him passed into his ears clearly.

"what about me?"

"Everywhere you go, you feel happy, then me, me left by you, do you think I will be happy?"

Chi Zhao didn't go any further, but didn't turn back, Shen Wumian looked at his back, and his words almost covered his blood and tears, "Can you have it once!-Think of me ?! Why are you always so self-righteous, even if you think about a little bit of my thoughts and my mood before you do this, you won't say these words to me! "

The obedient little emperor did not actually open his heart to Shen Wumian. He silently endured, treated, and planned silently. In his eyes, he only had his own future, in those nihilistic places. There has never been a shadow of Shen Wumian.

He was right, Chi Zhao thought about it, he did. In this world, he should be a well-deserved "dregs".

With his eyes closed, Chi Zhao took a step and saw that he would continue to go out, Shen Wumian's eyes were cracking, "Chen!"

This shout didn't help at all, but after hearing the following sentence, Chi Zhao stopped suddenly, then turned back in shock.

"If you go one step further, I will die with you. What kind of Chen Chen becomes, I never care."

Compared to the previous roar, the tone of this sentence can be called calm, but after Chi Zhao turned around, he saw that his eyes were red, and even the blue tendons on his temples were tight and sleepless. Chi Zhao couldn't keep his calm look any more. He opened his mouth haphazardly, and after a long time he uttered a sentence: "I didn't want to die! Are you sick? Do you always want to be emperor, now Have you done what you want, what are you upset about? "

Shen Wumian didn't answer him, and his eyes turned to Chinuma's left sleeve again. Chi Zhao subconsciously covered his sleeve. Then, the person across the face showed such a mockery, Chi Zhao pursed his lips, his face changed. Hard to look.

Inside the sleeve was the poison / medicine he had received from the guard. It was said that one second of it would make people ascend to heaven. Yesterday's sweat medicine was also given by the guard. After Chi Zhao originally planned to go out, he found a hidden place to wait for the system. When the system came back, he opened the pain mask, and he could die happily, who knew that Shen Wumian would see it at a glance.

"What I want, don't you know?"

Shen Wumian's eyes were red, and he asked these words word by word. Chi Zhao pursed his lips without answering. He was still thinking about countermeasures in his heart. Shen Wumian's words were just serious. If he died, he Immediately revenge yourself by suicide. Shen Wumian is such a ruthless person, ruthless to others, and ruthless to himself.

The fact that Chi Zhao didn't want to accompany him to death meant that Shen Wumian cared how much he cared about. He just wanted to quickly resolve the matter. He couldn't watch Shen Wumian die. It can be said that Shen Wumian was just right. He pinched his seven inches.

Chi Zhao was still scorching his head. Suddenly, he heard a strange sound. It sounded like the wall was cracking. Chi Zhao raised his head in the unknown, and then widened his eyes sharply.

I do n’t know when Shen Wumian started exerting force. In short, when he looked over, the wall had cracked. As long as there was a gap, it would be much easier to handle, so Chi Zhaoyan watched Shen openly. Wu Miansheng pulled the chain from the wall, and a crimson blood mark was pressed on his wrist. Chi Zhao stared at him in stun, even forgetting to escape.

After breaking away from the arm, the foot was simpler, and Shen Wumian cut it off with his own hands. Chi Zhao finally realized the so-called high force value in this world, but he didn't have the clap of applause.

In his eyes, Shen Wumian's figure zoomed in little by little, Chi Zhao suddenly reacted, trying to escape, but Shen Wumian grabbed him, and tore his objection, tearing up his left sleeve.

A small porcelain bottle fell out and shattered immediately after being dropped on the ground. Then, a round object fell out. This material is not ceramic, and the sound of falling to the ground is more crisp.

Shen Wumian twisted his eyebrows and looked at the ground. Chi Zhao stiffened, suddenly struggling with more strength than before. Shen Wumian froze for a moment, but he was freed by him. He immediately crouched down and picked up the one that fell to the ground. Something, then silently looked at Yu Pei, who was smashed by a horn.

Chi Zhao squatted on the ground, Shen Wumian couldn't see his expression, all he could see was that his fingers holding Yupei had turned white.

Chi Zhao was very angry, very, very angry. He had lived for so many years and experienced so many things. Even when he knew that he had died innocent disaster, he did not feel like he is now, feeling that his heart, liver, spleen, lungs, and kidneys would explode.

"What are you dragging!"

Chi Zhao stood up suddenly, it looked like it was going to eat people, "I want to die for you! What can I do, can you control it, and if I don't kill you, you should be grateful to Dade, why should you Interfere with me, what qualifications do you have to interfere with me !!! "

This is a very heavy statement. It was totally out of breath when he was short of breath. Chi Zhao usually had a good temper, but because of his good temper, he would occasionally become horrible because of his good temper, and this time, he definitely looked like The most terrifying one, because of this opportunity, he let out the anger that has been lingering for a long time, hundreds of years.

The Shen Wumian, who was opposite Chi Zhao, first froze and then calmed down.

He allowed Chi Zhao to scold himself, regardless of inserting a knife into his heart, as if he hadn't heard anything, his eyes remained on the jade that he was tightly pinching.

When Chi Zhao shouted his voice was dumb, he lifted a chained hand. The heavy chain fell on his wrist, and it seemed that his movement was a bit awkward. Chi Zhao kept his expression and frowned at Shen. Sleepless put his hand on his neck. He froze, then kicked out.

"Let me go! Fortunately, I wouldn't scold someone else, otherwise you would have been scolded by a doghead! Don't touch me, you don't understand people! I fucking--"

Later, I was blocked by the fierce kiss of Shen Wumian's storm, and Chi Zhao's breath was still gone. At this time, he was even angry. He punched and kicked, and even Chi's tongue was bitten by Chi Zhao. The **** smell spread in the mouth, and at the same time, there was a little salty feeling.

Chi Zhao suddenly opened his eyes. In front of him, Shen Wumian closed his eyes, and a less obvious water stain passed over his face.

I fucking--

I fucking--

I **** ... why isn't it so ...

Suddenly, there was a baby whimper in Chi Zhao's throat, and then he stopped struggling. Shen Wumian realized this and held him tighter.

On the other side, the system that successfully passed the preliminary round and the main system have already completed the handover procedures. I heard that Chi Zhao has already completed everything, and the world's tasks have been completed. Wait for it to return to pick up the pool. The system He hurried back hurriedly, and then, he saw a scene that was about to be staged as restricted.


The author has something to say: System: Hey.

[Take a deep breath and open your voice] It may not always be complete love ~ One person's fulfillment ~ Better than three people's struggle ~~~

Brother Tong is almost used to it

It's even more late today because I want to finish the plot. This world is still one finale. The next world is the sentry world. There is a mine, there are children, but there is no process and description of having children. In addition, as a small welfare of 30,000 collections, tomorrow I will put a small fan called be on Weibo. In order to preserve the dignity of my sweet writer, I will not put it here, the text is still he da, bow ~

Thanks for the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution ~

Thanks to the little angel who threw out the [grenade]: just 1 thing with no reason;

Thanks to the little angel who cast the [land mine]: Qingxiaohe, Mingyue Hejiaojiao, Jinghong, resentful girl, Si'an, 仄 聿, meow a cat, Ben Meow is clearly, Acha, Jianglang. 1

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the [nutrient solution]:

1930411054 bottles; Yuedu Hantan 40 bottles; spring flowers Xizi 20 bottles; insignificant, Fukuzawa Reki, buy by yourself, 10 ink bottles; 6 bottles of bright moon He Jiaojiao; Meng Meng Ye Xiaohe, the past years ,bottled. Simplicity, tone, 5 bottles of this nickname; Ni, Yan Xiaoyan Yan 2 bottles; Xu Qiu, Bonnie, Qiu Yan, picking up tattered fish, men are all bastards, chubby little fat fish, l1 bottle ;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard! 2k novel reading network