MTL - I Rely on Kisses to Clear Survival Games-Chapter 95 Fan Wai·Blood Fairy Tales (5)

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Because of the lie that he said at no time, in the past two weeks, Cheng Zhichu had to pretend to like Krissi very much, trying to find his way to be so happy that he was very painful. Every moment I look forward to the time distortion soon, so that he can quickly return to the millennium and kiss the Gemini.

This kind of torture lasted for two weeks. On this morning, Krissis suddenly took Cheng Zhichu into the study and took the magic book he had bought from his father to Cheng Zhichu to let him help him to get started.

Since a long time ago, the human state has the rhetoric of talking about and learning magic, which leads to the rare magicians on the bright face, but the private aristocrats hope to get the chance to learn magic. After all, most people will not Refused to master this mysterious and powerful force.

But even if you have a magic book, if you don't have the guidance of a formal magician and lead the first magic in your body, you can't use magic, and the magician responsible for guiding must be someone the learner trusts, otherwise the danger of magic explosion may occur. .

For this reason, for many years, Krissis did not learn magic, he could not find a magician worthy of his own trust, Cheng Zhichu was still the first.

Cheng Zhichu didn't have magic, nor was he a magician. He couldn't help Kriss, but with the help of the system, he not only succeeded in getting Krissis to gain magic, but he also had real magic.

[However, magical power is limited to what you use here. After returning to the millennium, magical power will disappear. 】

The system said: [Because you have no magic, it is just a blind eye. 】

What about Krisis? Cheng Zhichu could not help but feel some loss, and asked, will his magic disappear after I left?

[No, he is really magical, and he will become a powerful wizard in the future. You know, after the millennium, he is the lord of the Sleeping City, the undead lich, and the dark magic that no one can. 】

But in this way, is it that I influenced him a thousand years ago and made him a magician...?

Cheng Zhichu felt very surprised and suddenly thought: If this is the case, after I return to the millennium, will he recognize me?

[This, if he hasn't forgotten you, he should recognize you. 】

System Road: [This is under the premise that you meet him, but you have already finished him here, there is no need to go to the city of Yongmian, directly find the Gemini Knight, complete the last kiss, you can purify all the projections It is. 】

When you can, you can throw the coin and let this copy collapse. Mr. Mu will also die completely...

Cheng Zhichu looked up at the night sky above his head. The starry river in the sky contrasted with the appearance of the millennium. At that time, these worlds were completely destroyed by Mr. Mu, and there was only his indescribable horror in the sky.

With magic books, Cheng Zhichu and Krissi began the study of magic. Cheng Zhichu’s control of magic was also calculated, but he was far less than the magical talent of Krissi - Kris is not like In "learning", but in "recording" magic, no matter how complicated the magic, he can master it as long as he has learned it.

Cheng Zhichu couldn't help but feel envious, because Krissis is free to use the astrology magic. This kind of magic will appear in the sky when it is used. It is magnificent and powerful, and it is the favorite magic of Cheng Zhichu.

However, the astrology magic is extremely difficult, and it also needs to master complex astronomical knowledge, which makes Cheng Zhichu have to give up the astrological magic, and only watch the exhibition of Kriss every day.

Krissis also likes to use it in front of him. Cheng Zhichu is sure that this guy must be deliberate, but he can not only get angry, but also praises Krisi with a smile.

"how about it?"

The microscopic star river in the air gradually faded away. The handsome teenager put down his wand and raised his eyebrows to look at Cheng Zhichu. Cheng Zhichu immediately swelled his hand and began to spare no effort to praise the boy. However, Krissis used it really well, not to be Let him praise it very seriously.

"You boast too much, obviously it is very simple, that is, you can not learn this idiot."

Although it is said that, the juvenile's lips show a very obvious smile, obviously in a good mood.

He squeezed the cheek of Cheng Zhichu. After a while, he asked someone to bring in something. He personally took it in front of Cheng Zhichu. It was a magic robe. The soft black cloth flashed silver like a star in the sky. .

"The magic array above is what I applied."

The boy said, putting the robes on Cheng Zhichu’s body and saying: "You put it on."

"This is..." Cheng Zhichu asked hesitantly, "Will you give it to me?"

Krissis does not deny: "If you don't want it, throw it away."

"Of course I want it."

Cheng Zhichu’s eyes lit up and he was very happy to wear a robe, because this magic robe is something that can bring out a copy: “Thank you, Krissis, I like it very much.”

When the teenager saw him like it, his expression softened unconsciously and said with a corner of his lips: "How are you going to thank me?"

"Ah..." Cheng Zhichu got stuck, but found that he had nothing to give him. "What do you want?"

He pondered over his thoughts, but he couldn't guess what the teenager wanted. The smile of the teenager faded away, snorting, pinching his jaw and sticking to his lips.

"Remember, stupid, thank you so much in the future."


This leisurely time did not last long. Cheng Zhichu discovered that the recent Krissis was getting more and more busy, and he didn’t have time to learn magic. He didn’t see people all day, and the bureaucrats who took office in the city’s government were rushing all day long. Very tricky thing.

Until the city owner found Cheng Zhichu and asked him if he had any magic to solve the epidemic or food shortage, Cheng Zhichu knew that all the localities had erupted extremely serious natural disasters, covering the entire continent.

Earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, plagues... are ravaging the Luzhou at an alarming rate. Even the Emerald City, famous for its tranquility, has been seriously affected. A large number of migrants have flooded into the city, causing an outbreak. The entire bureaucracy of the city’s main government is dealing with the problems caused by the refugees.

"I can control the potions for the residents."

Cheng Zhichu can indeed buy pharmacy from the mall to cure the epidemic, but he can't do more things and can't stop the disaster.

Only he knows that the world will soon greet the end of the day and turn into a terrible hell, and all the inhabitants of the Emerald City will become a walking dead, one after another into a restless sleep.

His mood became very heavy, but he was able to make potions for the residents, and the unsuspecting city owner was pleased with the gratification of this important task. Cheng Chengchu, the city state will reward the rewards that can satisfy him.

Cheng Zhichu naturally refused to pay, and after discussing it with the city owner, he left the hall where the bureaucrats were working, but when they went out, the sky suddenly fluttered into the dark clouds, and the sky was dimmed in an instant, and the thunder began to thunder. It was raining heavily.

The rain came suddenly and quickly, and the dense rain curtain fell to the ground, almost to a white, and nothing could be seen.

Such a large amount of rain is no longer completely magical to avoid being wet. Cheng Zhichu rushed back all the way, and his body was soaked.

He changed his clothes, stood in the house and rubbed his hair, and heard the rain slamming the window, so that people could not help but worry that the glass would be shattered.

[This rain is really coming. 】 The system said, [If it is not for the rest of the millennium, I will certainly suspect that the rain will cause floods and flood the city. 】

You don't want a crow mouth... Cheng Zhichu couldn't help but say it.


This evening, the torrential rain continued. Krissis, who was busy late every day, finally came back on time, but his face had a noticeable exhaustion and seemed a little embarrassing.

Cheng Zhichu had been living with Krissis all these days. When he heard the movement coming back, he opened his eyes in confusion and helped Krissia change the wet clothes, but halfway, he was suddenly The other party clung tightly.

Krissi's body was covered with cold rain, and the cold Cheng knew that he had a spurt at the beginning, sobered up, and some overwhelmedly asked: "What?"

"...I have a very bad feeling."

The boy held him silent for a long time before he slowly said: "Although my father and I have done a lot of things these days, we will maintain the stability of the Emerald City as much as possible and help the outsiders, but..."

His voice has become more and more low: "But the more I do, the more I feel that we are powerless to reverse this disaster. There must be something more terrible waiting for us. At that time, maybe even this continent Will be annihilated..."

After Cheng Zhichu listened for a long time without a word, he hugged Kriss and his heart sank.

He knew that the sensation of Kriss would come true, and that this day I am afraid that it will soon be coming.

However, for him, only this land became more and more chaotic, and time and space were distorted, and he was able to get a chance to go back.

Krissis was very tired, and she slept in a simple bath. Cheng Zhichu was lying next to him, but he was insomnia, staring silently at the ceiling. After a while, the system suddenly screamed.

[I detected that the time has been distorted, and it is near here! 】


Cheng Zhichu immediately sat up and opened the quilt to run out, because only by entering the range of time distortion, the system can use this force to send him back to the millennium.

The heavy rain in the middle of the night has not stopped, but in order to be able to go back, Cheng Zhichu will not care so much.

Just walked to the entrance of the mansion, he looked at the rain outside and thought about it. He had not left the lord with the remedy for the plague, and the soaked magic robe also fell into the bedroom of Krissis, not in him. Body.

Although knowing that his pharmacy does not have any substantial help, Cheng Zhichu quietly left a few bottles of pharmacy in the hall, and attached instructions to the city owners to pour them into the water source.

Then he folded back to Krisisi's bedroom, took the magic robe in his hand, and was about to put it in the system backpack, but at that moment the light in the house lit up, and he came behind him. The boy’s extremely cold voice.

"Where are you going?"

Cheng Zhichu was shocked and looked back. Krissis’s coldness and frosty face looked at him with a blank expression, but there was a strong anger in his voice.

"You want to leave me, and don't want to talk to me?"


Cheng Zhichu opened his mouth, but could not explain that he just went to the toilet, because he was drenched in the rain, obviously went out, and now he came back just to take away the magic robe.

"Do you want to escape? Is it because you can't do the potion to treat the plague?"

The teenager saw the flustered look on his face and said softly, "If this is the case, you don't have to be afraid. Even if you can't do it, it doesn't matter. If I am there, no one can ask you for sin."


Cheng Zhichu’s head sweated and could not be explained, so he immediately launched a teleportation card, moved to a few tens of meters away, grabbed the magic robe and ran, and even had no time to receive it in his backpack.

But now Krissi also learned magic, and he still had to run. He suddenly looked cold and grabbed his wand. He also moved out, chasing after Cheng Zhichu, and shouting the guards and let them Stop Cheng Zhichu.

Cheng Zhichu hid Tibet in the mansion of the city's main house. In accordance with the instructions of the system, he finally escaped from the inside of the building and ran into the dark rainstorm, looking for a way out. At this time, the rainstorm stopped without warning. The sky was stunned. clear up.

"Hey, hey..."

The rain fell from the body of Cheng Zhichu on the ground. He stood in the courtyard a little bit, and did not react to why the rain suddenly stopped.

"Don't let him escape!"

Kriss chased out with anger and let the guards surround Cheng Zhichu, and the cold said: "You don't want to go anywhere, you can only stay with me."

At this time, the card was in the cooling period and could not be used. Cheng Zhichu looked at his guard slowly and was somewhat overwhelmed, but he noticed that the puddle on the ground actually reflected a bright red blood.

The dark clouds in the sky gradually dissipated, and a large **** red light poured down. No one knew why the moonlight suddenly turned into a red color, and they looked up to the sky, but suddenly there was a sudden scream.

The stars in the night sky are disappearing one after another. At some moment, even the moon disappears. Instead, there is a **** red ball, one of which splits from the middle, as if a huge monster is opening his eyes. , revealing red eyes.


There was a bubble in the rain on the ground. Under the reflection of the blood, if there was boiling magma, a **** hand suddenly climbed out of it, and then the head and upper body emerged, like a dead man who had been smashed.

"What is this!?"

The guards were in awe, throwing the guns and spears in their hands, and nailing the skinless monsters to the ground, but there were more monsters in the water, and they rushed toward them.

The **** eyes opened one by one, and the red light of the sky became brighter. After bathing in the light for a long time, the movements of the soldiers gradually became stagnant and dry, the skin color was pale, and the look on the face disappeared. There was no undulation, there was only one empty shell, and there was no emotion to watch everything that happened next to it.

Krissis also felt that he was gradually being controlled by some kind of power, and this power was derived from the blood of the sky. His look changed slightly, and he immediately caught the wrist of the beginning of the process and took him to the house to escape: "Go! ”

This **** light had no effect on Cheng Zhichu, but it made him extremely creepy. He did not expect that he would see the scene of the curse of the Emerald City, and the cursed living person really turned into a walking dead, eyes hollow, and wandering aimlessly in the courtyard.

They ran into the building, without the moonlight shining, and Krissi let go of Cheng Zhichu’s hand and looked very gloomy.

"The power is like a curse, full of strong malice, and magic. We must not go out, wait until dawn, hope that the residents are sleeping, don't go out and move..."



There was another loud noise outside, such as the sound of the collapse of the house, and then the screams of the residents’ horror and the sound of monsters screamed everywhere.

Krissi looked drastically, immediately grabbed the umbrella beside the wall, attached a layer of light-absorbing magic, and rushed out with an umbrella. Cheng Zhichu immediately followed him.

"Don't come out, be dangerous, go back!"

Krissi didn't expect Cheng Zhichu to come over, immediately turned his head and screamed at him, and put an umbrella on his head.

Cheng Zhichu quickly pushed the umbrella back and said: "Don't care for me, I am immune to this light, it should be that you go back!"

"I can't go back. My father must be saving the residents now. I can't watch him in danger, but he doesn't do anything."

Krissis tried to maintain calm, but he was still a teenager after all, or he could not help but reveal a nervous look. Cheng Zhichu did not persuade him to go with him to find the city owner.

They saw on the streets that many of the residents had become immortal, but they were separated from the emotional walking dead, and a few were panicking. The streets were full of dark creatures and chasing the remaining living.

Krissis uses magic to continually kill these dark creatures, but they are as tidal as they are, and they are not cleaned.

In desperation, he had to take Cheng Zhichu around these monsters, but at this time again, the ground suddenly changed again. The ground suddenly shook and cracked, revealing a huge seam, and quickly spread around, and also spread to Cheng Zhichu and Ke. The place where Ricci stood.

[There is time distortion in the seams, I can take you teleport! 】

The system quickly said, let Cheng Zhichu not panic.

Cheng Zhichu’s heart must be, and the crack that spread at this time has already come to the foot of Krisis. He is not Cheng Zhichu. If he falls, he will die. Cheng Zhichu suddenly gets a shock and pushes Krissi to the side to avoid him. Falling into the ground, and his figure leaning backwards, it seems that the next second will fall into the ground.

[I want to send you! 】

The system said so, Cheng Zhichu's body flashed a little white light, his figure disappeared into the street.


From beginning to end, he didn't have time to put the magic robe into his backpack. Because of inertia, he was always flying out of his black robes hanging on his arms, and he fell on the body of Krisis, and covered his sight.

He held the umbrella and frowned with the other hand to pick up the magic robe, but he saw that there was no one in front of him, and looked at the other direction, but there was no figure in the beginning.

Before being covered, he clearly saw that Cheng Zhichu was leaning toward the ground.


The umbrella fell to the ground, and the blood on the face of Kriss suddenly disappeared. He kneeled down to the edge of the ground and lit it with astrology, but he could not see anything.


After a few seconds, the ground stopped shaking and everything went to silence. He sat slyly next to the seam, holding the magic robe left by Cheng Zhichu in his hand, and opened his lips, his eyes became red, and it seemed that he would shed tears in the next second, but stopped at the next moment.

The evil ominous blood erodes his heart into a black hole. All sorrow, anger, fear and pain are turned into nothingness, leaving no trace. His face is like a calm lake, losing all his anger.

All his emotions have finally been completely removed.

A drop of cold tears fell down his cheek.

Kriss raised his pale fingers and licked the tears, and the knuckles were stained with some water.

He held his hand for a long time, until the water was dry, and he put his finger down, and there was no feeling of heartache.

Even his heart has been completely torn.


The Gemini Knight followed Krissis into the city of Ever Sleep.

The scene of the ground fissure and the ruin of the millennium has been completely restored. It is still beautiful, but it no longer has any real life.

All the flowers in full bloom are carved with gems. The birds that stay on the branches have no internal organs and flesh and blood. There is only a single feather, and the screams are derived from magic.

The pedestrians on the streets are all dark creatures. When the lord's carriage descends from the sky, they have their own heads, waiting respectfully for the Lord's passing.

The carriage drove into the old city seat, and the door opened quietly. The young and beautiful lord personally took the mirror and walked down the carriage. The black robe on his body flashed a little bit of light, and the scene of the old stars was looming above.

He took the mirror into a spacious bedroom, gently placed his body on the bed, depicting a complex array of magic on the ground and walls, flowing like a water, bringing magic to the center.

"I need to use a lot of soul to mend him, and flesh and blood."

Kriss did not wave his eyes on the Gemini knight at the door and said, "Your strength is very strong, and it is suitable to provide him with flesh and blood. From today, you should feed him blood regularly."

"Follow, Lord Krissis."

The Gemini Knight bowed his head and responded to him.


The Gemini knight has his own name, his brother is An, his brother is Kay, this is the name they had before they became a dark creature, but in addition to the name, the memory of human beings has long been forgotten by them, leaving only a few sporadic fragments. .

When they were just as dark creatures, they were still weak. They were taken over by Cahill as the vampire leader, and they have been serving him until now.

An Hekai's temperament is indifferent. Apart from the task, he rarely touches others. Because of his strength, no one dares to approach them, and no one can distinguish their differences. Even Cahill is.

Since returning to the city of Yongmian, An Hekai, in order to complete his task, stayed at the mirror side day and night, and fed his blood to him according to the instructions of Krissis.

When they took off their helmets, they showed the same face, handsome, dark-haired, blue-eyed, sharp and cold, like the paladin that represents the light of the old poetry, but the paladin no longer exists. Only the dark knights like them are walking on the mainland.

This good day took off his metal gloves, cut his wrists, lifted the mirror's jaw, and fed the blood into the mouth of the mirror, and fed a lot, far beyond the minimum required by Krissis.

Kay is puzzled. Although they have been faithfully completing their tasks, they are never doing anything, asking what they are, what they are doing, and feeding blood will weaken their strength. He does not understand why. It is necessary to do more.


Kay went forward and held down his brother's hand to stop him: "I feel your breath is weakening, and carefully hurt your source."

"I know."

Ann gently lifted his hand, the blood left on the mirror's lips, with a bit of flirtatious, let his eyes stay for a while, only to look at his brother.

He said to Kay: "I will pay attention."

"You are a little strange to him." Kay looked at this identical face and said, "You care about him. Why?"

"I hope he wakes up soon." Ann whispered, hanging his eyes and putting the gloves back on after the wounds healed.

"the reason?"

"I do not know."

When I heard Kai’s question, An honestly answered, it’s rare to show a trace of confusion in the cold shackles.

Since that day he has embraced this mirror, he has a different feeling in his heart.

The hug seemed to awaken something hidden in him, but he didn't know what it was, maybe it was some kind of memory, or some kind of feeling...

Or maybe because of this, he hopes that the mirror spirit can wake up as soon as possible, so that he can determine his inner doubts.

He looked at the pale face of the person on the bed, quiet and gentle, as if falling asleep, and remembered the legend about the city of Yongmian.

This seems to be the story of the "sleeping beauty" that he had heard as a child of humanity.

Although it is ridiculous to think of Krissis as the protagonist in the story, but this mirror spirit, he is unexpectedly suitable, like the princess in the story, waiting for the prince to wake her up...

Thinking about this story, I couldn't help but lean down and look at the mirror spirit more focusedly.

And when he woke up from his own thoughts, he found himself involuntarily kissing the lips of Jing Ling.

He was shocked and immediately got up, and Kay, who was standing next to him, was looking at him, his eyes showing a hint of gloom.

At this time, the mirror spirit lying in bed quietly opened his eyes.

The author has something to say: Tomorrow's double, one at 3 pm, one at 11 pm~

Thanks to Lucy Hartfili, the world's flowers, but the tears of the stars and the mines! =3=2k novel reading network