MTL - I Rely on Wilderness Survival Live Broadcast to Become Popular Across the Stars-Chapter 218 Hoarding money to raise cubs Day 218

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When Lu Liran returned to the camp, he saw Ke Ji sitting on a rock with his head propped on his hands, his eyes slightly closed, and his eyes were blue.

He walked over with light steps, but the sound of his shoes stepping on fallen leaves still woke Ke Ji awake.

Ke Ji suddenly opened his eyes, his steel-blue eyes were so clear that there was no dullness, they were extremely sharp.

When he noticed that it was Lu Liran, his eyes softened immediately, and he smiled a little.

With a languid and hoarse smile in his voice, he asked, "Look at you, have you gained anything?"

Lu Liran responded, and when Ke Ji woke up, he immediately strode over: "Two little fish, it's okay to make breakfast."

"You last night..." Lu Liran looked at Ke Ji, remembered his good sleep last night, and quickly reacted, he pursed his lips and said, "You don't need to do this next time, if you let the chief of staff know that your mental power is used here There will be shouts from above."

Ke Ji smiled, took the two fish from Lu Liran, naturally skillfully cut open the belly of the fish, took out the fish gallbladder, and said: "No, if the chief of staff knows, he will be keen to dig out the details. .”

Lu Liran choked, for a moment it was difficult to connect the calm chief of staff in his impression with the image in Ke Ji's mouth.

But soon, under Ke Ji's meaningful gaze, he remembered that sudden video communication.

Lu Liran: "..."

Indeed, it is possible that Bronte was more gossipy.

【Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, a tall and distant boss like the chief of staff suddenly became so gossip and down-to-earth! 】

[After all, the essence of human beings is gossip (dog head)]

[Suddenly I feel that I may have stayed in this live broadcast room for a long time, and I can still hear the other side of various high-level people who are not known hahahahaha]

[Hahahahaha Chief of Staff: Do I want to lose face? ! 】

[Wait a minute, I'm the only one who wants to know, did the commander use his mental power to do something unknown? ! 】

【Ah yes, especially after listening to what Brother Lu said, I feel like—】

[deep meaning]

【Children understand too much that they should not understand】

If Lu Liran knew that the thoughts of the audience in the live broadcast room were so impure, he would definitely refute loudly.

But he doesn't know.

He propped his chin up to watch Ke Ji roast the two fishes on the bonfire, the man's concentration was particularly attractive.

"In the past, my mental power was always used on too much blood, but in fact, I always had some resistance in my heart." Ke Ji said.

Lu Liran was stunned for a moment, looked at Ke Ji, and frowned slightly.

Ke Ji noticed Lu Liran's gaze, and he smiled at Lu Liran: "But later I found out that it can do something else, something less grandiose and bloody. At this time, I will I feel that such mental strength is not a burden, which is not bad.”

"No matter what form and result it shows, it is used where it should be." Lu Liran emphasized.

Ke Ji smiled and nodded: "I know."

Lu Liran frowned, feeling that Ke Ji's words were perfunctory.

Ke Ji stretched out his index finger and middle finger, put them together and lightly tapped on the center of Lu Liran's eyebrows, and rubbed it twice: "I just said it casually, and now I am quite satisfied with its peaceful state."

Lu Liran couldn't help opening his mouth when he heard Ke Ji's previous unstable state again, but remembering that there was still a live broadcast camera facing him, it was inconvenient for him to ask.

He secretly thought in his heart, after this live broadcast is over, he must remember to ask Ke Ji, don't forget again.

Ke Ji looked at Lu Liran with a funny look, lowering his head and pursing his lips, with a look of bitterness and hatred: "Don't frown, those who don't know think they are in trouble again. Did you go to the water's edge just now? "

Sitting next to Ke Ji, Lu Liran briefly talked about the situation he had encountered before.

When talking about finding the brood of fry, he paused for a moment, wondering if the alienated giantmouth catfish he met this time was the same fish as the one he met Ke Ji in the water before.

The swamp water system extends in all directions, and no one knows whether these fish will swim around.

But thinking about it, he didn't touch its fry, so one person and one fish should live in peace.

After breakfast, Lu Liran and Ke Ji set out on the road again.

Before setting off, Lu Liran climbed to the crown of a big tree and looked into the distance. As Lu Liran said before, they were only one-third of the way to the destination.

After crossing an arbor forest and then a meadow, Lu Liran saw a piece of barbed wire appearing in his field of vision from a distance!

"Look!" He whispered happily, "There is barbed wire in front! It is a symbol of human civilization! We have finally come out!"

He and Ke Ji glanced at each other, and they ran towards the barbed wire fence at the same time.

The barbed wire fence was about three meters high. Lu Liran directly threw his backpack to the other end of the barbed wire fence, jumped onto it easily, and pulled over the mesh of the barbed wire mesh.

Lu Liran picked up his backpack and put it on his back again. A few steps away in front of him was the concrete road.

He glanced back at the swamp area on the other side of the barbed wire. Those nightmarish pastures and muddy swamps seemed to be separated into two worlds by the barbed wire.

Lu Liran withdrew his gaze, turned to the camera of the drone, let out a long breath, and couldn't help showing a relaxed smile—it's time to call it a day!

"We took the road and left the ghost forest swamp." He said to the camera.

"We have survived for at least a week in the center of Ghost Forest Swamp, where no one has ever penetrated, and discovered unusual creatures in mysterious nature. They may only exist in story books and legends, but this time, our accident The trip confirmed that they do exist."

Lu Liran walked along the road while making the final summary of this live broadcast:

"Even, based on this unexpected trip, we can roughly infer that their mutation is related to a plant that blooms only once in a few decades. The flowering period of this plant is extremely long, and it is doomed to the surrounding creatures. changes slowly and growth is restricted."

As Lu Liran said, he sighed slightly - when a creature with incredible energy appears in nature, it will naturally restrict its energy in another way, so as to achieve a balance.

The emergence of life is an uncontrollable miracle, but the balance is controllable.

Lu Liran said: "Everything I have experienced here has warned me invisibly, don't give up hope, maybe the next turning point is at the crossroads of life."

"This live broadcast is over here." He looked at the camera and gave a slight glance, "I am Lu Liran, an expert in wilderness survival. See you next time."

After he finished speaking, he closed the live broadcast room neatly and put away the drone.

Right in front of the highway seems to be a small airport, where Lu Liran reckoned that he might be able to take a downwind airship flying anywhere.

He walked quickly, and he didn't look like he had just been devastated by the swamp.

The two arrived near this small airport before the sun went down. The surrounding area looked deserted. There was a small private convenience store. The decoration and lights outside the store were out of order. No matter how you looked at it, it looked like no one was running it.

Lu Liran and Ke Ji looked at each other and walked in. There was only one sleepy salesperson in the store, facing a light screen full of dust, with some broken screens, as if he was watching some small video.

"Hello, is there anyone else here at the airport?" Lu Liran walked to the counter, took two bottles of water and a few packs of instant meal replacement nutrition solution, and asked while checking out.

The salesperson yawned, and paid Lu Liran lazily, without even raising his eyelids, he said, "Go through the back door, go straight through the airport, and see for yourself. If there is an old man there, you can ask him. If not, Most likely he went to gamble, and he won’t come back until midnight.”

Lu Liran nodded upon hearing the words: "Thank you."

"A total of thirty-eight star coins." The salesperson collected the money, looked up, and saw the profile of Lu Liran turning and walking, which looked familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had seen it.

"Today there is actually a business, hey, rare customer." The salesperson muttered in a low voice, collected the money, and continued to watch some videos.

When he suddenly came across a video with the title "Humanity of the Strongest Quality", the salesperson's eyes widened suddenly, and he instantly felt relieved!

He stood up from his chair: "Damn it, it's that anchor!?"

Lu Liran and Ke Ji walked through the back door of the convenience store and went straight to the small airport runway behind the store.

There was still an airship parked on the runway, but there was no one in sight.

Lu Liran caught a glimpse of the airship and suddenly realized something he had vaguely missed before going to bed last night.

He paused, slowly frowned, and looked at Ke Ji:

"There is something, I don't know if you have noticed." Lu Liran pondered for a moment and said, "After the airship that came to meet Jiang Kun and the others, did you notice the movement of the airship leaving?"

The support boat was not small. Lu Liran glanced at it from a distance and noticed that its model could carry at least fifty people. Such a large airship should be quite quiet when it lands and takes off in the swamp.

But not to mention hearing any sound, he didn't even see the shadow of taking off.

Ke Ji also paused when he heard the words, and after recalling for a few seconds, he frowned slightly: "No..."

Before he finished speaking, he heard a strange movement from the other side of the swamp behind him.

The two looked over subconsciously, and saw that the support boat they had talked about just now flew out of the dense canopy of the swamp, knocked down several big trees along the way, and flew tremblingly into the air , the four engines behind are all black smoke!

Lu Liran and Ke Ji narrowed their pupils slightly, and saw that the airship finally flew into the air, then fell at an extremely fast speed, and the direction was heading towards this small airport!

Lu Liran cursed, and Ke Ji and the two quickly ran in opposite directions!

The airship slashed past the tops of the two of them, and hit the ground fiercely at a distance of more than ten meters. The metal sparked countless sparks on the ground, and it slid another tens of meters away before coming to a stop.

The cabin door was violently kicked open from inside, and Lu Liran saw Jiang Kun dragging one with each hand and struggling to get out from a distance.

Jiang Kun spat out a mouthful of **** saliva mixed with broken teeth, and when he raised his eyes, he saw two figures standing directly in front of him, who were terribly familiar.

Lu Liran: "..."

Jiang Kun: "..."