MTL - I Was Fed the Fruit by the World Nobles and Became the Fifth Emperor-Chapter 129

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After Corazon took the phone bug with a serious expression, he picked up the phone carefully.

"Moses Moses, I'm Chenos, are you Corazon?"

Corazon's eyes widened, looking at the phone bug in disbelief.

He never thought that the owner of these robots was actually Wuhuang Chenos, because Wuhuang Chenos didn't need to do these things at all.

"Lord Chenos, you...why did you do this? You know Dover has already chosen to join your command. Even if you know that I'm a spy, you don't have to spend so much trouble!"

Chenos on the other end of the phone worm laughed.

"If I said I just didn't want you to die, would you believe it?"

Corazon: "…"

Don't want him to die?

How could he believe such nonsense!

Maybe Corazon didn't reply, so Chenos on the other end of the phone also knew what Corazon's answer was.

"I know you don't believe it, forget it, in fact, the matter this time is not complicated, I just created two clones of you, and the outcome of these two clones is death.

One is the clone on Luo's side. After letting Luo eat the fruit of the operation, he sent the 'people from the world government' to kill the clone, and let Luo blame your 'death' on the world government.

Now my people have received Luo, and I will train him well in the future, you can rest assured.

As for the other avatar, it is the avatar that Doflamingo wants to kill. The current Doflamingo is not crazy enough, I have to make him more crazy, so that he can better help me destroy world government.

Now there is only you, the righteous master left. What do you think I should do better with you? "

Chapter 256 I can't be the only one making a fool of myself

Corazon's heart was shocked beyond measure.

At this moment, he suddenly remembered that when he met Chenos for the first time, Chenos simply looked at them.

Then, in a casual tone, he told them about the fruit of the operation.

It was only at this time that he reacted. It turned out that everything that happened to him was under Chenos' calculation.

When they first met, Chenos had already calculated that he would use Luo, who was planning to destroy everything, to become a fruit operator, and then use his death to lead hatred to the World Government, and finally let Luo Wei he died.

Even a vicious thug like Doflamingo, Chenos felt that it was not enough. He wanted to use his death to make Doflamingo even more crazy.

Just, how did Chenos know the identity of his naval spy?

He had always been puzzled by this.

At this time, after looking at the surrounding robots, Corazon suddenly understood that these robots should be monitoring them all the time. During the monitoring process, he learned about the content of his conversation with Warring States, and then he knew his identity.

After that, he used his identity to set up this game.

It's only now that I understand it, and it's too late.

Both Luo and Doflamingo thought he was dead, and they both began to develop in the direction Chenos wanted. Next, Chenos should get rid of his unstable factor.

"Lord Chenos, if you want to kill me, kill me. For you, I should have no use value!"

Chenos on the other end of the phone laughed.

"I've said it all, I did so many things in order not to let you die, otherwise, it would be better to let Brother Doflaming kill you directly.

Now I give you another choice.

Are you willing to be my subordinate, spy on intelligence and assassinate the enemy for me?

If I want, I will let Luo grow up well and cultivate him like my child.

If you don't want to, I will train Luo well, but I will train Luo like a dead servant.

It's up to you how you choose! "

Corazon frowned tightly, he did not expect that Chenos would actually use Luo to blackmail him and make him work for Chenos.

Even if he knew that Chenos was using him, he couldn't refuse.

"How can I believe what you say?"

"It's very simple, as long as you can complete my task, I can arrange for you to be Luo's teacher for a period of time, so that you can understand Luo's situation!"

Corazon was overjoyed and said quickly, "Can I still get in touch with Luo?"

"Yes, not only can you get in touch, every time you complete a task, you can live with him for a week and teach him to learn and grow."

Corazon said immediately: "Okay, I agree!"

"Then come to the new world. Now your strength is too weak and you need to strengthen it. You don't want to see Luo because you can't complete the task yourself!"

Corazon said firmly with his eyes: "Don't worry, no matter how difficult your task is, I will complete your task, but I said in advance that if it is some task that harms ordinary people, I will not help you! "

"Don't worry, I won't do such a thing!"

After hanging up the phone, the corners of Chenos' mouth twitched slightly.

This wave of script killings by Oda was used by him in turn, giving him a good assassin and Luo who became the emperor of the sea.

In fact, he doesn't have much desire for immortality, and even now, after awakening the fruit ability, he can absorb the lifespan of others, but he has never done so.

If he wanted to, relying on his current fruit ability, he could also achieve immortality.

But now, compared to immortality, what he expects more is that Luo's combat power grows, making his pirate team stronger.

Although his pirate group is very powerful now, for some reason, Chenos always feels that the world government is not so easy to deal with.

But this is normal. If the world government is so easy to deal with, they cannot control the world for 800 years.

This is also the reason why Chenos keeps accumulating strength and attracting powerful members to join the Pirates.

Chenos looked in the direction of the New World, his eyes narrowed.

After leaving the new world for so long this time, I don’t know how Kaido teacher is doing. After returning, I don’t know if Kaido will show a surprised expression when he sees that he has so many powerful members.

Thinking of this, Chenos left the captain's room and walked outside, intending to see what the members he was planning to surprise Kaido were doing.

It's just that after Chenos saw the situation outside, his face became strange, and he wanted to laugh, but he forcibly held back.

Because the members, no, Enilu to be exact, are putting Crocodile on the ship's traditional show—

Perform physical PK with the big muscle tyrant muscle turtle.

Anilu said righteously to Crocodile: "Playing with sand, don't look down on physical training because you are a natural devil fruit person. Your mentality is wrong."

Crocodile said disdainfully: "I don't despise Taishu, but I think my current Taishu is strong enough, not as weak as some, and needs intensive training.

Now I should focus on, domineering training!

As for physical training, let's talk about it when you catch up with me! "

Anilu roared at Crocodile: "What do you mean by playing with sand? My physical skills are not as good as yours?

Just kidding, although my physique is my weakness, this weakness is also God's weakness, I don't know how much stronger than a weak chicken like you.

You say your physical skills are strong?

Oh, I think you can't even beat the muscle turtles on the boat. "

Crocodile didn't expect this guy Anilu to be so naive, to compare him with a pet tortoise.

Even if the tortoise is a little stronger, a pet is a pet, how could it be the opponent of a world-famous powerhouse like him.

It is estimated that he could easily kill the turtle with one finger.

"Ah yes yes yes, I can't beat that tortoise, you are more powerful with your back drum, you should go and play with the tortoise yourself!"

All of a sudden, Anilu was stunned. He didn't expect that Crocodile would actually react like this. He thought that to belittle Crocodile like this would make Crocodile fight against Muscle Turtle.

No, I had to figure out a way to get Crocodile to agree to fight the Muscle Turtle.

I can't be the only one making a fool of myself on this ship!

"Sand player, if you can beat the muscle turtle, I'll wash your clothes for a month, if you lose, you'll wash me a month's clothes, how about that?

do you dare? "

Chapter 257 Another Victim of Muscle Turtles

After hearing the bet, Crocodile's eyes suddenly lit up.

In the past, he was a big boss. In Alabasta, he was like a patron saint. There were also many people under his command who served him. It can be said that he lived a life of opening his mouth and clothes.

It was only after he got to Chenos' ship that the emperor-like life in the past had nothing to do with him. Although he still had the food made by Feicun, his clothes needed to be washed by himself.

This huge gap also made Crocodile very uncomfortable.

Although his laundry skills are already full, it is also a pleasant thing to be able to wash by himself, and to stimulate the **** Anilu.

"Guhahahaha, this is what you said, okay, I'll warm up and try it out with that pet turtle."

Crocodile took off his coat, moved the golden hook on his hand, and was ready to take a few seconds to win the victory, and then let Anilu go to wash his clothes.

Only Anilu stopped him.

Crocodile teased Anilu and said, "Can't you afford it? If you can't afford it, just help me wash my clothes for today!"

He thought Anilu would use the steps he gave him to go down, but he didn't expect Anilu to say to him very stubbornly: "Who can't play, I just want to tell you the rules, you are natural For those with fruit abilities, it would be too much to use fruit abilities against pets.

If you use your Devil Fruit ability during the competition, you will lose! "

Crocodile looked at Anilu and couldn't help laughing, "Hahahaha, Ainilu, I have to say that you are the best in the world in terms of saving face, and you won't go down the stairs.

Don't worry, if I still use the fruit ability to deal with a pet turtle, I will bully the turtle too much.

It's you, get ready to wash my clothes for a month! "

There was a weird smile on Anilu's face, "Okay, Muscle Turtle, someone wants to compete with you, come on!"

When the muscle turtle heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he thought that Enilu was going to seek abuse again, so he immediately slid his tortoise shell in front of Enilu, put his hands on his chest, and shouted at Enilu: "Kamei! "

Anilu took two steps back in fright and shouted at the muscle turtle: "Hey, hey, it's not me, it's the guy with the cigar!!"

Ogiba glanced at Anilu in disappointment. After all, it feels good to beat Anilu, but it is not bad to have a new member to compete with him now.

I don't know how this newcomer feels.

Can't stand beating!

So he turned to face Crocodile, put his hands on his chest, and shouted, "Kamei!"


Crocodile frowned when he looked at Anilu's appearance. He instinctively sensed something was wrong.

Then he looked in the direction of the other members and found that the other members were all gathered together, still shouting strange words.

Tezzolo was shouting to the crowd: "Come on, the market is open, how long do you bet, the closest one wins!"

As soon as Tezzolo's voice fell, the other members began to shout.

"Crocodahl looks quite fierce, let me press... twenty seconds!"

"Not bad, at least stronger than Anilu looks, I will press twenty... one second!"

"No no no, maybe Crocodile's appearance is just deceiving, I'll hold it for ten seconds!"

Crocodile: "???"

What do you mean?

It looks like they are betting, but what are they betting on?

Why can't I understand something?

He asked Anilu with some doubts: "What are they doing?"

Anilu glanced at the people who were betting, and couldn't help but think of the previous humiliation. That time he didn't last ten seconds under Dajiba's hands. It was too suffocating.

Now that group of **** are starting to make blatant bets again. It's really hateful. Everyone bets on him to lose, and only the captain bets on him to win.

Hmm, this time... I'm going to bet too.

He said to Crocodile very perfunctory: "It's nothing, they are playing, you can take care of your competition first."