MTL - I Rely on Kisses to Clear Survival Games-Chapter 71 Devil's Bride (seven)

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Looking at the white bones exposed in the soil, and the black tape doped in it, Cheng Zhichu remembered the boss in the previous copy, and could not help but suspect that the current copy is the last continuation.

Indeed, he still had a lot of things to figure out at the time, such as the identity of the boss wrapped in tape, who was killed by him, and why Zhou Luochen committed suicide, and so on.

But with the end of the copy, Cheng Zhichu did not continue to pursue these mysteries, because for him, the most important thing is to keep a copy of the customs clearance. As for solving the puzzle, it is not what he is good at, and there is no need to pay attention.

Moreover, he feels that it is only a false setting in the copy, and has nothing to do with reality, because if those things have happened in reality, Zhou Luochen’s evils should be exposed, and Bai Yi and Bai Xixing should be exposed. The seniors must have known him long ago, but what they initially showed was clearly only known to him.

He himself has no impression of the city of C, and he has determined that he has not been here, so he concludes that the contents of the previous copy are only borrowed the identity of these people, based on the fictional story.

However, this copy once again involved those old things. He dug out the bones of the boss in the courtyard, found more mysteries, and had some degree of connection with the groom, and did not seem to break these mysteries. I can't find the head of the groom.

Is this just a coincidence?

Cheng Zhichu held a white and dry gimmick, could not help but fall into meditation, frowning, and began to have some doubts as to what happened in reality, which led to the two copies revolving around the villa.

[This is true, the actual copy is not fictitious, but generated based on a large number of real-life events. 】

The system said: "There are many things that you have seen and experienced, and there are many real events. As for how many are true..."

Cheng Zhichu was shocked. The hand holding the skull trembled, and the skull rolled down to the skirt of the white wedding dress, revealing a bit of horrible beauty.

Many of them have actually happened? So what is true and what is false, how can he tell? Is there any special reason why the actual copy will be opened?

How much truth does the system know about it, and now tell him a little bit about what it is, and how many things does it still take him?

There was a mess in his head, and countless questions groaned in his heart, and the system coughed and some unnaturally explained.

[I don't want to hide anything from you intentionally. I didn't tell you before, because I didn't know what it would be before I happened. 】

[I have never lied to you, but I have not told all the truth. 】

[Now I can tell you that it is not a coincidence that you enter the game, even if it is not on that day, sooner or later, you will always come in and experience these things. 】

[Well, but meeting me is the greatest fortune in your life. This is true...]

So why did I enter the game for what reason?

Cheng Zhichu ignored the last sentence of the system. He didn't have any happy emotions in his heart. Instead, he took a sigh of relief, his heart beat like a drum, and he anxiously asked about the system.

He has a very clear understanding of himself, understands that his qualifications are limited, is an ordinary person, and has no extremely persevering heart, how can he be favored by fate.

He said that he was chosen as a sacrifice to do what he was sacrificed. He believed in it... But if it really wants to harm him, is it necessary for the system to disclose this to him, is it better to conceal it?

[You don't have to think about it, if you die, I won't be better, so I will definitely not hurt you. 】

The system slammed.

[As for the reason why you entered the game... It is related to the boss illustration in your hand, but I can’t say more about the reasons. Actually, I shouldn’t have disclosed it to you, but since you have already Suspicious, I have to explain a few words with you. 】

[If you want to know more, you have to explore by yourself. In short, you should complete this copy now, and the rest of the matter will be finished after the completion of the copy. 】


Cheng Zhichu was speechless, and when he thought of the boss book in his backpack, his mood was extremely complicated.

He did not want to understand what this book has to do with himself. Previously, "the cold twigs" also said that using this booklet can open a special copy... Is it only he can use the book to collect these bosses?

Then the problem is coming again. If only he can use the illustration, why is he a special candidate?

... can't be that he has the best physique, let these bosses fall in love with him crazy? But in retrospect, these bosses seem to be without exception, and they are all very interested in him...

The more he thought about it, the more miserable he was, the more fearful the emotions were, and the more irritating it was. Without him, he really hoped that Bai Yi would like him instead of attracting strange guys.

When he thought of Bai Yi, he shook his head and took away these distractions. He placed the skull that fell to the ground aside and carefully cleaned the soil around the cheekbones with a hoe.

The system says that the actual copy is generated based on real events, but he can't completely distinguish the difference between fiction and reality. He can only confirm that Bai Yi disappeared six years ago, and that the villa died in death, and the death may not be more than One or two.

I don't know if the white schoolmaster will know what the inside story is... Also, the seniors have not given up looking for Bai Yi, and even found the old Li, I don't know if I can get any clues.

The heart was tied to the conversation between the two people in the house. Cheng Zhichu speeded up the excavation and cleaned up some human bones in the soil.

He doesn't understand the structure of the human body. He can't judge whether these bones come from many people. But roughly speaking, it seems that only one skeleton is buried here. It should be the last copy of the ghost boss.

Who is this person...?

Cheng Zhichu took the soil on the hand, picked up the skull, and stood up and asked the groom: "Do you know who this person is?" He hoped that the groom might have some impressions.


The groom took the skull and slowly flipped it in his hand, but did not know what he thought. He suddenly crushed the skull and the broken bones fell from his fingers.

Cheng Zhichu was so stunned that he did not expect the groom to destroy his cheekbones and carefully asked: "You don't like him? What hatred does he have with you?"

"I remember his name." The groom broke off the bones in his hand, as if it were dirty, and his voice was cold and dark. "He is Zhou Luochen."


Cheng Zhichu suddenly stopped.

How could it be Zhou Luochen, is he not committing suicide?

If this is Zhou Luochen's cheekbones, it means that the boss he saw is Zhou Luochen. The ghost's body is covered with tape, and it is almost impossible to entangle himself. Moreover, after his death, he was buried quietly. How to look like it was killed by people with terrible means, who is the murderer...

And is the boss really Zhou Luochen? He is so timid and pitiful, it is impossible to be associated with Zhou Luochen's metamorphosis - or is the real Zhou Luochen actually a poor person?

"He **** it."

The groom’s body was cold and violent, trampling on the excavated body.

"I still remember that when you were young, he almost killed you."

"He also killed a lot of children, buried their bodies under the rose outside, or threw them into the nearby mountains."

Is this true? Zhou Luochen really killed a lot of children? Even he himself -

Cheng Zhichu’s pupils swelled, and his heart rose into a sense of horror, which made his face instantly ooze cold sweat, and the body shook a little. Deep inside, it seems that something terrible is gradually waking up.

"Knowing the beginning."

Seeing his condition was not right, the groom reached out his arm, took him into his arms, patted his back and appeased him: "Sorry, I don't seem to want to tell you this, you don't think about it anymore. ""

"Call, call..."

Cheng Zhichu gasped, squatting in his arms, his face pale, his brain was filled with countless chaos and horror, and his consciousness became extremely chaotic.

He seems to have forgotten something, and this matter is very important. It is the common answer to many questions. As long as he thinks back, he can learn many truths...

what exactly is it?

That is exactly...

Cheng Zhichu suddenly stunned in the past and fell softly in the bridegroom's arms.

In his perception, he felt that he was asleep and had a dream.

The dream is chaotic and dark, composed of countless pieces, full of all kinds of terrible scenes, even the nightmare that he could not imagine when he was awake.

He just fainted for a few seconds, and suddenly woke up, slammed his eyes open, and stood up in the cold sweat on the chest of the groom, breathing in a big mouth, as if he had almost died because of difficulty breathing.

"Sorry, I know, I am sorry..."

The groom seemed to be scared by his misery, both remorseful and flustered, and he was comforted to comfort Cheng Zhichu, who was scared of his body.

After a long time, Cheng Zhichu gradually recovered his reason, got rid of the state that seemed to be dying, and barely calmed down.

"Did I talk about something that should not be said?"

The groom is holding him, still annoyed: "My memory is incomplete, maybe I said something wrong, you don't want to..."


Cheng Zhichu waved his hand and broke the bridegroom's arms. His face gradually recovered his blood. He held his head in the forehead and his head was still shaking, but he did not fall into the strange state just now, and he was able to think normally.

In the confusion of the confusion, he seems to recall some vague pictures, which are related to the villa, but not from the copy, but the memory that really belongs to him.

He saw Zhou Luochen's face in the vague memory, and the flaming rose, all he could feel was the fear and the disgusting feeling of wanting to vomit.

Cheng Zhichu determined that he had forgotten some things and understood why he would hate the taste of roses, and his sister said that their family had traveled to the city of C, but the mother denied it in a panic. The reason must have been experienced here. What, after too much stimulation, was quickly forgotten, and the mother did not want to remind him again.

Although he only remembered a little memory, it is enough to prove that Zhou Luochen in reality is undoubtedly a perverted murderer...

Cheng Zhichu’s gaze fell on the messy white bones of the ground, revealing sorrow and hatred.

If this skeleton is really Zhou Luochen, then he is simply dying. The remaining question is who buried him in the courtyard, and he died of homicide?

He groaned for a few seconds, and suddenly he was shocked and had a terrible conjecture.

... The key to this villa has always been in the hands of Bai Xuechang. He always comes here to check, is it to protect the secret of the skeleton?

When he thought about it, he slightly dialed the soil and buried the bones back, lest anyone outside would see the strangeness, and then quietly pushed the door into the villa. When he entered, he heard the sound of the teacup being broken.

Bai Xixing and Li’s old man were in the living room. Bai Xixing stood in front of Li Lao and looked at him with a high condescending face. The handsome face did not smile at all.

Cheng Zhichu didn't know what Bai Xi's behavior would reveal such an expression. He was just surprised. I didn't expect this funny and gracious senior to have such a cold side.

In his heart, his inexplicable thoughts have produced a strange idea. It is obvious that these two brothers always maintain a smiling expression, but it is only when Bai Xixing reveals this kind of demeanor, which makes him really feel that these two people are really very image.

I don’t know what Bai Xixing said. Li’s face on the sofa changed his face, his hands were squatting, and even his hands broke his cup, his lips trembled and he couldn’t say a word.

"So I guess it is right?"

Bai Xixing’s darkness surged, and suddenly he smiled and smirked. He sat next to Li’s side and lifted his mobile phone to Li’s front. The icon above was still the icon of the black-and-white skull.

"You just found the people in this place, please help them to transfer goods to your home, your family has passed through the difficulties, even better than before... And as a reward, you helped them take my cousin, right? ”

Who is the "person in this place"? Why is that sign almost identical to the logo of the "Infinite Escape Forum"? Was the person who attacked Bai Yi six years ago also a player who escaped infinitely?

There are so many mysteries that have appeared. Cheng Zhichu just thought about the bones, but he was immediately attracted by the clues of Bai Yi’s disappearance, but he has a feeling of faintness. These clues are actually pointing to the same center— -

White House, even likely is Bai Yi.

[You can tell one more thing to you. 】

[I once told you that the game forum of "Infinite Escape" was not created by us, but was created by the original players themselves. 】

[And now the icon you see is the first sign of the forum. 】

[The player's id -]

"Mr. Mu."

Bai Xixing said softly: "The person you are looking for is called 'Mr. Mu', right?"

[... is "Mr. Mu." 】

... Mr. Mu?

When I heard the name, the silent silver coin suddenly reacted, whispering the name.

Do you know him too? Cheng Zhichu had never heard of this name, and he heard his eyes wide open.

Oh... yes, I have seen him and I know him.

The silver coin said: He is not the same as you, he is a very competent master.

Yes, "Mr. Mu" is my previous generation owner.


Bai Yi's Diary · Part 71

It’s rare to have a good dream. I dreamed that I had established a relationship with the beginning of my knowledge, and that some more intimate contact would happen soon.

I suddenly woke up.

This is ten times more arrogant than being a nightmare.

The author has something to say: I will start correcting on time (...)

Thanks for boiling water, coffee, Yunxi, Lucy Hartfili, Star Zero tears, 1279 is already a waste and forgotten mine! =3=2k novel reading network