MTL - I Rely on Kisses to Clear Survival Games-Chapter 12 Midnight Mansion (10)

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Unexpectedly, Joshua suddenly slammed his neck, and a strong suffocation hit Cheng Zhichu. "He slammed", he was pressed down by Joshua, and the back of his head slammed into the ground, immediately dizzy, and the line of sight in front of him became Blur it up.

Do not……

Because of lack of oxygen, Cheng Zhichu was black in front of his eyes, and Zhang Dazui gasped hard. He kicked his legs in a hurry, and both hands clung to Joshua's wrists, trying to pull him away, but Joshua's hand seemed to be made of metal, he grabbed it, only feeling It was cold and hard for a while, no matter how it was pulled, it didn't move.

"Oh, forbearance, it will not hurt immediately."

Consciousness is gradually dissipating, and Joshua’s smiling voice is faintly heard. Although Cheng knows that he must resist, but with his consciousness, his struggles are getting weaker and weaker, and his hands finally loosen Joshua. The wrist is falling weakly.

Maybe he really wants to die here...

[You die a fart! 】

An awkward roar suddenly blew in the ear of Cheng Zhichu. Since entering the game, it was quiet like a chicken. The system that only sent automatic reminders seemed to be alive again, shouting.

[I don't allow you to die, you waste! It’s only a small matter that you are dead, but the ability that I gave you will be buried with you, and you can also match it? ! Hurry up and give me a kiss, Joshua, you are dead, this should not be what you are best at! ! 】

Roll, who is the foundation, who is good at this kind of thing!

Cheng Zhichu, who was going to die, heard the roar of the system, and was suddenly mad at him, and suddenly opened his eyes.

Seeing Cheng Zhichu suddenly blinked, the beautiful blonde youth showed some unexpected colors, and was about to add gravity. But at this time, Cheng Zhichu opened his lips, his eyes were red, and he burst into tears from the inside and flowed down his cheeks. .

Joshua's movements were slightly stagnation, and even his strength was relieved. Although he had already died, he was just a ghost. He could see the tears of his favorite people, but he still felt a bit stinging in his heart.

He doesn't like to see this person crying.

However, why do you cry? Is it because you don't want to die, or because you don't want to be with him?

...I really don't like him so much?

——Rely, no, it’s really going to die...

While he was slightly releasing his hand, Cheng Zhichu, who was unable to breathe and shed tears, quickly took a big breath, which relieved the symptoms of severe hypoxia, restored a little strength, and extended to Joshua above. hand.

At the time of his death and death, he has already made himself a psychological construction in an instant. Isn't he a pro-ghost? It is nothing at all. He is a straight man and will not be shaken by kissing a man. As long as he goes on, he and Bai Yi can pass the customs, this is just a strategy for survival!

It was noticed that Cheng Zhichu had extended his hand, and Joshua returned from the embarrassing embarrassment. The strength of his hand suddenly increased a bit, and there was a hint of coziness in his eyes. He will never let him escape.

However, the next second, Joshua stunned again, because Cheng Zhichu's hands were on his shoulders, and even hooked his back neck and took him down.

He thought that Cheng Zhichu had just reached out to push him away, but now it is exactly the opposite of what he imagined. Cheng Zhichu seems to want to hug him... Why?

In the look of the young blonde, it was rare to reveal a trace of sorrow. Even a little bit of trouble, he let go of his hand and let Cheng Zhichu hug his back neck. He also obediently leaned down according to his movements. Watching him bring his cheeks closer.


He only spoke a word, and he felt that his lips were stuck with something soft, and immediately widened the dark blue eyes, and the surface showed a faint color.

This person actually kissed him.

... is kissing him.

They are really kissing.

Yes... like him?

Cheng Zhichu closed his eyes and kissed Joshua. After a few seconds, he felt that he should have been judged to have taken effect, and he opened the distance between the two.

But who knows that he just left Joshua's lips, the latter entangled in unruly, kissed his lips heavily, pressed one hand behind his head, and the other hand His waist, with deep desires and desires, did not allow him to escape.

"Hey--" is letting go!

Cheng Zhichu began to struggle again, but unlike the previous one, it was because Joshua wanted to kill him, but this time it was because Joshua kissed him so badly that he was about to suffocate on another level. Now!

Joshua kissed his movements full of strangeness, apparently unfamiliar with it, just kissed the leg of Cheng Zhichu with a kiss, the teeth smashed soft meat, the faint blood smell spread out in the mouth, taste this The sweetness of the stock, Joshua’s hand suddenly tightened, and the tip of the tongue was also explored, sweeping every corner.

He wants to taste more.

I also want to make every inch of this person's skin taste his taste... completely belong to him.

He held the person in his arms tighter, half-baked, and the pale golden eyelashes trembled slightly, and the inside was an uncoverable joy and love color.

However, contrary to him, Cheng Zhichu was almost collapsed, his hands were weakly licking Joshua's clothes, and his heart was madly asking why the system was not effective.

The system replies to him without hesitation: [What is the urgency, this ability has a certain delay, I see you clearly enjoy it too, if you need, I can give you an extension. 】

Fart, he doesn't need it, let's get the ability to work! !


At the beginning of Cheng Zhichu, when he began to consider the bite of his tongue, the mansion once again had a violent shock. Joshua browed slightly and finally let Cheng Zhichu let go. He looked up slightly and Cheng Zhichu’s sight passed over Joshua’s head and neck. Looking at the figure behind Joshua, I couldn't help but widen my eyes.

That is--


A sharp bone knife was inserted from the back of the blond youth. The knife edge pierced the chest, and the tip of the knife was not contaminated with half a drop of blood, but the young man was suffocated, revealing the painful color, and slowly looked back in surprise. I saw the white Yi who looked down at him.

Bai Yi face with his expressionless face, his eyes suppressing the chilly, and there is no luster in the shackles. If the abyss of death and darkness is about to be swallowed up.

Actually killed him...

Joshua's pale skin began to spread out of the cobweb-like cracks, making a crisp sound, like a fragile glass statue, falling down the transparent crystals. Before the rapid collapse, he suddenly laughed silently and rushed. Cheng Zhichu extended his hand.

It was he who was too immersed in the kiss, not even found another one who had invaded here, but also witnessed that he was kissing the person they liked...

In this way, "he" will kill him, it is not something difficult to understand.

If it is him, it will also not tolerate others to touch this person, even if it is self-destruction, but also...


When the fingertips of the blond youth are about to touch Cheng Zhichu, his body is completely disintegrated, and the whole person turns into a pile of crystal debris, which falls on the ground and reflects the brilliant light.

Cheng Zhichu was shocked. He had been stunned by the scene of Joshua’s kiss. It was not worried that the collection of the book would fail. Suddenly his face was white, half a squat on the ground, holding his clothes and frowning.

"White easy!"

Seeing Bai Yi revealing a painful expression, Cheng Zhichu suddenly panicked and quickly rushed over to hold him. Bai Yi fell cold on his face, his face buried in his neck, holding him tightly live.

"What happened to you? Was it hurt by Joshua? Do you need to drink any medicine?"

Cheng Zhichu was very worried and patted Bai Yi’s back in a hurry. Bai Yi did not say a word, holding his hand more and more tight, the skin also faintly revealed cracks, a slight cracking sound.

[Boss illustrations have been collected, congratulations on the copy of the "Midnight Mansion". 】

[Customs clearance: experience value x1000, survival point x2000. 】

[The player level has been upgraded to level 7. 】

[Congratulations to kill the boss, complete all the main line tasks, and complete the copy after leaving the mansion. 】

At the beginning of the process, when the beginning of the process was anxious, the system prompts of the late arrival finally rang, and the crystal fragments on the ground radiated a soft golden light, which gathered into the stars and did not enter the body of Zhichu.

At this time, Bai Yi's situation seems to have been alleviated. He lifted his head from Cheng Zhichu's arms, and his face recovered a little **** color. He smiled at him with a gentle smile: "Sorry, I am dying and worried you."

"Are you okay?" Cheng Zhichu held his shoulder and was still nervous. "Are you injured?"

"It doesn't matter, it just uses too much power, some is weak." Bai Yi put his hand on the back of his hand and looked at his eyes warm and soft. "Now it's okay, thank you."

"You are fine."

Cheng Zhichu finally sighed and smiled. He also heard the system saying that his task of collecting illustrations has been completed, so he does not have to worry about his special tasks not being completed.

By the way, the necklace has not been taken yet. At this time, Cheng Zhichu suddenly remembered that he had been carrying Joshua’s necklace, and immediately took it off and put it in his backpack.

It seems that he seems to be able to use this curse, because Joshua personally admitted that it was given to him, although he did not know why Joshua wanted to send him a necklace...

With the necklace installed, he pulled Bai Yi’s hand to help him stand up. The two returned in the same way and came out from the dark door of the second floor corridor. Cheng Zhichu saw the quiet clothes on the ground and a dark liquid on the beach. Uncomfortable and awkward in my heart, I understand that this delicate and quiet girl did not escape the curse of the necklace.

Wang Jianming has not appeared yet. It seems that he has already... Cheng Zhichu sighed and decided to leave this copy and purchase burial services for these teammates in the mall.

As mentioned in the forum, there is a burial service in the system mall. The player spends some survival points for the dead teammates. The system will deal with the related matters of the dead players, let their families reasonably accept the facts of their death, and use them for their hometown. The establishment of a tombstone in the cemetery is also the last thing he can do for them.

Cheng Zhichu and Bai Yi walked down the stairs together, because Joshua was dead, the copy was over, and the lights had already been lit up here. The cold atmosphere was gone, and it looked like a very ordinary Western-style building.

The two walked to the door. At the end of the copy, Cheng Zhichu looked up at Bai Yi and wanted to add a friend with Bai Yi. He tried to hold the thigh in the future, but suddenly found Bai Yi always staring at him. Look.

"……what happened?"

Cheng Zhichu suddenly became nervous. Is there anything wrong with him, or is Bai Yi a problem?

The handsome man stared deep into his face. After a moment, he suddenly raised his hand and gently rubbed the lips of the beginning of the process, whispering.

"He was kissing you just now?"


Cheng Zhichu’s face was green.


Bai Yi's Diary · Part XII

I was kissing others at the beginning.

I never thought I would see such a situation.

This cognition took up all my reason and made me unable to think about the extra things, so that when I recovered my mind, I realized that I had killed another.

I don't feel sorry for this. If I still have a little reason at that time, all I have to think about is how to torture "he" to a complete collapse with more cruel means.

The death of "he" caused a chain reaction, my soul was also traumatized, on the verge of disintegration, but at that time, I realized that there was a force that absorbed the remnants of the debris, so that "he" did not completely die, I Also barely kept himself from crashing.

I think maybe I know where the power comes from, but the result won't make me happy - I would rather collapse myself and don't want to see anyone touching the beginning.

If one day I know that I am possessed by others... I don’t know what I will do. 2k novel reading network