MTL - I Rely on Wilderness Survival Live Broadcast to Become Popular Across the Stars-Chapter 217 Hoarding money to raise cubs Day 217

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Back at the camp, Ke Ji had already split the giant-mouth catfish in half. The skin of the fish was browned and curled slightly, and the flesh was milky white with distinct textures.

Common catfish has a strong earthy smell, but this giant-mouth catfish is unexpectedly not too fishy.

The two ate a whole fish around the campfire, removing the fish bones and inedible parts. In fact, they didn't eat much, at least for their consumption.

After eating fish, eat fruit.

The outer shell of the Maori fruit is hard, and you have to pry it open to eat the plump and juicy flesh inside.

So Ke Ji was in charge of prying, Lu Liran was in charge of peeling, eating one for himself, and then feeding another one to the commander, taking turns to take a bite, it was very fair.

[Ah, I actually saw a sweet love drama here! ? 】

[I must have gone to the wrong live broadcast room, it must be like this]

【Oh my god, brother Lu finally got the hang of it? ! Actually feed it by hand! 】

【Commander is elated hahaha】

[Suddenly curious, if the last one is extra, how should Brother Lu divide it? 】

[If it's a romantic drama, then it's time to kiss! Hey hey hey hey...]

[Squat one! 】

The small fruit that Lu Liran picked lived up to everyone's expectations, and there was one more fruit, and under the eyes of everyone, Lu Liran made a move.

He took out the machete with a long handle, and with a little effort, he divided the fruit into two, half for you and half for me.

Lu Liran stuffed half of the fruit into his mouth, and held the other half to Ke Ji's mouth.

Ke Ji's eyes turned around on Lu Liran's slightly puffed cheeks and lips stained red and moist with fruit juice, his eyes darkened.

"Here." Lu Liran raised his hand and raised his eyebrows to signal Ke Ji.

Ke Ji paused, then silently bent down and lowered his head, and bit the half of the small fruit in Lu Liran's hand.

【Ah, as expected of you】

【You can always trust Brother Lu's iron straightness】

[I saw that the commander's eyes were not right, but I finally held back silently]

[Hahahahaha have made up a lot of brain upstairs, but I think it makes sense to make sense]

【I feel sorry for Commander for a second haha】

Lu Liran glanced at the live broadcast room, but didn't see any cause and effect, and saw a bunch of bullet screens saying "I feel sorry for Commander hahaha", "Add one", "Commander's mentality has collapsed"...

He twitched the corner of his mouth, feeling a little bewildered.

"Today's dinner is not bad, right? There are fish and after-dinner fruits." Lu Liran asked Ke Ji.

Ke Ji nodded, smiled slightly, and said cooperatively, "It feels like the best meal I've had since entering the Ghost Forest Swamp."

Lu Liran thought so deeply, and raised his eyebrows when he turned to the camera of the drone, which meant something clear: The commander himself said that the meal was good, so why feel sorry for him?

Lu Liran stretched, turned around and walked into the stone hut with satisfaction, and showed the audience in the live broadcast room the temporary hut with all five internal organs: "The roof is waterproof, the front, back, left, and right are protected from the wind, and the stone has a good heat preservation effect, which is equivalent to A private space with a constant temperature and a double bed inside, the condition is very luxurious.”

[666666 was introduced by Brother Lu, and suddenly felt that this small stone house is not an ordinary stone house]

[Brother Lu's self-hypnosis ability and the lower limit of food tolerance are truly invincible hahahaha]

【If you want to live a better life, you have to figure it out yourself】

【Hahahaha shed tears of bitterness for Brother Lu】

Lu Liran continued: "This is where I will sleep tonight. After a day's trek, we have completed about two-thirds of the remaining route, and there is no major deviation in direction. I am sure that our direction is on the On the ancient road, although so far, the appearance of the ancient road has been almost completely covered by the original ecology here."

"If all goes well, then tomorrow will be my last day in Ghost Forest Swamp, I hope so."

"Then today's live broadcast ends here, see you tomorrow."

After Lu Liran finished speaking, he planned to close the live broadcast room, but saw a group of refreshed fans who didn't want to rest in the bullet screen, yelling that they didn't want to end.

He wanted to laugh but was a little helpless, he pinched the bridge of his nose and said something to appease him: "Good night, everyone."

[Good night, Brother Lu! 】

[Okay, ok, brother Lu said good night to us, woo woo, that's a good dream! 】

【Brother Lu, take a good rest! 】

Lu Liran put away the drone, saw that Ke Ji had added some dry branches to the campfire, and said, "Go to bed when you're done. Rest early today, and we'll set off early tomorrow morning."

"Okay." Ke Ji responded, speeding up his hands, and hurried back to the stone hut.

Ke Ji's body was dry and warm with the temperature of the bonfire. Lu Liran couldn't help but moved closer to him. After realizing his movements, he froze slightly. Just as he was about to distance himself, Ke Ji gently held him down. down the spine.

"Is it still a little uncomfortable?" Ke Ji lowered his voice and asked softly.

Lu Liran reacted for a second before realizing that the other party was referring to the disordered pheromones that were affected last night. In fact, after the inhibitor took effect, he no longer felt any discomfort.

However, Lu Liran responded in a strange way, didn't say anything, just hummed softly, his body was slightly stiff on his side, facing Ke Ji's chest.

He closed his eyes, and immediately felt himself being pressed into Ke Ji's chest, and he heard a soft sigh from above his head:

"So you've been bragging like this for the whole day?"

Lu Liran paused, and softly "hissed" in his heart, unable to argue.

Seeing that Lu Liran was silent, Ke Ji had no choice but to lightly rub Lu Liran's back neck, without saying anything more, lowered his head and gently kissed the man's forehead and closed eyelids, and whispered: "I don't mean anything else, just You know, I'm here, I'm here, I'll be here, you can tell me."

Lu Liran took a deep breath, and said in a low voice, "I know."

"Well, go to sleep." Ke Ji gently patted Lu Liran's back, and said warmly.

Under the gentle and densely woven mental power like a sleeping net, Lu Liran only felt an indescribable peace of mind, and then involuntarily slacked off. He leaned on Ke Ji, his eyelids sank.

Ke Ji lowered his head, and lightly left four words in Lu Liran's ear, and saw the corner of Lu Liran's mouth slightly raised, and muttered softly: "Me too."

The second before Lu Liran fell into a deep sleep, he was still thinking about it, as if he missed something today, but he couldn't remember it again.

A night without dreams.

The next morning, Lu Liran woke up refreshed. It didn't rain last night, and those annoying insects, the sound of creatures, and the sound of water were all dispensable, and they didn't affect his sleep at all. .

"Did you sleep well?" Ke Ji looked at Lu Liran, seeing Lu Liran's relaxed look, he knew the answer.

"Well, I think I can walk directly to the other side of the road in one breath today." Lu Liran said.

When he turned on the drone and let it fly, he looked at Ke Ji: "What about you? How can I see that you haven't had a good rest?"

"No, I had a good rest, yesterday was very quiet." Ke Ji replied.

Lu Liran nodded in agreement: "It's rare to sleep so smoothly in the wild...I have to check the situation of my traps. I made four, hoping to gain something."

"Then I'll go with you." Ke Ji said.

"No, you just wait for me here. If you catch fish, you have to roast it before you take it on the road. You can rekindle the fire." Lu Liran said.

Ke Ji nodded when he heard the words, and sat back to the old position of the fireman.


Lu Liran quickly turned back to the place where the trap was placed yesterday.

He first checked the trap farthest from the camp. The stone was nowhere to be found, and the branches and bait tied with the bait were gone. It seemed that it had been triggered, but there were no fish on the water.

He flipped carefully in the water twice, and said to the drone camera with a little regret: "It didn't get off to a good start, but the bait was eaten, but this is normal, don't be discouraged, there is no loss anyway, and it didn't take much effort. .”

"Go, go check the next one."

【Ah, Brother Lu, are you trying to comfort yourself? 】

[Sui Sui Nian's self-comforting hahahaha, suddenly got Brother Lu's cuteness! 】

【Brother Lu, don't lose heart! There must be a next one! practice! ! 】

When I came to the tree hole waters near the second trap, there was no need to check this time, as there were two fish of different sizes floating on the water!

Lu Liran's eyes lit up, and he immediately went into the water to catch the two fish!

"A giant-mouth catfish, a silverbill!" Lu Liran widened his eyes slightly in surprise, "Two fish with one stone!"


[I didn't expect such a simple trap as the can really catch fish! ? 】

[It's definitely not just due to the trap, the place Brother Lu chose is also good, there are fish! 】

[Breakfast is settled! 】

【These two fish... feel like fish fry, they are too small 2333】

Lu Liran stuffed the two fish into his backpack—not really big. The giant mouth catfish was smaller than the one he caught yesterday, only half the size. Silverbill itself was small, just a little bigger than a palm. , It looks like there is no meat.

But Lu Liran doesn't dislike it at all, it was picked for nothing, so there is nothing to dislike!

He immediately went to check the remaining two traps, but unfortunately, of the remaining two traps, one was completely motionless, and the other was in almost the same state as the first one, with stones, bait and fish missing.

Unwilling to give up, Lu Liran went into the water and groped around carefully, and even put his hand into the tree hole: "There should be fish in here..."

As he spoke, his voice paused, as if he had touched something, he suddenly narrowed his eyes slightly, and stuck both hands in.

A minute or two later, I saw Lu Liran carefully bring out something from the tree hole——

It was a hat from the human world, but the hat itself was not the point, the point was what was inside the hat, which actually contained tiny giantmouth catfish fry! There are even some eggs that haven't fully hatched, but you can already vaguely see the appearance of a small fish!

"Congratulations to the host for completing all the collection tasks! For the additional discovery of the third-generation nursery of the alienated giant-mouth catfish, 1 point of research contribution will be rewarded!" The voice of the system sounded in Lu Liran's mind.

Lu Liran's eyes were still full of surprises, but he paused slightly after hearing the system's prompt.

But soon, he gave up the explanation about the word alienation. He always insisted that nature has its own way of survival. fish eggs.

"To be honest, this is the first time I've seen such a group of fish fry! It's unbelievable that it actually laid fish eggs in the hat! It's so smart!" Lu Liran said. Put the hat back in place.

"These fish fry can't provide much heat. We already have our breakfast, so we won't harm them." Lu Liran said to the drone as he returned to the shore through the water.

【Wow! It's rare that Brother Lu is so kind! 】

[Xiao Yuyu: I survived Brother Lu's mouth! I can brag about this bull for a lifetime! 】

Lu Liran shook his head amusedly. In fact, another reason why he gave up the brood was because of the system's reminder that he didn't want to provoke a alienated giant-mouth catfish to retaliate just because he brought other people's fry into the brood.

Take it when you see it.

Not long after Lu Liran returned to the camp, a shadow swam in the water of the tree hole he had been to just now, and the wide fish ridge even faintly broke the water surface. It swam around the tree hole, and flicked its tail. The stone that Lu Liran blocked in front of the tree hole was sent flying.

It swam around twice violently, and finally dived back into the tree hole, guarding its nest of fish fry and laying down quietly again.